accomplice (4)

the next morning.

[The black magician captured by the Imperial Guard this morning. Its identity is revealed to be Verbine, the originator of the Imperial Family Guard incident… Why is the black magician detained at the headquarters of the Immortal Knights? ]

[Temporary Guard Captain Tomahawk explained about this incident, ‘I found it during a regular dawn patrol, and it’s fortunate that I was captured before a major accident occurred’…]

Rectacio read the newspaper in the Knight Commander’s office. When I checked the contents on the front page, I smiled.


A bervine who disappeared in a mysterious attack.

Yesterday, they found evidence of the Imperial Guard’s actions, and today, they posted on the front page of the newspaper that they were holding Vervine. Fair and fair, he made a noise as if he had arrested a black magician.

Rectacio covered the newspaper.

“Was this the reason for delaying the hearing…”

Foolish Imperial Guard bastards.

It seemed that he knew that something would come out if he kidnapped Vervine and interrogated him. However, it was all in vain. The Immortal Knights did not prepare for this situation so poorly.

In preparation for this, he kidnapped Verbain from a young age and put a brainwashing curse on him before he even learned the language. The present Vervine was nothing more than a puppet without an ego. Even if you break the curse, you won’t be able to play any role as a witness.

So, the Imperial Guard didn’t get valuable evidence.

On the contrary, it was a karma that would be caught.


At that time, a knock sounded in the knight commander’s office.

Then the door opened. It was vice-captain Kelos.

“Knight Commander. The Imperial Press has contacted you. Verbine is known to be detained by the Immortal Knights, so what happened? Or did he escape? They ask for an announcement about the Imperial Guard’s capture of the black magician. What should I answer?”


Tweet- Tweet-

The knight commander’s office where only the peaceful birdsong can be heard.

Kelos, who had been watching Rectacio’s eyes, spoke carefully.

“Are you telling the truth…? I was attacked.”

“There is no need for that.”

Unlike Kelos, who was completely intimidated, Rectacio smiled confidently.

“Don’t announce any positions. I will speak directly at the hearing.”

“······All right. I’ll just leave.”

Kelos bowed his head and left the knight commander’s room. When the door closed completely, Rectacio pulled out the paper bag he had hidden under the newspaper. He stared at the cubic contained in it with dark eyes.


The attack by the Imperial Guard is planned to be revealed directly at the hearing. He even prepared his own evidence to back up his claim.

I visited the altar room to confirm that this cubic did not belong to the Immortal Knights, and was about to request an appraisal from the Ministry of Magic. The proof documents will be sent tomorrow.

Besides, this raid must have been clearly recorded in the ‘Annals of the Imperial Guard’s Mission’.

Since the raid is also a ‘mission’.

If that fact is revealed, the Imperial Guard will fall completely into hell.

“It’s not long.”

The fall of the Imperial Guard is coming soon.

Imagining that ecstatic future, Rectacio prepared for the hearing.


······Time passed quickly and it was the day before the hearing.

I am sitting on my quarter bed. While drinking coffee leisurely, I gazed at the imperial palace outside the window.


On the other hand, Tomahawk, who was sitting across from him, panicked.

Shaking legs, biting nails, rolling eyes, not being able to stay still, etc. He showed typical signs of anxiety.

Tomahawk said.

“Hey, what now?”

There were several reasons for his nervousness.

There is a hearing tomorrow right now, because there is no evidence prepared on the surface. Furthermore, the Imperial Guard’s own investigation did not make much progress.

It was on the verge of being discovered that the delay in the hearing was ‘bluffing’.

It’s a tomahawk that I have to attend the hearing right away, and I can’t help but be anxious because I’ve promised an aggravated punishment.

“Shouldn’t we look into the annals even further? Or how about torturing a bastard named Verwein to get some information?”

A voice trembling with urgency.

I was still staring out the window.

“I will not dig up the Annals any longer.”

I sipped the last coffee I had left.

“I’m going back to the academy now.”


Then Tomahawk’s eyes widened. The muscles are round, the head is round, and the eyes are round. Without the beard, it was the human circle itself.

“Well, what about me? As Mr. Leonard ordered, the hearing was also delayed. What should I do? And what about the Imperial Guard? This is the worst.”

Tomahawk appealed earnestly.

His eyes, which did not match his body shape, turned red. The tomahawk’s huge hand gripped my wrist.

“I am getting married early next year. I haven’t even had a ceremony yet, but if I go to prison-”

“Don’t worry.”

