I Became The Academy Necromancer

Chapter Necromancer chapter 202

202. Cleaning Time

“If you were truly an invited guest, you should have four rooms between rooms 107 and 110.”

After that word, a heavy silence descends inside the restaurant. Hanso and the corpse magician’s eyes pierce the dark mage as if asking if they have anything to refute.

The Dark Spirit rather only slightly raises the corner of her mouth, ignoring the eyes of the two and looking at me.

“I thought the rules of Dream Demon were really stupid, but they are holding back my ankles like this?”

That was not wrong.

The biggest problem with this rule was that I didn’t know what the penalty would be for breaking the rule.

The number of floors allowed for guests is 3 floors.

When we went up to the 4th floor, there were no restrictions, so you can see how flimsy it was.

“Oh, really. Are you sure you were the 27th uninvited guest?”

Hanso shouted, making a fuss about him, but the necromancer only flicked his chin once.

Six corpses poured out at the same time. They started besieging the Dark Spirit with bizarre movements.

“Ha, you said you would kill me?”

Even though all the people inside the restaurant became enemies in an instant, the Dark Spirit remained calm.

No, rather, like a beast that just woke up after stretching, it coldly raises its purple eyes.

“To the subject that I talked about while crawling.”

The small wand she was holding began to swirl around her like a whirlpool of purple mana, which soon turned into an evil spirit that let out her screams.

“Don’t love necromancer, it’s the same. There is no body, so we have to crawl.”

A corpse magician who easily admits that he ran away while paying attention to the Dark Spirit, but clearly declares that he is different now.

A situation where the battle between the two is about to begin.

I warned as I poured wine into a glass on the table.

“The days will pass soon. Fight in moderation.”

The two warlocks’ eyes pierced me, saying that I was dumbfounded by my words, but I poured wine into my mouth, savoring even those eyes.

I don’t really like alcohol itself, but the liquor here was rice wine that even the royal family couldn’t afford to taste.

The Nightmare War was full of these things.

Outside, they are all splendid, and precious things are rolling on the floor like stones.

It seemed that after living here for a few days, the concept of luxury would disappear.

“Come on! Shouldn’t we fight together!”

“With whom?”

Hanso, trembling with her fuss, lifted up the strong arm, stupidly pulls her head out and sucks in her breath.

When I asked who he could fight with, he looked back and forth between the Dark Spirit and the Corpse Master and fell into trouble.

According to Rule 27, we must fight the Dark Spirit.

But the corpse master killed all the guests except us, and probably will kill us too.

An alternative that I don’t really like.

That’s why I thought I’d just watch the battle between the two while tilting my glass.


While Hanso was agonizing, the advance began with the Black Mage.


The demons she deals with vomit her resentment as she puts away her corpses. Although there was a feeling that the corpse was being pushed away momentarily.

“This is why I like the body here.”

The quality of the corpses itself was excellent. The corpse master must have tried his hand at killing them, but basically all the guests who came to the dream show were big players.

Her corpses were showing off a good relationship with the evil spirits of the Dark Spirit.

Equivalent situation.

The person who goes one step further and gives a variation will win, and the corpse master tried it first.

A corpse magician with a white dagger and a crystal skull in both hands. In the case of the dagger, I gave it to Luanes as a gift, and the crystal skull was a tool that a corpse would like at first sight.

“The rewards obtained from raiding the guests!”

At least because of Rule 14, I picked and picked those two.

-14. You can only carry 2 items from the reward.

But it must mean that it is an item suitable for a corpse master.

The seven-colored magic shot from the white dagger flies past the corpses.

The Dark Spirit hurriedly cast a protective spell, but the seven colors emitted by the dagger had quite strong destructive power.


Her protective magic itself wasn’t broken, but the Dark Spirit, who was greatly pushed back, ended up knocking her back against the wall, knocking her down on one knee.

At the same time, her demons scream and spread out in all directions.

“Hey, hee hee! The necromancer is just like me.”

The necromancer giggles at what’s so good about it and bites her nails.

“If the body is attacked, it’s over. No matter how strong the demons are, if you lose control over them, you are just an ordinary wizard.”

A dark mage who just lost control of the demons in a single blow. Then, the evil spirits that ran rampant in the restaurant immediately flew in to attack the Dark Spirit.


Rather, the Dark Spirit stretches out her hand to the demons flying towards her and begins to control them again.

Even I was impressed by her skillful yet swift magic.

Even though she was 18 years old, she was a black magician living in darkness.


Seeing that, the corpse master slammed the soles of his feet on the ground and raised the crystal skull.

I wanted to take a look at it because it was my first time seeing it, but it seemed like I didn’t have the time.

“Do you want to live?”

I put my wine glass down and asked as I walked towards the Dark Spirit.

The corpse magician started to be wary of my sudden participation in the battle, and Hanso followed me in a daze.


She dares to say it again to the black priest who nervously asks.

She asked, “Do you want to live?”

“Are you asking the necromancer about death? We are ready to die at any moment!”

It was a pretty cool answer, but her eyes didn’t say that. She

Although she was also a necromancer.

She was still 18, too.

“…… sh*t.”

Receiving my gaze from her, the Dark Spirit was honest, but whispered softly to protect her pride.

“Yes, yes.”

So that’s why you’re suffering like this.

I nodded my head in satisfaction at her words, and demanded.

“Tell me all the other rules you know.”


What are you talking about, the dark mage. Because if I didn’t explain it, I felt like I would really keep pretending until the end.

“I know there are rules that are hidden. Do you remember the first time we met at this restaurant?”

She wondered if she had made a mistake. She tried to chew on the conversation she had at the time of the dark spirit, but she was in a very urgent situation, so it seemed that it was not going well.

