107 – The beginning of the mess (1)


After the breakup, Hwibien was left alone in the drawing room, immersed in thoughts.

‘is not it…?’

Ceylon is the same person as the monster.

After Huvien strongly felt the possibility, he persistently observed and tested Ceylon to prove the possibility.

However, as time went by, the possibility that Huivien felt only faded instead of becoming clearer.

His behavior was too natural for Ceylon to be the same person as the monster.

No matter how much he is a man who is good at making fun of others and playing tricks, it would be impossible to hide the truth and act so naturally.

Hwibien, unaware of Ceylon’s background, could only think so because she could act almost like magic under the effect of her characteristics.


Looking back, it seems absurd.

Ceylon is a black magician who has reached that transcendental level.

Even if you have to say that the evidence to support it is all about your heart and your own intuition.

If you go further from here, it’s nothing more than stubbornness and nothing less.

Also, although the monster is not inherently evil, he is a black magician after all.

It was obviously disrespectful to him to conclude that Ceylon was a black magician and to question him without clear evidence.

No matter how annoying and nasty that guy is, you have to keep the line.

Huvien therefore set aside that possibility and revised his guess.

Ceylon is most likely a monster, in.

There is a possibility that Ceylon is a monster, Ro.


When the subtle feelings brought about by the situation that only he knew the man’s identity disappeared, he felt empty.

A fact that Huivien himself did not even know, and even if he did, he would not admit it.

The identity of the subtle emotion she was feeling now was disappointment.

Disappointment when you realize that you had a special relationship with a special person, but it was just an illusion.


Huvien was already considering Ceylon as a special person.

I also secretly wanted to have a special relationship with him.

It was an endemic disease experienced by experts in romantic novels.

They did not feel any inspiration from ordinary people and ordinary encounters.

On the contrary, I felt great interest in meeting a special person, only a special person.

So, Huivien was interested in the character of Ceylon.

It was the first time.

A special character like Ceylon is a horse.

Ceylon is a commoner.

However, he has enough skills to occupy the top spot in the academy.

He also has a unique skill that allows him to destroy his own arcane magic.

‘It’s clear that he’s hiding a secret about his origin.’

In addition, he pretends to be a foolish man on the outside, but on the inside he is a serpent himself – indeed, he is sinister.

He is a rude and pitiful man who only knows how to talk nonsense while playing childish pranks on other people’s names, but he is gentlemanly and polite.

More than anything.

he was handsome

Huivien recalled Ceylon’s appearance.

Then the first word that comes to mind.

handsome man.


‘That’s odd…’

Huvien was startled whenever he thought of Ceylon.

The imaginary Ceylon had a surprisingly fine appearance and ideal body proportions.

And it’s hard to believe, but it was Ceylon’s original appearance that was not distorted or glorified in the slightest.

In real life, he’s just a pathetic, stupid, light-hearted guy.

How can I become an ideal handsome man and a nobleman just by imagining it?

‘That atmosphere is the problem.’

I’m a dumb person.

I’m an insignificant human being.

I wondered if the intensely light impression and atmosphere, as if forcibly injecting such information into the other person’s head, might be the cause.

He was truly a mysterious figure in many ways.

He was a special person.

So Huivien couldn’t stop paying attention to the man.

I couldn’t get my hopes up for the non-daily life that I experienced every time I got involved with that man.

Of course, I had no intention of admitting it purely.

himself like that-

I can’t pay attention to a childish and pathetic man who likes to tease people while playing pranks in other people’s names.

If Huivien genuinely admits it.

She would feel an overwhelming cognitive dissonance.

When she was in her prime – she was drawn to romantic novels – the lady’s sensibility was so complex and delicate.


The action Huivien was going to do now also stemmed from such a complex yet delicate sensibility.


When Huvien created mana, a wind rose, and the wind gathered in one place and formed a shape.

Outsiders often associate wind spirits with animals with wings.

However, in fact, most of the wind spirits were in the form of horses with rich manes blowing in the wind, just like Xie, who guarded Huivien’s side.

A wind spirit that appeared just before, according to Huivien’s will.

It too was in the form of a horse.

However, the size was the size of Huivien’s fist, so the expression ‘cute’ was appropriate.

It was the alter ego of the wind spirit, Pures.

-Hinging ing ing ing!

Pures made a dainty gurgling sound and ran out of the window using the air as ground.

When the wind mages summoned Pures, in most cases the purpose was fixed.

An insignificant size and mana that reduce the risk of being discovered by opponents.

In addition, the mobility that allows you to run freely on the ground or in the air.

The Pyres were mainly used for reconnaissance where such strengths could be exploited.


Now Huivien was thinking of scouting.



Huvienne was clearly interested in Ceylon.

I wanted to know more about him.

In general, it was not difficult.

If you want to know about you, you can express your interest through conversation.

But it was difficult for Huivien.

Ceylon’s attitude towards Huivien.

And Huivien’s personality,.

All things considered, it was terribly difficult for Huvienne to express her candid interest in Ceylon.

-hahahaha, are you interested in me? I am a very sinful man.

Huvienne did not have the confidence to keep her sanity if Ceylon reacted and made fun of her.

