◈ Strategy – Out of standard (4)

The Red Hawk mercenaries, which had originally planned to depart early in the morning, changed their plans. Avoiding the demons who started moving, they took only the items they really needed and started moving.

“Did everything come out?”

“yes. No one is left in the building.”

When Ryu Seo-hyun left due to an injury, her sister Ryu Seo-yeon, the CEO of Black Hawk, led Red Hawk.

There were still spare weapons and equipment left, but I couldn’t take them all. So it was planned to set up a time bomb on the building and blow it up. It was because if I left it like this, it would have fallen into the hands of the demons.

Ryu Seo-yeon looked back from the rear of the mercenary that had begun to move. The demons are closer than before.

It takes more time to catch up in about 30 minutes, but it was fortunate that there were mines installed in advance.

It was scary to think about, and from afar, a vibration and an explosion sound could be heard. Seeing the smoke rising, the mines were activated.

‘It would be nice if you could take the time.’

Those who receive the bullets without any damage may not get a single scratch even if they get hit by a landmine, far from dying. Please, I just hope that those demons are on the strong side.

Ryu Seo-yeon moved to the center of Red Hawk. There, the wounded Ahat was escorted.

“Is your body okay?”

Ahart nodded her head as Seoyeon Ryu approached her and answered.

“It’s tingling in front of my eyes, but it’s tolerable.”

“…that’s not good.”

“It’s really good. The drug seems pretty strong. It’s amazing that I didn’t feel any pain.”

Ahat’s face was pale as if he was about to collapse. Since you have taken first aid to the last, it is only a temporary measure, and you should seek treatment. Not to mention, the fatigue accumulated from the forced march from Hell was enough to destroy the body that had been overworked.

‘Why didn’t you hire a priest…?’

Ryu Seo-yeon had a question about that.

The mercenary corps of non-Awakened people had to rely on divine power if they were seriously injured anyway. Red Hawk has good potions, but it’s only an extension of healing, and it’s impossible to make the impossible possible like divine power.

Because of that, Ryu Seo-hyun was also unable to heal his injuries.

Anyway, for now, Ahart is out of power.

Seeing that his eyes are blurry, he seems to be quite intoxicated with medicine. It’s a painkiller that’s so strong that you can’t feel any pain, but walking on your own is just amazing.

“If there is a battle on the way, don’t worry. Everyone is armed.”

“I wish things were like that. Where is your daughter?”

“Do not worry. We are protecting it from the very center.”

“Right···. But is your sister okay?”

At that question, Seo-yeon Ryu made a bitter expression and shook her head. Captain Ryu Seo-hyeon was in a state of unconsciousness on a stretcher in the aft.

“I think I was fatally wounded in the head by Main. She even spilled her nosebleed.”

Ahat spoke for a moment before opening his mouth.

“If you reach the meteor academy, you’ll be fine.”

“It’s a surprise! come!”

Doo-doo! At that moment, the mercenaries began to fire with an urgent cry. The enemy appeared in front.

“Ahat-san, please don’t go out and wait.”

Ryu Seo-yeon immediately drew out her weapon and went forward.

‘I didn’t mean to just watch.’

It was clear that the intention was to create a crisis situation other than simply chasing behind. Whether they were preparing in advance, or whether they caught up to this point, demons were approaching from all directions.

‘If we spend time here, we lose.’

Rather than annihilate them, I had to keep moving forward while keeping them in check.

“Everyone, don’t stop walking!!!”

Fortunately, they were pierced by the bullets pouring out like gunfire and could not approach them recklessly. Unlike the demons who invaded earlier, bullets work, but looking at the speed of its regeneration, it must have been stronger than average.

“ha ha ha! Wipe it all away…!”

At that moment, a beam of light from somewhere caused an explosion. The voice of Ma-in, who had been shouting with the fullest of her voice, was drowned in a roar.

“Wow! What, what?”

The soldier who saw the scene in front of him muttered in bewilderment. As the smoke rose, the corpses of the demons were revealed. He killed the demons in one blow.

Then a ray of light was drawn again. The Red Hawk mercenaries tried to evade the attack by prostrate themselves, but the attack did not aim at them.

Quang! The beam of light that was shot again exploded the demons approaching the mercenaries.

“Big. . . . that thing?”

Ryu Seo-yeon, who was caught in the shock and fell, knew what it was. The familiar flow of mana felt in the explosion.

It was [Matan].

I let out the breath I had stopped. That’s right.

Thanks to the custom gun remodeled with soul iron, the range is barely reachable even at long distances. I was fortunate to be able to lengthen the barrel like a sniper rifle with an extra soul iron.

[Matan 改]

Mana was condensed as much as possible for sniping and converted into small magic bullets. It’s not as powerful as [Magnite – Explosive], but considering the distance, it’s a powerful characteristic.

When she took her face off the scope, Ellen put her hand on her forehead and opened her eyes. I’m staring intently in the direction I’m looking at.

“Are the demons coming over there now?”

“uh. Can you see I’m far away?”

“It’s a little bit because it’s enhanced with mana.”

Ellen asked, turning her head to me.

“So how are you going to apply here? Even though Jihan is like that, it doesn’t seem like there’s any meaning for me and Noah to come… Wouldn’t it be better to move closer?”

“Considering the preparation time, I think this is about right.”

