104. Vacation (3)

“The third opening.”

It was the sudden words of the holy sword while continuing the training day. I let out a gasping breath and put the veil down for a moment. The holy sword stood across from me with a calm face and looked at me. Red eyes like carnelians. A perfect shape that doesn’t look like a human at any time. The holy sword pierced her body into the ground and gently crossed her arms.

“Are you talking about opening three steps?”

The Holy Sword nodded. The Holy Sword rested its arm on the sword that had been pierced into the ground, and suddenly, it snapped again. A small table and two chairs rose in front of me. I don’t know what place it is. The more this happens, the more I wonder what that guy really is.

“Let’s sit down for a while. I think we can talk while taking a break.”

The Holy Sword walked away waving its sword. Feeling bewildered, I sat across from the holy sword. The Holy Sword looked at me as I sat down with a smile. It was only a handful of times that I encountered the Holy Sword’s personality in the world of images, but the Holy Sword always had that kind of smile whenever it looked at me. Soft, soft, and warm.

“Do you know what the sixth plague is, Illroy?”

“… If you’re talking about comets.”

Well, comets are also comets, but there are also tens of thousands of monsters that sense the presence of comets and rush to escape. Block it, break through, and then comet… I will have to break it.

“Comets are another entity. It’s different from fog. Cutting it off may not be impossible with your own strength, but… .”

The holy sword tapped the table.

“Obviously you will lose your life if you do it. Or become incapacitated.”

The Holy Sword said nothing. I thought about the original for a while. The process of Arjen knocking down the comet. I broke through the monster and literally cut down the falling comet. It was one of my favorite scenes. It was the moment when the world finally recognized Arjen completely.

“You have to be strong, then. Yes, you can take down the comet intact when it opens next time, are you saying?”

The Holy Sword shrugged. While maintaining that meaningful smile.

“It depends on how you do it, right? Not that I can really say that, Illroy. It’s not that I believe in me, I have to have confidence in you.”

The holy sword told me as if it were admonishing me. I slightly frowned and rested my chin. It was like talking to a wise man hiding deep in the mountains. assurance. I let out a thin breath.

“The third stage of opening? Are there different conditions like this stage?”

“In the end, the conditions are mine to decide, Illroy. When I feel you are ready to accept the third step, I grant you a third opening.”

The Holy Sword suddenly handed over the sword to me. I held the sword hilt and looked at the Holy Sword.

“Looks like not yet. Although it has grown much more than I thought.”

The holy sword was holding her chin on top of it. Then, he closed his eyes and smiled at me. I tilted my head curiously at the sight of her showing some composure.

“Be diligent. Because your bowl is not lacking at all right now. Right now I just focus on filling the bowl with something. The third stage of opening is the next problem.”

The Holy Sword said that with a somewhat sorrowful smile.

“First of all, that includes giving her a shot. I can’t even say I won. As you grow, that woman grows too. It will take you quite a while to overtake her.”

The holy sword always referred to the queen as that woman. Somehow, whenever I mentioned her, it seemed that my expression became pouty. Even so, it was cute to see her highly esteeming the queen.

“What are you looking at, Illroy? Listen properly.”

The holy sword swelled up his cheeks, giving a scolding for nothing.

“Right now, if you fight 10 times, you lose 10 times. Let’s talk about it again when you can reliably win once in ten fights.”

The holy sword rose from its seat, and I stood up hesitantly following her. The holy sword flicked his fingers again, and the tables and chairs shook like a mirage and disappeared.

“To do that, I have to work hard here first.”

In the hand of the Holy Sword, another sword that looked identical to her body appeared.

“Now, this time with twin swords, Illroy. Come again. Twin Swords The act of handling two swords. Of course, it takes much more effort than handling a single sword.”

I sighed as I looked at the Holy Sword taking off.

“Facts you deliberately hide from me.”

The Holy Sword listened to me and raised its eyebrows.

“When will we know?”

“… There are some facts you’d better not know. There are things I want to keep secret from you forever. But it’s something you have to know someday.”

The Holy Sword did not evade my question. But that didn’t even give me a clear answer. As always, he smiled bitterly with a pensive expression somewhere. Every time I see that expression, I get anxious. That’s why I always spoke first and then turned around first.

“Don’t make that face. At times like that, I think I’d rather be angry with you.”

Before I knew it, the holy sword was approaching me. Her pale hand rested on my cheek. What are those eyes, I wanted to ask again and again. I couldn’t grasp the weight or depth of the emotion in her eyes as she looked up at me. I carefully placed my hand on the back of that hand. The holy sword’s hand flinched and trembled, then began to sweep my cheek with its thumb.

“Let’s really start. I will not pamper you any more.”

The Holy Sword turned his slightly reddened face and spoke calmly. Guess who pampered me? I frowned and stamped my feet. Tok, tok. The land of the image world is less realistic. I don’t know if it’s stone, soil, or wood. The land and I were not attached. Using that sense of incongruity as momentum, I spurred on and ran out.

“The first attack is always advantageous. However, not many people can take advantage of the first attack.”

The holy sword received the charge like a feather. The sound of the holy sword reached my ears.

“Because I can’t make it work.”