So, as an alternative, Huvien uses stalking, an indirect method of expressing interest.

No, it reminded me of ‘reconnaissance’.

‘This is… yes. It’s for that man. Also, those warlocks might approach Ceylon and try to use the man.’

What I’m ‘reconnaissance’ for that man.

This is to actively help the man if he is in danger.

Why are you helping the man?


okay. to clear the debt.

That pathetic man is the man who took the top spot in the entrance exam.

Moreover, as a commoner, he does not belong anywhere.

He is a talent that all families can covet.

So, pay off the debt to that man and become my person-

No, let’s make him my servant.

Let’s bring it to Leolian.

‘This is all for the sake of the family…’

Having completed the ‘reason’, Huvien continued ‘reconnaissance’ without hesitation.

Huivien closed her eyes.

Then, sight and hearing are connected with the pures running through the air.

It was blurry, like seeing and hearing underwater, but it was due to the limits of magic achievement, so I had no choice but to be satisfied.

Pures soon discovered Ceylon.

He was walking down a District 1 street.

Then, when he finds a person, his face turns bright.

“What is it? Who do you like so much?”

Huivien focused his mind.

A large amount of mana was consumed, but instead, vision became clearer temporarily.

“Dreaming Rebringer…?”

Huivien burst into a snort.

“It’s messed up, really.”

Ceylon had just entered the academy, but already had numerous female students around him.


Kasha Hanahan.

Aidrin Teln.

Ms Bower.

Adela Aspienne.

The composition of the female cadets was nothing short of splendid.

‘Did they even approach me?’

It was already an unquestionable fact that Ceylon’s female pilgrimage was splendid in Huivien’s mind.

That’s what Huivien thinks.

Now, Ceylon was trying to extend its magic to Drin as well.

‘There’s no way.’

Huivien smiled mischievously at the thought that this time he would be able to witness Ceylon’s setback.

Huvien recalled the Libringer she had met at the entrance ceremony.

He was a person with overwhelming dignity and grace that was difficult to approach.

It was impossible for a person like that to deal with such a stupid and pitiful man.

‘Like I did.’

Just like Huivian did (?).

Huvien looked forward to seeing Drin coldly ignoring Ceylon and Ceylon being embarrassed by him.

‘Whoop whoop. I’ll have to meet you tomorrow and tease you a lot.’

No matter how smirk he is, he will not be able to keep his composure if he mentions that he approached Rebringer unknowingly and was coldly ignored.


But what is this?

The complete opposite of what Huivien had expected unfolded.

Drin Rebringer and Ceylon started talking naturally.

The two of them having a conversation seemed more than comfortable and even enjoyed.


That the given Rebringer is giving attention to such a pathetic, stupid man?

Huivien couldn’t believe it, so he raised mana one more level.

Then, the sense of hearing connected to Pures becomes clear.

The conversation between the two began to be heard clearly.


Judging from the contents of the conversation, the two seemed to know each other already.

Come to think of it, at the entrance ceremony, it seemed that I had heard other cadets say that Ceylon and Drin were close friends.

At the time, I thought it was just a rumor born out of interest in the chief commoner…


I don’t know why, but Huivien’s expression darkened.


-I’m willing to sleep as well as wrap the sheep if the sheep wants it – Oh, the sheep? How much did you give!?

It happened the moment I thought that Ceylon, who was dealing with Drin, seemed to show his emotions more abundantly than when he was dealing with himself.

It didn’t end there.

Huvien adjusted Pires’ position.

I kept a close distance as far as I could without being noticed and looked closely at Ceylon.

At some point, Huivien had been expressing anger with a face that seemed to be full of energy.

After hearing the story, Ceylon did not have a special relationship with Drin.

was like yourself

Even so, the way he showed himself to others was vastly different from how he treated himself.

-You rather comforted me, who was so ugly and clumsy. While preparing the flowers.

‘Dean Leebringer soothed her with flowers when she was in a bad mood? When you were with me, you were playing around with my name!’

-Given sheep Oh my goodness… It’s so touching. Is this how you feel when you propose?

‘Proposal!? Aren’t you crazy? What are you misunderstanding!? Are you looking forward to it!? Aren’t you too ignorant of fractions!?’

From noble mtl dot com

-If you are as merciful as a given sheep, who else would give a guy like me such a wonderful token of friendship? Of course, the sheep offered is the first.

‘what!? First one!? Then what did I give you as a token of our family!? And, you didn’t like it when I gave you a ring! The token I gave you is far more valuable than that cheap sword!’


For a moment, Huivien felt dizzy.

For a moment, she wondered if she had crossed the threshold of anger and resentment.

It wasn’t. Mana was running out.

The rest of the ‘reconnaissance’ was too hot, so I kept sharing my senses with purees too much.



As if watching a last-minute play, Huvien, who had risen from her seat before she knew it and clenched her fists, sat down as if toppling over.

“What the hell…?”

Huvien recalled the happy image of Ceylon holding the meager sword Drin gave her as a gift.

Next, I thought of Ceylon’s state when he received the Leolian family’s token – the embrace of the green ring.

Comparing the two images, Hwibien’s expression reminded me of sadness.

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