I shook off the tomahawk’s hand. Then, he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket.

“All you have to do is do what is written here.”

As Tomahawk said, the current situation was the worst.

Despite delaying the hearing, no material evidence was found. He couldn’t even conceive of a logic to convince the emperor, and there was no confirmation to turn the tide of the war, but rather, he informed the current status of Vervine and provided the Immortal Knights with something to blame.

So, there is only one way to overcome this crisis.

All it did was make the emperor check the annals himself.

“What is this?”

Tomahawk came out and looked at the paper. I said, putting down the teacup.

“It is a kind of tactical book. Leave the interrogation of Verbine to the crew as you are doing now, and don’t get Tomahawk-sama involved at all. Don’t have any thoughts or questions when talking to the crew. If you keep that in mind, next year’s wedding will go ahead without any problems.”


The tip of Tomahawk’s nose turned red as if he was overwhelmed with emotion. You haven’t even checked the contents of the paper yet, what do you believe in and show that kind of reaction?

I got out of bed

“Then I will only trust Tomahawk-sama. I have no doubt that he will do well this hearing as well as the last one.”

“yes! just trust me Temporary Guard Captain Tomahawk, I will never disappoint you, Leonard!”

Tomahawk stood upright and bowed with his hand on his left chest.

Leaving behind that burdensome greeting, I left the quarter. I headed to the place I had promised with Regilos.

jerk- jerk-

The script was perfectly crafted.

It was designed without a single error.

What was left now, the future fate of the Imperial Guard rested in the hands of the actor who would play the script.


The Great War of the Imperial Palace.

Hearing held again.

As always, the atmosphere in the imperial palace was quiet.

The vicious courtiers and the ministers who controlled the empire quietly kept their mouths shut in front of the emperor, and a strong air flow flowed in the heavy silence.

It was as cold as ice and cold.

In the center of their cold gaze, Tomahawk sits. Even though it was the second hearing, the tension was still there. The guests’ eyes were as sharp as piercing their hearts.

“We will begin the hearing on the 2nd Imperial Family Guard Case.”

The hearing began after a moment of silence.

Unlike the first time, Tomahawk was given the right to speak first. Keu-hum, clearing his throat, the tomahawk looked around.


The eunuchs, eunuchs, ministers, and even the emperor were looking at him. There was a strange look in the eyes of the always bored emperor. It was a side effect of bluffing. The pressure was doubled.


Tomahawk took a deep breath and spoke.

“First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to His Majesty the Emperor for allowing me a period of three days.”

Get down on one knee and bow. The emperor waved his hand as if it was unnecessary.

Tomahawk rose from his seat and began to speak in earnest.

“We, the Imperial Family Guard, have investigated this situation on our own for the past three days. We thoroughly investigated day and night to see if the Imperial Family Guard came from an internal defector or an external trickster. In the meantime, we captured the black magician, Verbain, who could be said to be the core of this situation.”

Tomahawk’s gaze turned to Rectacio. At the same time, I recalled the advice written on the paper.

-Describe the capture of the warlock as verbosely as possible. The key is to show loopholes so that the Immortal Knights can attack and come in as much as possible.

Showing loopholes…?

No matter how you think about it, it was only questionable advice. I was driven to the edge of a precipice, but what good would it be if I even showed loopholes?

But now there was no other way. I had to trust Leonard.

Tomahawk continued to speak.

“At around 3:00 am, I and a few other men went on our usual dawn patrol. According to the set routine, they wandered around the Imperial Palace. Just when I was returning to the entrance of the imperial palace, I found a suspicious man and warned me to stop. However, the man disobeyed the order and was arrested on the spot according to Imperial law. As a result of checking the man’s identity, he was a black magician, Berbain, who had the imperial family shield. In addition-“

“So what’s the point?”

Rectacio cut off his words as if he was bored. Other ministers and courtiers had similar expressions.

“You can only talk about the results of the investigation, why are you talking so long?

“Have you done any research?”

“I don’t have anything to say, so I’m just adding the introduction, right?”

In an instant, public opinion of strong criticism.

It was a sharp guess. It accurately pierced Tomahawk’s uneasy inside. Before showing signs of embarrassment, Tomahawk spoke quickly.

“So, I’m going to ask the Immortal Knights.”

I made up my mind and looked straight at Rectacio. Then came the plan.

-If you don’t come in first, ask questions directly. Why was that black wizard hanging around the imperial palace?

