110. Spring Comes (3)

1st. Natalie

2nd place. Eugene Grayson

3rd place. Cora Foyce

4th place. Victor Yanenko

5th place. Jan Bigwan




The placement test is over. Freshmen with expressions were generally frustrated. The expressionless people looked at the scoreboard as if they expected their rankings and nodded or left casually. There were no secrets to the academy’s rankings. For the students below, a target to hunt. The students at the top were shown reasons to keep their seats.

“… hey. It’s ruined.”

“What kind of placement test is that? It’s not like we’re going to fuck a group of students.”

Those who have no idea are weeded out. They are the ones who have lost both confidence and all sense of improvement in just the first test. Those who are satisfied with the fact that they entered the academy. Other freshmen passed by, looking pathetically at the muttering students again.

“And what is the scoring standard? Are you just releasing monsters in the forest and scoring rankings based on who gets eaten later?”

“There is no system. Aren’t you just watching and grading professors according to their liking?”

The dissatisfaction of those who could not accept the reality in front of them grew as they shared it.

“What is the number one? don’t you have a last name? Can I become an orphan?”

“What era is it? Even if you are an orphan, you have a last name. Or did you not even have a chance to receive that last name? Of course I understand the Grayson family and the Foyce family, but what is this. The academy is dead too.”

Their jealousy was directed at those directly above them. A name that is not even an aristocrat who is stuck in the top spot. It was only natural that the children of prestigious families should stand at the top, but it was unacceptable for a lowly person without origin to stand at the top. All of the freshmen nodded their heads thinking about that.

“Isn’t that the number one face? Have you ever heard of that name?”

To the newly heard voice, the freshmen replied indifferently, as if another comrade had arrived.

“no. Not very interested. Aren’t you going to leave sooner or later anyway?”

“He’s the one right behind you guys.”

The freshmen looked back in amazement. The freshmen were even more surprised to see the dark-haired girl and a man and woman standing behind her.

“you… Eugene Grace? Cora Foyce?”

Yujin, who is not very tall, frowned and waved her hand as if it were annoying. With a face that doesn’t seem to have aged at all since he was 15, Eugene stepped forward. Standing next to Eugene, Cora was the same height as Eugene. Shaking her hair in a ponytail, she continued to follow him as he walked, even though she looked at Eugene with a mischievous look.

“How long are you going to occupy the front? Move.”

Eugene spoke nonchalantly, and the freshmen scattered, suppressed by his overbearing voice. Eugene stared at the leaderboard for a long time, then exhaled lightly and looked at the person in front of him. Black bobbed hair, and a height that seemed to be half a span shorter than himself. Natalie put on a dry expression as she stared at the leaderboard with the two people behind her.

“so. How do you feel about beating the two of us, Natalie? That’s enough to be proud of.”

“not really. My goal is not just like this.”

My name at the top of the leaderboard. The best talents of prominent families lined up under them. Natalie seemed really unconcerned when she saw them. Eugene continued to talk with a smile on his lips, perhaps feeling more interest in Natalie’s indifferent attitude.

“okay? then what is your goal You seem to have a really special understanding of magic. How’s the circle going? No, it seems that the magic I use in the first place is not bound by existing magic.”

“If we thought he would answer every question, there would be no reason for us to follow him around.”

Cora, who had been watching quietly, spoke to Eugene in a sharp voice. Eugene nodded, saying he was right, and took a step back. Grayson family genius. After entering the tower, a person worthy of aiming for the top of the tower. A young mage who has already created the fourth ring.

Eugene was objectively aware of his own talents and abilities. With this amount, you can have more than one serving anywhere on the continent. And he knew very well that no eighteen-year-old anywhere on the continent could do more than one serving.

But the girl in front of me is more than that.

“Then let me ask you one question. I’m not too curious about your goals. You’ll find out if you keep going to the academy anyway, and it’s better to do something that serves mine than to find out your purpose. So, how is your circle now?”

Natalie finally stopped looking at the leaderboard and turned around. Eugene and Cora met the girl’s eyes and reflexively drew in a breath. Black eyes like hair. Her face was pure and beautiful enough to be considered sculpted by a sculptor.

“More than you think.”

It was a very plain, evasive answer. However, Eugene was satisfied with Natalie’s answer and put a smile on his face. Know how to raise your stock price. This girl was much smarter than Eugene thought. It seemed like he was holding a secret that he couldn’t even guess.

“Well, I get it. I know very well that you are stronger than me.”

In that barrier, Eugene saw Natalie’s actions very clearly. There was only one type of magic she used to slaughter so many monsters. It wasn’t just magic. her movements. It felt like my body already knew how to fight. Like someone who has been on the battlefield many times.

“It must have been very impressive. I would have been more surprised if you hadn’t won first place.”

I knew that the ‘talented people who do not need to come to the academy’, as the professor said, are literally talents that appear once in a thousand years. Could this girl in front of me be that kind of person? Eugene looked at Natalie while imagining that.

