119. Raid (1)

The research was proceeding without a hitch. barriers and space distortions. Daphne lifted up a piece of paper filled with unrecognizable formulas and terms, put the pen down for a moment, and let out a long sigh. It had been a long time since her office, which was on the neat side, had been trashed with all sorts of documents and materials, as well as reference books and papers. Daphne picked up the book that had fallen to the floor with the pages crumpled.

“It’s stupid.”

Daphne turned her head back at the voice she heard. Today, Nella, with her hair tied back like that blade of grass, was entering Daphne’s lab. In Nella’s hands were a few more books to add chaos to the messy lab.

“I never thought I would get help from you.”

“Wasn’t that pride put aside for a while and we decided to cooperate with each other? Well, I just need someone to put my head together to solve the disaster.”

There was no hostility in Daphne’s words. Deeply thinking she would respond brusquely, Nella, exhausted, set the books on the makeshift desk.

“I think I know for sure why Illroy chose you.”

Although I saw her angry at that time, Daphne was basically very patient for a wizard. Unlike myself, who gets angry quickly. He’s talented, and his looks… . No, let’s not even compare this. Nella secretly puckered her mouth.

“How is the materialization process?”

“It may be necessary to gather all the top wizards in the country. I don’t think it’s at a level that can be achieved with the magic tower alone. It’s not just magic with a simple structure, and the scale will be so huge that no precedent can be found… .”

“So, is it feasible? Aren’t you?”

Daphne looked at Nella, who was working hard, and nodded straight.

“It has to come true. It’s going to be hard, but in one way or another. If I had a higher level, my eyes might have been different, but with only 6 circles, I think this is the limit.”

It’s only 6 circles, am I going crazy right now? Tendons sprouted from Nella’s temples. However, since the speaker himself was speaking from the bottom of his heart, he couldn’t even get angry.

“I’ll get a hold of it within today. And tomorrow, as soon as the tower lord returns to the magic tower, I will report to you. If there are any deficiencies in the plan, please correct them. We will be able to talk in more detail about the feasibility. He probably had a contingency plan in place as well.”

With a sigh, Nella pulled out a chair and sat down next to Daphne. The tower owner was emptying the mage tower. It was to have a meeting with the magic tower owners from other regions.

“You really want to help him?”

“Sure. Still, I’m not just looking at Illroy. Of course I don’t want this world to end.”

Daphne said, picking up the book Nella had brought with her. The comet defense operation was based on magic jointly designed by Nella and Daphne. Nella sneaked up on one part of the equation with her finger.

“You don’t have to make it based on the higher circles. Doing what is necessary may improve performance a little, but the most important thing is stability, right?”

Daphne looked at Nella’s point and nodded with difficulty.

“… That’s right. Maintenance and stability should be given top priority, but I don’t think I’ve thought about that. At this point, let’s check and find other spells at once.”

“I said something wrong.”

Nella let out a sigh at the doubling of work and accepted the wad of paper Daphne handed her. If you think of recalculating it from scratch, how long will it take again?

“… We need to mobilize more graduate students.”

Thinking of her juniors and students who were still wrestling with formulas, Nella shook her head. It was a pity to treat it as a calculating machine, but it was inevitable in order to prevent the destruction of the world. And, even in order to put a punch in Illroy’s smug face-!

“good. Let’s do it.”

Nella rolled up her slender arms and picked up the pen. It’s about an all-nighter starting from now, you can do it as much as you like. Unless you don’t put it to sleep for a whole month.

It was when Nella’s nib touched the pages of a newly opened notebook.

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Along with the explosion came a shock that seemed to shake the ground. Papers and books, including Nella’s notebook, flew in the sky, and Daphne and Nella reflexively activated their protective magic. Before long, sporadic screams along with the acrid smell of something burning shook the mage tower. Daphne was a little startled but calm, and Nella collected the key materials that had fallen on the floor with a face contorted.

“… What is this?”

“I don’t know. First of all, we have to protect all the data.”

Nella started stuffing the data into the box she had pulled with her telekinesis magic. The amount of data collected so far was not enough to fit in one box. Nella gazed at the remaining data in agony and cursed.

“… sh*t. Why is there only one box in the room?”

“I think we should cast a protective spell on the entire room. Even if the magic tower collapses, the data will be protected. Can you help me?”

While Nella clicked her tongue as if she didn’t like it, she concocted a formula and began to cast a protective spell on the wall. At that time, belated emergency announcements flowed through magic crystals installed throughout the Mage Tower.

“[This is a real situation. Currently, there is an intruder in the magic tower, so please act according to the procedures for the faculty and students. repeat. This is a real situation… .]”

“intruder?? how the hell No, why now?”

Nella looked at the magic crystal in the room with confused eyes. Daphne was detecting presence by using detection magic while finishing the protection magic.

“We are getting closer and closer this way. I probably won’t be able to approach properly because of the protection magic, so I don’t think there’s anything to worry about… .”

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continuous bursts of noise. Daphne, who had remained calm, began to show a little bit of anxiety on her face. The commotion seemed to start from above and spread downwards.

“I will go out and check the situation. Ms. Nella, please protect the data here.”

Nella objected to Daphne’s words with a contorted face.

“What are you talking about. It’s right for you to stay here. You don’t even know the structure of the Mage Tower yet. Do you think your stepping out will help sort out this mess?”

“It’s dangerous out there, Nella.”

