God overlooking the high platform,

The believers prostrate.

The faint moonlight illuminates everything underneath.

In the long silence, Liu Yu only felt a gust of wind gently touch his body, and the body crawling on the ground was sitting as before.

The red silk taffeta skirt fell on the green grass, and the night dew filled her nose, and she straightened her body and looked forward.

But seeing the other end of the tree of God Realm, on the high platform like the ink, the image of the body shrouded in the hazy white light is exhausting the imagination of everyone in the world.

Noble, gorgeous, and unforgivable.

She lowered her eyes and, like all the believers around, took a tame gesture.

God, said nothing.

The priest Lina suddenly looked up and looked at the dense canopy like clouds:

"The **** tree blossomed..."

She murmured.

Priest Lyle also looked up with her:

"The **** tree is blooming."

A little green halo spread like snow and landed.

The tree of God Realm seems to breathe together like a human.

The green halo fell on the top of the person's head, and there seemed to be a mysterious and mysterious rhythm between heaven and earth.

Liu Yu felt the whole soul tremble.


She heard the flower blooming.

The petals stretched little by little, the stamens swayed in the wind, and the butterflies that followed the fragrance gently fell...

Everything is alive, everything is spring.

She opened her eyes, and in the misty greenery, three light pink flowers like ice crystals left the crown and fell like a dandelion.

Just as the three little flowers were about to fall on people’s heads, the priest Lier and the priest Lina jointly sacrificed a translucent jade, the jade was dripping in the air, and the flowers seemed to be under invisible suction. Suddenly fell into the round stoneware.

In the translucent stoneware, light pink petals are the finest art.

"Guess, who is the lucky one this year?"

There was a buzz of discussion around me.

"Hush, God is here, don't talk."

"God doesn't care about these..."

Margaret wrinkled her nose: "Anyway, as long as it is not Natash Leonard."

"It seems that you hate her."

Liu Yu said.

"Oh, I hate her always crying and crying like a slimy slug that can't be thrown away." Margaret shrugged. "You bully her and she comes out with a pack of water...she If I take out my staff to fight me, I still respect her."

"Margaret, people always have to look forward." Edith comforted her. "Ryan missed you, it was his loss."

"Oh, of course." Margaret smirked, "The old one doesn't go, the new one doesn't come. See Mr. Roy just now? Hmm, that's..."

She said with endless afterthought, "...quite pretty good."

Kessel groaned while covering her forehead: "Miss Margaret, don't take my pure sister away, she never listens to it."

Liu Yu glanced at him.

In the twinkling starlight, Kessel's smile was like the lake surface where the sun was shining, but the shadow was hidden deep in the dark lake bottom.

She started another topic:

"Then... how to divide?"

"...The flowers of each year are always decided by the priest Lina and the priest Ryle, as for who... who knows." Margaret didn't care, "I can't reach me anyway... the priest Lina doesn't like it Me, she always says I have a bad temper."

"It's Edith..."

Under discussion, the staff of Lina Priest a little, a pink flower fluttered out of the jade stone suddenly, and fell into Edith's finger.

"May the Holy Light be with you."

She said.

Edith held the flowers over his head and fell to the ground solemnly.

"Thank you God."

By the time she straightened up, the dullness on her face had disappeared.

"Edith, congratulations!"

Liu Yu smiled and blessed her. She was very happy that this gentle girl could get the flower of blessing.

Margaret also followed the blessing.

Kessel gently touched the top of her head: "My dear sister, good luck will always be with you."

However, Liu Yu noticed that Edith's body shivered.

She looked at the pair thoughtfully and thought, Is Edith forced?

At this moment, Priest Lyle's staff was also a little bit, and another small flower fluttered to the other side suddenly, and finally fell on Natasi's palm.

"May the Holy Light be with you."

He said.

Natasi raised his hand high, and prostrate down with excitement:

"Thank you, thank you God."

She wept silently, and when she straightened up, she glanced in the direction of Belia.

