This time the reward was quickly adapted to the current world and realized, Lin Feng immediately chose to receive the reward.

In the next second, Lin Feng's eyes were extremely bright, and he was even trembling with excitement.

He didn't know what kind of magical power it was when he was reminded before, but only guessed that it was related to refining equipment.

After receiving it at this moment, it was as expected as he had guessed.

But what surprised him even more was that this magical machine was somewhat similar to Tongtianlu.

Tongtianlu is to make talisman seals out of thin air. It doesn't need any complicated process of making talismans, and it doesn't need to prepare any materials. It can be made out of thin air.

The same is true for the divine machine.

It is also possible to omit the cumbersome refining process in the middle, and there is no need to prepare refining materials, and artifacts can be refined out of thin air.

Of course, it has certain limitations like Tongtianlu. It can only refine all kinds of spiritual weapons, and it may not be able to do anything with too powerful fairy weapons.

But that's bad enough.

With the magic tricks and the refining method he just learned from Tianzhu, it is not a problem at all to create a bunch of armors based on those armor blueprints.

And if he got the Heavenly Refining Method, even if he couldn't use the magical machine to refine the alchemy next time, it would be much easier to form the alchemy.

Also at this moment, there was a loud bang, and seeing that he couldn't get out of trouble, a big demon chose to blew himself up very simply.

The huge body of the monster clan exploded, and it was still a big monster at the peak of the fifth rank, its power can be imagined.

As soon as it exploded, Tianzhu and others who besieged and killed the demon clan all changed their expressions drastically and retreated one after another.

But even if it went backwards quickly, some people were still affected and injured.

Taking advantage of the moment when everyone retreated, Hu Ling'er, who was protecting the center by several big monsters, escaped from the scene in the blink of an eye, without looking back.

Tian Zhu and the others turned dark, and they were about to catch up with each other.

But Lin Feng said loudly:


"Don't chase after the poor, just run away!"

Just kidding, Hu Ling'er is still one of his main confession objects at present, and he has only obtained the four kinds of Eight Miraculous Skills, Juling Dispatch General, Tongtianlu, Fenghou Qimen, and Divine Mechanism.

There are still four kinds of miraculous skills that have not been obtained, and Tian Zhu and others cannot be killed now.

Moreover, the big monsters protecting Hu Linger this time are not weak, they are all at the top of the fifth rank, Tianzhu and others may not be able to really take them down if they catch up.

Even Lin Feng spoke, Tianzhu and others could only retreat obediently.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people from Tianzhu looked at Lin Feng meaningfully.

Now that all the monster races have shown up, the only one who has not been found is the Da Zhou powerhouse.

Will Lin Feng continue to search with them?

If he really found Da Zhou Wang Fugui and others, how would Lin Feng deal with himself?

But Lin Feng seemed to be able to guess what they were thinking, and ordered directly:

"The Great Sand Principality escaped from the peak of the Aperture Realm, and the Honglian, Sanmai, and Liuding tribes were responsible for the encirclement and suppression!"

"The remnants of the Great Luo Empire will be encircled and suppressed by the Nether and Fentian Divisions!"

"The remnants of the Dafan Buddha Kingdom are encircled and suppressed by the Xiye and Yinyang departments!"

"The remnants of the monster clan will be encircled and suppressed by Tianzhu Villa!"

"The remnants of the Great Zhou Dynasty will be encircled and suppressed by Liu Shan of the Five Elements Department and I!"

As soon as Lin Feng said this, a group of people at the scene were dumbfounded.

He separated everyone and assigned tasks to each.

Let's talk about the missions of each tribe first, the weakest one has to face a peak out of body state.

But how hard is it to kill at the peak of the Leaving Aperture Realm?

Just now so many people were besieged and killed and let them run away, so they are still scattered?

Especially in Tianzhu Villa, although they have a lot of out-of-body states and their strength is not weak, but they have to face the monster clan, many big monsters who are equivalent to the peak of human out-of-body states, are they here to deliver food?