Tung. And the holy sword sent me flying backwards with a single movement. The Holy Sword does not stop here. I couldn’t catch the movement of the holy sword that instantly caught up with me in the air.

“Don’t dwell on your mistakes in battle. Just think about how you can survive.”

The sword strike of the Holy Sword fell on the crossed twin swords like a judge. With a short moan, I fell to the floor and rolled over. This is not the time to flinch in shock. I twisted my feet and stood up. It was the back of my back that felt the anticipation. If you turn, it’s too late. I went forward

“It wasn’t bad.”

The holy sword appeared in front of me again, flattering it. I’ve only passed it once. I breathed out and raised my sword. I only blocked it once, but my arm was shaking. The problem is, that skill is not even half of the strength of the holy sword.

“… Should I aim to compete on an equal footing with you?”

“When that time comes, it will be very easy to defeat the queen.”

The holy sword nagged me to focus on the goal in front of me. He doesn’t think of me rolling around on the ground. I stepped forward, thinking that I would compete with that sword even a little bit, and one day surpass that sword. You must not stop moving forward. It was the biggest lesson I learned while using the sword.

A swell that stretches forward. The holy sword lightly blocked the veil. I attached my sword to continue the stalemate, but the holy sword never let things go the way I wanted.

“It was a reckless attempt, but you can be reckless here.”

The Holy Sword said as if it was reading my mind. With a twisted smile, I looked at the Holy Sword, which let go of all my attempts. Before I knew it, I had both swords on the ground, and the holy sword was pressing against my throat.

“This attempt wasn’t too bad. Try using it the next time you sparr with her.”

It’s demoralizing, really. I looked at the holy sword’s smiling face, smirking as if I was still far away. It was a voice and a young face that did not match the way he spoke. One day I will beat this guy and pinch his white cheeks.

“You did a good job today too, Illroy.”

The holy sword let go of the sword and ripped through my head as I fell. My vision blurred as I let out a laugh. I waved my hand while the holy sword slipped away from me.

lower the sword There was no habit in the Queen’s movements. Just as your mind goes, as your body learns, as the opponent moves. A movement that is free and seemingly without limits. A sign to not try to read, but to move according to the situation.

“It’s a fact I feel every time I mix swords with you… .”

The queen stepped on the sword and pushed it away. Even the kick was elegant enough to feel classy.

“Your growth rate is strange. It’s clearly the move of a person who has learned and grown to some extent, but every time I stick with you, I feel something new. Just like endless drawing paper.”

Each time they stuck, the fight got longer. The Queen’s movements were beyond adaptable and unpredictable, but I became stronger. Because every night I fight against opponents that people can’t adapt to and understand.

“It’s amazing.”

And, the queen’s sword caused a change. I opened my eyes in amazement at the change. The queen glanced at my surprised face and smiled.

“It’s the first time I’ve ever met someone with these qualities ‘besides me’.”

Yes, the Queen is a genius. A person with the qualifications to become the world’s strongest sword master. It’s strange that growth doesn’t happen. The Queen just started to push me. As if he had been pushed back from his growth, he switched to a quicksword in an instant and began to press me.

“I’ve come across an unexpected pleasure.”

The Queen’s sword is attached to mine. Maybe a little excited, the queen’s eyes were shining like never before. A situation that I pictured many times in my head. I let go of the sword in my left hand. A look of bewilderment lingered in the queen’s sparkling eyes.

“This… .”

the sword flows It was a mistake to think that you could only fight with two swords. The balance is broken. The initiative falters. I grabbed the queen’s hand with my free hand and pulled it back. Another light shone in his bewildered eyes. I supported the queen who was about to fall forward, losing her balance. There was a sound of the sword in the queen’s hand dropping to the ground.

“I won.”

The sword was still in my hand. The queen had no sword in her hand. With my left hand I was supporting the queen, with my right hand aimed at her side. The face was close. There was no time to think about disrespect. The thought that I had finally won was just dominating my head.

“… okay.”

In an instant, the queen caught my leg and threw me backwards. I let out a blank laugh as I looked at the smile of the queen riding on top of me. The queen smiled strangely and placed her index finger over my chest. It was a very light blush on his face.

“You won this time.”

The queen said that in a voice that feigned composure, then stared at me. The raised fingers turned into palms. The Queen quietly lowered her waist to me.

“It’s fun, Illroy. It was a feeling I hadn’t felt in a very long time. For the time being, I will be sitting with you at the gymnasium.”

I could only hope that the queen would not look at my neck, which twitched from the dry saliva I swallowed. The Queen looked at my expression and let out a low laugh.

“Well, I think I have to ask you one favor before that.”

“ask… You mean?”

The Queen nodded.

“Now there is a place monitoring the location of the sixth plague.”

“… Are you referring to the magic tower?”

“You know exactly. Should I tell you that I am a warrior?”

The queen came a little closer. Her hair, which was gathered in a ponytail at the back, slipped down to the side.

“When the new semester of the Mage Tower begins, I want you to stay in the Mage Tower for a while and share the measures for the sixth disaster with the wizards.”

The Queen smiled and stared me in the eye.

“Well, it wouldn’t be good to just stay there, while also being a teaching assistant.”

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