Margaret rolled her eyes:

"I'm sure, the little **** must be showing off."


Edith looked at her in disapproval.

"Edith, you know, I'm just a wrangler's daughter. I only learned how to wrangle horses and curse people." Margaret snorted. "I guess, Ryan must have asked his brother beforehand. He I always feel like I have to teach his crying little lover... just give her some luck, and wait for my magic to practice, I must turn them into pig heads."

Liu Yu laughed out loudly, and Margaret was bluntly cute:

"Margaret, I have to remind you that Miss Leonard has been very lucky."

"What about then?" Margaret put on a "I'm refreshed" attitude, "If you don't breathe, I will be unhappy every day..."

"Unfortunately, if it's a beauty contest, Belia, you must have this flower... after all, you are the most beautiful of us, oh, and Edith, even though she is almost..."

Kessel coughed: "Miss Margaret, I disagree."

He laughed out of two dimples.

"Oh, oh, sorry." Margaret apologized not sincerely.

Liu Yu and Edith smiled at each other.

Edith gave Margaret a strawberry crumble:

"Shut your mouth, Margaret."

Marguerite grievancely ate, but his eyes narrowed in a straight line.

Liu Yu looked at Yuyan.

Now, there is only one flower left.

According to the convention, for the sake of balance, she thought that Officer Lina and Officer Lyle must choose a son.

After all, not all for girls.

Sure enough, the eyes of the saints were a little loose.

They dared not look at the gods in the distance, and only discussed their clothes, jewelry, and lovers with each other.

And the hot eyes of the sons almost stared the translucent jade into a hole.

The eyes of Priest Lina and Priest Lyle were touched. Just as the staff of Priest Lina was just raised, a soft beam fell, and then, the beautiful voice of God, such as from the ice, snow and mountains, echoed in Everyone's ear:

"Let fate choose."

The priest Lina was taken aback for a moment, looking subconsciously at priest Lyle, did she hear it wrong, god...

Priest Lyle nodded at her, the staff took the lead, and the jade stone was held up to the top by a force, and then turned over, and the light pink flowers fell down.

The wind blew gently.

In the hazy moonlight, the little flower was against the sight of countless people, drifting aimlessly, and finally swirled into a hair room.

Marguerite covered her mouth and said, "Oh":

"Fergus, you have been chosen by fate..."

She exclaimed.

Under the moonlight, a light pink flower stuck to the girl's sparkling blonde hair.

The soft pink halo covered her and made her look like a **** of love and beauty.

"May the Holy Light be with you."

Priest Lina and Priest Lyle all saluted her in unison.

The believers looked at her enviously. This was different from the one given by the priest. It was the tree of the **** realm, the wind, and the moonlight. This lucky girl was chosen.

Liu Yu straightened up, looking at the other end of the tree of God Realm.

In the dim light and shadow, the man sat motionless on the high platform, like a cold marble sculpture.

How could it be him?

Liu Yu thought, maybe this time, she really had **** luck.

"The owner of the flower of the **** tree has been chosen." Officer Lina waved her staff. "The three lucky girls are invited to dance for us."

Liu Yu froze, Edith and Natasi had stood up.

Margaret pushed her:

"Go, Miss Fergus, this is the most anticipated time tonight. When the dance is over, you can pray to God for his blessing."

"But why dance?"

"Celebrate some... But it is said that everyone danced more than 10,000 years ago. But then someone was bored and they changed to a two-person dance. You know...God doesn’t like to be noisy, only during the harvest season and Only then can we dance happily in the shrine..."

In the melodious music, Margaret could not wait to swing with it.

Liu Yu was pushed next to Edith, and Kessel also stood up.

Natasi has taken Ryan's hand.

Edith looked at her for help, she was very timid, and stood beside her, like a trembling rabbit-although trying to cover up.

Liu Yu sighed slightly, and she remembered the girl's weak resistance by the grapevine.

"Mr. Bieber, I happen to be missing a partner." She smiled and reached out to Kessel. "I don't know if I have this honor. Would you please do a dance?"

