◈ Strategy – For Success (2)

A large army is seen coming. The people in the suburbs all rushed into a battle stance, nervously.

“Ugh. Fuck!”

“Because I knew this was going to happen. Everyone calm down!”

The Awoken stopped protesting against the Imperial Knights and each raised their weapons. How long has it been since the demons attacked? He realized again that his comfort zone had disappeared.

“Do what you did before! The paladins are back too!”

Fortunately, the leader of the guild, which was large, took the initiative in controlling the situation. The Knights Templar and the nuns stopped healing the wounded and stepped back. The Imperial Knights, who guarded the gates, also began to come forward.

Suddenly, a signal shot went off in the sky. As the street that had been dark for a while brightened, the approaching troops were clearly visible.

“Wait a minute, isn’t that a demon?”

They are not demons, but armed humans. Nevertheless, he did not slow down his vigilance posture. In this situation, not only Mine, but also the awakened people who formed their own forces were at risk. With that in mind, these people who were protesting in front of the academy were relatively harmless.

“Come out.”

Then Astiel walked through them to prepare for a possible collision. Because they wore nuns’ clothes, the Awoken were also obediently out of the way.

Astiel appeared to the front, and the approaching troops stopped moving. And one of them walked out. Uncomfortable jerking movements.

“Oh, long time no see. Astiel.”

It was Ron Ahart. When Ahat saw Astiel, he greeted him with a relaxed attitude.

“Long time no see. Ahart. Rather, the wound…”

Astiel’s eyes moved as if he was watching. Ahat grabbed the belly of the blood-soaked robe. He only pretended to be fine on the outside, but the inside must have been ruined.

“You’re getting hurt like this. He seems to be strong as I heard.”

“Well. I can’t deny that I’m strong.”

“Treatment right away.”

“No, there is someone more urgent than me.”

When Ahat turned around, soldiers from the Red Hawk mercenaries came out with stretchers. On the stretcher was an armed and unconscious woman. The soldier put down the stretcher carefully and said.

“I was caught in a helmet and lost consciousness. I thought it would be more dangerous to try to take it off by force…”

“Well done. It would have made things worse.”

“He… is there any problem?”

“yes. It is the candidacy of the saint who has to bring the dead back to life.”

Astiel began to heal Ryu Seo-hyun instead of giving a clear answer. Whoa! Seeing the bright light leaking in, Ahat asked.

“Did Jihan’s side arrive safely?”

“yes. We are already preparing on the roof.”

“Then I will go to stop Desaruuk now. Treat that friend, then do me a favor. I mean, Jihan only gave first aid.”

At those words, Astiel turned and looked at Ahat. He had an absurd look on his face.

“Are you going to go with that wretched body?”

“What if I don’t go? I have something to pay you back.”

“···I know. It would be a great help if you have Gaju-sama’s strength.”

Astiel refused to persuade. There was no way Ahat would listen, and if the headmaster did not join, the situation would have been even more dangerous.

“But where is the CEO of Black Hawk now? The princess was looking for you.”

“I am coming from the center, leading. I’ll have to go inside the academy later anyway, so I’ll tell you then.”

“Not all of the mercenaries will be able to get inside. It’s impossible to confirm your identity, so even the Awakened can’t enter right now, right?”

“Well. I had no intention of bringing in the mercenaries anyway.”

At that time, Ryu Seo-hyun, who was being touched by Astiel, squirmed and let out a painful moan. As he regained consciousness, he began to feel the injury to his head.

“Once the urgent matter has been resolved. I’ll take a breather.”

Ahat turned his head.

dawn The wind blowing from the roof was terribly cold. From the outside of the academy, even the mercenaries could be seen preparing for battle.

“It started. Shall we prepare soon?”

As I rolled up my sleeves, Arwell next to me asked with a questioning expression.

“···Jihan. Isn’t it a very difficult place to sniper? I wonder if there is a need to do it at the academy.”

“It would be convenient to do it somewhere else, but you have to keep him out of sight.”

“Ugh. Yes, that’s also the case…”

In fact, the effect of the stats due to the perk cannot be ignored.

What Arwell is concerned about is the sea of ​​understanding. This is because buildings are blocking the city center, so the conditions are too harsh for a sniper to succeed. It didn’t matter though.

After all, all the buildings that block this view will become invisible over time. At the same time, it was a signal that the time had come.

“It’ll be gone soon, it’s okay.”

“All those buildings will be destroyed.”

Desaruk’s movement is accompanied by a fair amount of damage. To succeed in sniping through Desaruuk’s sensitive senses in a crowded situation. that’s what i have to do

“I…, senior.”

“Can I help you even if I’m here?”

Canisil, who was standing behind him, pointed to himself. He’s always been a good looking guy, but it seems he’s been pushed down by the big event he’s facing for the first time.

“Sure. That’s because I don’t have the ability to be worthy of the name of individuality.”

“The only thing I can do is transfer my power… If you believed in me, something big could happen.”

I squatted on the floor and began to draw the curses I learned from Grace.

“Don’t worry about that part. Desaruuk won’t notice this right now.”

“Is it right now…?”

“If the sniper fails, it will fly right here. It won’t fail, but just in case you don’t know, keep that in mind.”

“Okay, done. Now, shall we strengthen our individuality?’

When I got up from my seat, I saw Kanisil’s pale face. Well. I must have been a little nervous.