“Why was Verbain, who was apparently detained in the basement of the headquarters, found near the imperial palace? Also, the Immortal Knights are not giving any explanation for that.”


Public opinion of criticism quickly subsided.

The guests who had been staring at the tomahawk all along looked at Rectacio one by one. The emperor’s pupils also turned to him. In an instant, the tide turned.

Was this what Leonard was aiming for?

“Has Berwein escaped? Or did you miss it on purpose? I’m sure you said at the first hearing that you were detained underground.”

Tomahawk asked in a low voice. Even the guests had their doubts about it. The eyes of rebuke were directed at Rectacio.

However, Rectacio stood up as if he had been waiting.

“I have something urgent to tell you, Your Majesty the Emperor.”


said the emperor.

Rectacio got down on one knee.

“The day before the hearing, the Immortal Knights guarding the dungeon were attacked by assailants.”

Facts revealed for the first time at the hearing.

All the guests were shocked by this. As if only the emperor knew the whole story, he committed himself.

“They quickly subdued the Immortal Knights and kidnapped Verbine. It was a perfect crime by exploiting the blind spot of the observation crystal ball and loopholes in the borders of headquarters.”

“Why didn’t you reveal that fact?”

“Because the culprit is here now.”

Rectacio brought out an envelope from his bosom. After taking out the cubic in a transparent envelope from inside, he lifted it high so that everyone could see it.

“This is a clue found on the second basement floor the day after the raid. Upon requesting it from the Ministry of Magic, it turned out to be an accessory of the Imperial Guard Robe. Also, given that no hair was found at the scene, it is highly probable that the culprit was bald.”

Another tumultuous battle.

“Parts of the Imperial Guard Robe? So you’re saying that the culprit is the Imperial Guard?”

“If it were the head of the Imperial Guard… the only one would be a tomahawk.”

“Oh My God······”

The gaze of the guests turned back to Tomahawk. The trend of the hearing, which had been tilted for a while, turned again toward Lectacio.

Did the thief say my feet were numb?

Tomahawk hurriedly retorted.

“The slander is coming, Your Majesty. It is not possible to determine the culprit with just one accessory.”

“I think so too.”

A statement of support for the Imperial Household Guard heard from somewhere.

But the voice belonged to Rectacio. Rectacio looked at the tomahawk with a sinister smile.

“In preparation for such an unfortunate event, don’t we have an annals? I dare to ask Your Majesty the Emperor, but please check the Annals and reveal the whole story of this raid.”

Rectacio bowed his head 90 degrees. The guests also bowed their heads in agreement.


The emperor moved his eyes without speaking.

He gave an order to the eunuch after giving one glance at Tomahawk and one at Rectacio.

“Hello. Colonel the annals of the Imperial Guard’s mission right now.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

The courtiers hurriedly left Daejeon. After a while, he returned with a copy of the Annals and handed it to the emperor. The Emperor has released the seal of the Annals of the Imperial Guard’s mission.

“Knight Commander. When is the date of the raid?”

“It is around 2:00 a.m. on October 1, 780 on the Imperial Era.”

Then he slowly turned the pages.

Squeak- Squeak-

The solemn silence hovering over Daejeon.

Everyone held their breath and waited for the truth of the surprise attack. Soon after, the emperor’s hand stopped.

“October 1st. Here you are.”

I had reached that page.

The tomahawk swallowed in a gulp. My heart was pounding like it was about to explode, and my whole body was covered with cold sweat. Because the culprit of the surprise attack is himself.


Tomahawk closed his eyes.

Now there is only one thing left to do. Not only the raid, but even the sneak peek at Leonard and the Annals will all be discovered.

I came out without being able to say I love you to the hostess, and I still haven’t had a wedding yet, but to be caught in a surprise attack on a government agency for making His Majesty wait.

It was an unpardonable sin. It was clear that he would be sentenced to more than 10 years in prison.

By the way······

“It was said to be around 2:00 am, but there is no record left in the annals.”


Tomahawk slowly opened his eyes.

“Even if you look through the records of the entire day, there are no signs of an attack.”

I looked up at the dragon with bewildered eyes. The emperor was carefully reading the Annals.

“The day before and the day before, the same.”

Unbelievable reality, Tomahawk was dumbfounded.

I pinched my palm, wondering if it was a dream, but the pain was obvious. this wasn’t a dream

It can’t be like this, but it should have been recorded in the Annals.


Tomahawk soon realized why.

The surprise attack was done with Leonard alone.