If I had planned to fight those demons in the first place, I would have brought more people. Fortunately, even amidst the chaos of the Meteor Academy, I met Jenna Walkers quickly and was able to get to this place in an instant using space movement magic.

Thanks to this, I was able to arrive on the roof and fire support at the last minute.

Whoa! I reloaded [Matan] and then told Ellen.

“Even if I can’t reduce the number as much as possible here, I’m going to buy some time. Ellen, is it possible to do large-scale magic now?”

“How large is it?”

“Ugh. that···.”

I’ve never been hit, so I can’t give an example. Oh, there was one thing that came to mind.

“A little bit of magic that you wiped away in a group match back in the day? If the surrounding buildings are also involved, I think we will be able to buy enough time.”

“ah. Are you just going to waste time?”

“uh. Fight them at the meteor academy. It’s important to keep the Red Hawk mercenaries alive and join them.”

Ellen thought for a moment, then looked at the city center and nodded.

“understood. That’s what I specialize in.”

“How long do you think it will take?”

“I don’t think it will be enough. However, the power needs to be slightly improved, so I think the magic circle should be drawn.”

“OK. Please.”

While Ellen drew the magic circle, I fell down again for the next shot. The sight seen on the scope was confused by my intervention.

The Red Hawk mercenaries were also confused at first, but soon realized that they were supporters and rushed to move.

First of all, there are no more demons around. As she stayed, she moved the scope a little and headed towards the main body following her.

Desaruuk was still out of my sight. Is it because it’s behind the main unit?

Desaruuk took a break from his negligence and thought about bringing Arwell and sniping him from here…

‘I mean, I’m anxious.’

The only artifact I got was one shot. That means you only have one chance. Perhaps it is a balance adjustment due to the increase in difficulty.

As long as there is a risk of misstepping, it is the right decision to reduce the risk as much as possible. Here, it was right to take the time of the main unit as much as possible and aim for the seal of Desaruuk at the Meteor Academy, where my stats increase as much as possible.

When you try to pull the trigger to trigger again.

There was something filling the scope.


I quickly opened my eyes and got up to see a huge lump of cement flying up to the roof. If it hit this place, the building would have been destroyed.

“There is no way to just get over it…!”

The moment I rolled up my sleeves and tried to perform magic, Noah Park grabbed my shoulder, pulled me back and swung my magic sword.

Noah Park bites this. When the magic sword collides with a lump of cement, the blade bends like a bowstring. The mass pushed by the force was thrown aside.

Aww! A lump of cement, whose tracks had barely been twisted, crashed into the building next to it, and its force shattered enough to reveal its skeleton. If it had hit me directly, I would have been killed in vain.

I hurriedly turned around and checked Ellen’s condition. It happened so quickly that Ellen had her hand over her own head.

“Ellen. it’s okay? Where are you hurt?”

“Bar, what just happened?”

Fortunately, he was lying on the floor and drawing a magic circle, so I guess he didn’t get caught up in it. I shattered in shock and touched my forehead with the splintered pieces. Seeing how hot it was, it looked like it had been torn.

“···sorry. I think the location was discovered because of me. I must hurry.”

Noah Park looked at me, and Ellen got up from her seat in shock.

“I don’t hear it. It’s barely reachable with that sniper rifle, right? Even if there is no one around and you know the location, there is no way to respond…”

“I guess there was.”

“…you mean you threw that rock? over there?”

As Ellen spoke with a look of disbelief, I nodded slowly. Besides, I couldn’t believe it either.

‘Crazy bastard.’

No matter how strong you are, you aim for that distance with this level of precision from a place where you can’t even see your eyesight? It was the right choice to bring Noah Park as an escort just in case.

‘Besides, it’s dangerous to seal like this.’

It has already become clear that there is no chance of winning a head-to-head match with just physical strength, but if this is really aiming, not luck.

…even if it catches bullets, it’s not strange.

“Ellen, if you only use magic, run away immediately. It looks far from this, but if it runs, it’s actually a short distance for them, so they might have already sent mines this way.”

“I know. Right Now···.”

At that time, Noah Park was startled and turned around. I looked over there and raised her gun. Something big flew away like before, but this time it was smaller than a lump of cement.

The roof was dug up by something that had fallen and shook. It was not thrown to intercept this side like before.

“Hey…. This is really happening.”

“Wow, I thought I was going to die.”

under. …and really difficult.

I didn’t mean it because I thought I was sending it like this.

The three demons murmured with excitement and got up from the pit. Then loosen her shoulders and move her neck.

It was a scene that was difficult to understand from a common sense, but it arrived here by an ignorant way of being blown away from afar.

They found us and asked with a grin. There seemed to be no aftermath of the shock.

“Are you the ones who got caught up out of nowhere?”

“Ew, that’s cold.”

Instead of answering, Noah Park pointed the magic sword at them.

This made two things clear.

First, the lump of cement was thrown by ‘aiming’ this way, not by fluke.

second argument.

‘…they must be harder than cement.’

I changed the custom parts to a sword and stood next to Noah Park. No matter how much Park Noah is dealing with them alone, it is unreasonable.

The demons were watching this side with their chins ticking with a face that they would give them time to prepare.

“Ellen. how long does it take?”

When I called my name quietly, Ellen from behind answered.

“…about two minutes.”

Even in this situation, it would be really stupid to save the numbers you had prepared.

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