There’s more on the western front (5)


Hearing Carol’s words echoing through the air, Count Manstein was startled as if he were the flagship.

It was eye-opening from the point of just walking through the air like flat ground in the first place, but I didn’t even think that I would make such a declaration against 30,000 enemies.

“Sir, are we still waiting?”

Viscount Detlev, who seemed dumbfounded, opened his mouth with a nod of his head.

“Let’s wait for now.”

Seeing the dark clouds spreading to cover the battlefield as well as the menacing strong swords, Count Manstein gave an order to stand by. With a feeling of half-expectation and half-concern about what Carol would show.

* * *

“Who is that madman!”

Count Jerome of the Andhra Kingdom shouted while pointing his finger at the air.

Earl Jerome, who is in charge of the Otvienne area, has successfully blocked the advance of the Imperial army.

Of course, Carol suddenly appeared while overflowing with confidence that she would block this offensive as well.

“From what I’ve heard, the name was Karl from the Bernstein family!”

“Bernstein? Did the family guarding the northern part of the empire come here with something to eat!”

“I… Your Excellency.”

One of Count Jerome’s staff spoke cautiously.


“I’ve heard of Carol from the Bernstein family. A hero who single-handedly stopped the riots in the northern part of the empire…”

“Yes, to deal with this Jerome, I brought a hero who only played in the north!”

Count Jerome stroked his chin and gave a fishy smile.

“As expected, you’re sorry…!”

“That’s right!”

“noisy. So, is there any way to deal with that cheeky bastard?”

Climbing up so high that you could barely see it, and seeing him laying down on this side in an awe-inspiring way, Count Jerome felt his stomach twist.

“I don’t know if magic can reach it at that distance. I’ll try, but…”

The wizard who leads the battle mage blurted out his words in a voice without confidence.

“A bow or magic or whatever is good, so shoot it for now. 5 minutes? We don’t have to wait and listen to that cheeky bastard.”

“All right.”

Carol listened calmly to all of this on the air.

Thanks to the airwaves spread throughout the fortress while waiting for a while, a lot of information came in real time through Carol’s windshield.

Among them, there were also things about werewolves and vampires that he had seen on the way.

Things that are hiding pretending to be Andhra kingdom soldiers. Due to the aura that was subtly different from that of humans, it was clearly distinguished from Carol’s point of view.

This wasn’t the North. And the opponents were also humans, not monsters.

Hundreds of strong swords suspended in the air were compressed to make them look like awls.

It was not necessary to kill all thirty thousand men. Because Carol’s purpose was not to exterminate the Western Union.

From noble mtl dot com

Just like removing cancer cells, the best way was to excise only the necessary parts with minimal sacrifice.

And there were also suitable things to take on the role of the cancer cells.

Sparks flew and arrows shot from below, but none of the attacks hit.

Even the sharp magic aiming for a gap was crushed by Carol’s air waves and scattered into the air, leaving only fragments.

“5 minutes.”

Naturally, the Andhra Kingdom army did not surrender even after 5 minutes.

On the contrary, it is just fueling the battle.


Following Carol’s gesture, the long awl rotated and plunged downward.

“Mmm… crazy. Stop it, stop it!”

Although the commanders busily ordered to prevent the bombardment from falling from the air.


“No, I can’t stop it!”

“help me…!”

Whether under a shield, in a barracks, or under a rampart.

It was pierced through everything without mercy by Carol’s designated enemies.

“Ugh… uh…!”

Seeing that they had been pierced from head to groin in an attack that struck like lightning, the Andra Kingdom army trembled in fear.

In one instant attack, hundreds of people in a wide area died as if they had been skewered. It was like a divine punishment.

“Calm down! Only a few… aaagh!”

Commanders who were the first to shout to reorganize their ranks were also immediately killed by awls falling from the air.

There were those who withstood Carol’s attack once or twice, but immediately a number of sword attacks rushed in and eventually made them unable to fight.