Nella snorted in amazement. That woman is probably the only person in the world who is concerned about the safety of a mature 5th Circle mage.

“Dangerous? It seems more dangerous for you to leave this place. If you’re a wizard, you shouldn’t have to protect your research data even at the risk of your life. Especially if it is the material to prevent the sixth plague.”

said Nella, pulling Daphne back.

“You, who is even one circle higher than me, guard this place. No matter how many intruders there are, this is the Magic Tower. Even if the tower owner is absent, it’s not a weak and weak place where outsiders have to step in and stop it.”

Saying that, Daphne looked at Nella, who pushed her away. Her green eyes had now regained almost complete composure.

“Data, if even one is lost, I won’t let you go. I’m keeping it well until this mess is sorted out. Like your life.”

Nella spoke so strongly on purpose, then dispelled some of the protection magic and left the lab. The lab door closed behind her.

“[Repeat. This is a real situation. Currently, there is an intruder in the magic tower… .]”

Announcements were constantly being made with warning sounds that could drive a person’s mind crazy. The sound of something burning, exploding, collapsing was much louder. It seemed that everyone had already left the research building, and not a single rat was visible.

‘Wait, this is the 10th floor… , If it happened higher than here, then what happened to the tower owner?’

Just as Nella’s guesses were headed for the worst, someone broke her apron.

“It is a monster!! A monster has appeared!!”

It’s not a monster, what is a monster? Nella frowned at someone’s screams. Although she realized why Nella had been screaming at the sound of screams and unfamiliar signs that were heard before long.

“… What a monster.”

The one who collapsed the ceiling and landed on the floor was a man with tentacles instead of limbs. Nella felt the unbelievable magic power and raised her mana. The monster wriggled around, slowly turning its head towards Nella.

“You look like you really don’t want to fight.”

The monster didn’t even roar and charged at Nella, who immediately fired a stream of fire at the monster.

belch. side of the tower.

Before I even felt the pain in my side, I flew the model towards the place where I heard the explosion. Whether it was just being attacked, or it being revealed that Natalie is a demon worshiper. It didn’t matter.

“Where are you going, Professor?”

damn it Natalie was following me right next to me. Why is he so fast, this guy! I turned my head to avoid her flying fist, then grabbed her arm and slammed her to the floor.


The stone floor shattered and scattered. I mustn’t let that child get in my way. I turned the arm I was holding and tossed it back, intending to push her away.

“… The timing is really staggering.”

The holy sword and veil are currently in Daphne’s lab on the 10th floor. Seeing the people screaming and escaping from the Mage Tower, it seemed that there would be no time to go up to the 10th floor and come out with a sword.

“Please, don’t be late.”

I jumped into the mage tower even opening the crown. As soon as I ran through the crowd of people in the lobby, opened the emergency exit and entered the stairway, I had no choice but to let out a groan.

“It’s the worst.”

People were coming down the stairs, being chased by something. Behind the people who shoved and crushed each other to the point of confusion, a terrifying roar was heard. Reluctantly, I grinded my teeth and gathered mana. Then, he began to release the enormous amount of mana he had accumulated without filtering it.

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Koo Goo Goo Goo.

The entire magic tower vibrated. The people who were in a panic became even more confused, and when they saw me appearing on the stairs, they stopped all their actions and words.

“Raise all who have fallen.”

At my words, people started moving in perfect order. Everyone is a skilled wizard, but I don’t know how they move randomly in an emergency like this.

“Get out while being mindful that no one will fall behind. I will take over.”

The enemy’s presence felt me and seemed to freeze on the spot. I didn’t stop releasing my mana until the last person got out. Then, he fired the model toward the enemy’s presence that he felt.


It was a monster that looked like a ‘transplanter’. I slammed the sword in my hand onto the monster’s head. The monster couldn’t even scream and was split in half and died.

“… Did the evil spirit worshipers start to move?”

Reluctantly, I gritted my teeth and stretched out my spirits. Then, when I sensed a sign flying toward me like a shot, I started jumping up in amazement.


damn it I thought it wasn’t time to face you properly yet.

I bit my lip as I watched Natalie fly away, scattering black fog-like eyes. that stupid magic. I could feel a very familiar presence in Natalie’s magic.

It was the magic of disaster.

“Class isn’t over yet, Professor.”

A black mass of magical energy flew towards me. I reflexively raised my sword to block Natalie’s attack. The raised magic power covered a silvery-white aura over the sword.

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I ended up on the 7th floor of the Magic Tower. The sword was shattered by the aura I applied and the impact of blocking Natalie’s attack. Natalie slowly approached me and began to disenchant. I fell asleep watching her change so that I couldn’t see her as a human being.

“That look… . What the hell have they done?”

“What are you doing? This is my true self.”

Snake-like scaly skin and vertically narrowed pupils. Jump speed and movement that were inhuman. And, the ominous tentacles extending from her waist. It wasn’t that of a transplant that changed like a monster.


Natalie was such a ‘made’ life in the first place.

“You will have to choose, Professor.”

Natalie didn’t hide her life, but spewed it out.

“Either defeat me, or leave my sabotage alone and head upwards.”

Also, what I was given was a choice. It was then that I was able to make up my mind and face her. I don’t worry about anything. At times like this, he is a greedy warrior who does not compromise with reality.

“You still have a lot to learn, Natalie.”

I don’t make those choices.

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