Kessel glanced at Edith and turned to Liu Yu with a brilliant smile:

"Oh, of course, rejecting a lady is not a gentleman, please."

He put his right hand in front of his abdomen and bent slightly.

Liu Yu put his hand on Kessel's left hand, a cold wind blew, and the skirt was slightly swayed by the wind, and then I felt that there was nothing.

Kessel also frowned, but in a flash, he nodded gracefully to Edith:

"Sorry, my dear sister, I'm afraid I need you to find another dance partner."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, Brother Kessel, I wish you a happy time."

Edith raised a smile, if she didn't look at her excessively pale face.

Liu Yu was taken by Kessel and went to dance under the tree.

Her waist was embraced by him, Kessel was skilled in dance and personable, as a male partner, very qualified.

The other two pairs also began to dance under the tree.

The saints and saints held hands around the tree of the **** realm, kicking their legs and singing songs.

"The flower of the **** realm, beautiful and fragrant, the light shines on the earth..."

The rhythm is light and lively, and it sounds like a folk song.

Liu Yu gradually became infected, and the dance steps became lively.

Move forward, hind legs, throw away, retract.

Kessel cooperated seamlessly and commented with a smile: "Miss Fergus's former dance partner must be very good."

Liu Yu's smile stiffened and stretched quickly:

"No, on the contrary, he jumped very generally."

"Oh?" Kessel didn't believe it, but he didn't continue to ask. "I was surprised when I saw Miss Fergus. There are people in this world who are exactly the same as my sister."

"Excuse me, I'm curious, is Edith a Mr. Bieber's sister?"

Kessel raised an eyebrow:

"Aren't we... different?"

"No, it's Mr. Bieber who always looks at Miss Edith with a heartbreaking look, which makes me occasionally think that you are a lover."

In other worlds, Liu Yu is not clear, but in the Ellen continent, the brothers and sisters together are not allowed--

Because they are together, they will give birth to a deformed fetus, which, in the eyes of the Holy See, is a bewitched, abnormal relationship, a sinister, dark emotion, and will fall into the dark abyss that is irreversible.

Kessel laughed:

"Miss Fergus is really funny. I grew up with Edith and she was too gentle. I always worry that she will suffer, so I will inevitably be more careful. But... if it is a beautiful lady like you, I Think, I will pursue it."

He let go of her.

Liu Yu realized that a song was over.

And her back was already soaked.

"I hope Miss Fergus will give me a chance," Kessel knelt on one leg, and somehow pulled out a red rose. "I think this flower is for you, Miss Fergus."

"Wow!" Margaret clapped. "Very good! Mr. Bieber, your vision is really good!"

Liu Yu looked at Edith. She stood on the sidelines, her eyes full of complexity.

She intervened enough.

Liu Yu thought.

She took a step back:

"Sorry, I don't want to accept any pursuit for the time being."

Kessel was not annoyed by her rejection:

"I will always be waiting for you, beautiful Miss Fergus."

He stood up, and the rose flower was handed to Edith: "Sorry, dear sister, Miss Fergus did not accept, this flower can only be dedicated to you."

Edith took it in a daze.

Priest Lina came out to make a round:

"just now--"

Margaret and a group of lively sons and daughters voiced together:

"Secretary Lina, Sergeant Lyle, can you pray for blessings from God?"

As Natasi and Edith blushed and prayed to the other end of the tree of God Realm, Liu Yu quietly withdrew from the crowd, crossed the back garden, and returned to the room.

The door snapped with a slight “click”.

Before the wall light was on, she felt that there was an extra person in the room.

The icy, yet powerful presence is so hard to ignore.


Liu Yuxin gave a hunch that the light bullet between his fingers had not been sent out, but was strangled by the coming person.

His cold hands wrapped her, and his voice was very soft:

"Belia Fergus, it's me."


Liu Yu couldn't control his surprise——

The moonlight pours like water, illuminating the half-faced half of the face.

Frightening, trembling, and wanting to creep to the ground.

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