“Is that all you have to say?”

Natalie asked in an emotionless voice. It was as if he had said all he had to say and now go to his errands. Eugene waved his hand kindly and looked at Cora next to him, but Cora just crossed his arms as if telling him to take care of it. She really didn’t seem interested in the mysterious girl who won first place. Maybe it’s because I set the route through driver training.

“Come with me. Anyway, you have to register for classes sooner or later, right? Let’s talk about what kind of people are in the faculty.”

I don’t think there is a family that has spit on this girl yet. He was a person who would be of great help in the succession race if he later became Grayson, more precisely Eugene Grayson’s person. Instead of feeling humiliated by the girl who treated him harshly, Eugene followed Natalie, thinking only of future plans.

“This time, it seemed that the faculty gave quite a bit of energy. I hear there’s someone out there who might be interested.”

At the word faculty, Natalie’s walking speed slowed. Did you get her attention? Yujin stepped up and joined her again.

“Do you know who it is? Well, it may not be public information anywhere, but… .”

“You have such a good mouth, Eugene.”

“It’s something you’ll find out anyway. I know that much, too, Cora.”

Eugene shot at Cora’s porridge, frowning. Then he cleared his throat again and turned to Natalie. Natalie looked at Eugene with an arrogant expression, as if to say something. Eugene smiled, thinking that Natalie’s expression was that of someone trying to hide her curiosity.


Eugene’s low voice calmed Natalie’s spirits. It was like watching her while fighting monsters. Eugene and Cora held their breath at the coolness they felt down the nape of their necks. But Natalie soon regained her momentum and shrugged.

“It’s a big deal. The magic tower is also very good. Hire everyone who will be busy with this or that.”

“Without the hero’s will, none of this would have been possible. I have no way of knowing why I accepted this teaching position. Could it be that he has some kind of plan? For example, a political transaction.”

Cora interrupted, frowning at Eugene’s suspicion.

“This is why wizards. I can’t look back on the achievements of the warrior, but I doubt the intention. I would say that defeating the disaster was also a political deal.”

“Maybe. There is a saying to start with doubts in everything.”

“I don’t usually call it doubt when I interpret it as I like.”

The quarrel between the two was more like a prank between friends than a serious argument. Natalie glanced at the two of them and, hiding her presence, took her steps elsewhere.

“anyway. It is not necessary to listen to the lecture of the hero.”

“Even if it is not required, everyone will want to hear it. Anyway, where did he disappear to?”

“… I know.”

Eugene and Cora looked blankly at Natalie’s empty seat.

“Does this mean that this is the result?”

Tower owner and Laura read the paper I held out and nodded in interest. A list of freshmen who may have ties to devil worship. It’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this against a person.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

“We thoroughly investigated people who were not from the capital but had no connections. It’s mainly for people with unclear backgrounds. Cruel but sure. I was really wondering if it would be okay to work with you… .”

Laura put the paper down and smiled.

“The person I doubt agrees with. I was in the middle of my own investigation, so I’m talking about it.”

Laura turned the paper around and held it out to me.

“By the way, why are these three people marked with a red mark?”

On the part where Laura pointed her finger, the names of the top three people to be investigated were written. I glanced at Natalie’s name, which Laura had covered, and opened my mouth.

“Placement test.”

Laura nodded her head as if to continue. I sighed and continued.

“These are the three people who were able to cope with the first attack after the monsters appeared.”

“Don’t you think you were lucky? What about people who have the talent to defeat monsters through reflexive actions? After that, these people couldn’t use much effort and were eliminated.”

If it’s just once, wouldn’t it be possible to stop it with luck?

To Laura’s expression asking that question, I returned a sour gaze. I didn’t mean it that way, he just seemed curious about how I would refute it.

“It would be foolish to think of it as luck and rule it out.”

When I scolded her for doing it right, it was only then that Laura regained her seriousness.

“It’s nice. Then these three people. Have you checked out what it is?”

I nodded with a sigh.

“Zabel Hash. The age is said to be 20 years old, which is more than the average entrance student. There is nothing special about it. Place of origin… Arid. It is south. I have a family, but I don’t really have any supporters. First of all, there is no information about what he was doing before the academy. I think it’s right to keep an eye on it.”

I put my finger on next.

“Ivan Balko. At eighteen, from Tateree. Likewise, there are ingredients of origin. This friend seems to have a sponsor, but there is no information on where the funds come from. When it comes to suspicious things, I think Ivan Balko is the most suspicious. and… .”


Finally, I pointed out Natalie’s name.

“Natalie. A full-time scholarship student with no last name and unknown origin. In addition, he already possesses skills that are close to completion. Even if I didn’t tell you, I believe you would have put this kid on the watch list.”

Laura shook her head quietly. It was as if he was quietly chewing on the explanation I had given him.

“So, which of these is the swordsmith you think is a spy sent by demon worshipers?”

That’s right, it was decided in the first place.

I slightly twisted the corner of my mouth.

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