An army that was losing its chain of command could no longer be considered an army.

The strong fortress, which had always been blocking the imperial army, was of no help to the unexpected method of aerial bombardment.

“Mi, crazy! Take the Purple Crystal right now!”

Watching the chain of command shatter in real time, Count Jerome hurriedly shouted at his staff.

Fear is contagious. Although it was time-limited the moment he took the purple crystal.

If we continued like this, the defense could have been breached because of that madman.

Considering the commanders who were dying right away, it would be difficult to stop them if the Imperial Army rushed in soon after.

Preparation is required in advance. Count Jerome thought so.

bang! Kugu Palace—!

The staff and wizards who tried to deliver the order to the troops died instantly.

Only then has it come to the point where the order itself to take the Purple Crystal can’t be delivered.

“This crazy…”


In front of Count Jerome, who was stunned, the ground cracked with a huge amount of dust, and cracks sped in all directions.

Between the deep pit and the smoky sandstorm, a whitish figure reflected in Earl Jerome’s eyes.


The monster that fell like a meteor from the air was approaching Count Jerome, squeezing the atmosphere.

“Where do you dare to be…”

The knights who were roaring and running with their swords pulled out their heads and were instantly killed by Carol’s lightly blown intangible energy.


Every time Carol took a step, the air was getting stronger and stronger with the overwhelming air waves she exhaled.

“Ouch! Yes, you bastard…!”

The few remaining commanders, including Count Jerome, could not stand it and knelt down and gnashed their teeth.


The situation of the Andhra Kingdom army was already chaotic.

Due to the nature of the feudal system, most of those who went to the battlefield under the command of the nobles rather than the mission of protecting the country.

The nobility of this world also meant that most of them were superhuman.

From the point of view of the soldiers, let the nobles and knights who gave orders to them, who are usually regarded as unapproachable strongmen, die like insects.

In an instant, he lost all his will to fight, and his morale plummeted.


Looking up at Carol’s cold eyes, Earl Jerome despaired.

If the imperial army continued to push anyway, there was a high possibility that the battle itself would not be established.

It wouldn’t be a battle, it would be a one-sided slaughter.

Wizards have long since become unable to fight.

this was the end

“Surrender, surrender… I will…”

For a moment, Count Jerome was prepared to imprison everyone, but it was a meaningless sacrifice.

“dismissal! It’s not possible. How… Agh!”

The commander who expressed his objection was immediately pierced through the neck by Carol’s mighty sword.

There was a high possibility that even the order would not be delivered like that anyway.

Considering Carol’s reaction, as soon as she said something else, she would cut her own throat before she could say anything properly.

“Good idea.”

Carol still had dozens of mighty swords floating around her, aiming at them in all directions.

The human army was an opponent, in some ways it was easier than the monster army.

If only the command could slaughter, then it would already become something of a quality that could not be called an army.

And fighting like that was what Carol was best at.

* * *

“Your Excellency, 10 minutes have passed.”

Imperial army camp. Viscount Detlef cautiously announced the time.

Carol, who was pouring strong swords in the air, suddenly fell down like a meteor, drawing a black trail.

Even from this distance, it was clear to some extent that chaos had broken out inside the fortress due to Carol’s attack.


I don’t know what Carol is thinking, but the confusion in the fortress is an opportunity for the Imperial Army.

This alone was enough activity.


A large force numbering 50,000 began advancing towards the fort.

Normally, the Andra Kingdom Army, who would have prepared for a turn around the fortress, did not show proper preparation.

There was not even a ranged attack like arrows or magic.

“Your Excellency, the reaction of the Andhra Kingdom army is strange.”

“I know that because I saw it.”

By the time the fortress was within the range of the imperial army’s long-range attack.

Suddenly, a white flag or two began to be hung over the fort.

“Is that…?”

“Is it surrender?”

“Refrain from attacking for a while and approach.”

It could have been a trap, but the reaction of the Andra Kingdom army was too strange to see it that way.


