143 – Delinia – Lily von Euglia 5

The fear emanating from him flows into my body. An emotion too vast to be called the fear felt by an ordinary person.

Fear permeated through the scars on my upper body, healing my body in an instant and replenishing my lack of strength little by little.

Approach him slowly.

neither too fast nor too slow. With a very leisurely pace, I headed in the direction where he was, taking one step at a time.

“Don’t come… … ! Do not come! Lily! Lily von Euglia!”

As I approached, he began screaming the name of Lily, who had gone to stop the other personnel. At the same time, a bright red barrier of fire separates me from him.

“I’m sorry, but I think you should stop bothering our Master~”

The end of the wall of fire. There he saw Lily, still smiling, holding a wand.

“… … Lily von Euglia.”

“You failed in the end.”

“Your appearance is also quite formidable.”

“Oh, is that so? Because the opponent was the opponent.”

Behind her grinning, Demonic, whose bones were cracked and his left arm shattered, was barely standing with his trembling body leaning on his sword.

And even the image of Tequila looking at this place while holding her right shoulder and exhaling a rough breath. In fact, how does Lily look compared to barely standing still with a figure that can be described as slanderous? Minor minor injuries were all.

yes, minor injuries.

Lily von Euglia, who possesses 5-star power, was only wounded by Demonic, a 3-star summon, and Tequila, an academy freshman.

“It’s surprising that the world’s Lily von Euglia allows wounds to 3-star summons and first-year students at the Summoners Academy.”

“It’s not someone else, it’s Demonic. and… … The necromancer child over there was no ordinary child either. A summoner who can forcibly raise a summoner’s level by two levels cannot be an ordinary student, right?”

“That’s right.”

Tequila is one of the few first graders that I have recognized.

“… … Looks like you failed to defeat the Master, right?”

Lily said that while holding onto her right arm. He glanced at Beryl.

Beryl frowned as if she could still feel the pain in her right arm. The fear was still felt in him.

“I tried the best attack I could, but… … . That’s all.”

Inflicting that much damage to a Necromancer who reached the level of the 5th circle was practically a miracle.

“So, what are you going to do now? I couldn’t defeat the master without me even with the strongest attack, is there a way?”

“method? There are too many ways.”


Rose, who had arrived next to me, let out a rough breath and glared at Lily in front of me, as if she had pierced the Dyurahans’ attack.

“profit! Dare to Gregory! Grandpa, don’t move! If you mess with your ancestors, you will die from me!”

Perhaps thinking that the wounds on my body were caused by Lily, Rosé shouted at Lily in front of me and began to rage.

Lily looked at Rosé with her eyes wide open, as if even Lily hadn’t expected such a reaction. Foot within. She burst into laughter and told me, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Oh, you’re a funny kid, aren’t you?”

“yes? No one else, but your brother’s favorite.”

“Oh my, is that the pie kid? How is the child?”

“He is doing what he wants to do in the empire with the name Peony.”

“… … is that so. thank god. Then, it must be that child’s ability that brought Marvas-sama, you, and Demonic-sama together?”

“You can see that. If the circle increases by one more, I am eager to sign a contract with Paimon, so Paimon is included.”

“yes? Even Paimon? There are only 3 great demons like you among the summons, even though they are my descendants… … . Are you dreaming of becoming a Demon King?”

“Devil… … . Gregory. I think my ancestors gave me something cool nickname.”

“… … I don’t think that’s a good nickname.”

Well, if there are two Grand Dukes of the Demon Realm under his command, can he be regarded as the Demon King?

Although he did not know it, it was Rosé who had already become the Demon King.

“Lily! Stop chatting and kill those bastards right now!”

Beryl, who was holding her arm from behind, shouted at Lily as if she was worse. Lily looks at me and Rosé as if she can’t help it.

“Did you hear? I can’t help it, as long as I’m ordered. This is what necromancy is all about.”

“Yes, it must be unavoidable.”

Because the setting is like that.

“Oh, are you relaxed? Can’t you beat me right now? Do you know?”

“You don’t know because you’re a summoner? Lily von Euglia?”

I answered that and stood in front of Rosé.