Due to a meteor shower that fell from the sky, Majin’s main force’s advance was delayed. It would normally be a magic act to ignore them and ignore them, but the blue flames that continued to burn even though they had nothing to ride blocked their way.

Some demons who did not want to go back jumped in as a test, but screamed and melted without ashes. There was a crowd staring at them in hiding in a nearby building. About 30 elite personnel.

“I think it’s him.”

“I know. It looked ugly.”

I saw Ma-in, who looked exactly the same as Seo Ji-han, leaning on the chair and moving. She had horns on her head and a deformedly large left arm on one side of her. She seemed to close her eyes without any movement, but the intimidation emanating from her appearance was enough to instill fear in her.

‘I thought it would be moderately large.’

The large arms meant that he was larger than Desaruk’s body, not that he was the size of a normal demon.

“If you get hit by that arm, your limb will explode, not shatter.”

Drakhan was joking, but there was no laughter. He, who was not a member of the Yoosung Academy, also participated in this operation. There was no reason to reject external forces in the field where Ahat also participated. Even more so if it’s in your favor.

“Hmm. Is everyone nervous?”

“You’re nervous.”

Riel slapped Drakhan and gave him a pin cup. Beatrice, who looked at the scene with her indifferent eyes, turned her head. There, I saw aspiring heroes belonging to a special class who had gathered all at once.

“How are you guys?”

“it’s okay. I am used to this now.”

Oh Yun-ha said as the representative. Everyone was gathered except for Seo Ji-han and Arwell, who fell into another operation. Park Noah looked down at the main unit with a cold gaze, but, in contrast, there were aspiring heroes who only sighed deeply like Yurin.

Yurin grumbled quietly in a low voice. I did not know that he would be dragged to a place where he would face the King of Demons.

“I thought I was doing a special class for nothing…. What do you not say to the princess?”

“Don’t think about leaving. If you are a sister, you are like a sister.”

“Huh…. If I were you, I would definitely not go.”

Rein Castell smiled bitterly upon hearing this. Leight also added that he was worried about aspiring heroes.

“As I said before, no matter what happens, wait here until the situation is over. You are our backup. There is nothing to go out, okay?”

Hong Jae-yu, who was quite emaciated, asked worriedly.

Although he himself is a forced march, in the case of Lairt, he immediately participated in such a large-scale battle again as soon as he healed an injury caused by the Hell Road. I can see that Ahart is also not showing off on the outside, but there was no way that a layer would be okay.

“This is fine. Dealing with that king’s son will be more difficult than that old man, but this time there are too many of them, right?”

Jenna Walkers, who was preparing the magic ceremony, called Drakhan after completing it.

“Wizard hunter.”

“The preparations are over. But is the plan really right?”

“yes. That’s because he has a better chance of winning. It’s sometimes harder to control the movement rather than kill it.”

Drakhan got up from his seat and stretched out his hand to the side. The weapon human, Riel, was naturally transformed into a black sword and held.

Drakhan picked up Riel and walked over the magic trick painted on the floor.

“If you don’t show off your untitled talent at a time like this, when will you do it? I hope your juniors are looking good too. It’s because I’m showing the spirit of living as a senior as a senior.”

Park Noah nodded quietly. On her waist was tied a purple luminous magic sword, not Arwell, which was always there.

The plan Drakhan spoke of was simple yet dangerous.

You face Desaruuk alone for a while. It was to use the untitled talent that grows the stronger the opponent is, to get even a little closer to Desaruuk’s power. Beatrice looked at Drakhan with a worried expression.

“Brother. If I want to be in danger, I will jump right in.”

“I know. It’s only a minute, and that’s about it.”

The maximum time given to Drakan is 1 minute. With that as a starting point, whatever the situation, the remaining personnel decided to break in.

“Be careful.”

“Don’t worry.”

Whoa! Walkers manifested a magic circle. The activated magic circle moved Drakhan’s body, and his vision changed immediately.

Suddenly, Drakhan was falling from the air, holding Riel in reverse. The preset coordinates are above Desaruuk. As expected, Desaruuk was seen sitting under Drakhan.

“Do not allow access to the king!”

At that time, those who were standing nearby for the escort felt the intrusion of Drakhan and rushed in.

‘…a good feeling.’

I didn’t expect it, but eating it raw is a failure. Aww! After crashing into the air, Drakhan landed lightly. The demons surrounded them in an instant, but Drakhan stared at Desaruuk without even looking at them. It’s not easy to calculate how many times your body is.

“after. Hello. Desaruk.”

Desaruuk slowly opened his eyes at the voice calling him.

The man who appeared alone in front of him had gray hair. Just when his interest disappeared, he noticed what he was holding in his hand.

“You are a weapon man. Untitled?”


From that, the puzzle in the memory is put together. Desaruuk quickly realized who that man was.

“…the wizard hunter. I heard he was dead, was he alive?”

“Still, I guess I made my name known to the Mine community. That’s right, I’m a mine hunter now.”

Perhaps, he is the only one who can get close to his being, the owner of the untitled talent. The more he confronts him himself, the faster he will become stronger. Knowing this, Desaruuk just scoffed.

“Still, untitled, you can’t bring me down.”

For some reason, Desaruuk was not looking at Drakhan, but staring beyond him.

The scenery I saw in my dream. And I feel this feeling right now.

It was definitely ‘déjà vu’.

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