And what confused everyone the most was that Lin Feng went to encircle and suppress the remnants of Da Zhou by himself?

Who would believe this?

Will he really attack the strong Zhou?

And just relying on him to bring Liu Shan to deal with the powerful Da Zhou powerhouse?

Who doesn't know that the strongest person entering the Bronze Temple this time will actually be several weeks old.

Not to mention the existence of the ten Aperture Peak peaks, there is also a clone of Wang Fugui.

Even if it's just the Leaving Aperture Realm, it's the Leaving Aperture Realm clone of the most powerful person, and its strength is far beyond the ordinary Leaving Aperture Realm.

Lin Feng encircled and suppressed the strong men of the Great Zhou, it was like a child's play......

But before anyone questioned, Lin Feng snorted coldly:

"What? Are you going to disobey?"

"It's just for you to encircle and suppress, I didn't say that you have to kill to count!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

It was obvious that Lin Feng was deliberately releasing water.

He knew that he would meet the strong man of the Great Zhou soon, and instead of bringing everyone together to face the strong man of the Great Zhou, it would be better for him to face it alone, and he would have the final say on how to operate at that time.

Tianzhu and the group of people had ugly faces, but they couldn't say a word of no.

The temple did not punish Lin Feng, so they had to obey the order, otherwise they would be dealt with according to the disrespectful military order, and few people could stand it.

Soon, Tian Zhu and the others clasped their fists together and dispersed with dark faces.

Even if it is impossible to really kill these powerful people from all sides, it is still necessary to put on a show.

As for whether they can be met after they disperse, and whether they can be taken after they are met, that is a matter of two opinions.

On Tianzhu's side, it didn't take long to walk out with many out-of-aperture realms in Tianzhu Villa, one of his disciples came to Tianzhu's side and whispered:

"Master, the messenger asked me to remind you, don't forget the agreement!"

Hearing this, Tianzhu's face darkened, and he stared straight at the disciple who had been with him for a long time, almost not feeling angry.

Each of his disciples went through multiple inspections when they started, in order to prevent them from being eroded by the Heavenly Dao Society.

Unexpectedly, there was such a problem in the end.

This disciple has already shown his identity by passing the message on his behalf. He is already a member of Tiandaohui.

It took a long time for Tianzhu to come back to his senses, and he glanced at the disciple indifferently:

"Don't call me master, I can't afford it, please leave the villa after this time!"

Hearing this, the disciple's face collapsed, and he cupped his hands and said:


Before the other party finished speaking, Tian Zhu waved his hand:


"Go back and tell your envoy that I will abide by the agreement, but haven't got the item yet, tell him not to worry!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tianzhu was far away from this disciple in a blink of an eye.

In fact, the agreement between him and Tiandaohui is also very simple, and he agreed to cooperate because the goals of both parties are the same for the time being.

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That is the Heavenly Alchemy Method.

The goal of Tiandaohui is also the same.

Immediately afterwards, Tianzhu said again:

"Everyone spread out and searched for the remnants of the demon clan. Remember not to follow too closely, and warn the police immediately if found!"

Many disciples clasped their fists and said yes, while Tianzhu went directly to the barracks in a flash.

He has also accumulated millions of military merits now, and it is no longer so easy to continue to hunt down the monsters and obtain military merits.

It's better to go back quickly and continue to repair the and get a lot of military merits.

He didn't forget his purpose of entering this bronze temple.

"Lin Feng... the old man said, it depends on who gets the Heavenly Alchemy first!"

Tianzhu murmured, and in the blink of an eye, the person had disappeared.

On the other side, Lin Feng and Liu Shan didn't go far, and stopped.

Seeing Lin Feng stop, Liu Shan looked around suspiciously, but found nothing.

Liu Shan looked at Lin Feng and said doubtfully:

"grown ups......."

But Lin Feng stopped Liu Shan with a wave of his hand, and then waved his hand suddenly.


In an instant, the thunder roared, and the Five Thunder Zhengfa crashed towards a building in front of it.

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