“A summoned beast originally fights like a summoner. Are you ready, Rose?”

“Sure! Let’s bring our ancestors back to their place of worship! I am good at attacking ancestors!”

… … Isn’t it usually called honoring ancestors? If not, elves are a little different. Because the concept of time is different from that of humans… … . Um, might that make sense?

“Ahahahahaha! hahahaha! Yes! A summoner is with a summoner. So, can we expect it? then… … Do your best to hold on!”

Blue magic circles created around Lily. What came out of it were huge ice picks that could be called logs.

At the same time as Lily’s gesture, dozens of ice picks began to fly towards this place. Rosé rolls over to evade quickly. Holding Rosé’s hand, I looked at her, telling me to wait.

“That, if I don’t avoid it, I might die, right? You’re not asking me to stop, are you?”

“Surely, I will.”

The awls that had been flying straight towards us suddenly start to stumble and start to collide with each other, completely crumbling. Rosé puts on a surprised expression at the scene.

“Gregory. Awls with just a glance… … !”

“… … What are you talking about? It’s not me, it’s over there.”

Where I pointed, I could see Sylvie spouting threads from both hands.

“Ahh! Spider sister!”

“Didn’t I tell you? The summoner is with the summoner.”

Sylvie, who succeeded in destroying the ice pick, approaches this place. Behind her, only the remnants of the undead that had been pulverized while clumsily trying to stop her remained.

“I will open the way.”

Sylvie stomps beside me and looks at Lily in front of me. She was also a Grand Duke of the Demon World and a member of the ranks of the Great Devil, so I nodded and pointed at Lily.

“Sylvie Eligos. open the way.”


Quaang! With a sound, Sylvie is shot towards Lily. And me and Rosé following behind.

“Master, I think I will need your support too? No matter how much I do, it’s hard to stop the two great demons from the front~”

“… … useless!”

At Lily’s request, Beryl summons the undead from the ground. At the same time, the undead started to attack Sylvie immediately. However, Sylvie seemed to be annoyed and began to blow away the undead by wielding a spear she created in the air.

“Gummy unnie is so strong!”

Could it be that the Great Devil Collector’s inclination has been activated? Rosé looked at Sylvie from behind with her eyes shining.

“She is also the Grand Duke of the Demon Realm.”

“yes?! Can you call someone like that?”

… … While he had already contracted two such demonic grand dukes.

In fact, Sylvie’s title of ‘Pandemic Grand Duke’ was a title she obtained while managing the Pandemonium Underground Construction instead of me, but I couldn’t deny the fact that she was called the Grand Duke by other demons.

“As your intelligence increases, you will be able to use new skills.”

“It seems that tenacious vitality has been activated. I saw that black fire too. I don’t think the 5-star skill is summoning another demon.”

Saying that, Rose put the pipe in her mouth and looked at me.

“Gregory. I have a trump card. Can you take me only as far as the Necromancer over there?”

“… … It seems you need a lot of magic power.”

“Yes, very much.”

“Make sure to open the way.”



Sylvie, who had been advancing without hesitation, stopped. It was because a wall of pure white bone had formed in front of her. A wall of bone that can swing a spear, but doesn’t get a single scratch. At the same time, Sylvie’s magic was flying from above.

“——Keep down.”

A low voice comes from behind us. At the same time, Sylvie lowered her head, and a black slash passed over our heads, cutting through the wall and magic at the same time.

“I’m done with this.”

Demonic’s body, which had grown to a large size, begins to break and transforms into a small skeleton, the original form. Tequila that throws itself at such a demonic.

“Tread on and move on.”

At Sylvie’s words, Rose and I stepped on her spider-like body and jumped up. At the same time, Lily can be seen through the wall. She was pointing her wand at us.

“I won’t stop Lily. You do what you do.”


“──The Black Swamp.”

Forms a black swamp by converting fear absorbed from Beryl into magic. It covers the chunks of ice flying towards us. At the same time, he enchanted Tom and consumed Lily’s magic.

What is the number of spleen that Rose said? While thinking about that, I looked back and at the same time—

“Dragon Breath.”


My eyes were stained white.

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