As the Imperial forces approached, the massive fortress gates swung wide open.

Count Jerome walked out of the fort with the few remaining commanding officers carrying a white flag.

“Your Excellency, Count Jerome and… Prince Karl!”

“This crazy…”

Swear words flowed naturally from the mouth of Count Manstein, who did not normally like to use vulgar words.

Usually when one person says that a war or a battle is over, it usually means that he did a great job.

It wasn’t really that ‘only one person’ finished it. It was the same in this world where superhumans exist.

However, Carol literally ended the battle alone.

Could it be that 10 minutes meant this?

It was also the Haute Vien Fortress, which the imperial army had not been able to cross for a long time.

Count Manstein’s back grew chilly and a shudder ran through his body.

“Other than Earl Jerome of the Andhra Kingdom. I will surrender in full. I hope that the lives of my soldiers… will be preserved.”

Count Jerome, who had approached Count Manstein, who was riding a horse, bowed his head and asked.

“Of course. I promise there will be no looting of occupied lands.”

If the battle had been won with such a small sacrifice, that kind of generosity was enough.

Of course, it would take quite a lot of resources to feed the captives.

The gains from a single battle were so great that he couldn’t even think of such a thing.

“Thank you for waiting.”

As if she had gone for a walk, Carol calmly opened her mouth next to Count Jerome.

“you! That’s great. I never thought I’d really end the battle alone. This is how the fame of the Great Northern War came about. Your existence is truly the empire’s red suit.”

Count Manstein, who hurriedly got off his horse, grabbed Carol’s hand with both arms and shook it.

“Let’s get back to you first.”

“Yeah, right! Viscount Deflef, I’ll leave the rest to you.”

“All right.”

Count Manstein’s smile did not leave his face at the unexpected victory.

* * *

“majesty! Othvien has been captured by the Imperial Army.”

Where the key figures of the Andhra Kingdom gathered for a strategy meeting, a messenger hurriedly came in and reported the news.

“I never thought Othvien would be breached… What about the Imperial Army’s casualties?”

“The exact situation has not yet been identified, but it is said to be almost non-existent.”

“Chief executive…”

King Andra, Gustav VII, sitting in the high seat, let out a sigh.

Even though it was the Imperial Army, this didn’t make sense.

“Isn’t the Empire pulling out a secret weapon? The one that destroyed the Nantes fortress before…”

Duke Vance, the swordsman representing the kingdom of Andra, said with a firm face.

“If the imperial army passed Othvien without much damage, the heart of the kingdom would be exposed as it is. Did you say the other person was Count Manstein?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Gustav VII put his chin on his chin and looked at the fall and struggled.

As soon as they crossed Othvien, most of the land was flat, and from the point of view of Andra Kingdom, even if the opponent attacked the capital, there was no way to suppress it.

“We can’t expect support from other countries in the West…”

“Yes, neither the Kingdom of Lesavik nor the Duchy of Warsaw can afford it. The Imperial Army is also on the offensive there.”

The centuries-old capital of the kingdom of Andra was rarely invaded, so it was not suitable for defense.

“I will go to Fort Lamport.”

“majesty? It is….”

Lamport Fort was more like a fortress built in preparation for a kingdom crisis than a fortress to defend a certain area.

A heavenly fortress built deep in the gorge.

It was good to sit-in, but on the other hand, it was almost impossible to escape once you entered.

“Now, while we are holding a sit-in in Lamport, we have no choice but to hope that each territorial army will strike the back of the imperial army.”

“Imperial forces may not come to Lamport and overrun each territory.”

“No, they won’t. Count Manstein, who leads the Imperial Army, is even less like that.”

King Gustaf VII, who had seen the imperial army countless times, was convinced.

I don’t know what the imperial army’s secret weapon that captured Haute Vien was, but it wouldn’t be a temper that could be abused anyway.

‘God, please protect Andra.’

With both hands clasped and eyes closed, Gustav VII prayed earnestly.

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