“You told me this. If you find the rules, you get rewards, and among them is escape.”

– That’s right, if you find the rules, you can win prizes. The biggest prize among them is the escape from this place.


Hanso nodded in agreement. That advantage was the problem.

When we asked to form a team, Hanso said:

– Hmm, there seem to be some strange people among the guests who came with me. How is it? How about we all work together to escape?

I said to escape, not to find the rules. It seems that rules are not a priority for them.

So something was strange.

Finding the rules means escaping.

Why did Hanso consider the two things different?

Easily reach the answer.

I didn’t know that Hanso and Luanes could escape if they found the rules.

Only the Dark Spirit knew.

Okay then.

The Dark Spirit didn’t tell her all the rules she knew.

“… ….”

After explaining this far, the dark mage bites his lip. Hanso looked at it in bewilderment, and the corpse doctor eavesdropped on our conversation with his hands down as if he thought something was unusual.


I look at the corpse master and click his tongue, then look at the dark wizard again.

“I see you haven’t told me all the rules you know. If that had been the normal rule, I wouldn’t have cared too much.”

From noble mtl dot com


What the hell are you talking about? Hanso’s exclamation. I wish I could keep my mouth shut.

“The important thing is that the rule you hid is highly likely to be connected to your escape from here.”

To refer to the words of the Dark Mage again.

– That’s right, if you find the rules, you can win prizes. The biggest prize among them is the escape from this place.

The Dark Spirit, already aware of her slip of the tongue, bowed her head. Maybe it spread too much because it was the same necromancer.

Or maybe it’s because I’m her taste in the first place.

I don’t know what it is.

“How did you know that one of the rewards was escape?”

Nowhere is it written what the reward is. Even so, as a dark spirit, she knew that rules and escape were a bundle.

After all, it means that there is a clue to escape among the rules she hid from us.

“… ….”

“Tell me.”

As I urged her dark wizard, who kept her mouth shut, she struck back with her tears slightly forming.

“How are you? Well done! Wait until I’m in a dangerous situation. Did you want me to tell you if you were pathetic and showed up to save me?”

“… ….”

“You can see very clearly! You said you were my future pupil, right? How did he take a guy like you as his disciple!”

“… ….”

“To weigh my life against the rules?”

“On the contrary.”

I slowly turned to the corpse master and answered the dark mage.

“I didn’t want to kill you to get an answer, so I just accused you.”

-22. Deceased guests leave behind the rules they know.

Unless it’s an urgent situation, after all, the girl who lives in the dark spirit won’t tell you the rules she knows.

If she doesn’t open her mouth, she’ll have to kill her to find out.

I didn’t want to kill the dark mage, so I was in the middle of a little drastic appeasement.


I could feel the gaze of the Dark Spirit staring blankly at my back.

The corpse of the corpse gradually began to move. The realization that you can learn the rules by killing the Dark Spirit anyway.

“No. 30.”

Could she have conveyed my sincerity to her?

The Dark Spirit put her rules into her mouth.

“Only one person left can escape the nightmare.”

The answer she left was, in fact, only a more intuitive indication of what our destiny was.

“Heh, hee hee! In the end, it was right to kill them all!”

A corpse magician who moves a corpse more roughly, saying that he is excited.

A warlock with no soul to handle.

That’s who I am now, so of course even a dark mage can’t beat a defeated corpse master.

Even one cow hesitantly looked at us, and the dark spirit was silent with her lips bitten.

I slowly put my wine glass on the table in my hand.

“Ha ha.”

And then, with a sigh, he threw the wine glass on the floor.


Shards of glass fly, and the rice wine inside splashes on the floor like blood.

“Those called necromancers are pretty crude until the moment they die, right?”

The corpse master has completely changed from the way he used to speak honorifics when he first met.

I’ve seen a lot of people who become engrossed in power the moment they hold it in their hands, but I’ve never seen anything so extreme.

“You borrowed money? You’re going to lick the wine you spilled on the floor?”

It was a morgue with a smirk, but my eyes were on the spilled wine and glass shards.

“Isn’t it amazing?”


“The Nightmare War is conducted by all officials. It tries to restore itself to its original form, just like we wash ourselves.”

“… ….”

The corpseman seemed to feel a sense of horror every time he uttered a word, but he immediately gestured and tried to handle the corpses.


Looks at the corpses in bewilderment to see if they aren’t moving.

“What is this! What!”

I couldn’t help but click my tongue in stupidity when I saw the corpse man shouting why his corpses weren’t moving.

“Did you use rule 24 in reverse and still not realize what was going on?”

-24. When a guest dies, the room the guest is staying in opens. Until then, entry is prohibited even if the owner of the room permits it.

Using the guest’s corpse, not the guest, the corpseman killed all the people in the other rooms.

In short, it meant that guests who had already died were not treated as guests.



The clock near the entrance rang for a long time, signaling the end of the day.

It was hard to tell because there was no daylight, but I thought it was roughly the time.

“There are no servants here.”

-28. There is no user in the dream war.

“Also, meals are replenished every day.”

-21. Meals are replenished daily. Please feel free to eat to your heart’s content.

Did you even hear me?

The food we ate is refilled in the blink of an eye.

It was a strange landscape like a desert mirage.


The glass that was broken on the floor gradually starts to disappear, and the wine that was soaked on the floor also disappears without leaving a single stain.

“They say they clean every day.”

“What? Cleaning?”

“Because there is no need to clean up annoying things like corpses.”

I couldn’t help but sneer at the corpse as he gazed at his own corpses that gradually faded away.

“Thank you.”

-17. Cleaning is done daily.

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