However, Leonard was not part of the Imperial Guard. He was a member of the academy. That’s why the two’s tryst was not recorded in the ‘Annals of the Imperial Guard’s Mission’.

There was a reason for ‘don’t have any thoughts or questions when talking to the members’.


A ray of light dwelt on Tomahawk’s darkly defeated face. On the other hand, Rectacio’s expression cooled down.

Tak- The Emperor vigorously closed the Annals. I asked, looking at Rectacio.

“What is this, Knight Commander?”

“That, that’s…”

“Attack on state institutions is a crime that carries a heavy penalty, and this is a serious matter that can never be overlooked.”

The Emperor’s solemn voice echoed throughout the Great War.

“Hello. Bring me the mission log of the Immortal Knights right now.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

My gods who left Daejeon once again.

The emperor thought while waiting for them.


The future seen through “Foresight”.

Among them, Leonard checked the tomahawk and the annals. Leonard also knew the whole story of this situation. Even so, it was not easy to uncover the truth.

This is because the Immortal Knights did not leave any traces, and only the Emperor can read the Annals, the only evidence.

I’m sure it was…

It was a hopeless battle for the Imperial Guard…

To leave a trace of ‘Cubic’ in the headquarters of the Immortal Knights and let Rectacio dig his own grave.

Turning a crisis into an opportunity to turn the situation around.

To make me check the annals in this way.

······You are more clever than you look.

The emperor let out a sneer.

Eventually, the Immortal Knights Mission Verdict was delivered to him.

The emperor read the contents after breaking the seal. I saw with my own eyes the atrocities of the Immortal Knights who killed Bernos, put a brainwashing curse on Verbine, and confused the empire with their own play.

Squeak- Squeak-

A chronicle that goes over sharply.

At the same time, Rectacio dropped to his knees. He slumped his pale face to the floor, barely moving his purple lips.

“Your Majesty, that’s…”

“Listen, Commander of the Knights.”

The emperor’s voice was coldly cast over the eardrum.

When Rectacio slowly raised his head, the emperor’s pupil, colder than ever, was looking directly at him.

“The crime of playing with state affairs, killing an innocent former guardian captain, and ruining the life of a young man. The sin of throwing a peaceful empire into chaos. I will ask you for all these sins.”


same time.

A cafe near the Imperial Academy.

Jane had tea time with Elia. We didn’t have a separate appointment, but we met by chance during a break.

Cake served on a cute plate. A latte decorated so beautifully that it is burdensome to drink.

Elia pointed to a piece of cake and said.

“Unni, unni, this is absolutely delicious, right?”

“…not bad.”

Jane replied sullenly. Contrary to the blunt voice, the cake was so delicious. The soft bread and sweet chocolate cream showed off their fantastic chemistry. It was literally melting.

muck and muck-

said Jane, eating a piece of cake.

“Until what time do you have classes?”

“It’s two o’clock for me! What about your sister?”

“I am also a poet…”


I can’t believe I have to spend another 2 hours with this immature person.

At that time, I was thinking about whether I should run away using the club meeting as an excuse.


Jane dropped her fork. As if possessed by something, she fixed her eyes on the man sitting in the front seat. To be precise, he looked at the man’s face in the newspaper he was reading.


A face that strangely resembles him, a scar between his eyebrows when he was young, noble silver hair and blue eyes.

Fifteen years had already passed, but Jane recognized the man’s identity at once. No, it had to be.

It’s because he’s the missing younger brother he’s been looking for so long.


Jane extorted the man’s newspaper with “Depression”.

“What, what is it? Why read someone else’s newspaper-”

“Shut up. Unless you want to die on the spot.”

“Yes? No, that’s mine…”

I hurriedly read the article after threatening the man who had taken the newspaper. The contents were truly shocking. To say that his younger brother, Verbain, who appeared after 15 years, was a black magician, and that he was captured by the Imperial Guard.

Jane’s lips trembled.


The Empire never forgives warlocks. Warlocks captured alive are most likely executed or, if they’re lucky, sentenced to life imprisonment.

In other words, it meant that the younger brother would have to rot in prison for the rest of his life.

It’s the moment I’ve been waiting for so long.

How long has this been since we met?


A single tear rolled down Jane’s cheek. At the same time, a man who could revive his brother came to mind.

The man who will gradually become the captain of the imperial family.

A mage with the most powerful influence in the empire.

Leonard Adonis.

He might be able to save his brother. Leonard would make the impossible possible.


Jane stormed out of the cafe. I ran to Leonard’s office until my heart burst .

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