◈ Strategy – Out of standard (2)

After descending to the ground, he headed to the Meteor Academy with the Holy Knights. The red sky that has changed like the outside beyond the border. In addition, ruined buildings and ruined streets can be seen.

Ellen had a confused face as it was the first time she had seen the safety zone collapse.

“What is this… How long has it been like this…?”

It was the same for Astiel and the Holy Knights, so they were wary of their surroundings. Even in this situation, Park Noah was the only one who was relaxed.

“It’s because the demons have already infiltrated. It seemed to have revealed his true nature as the tower’s protection disappeared.”

“However, it is so unexpected that it happens in such a short time. Not everyone was playing.”

The incident happened while I was on the way to Hell to catch Arihan Hector, so I don’t know in detail how it came to be. However, what is certain is that there were still many remaining even after continuing the quest to search for demons.

“Perhaps there were people who collaborated from within.”

“Ugh. Did you cooperate with Mine?”

At that, Astiel frowned and said.

“If that’s the case, what’s the gain with those crazy bastards? Normal conversation would be impossible.”

“After the president graduated, the people who live outside have changed drastically.”

It can be seen that the sudden change after being quiet is a result of the external influence that has changed due to erosion.

“The demons that caused the incident this time are not just runaways, but higher-order individuals with reason. Aside from our physical specs, our intelligence is not that different from ours… or maybe even more.”

“Ugh. They grew up because of more erosion, right?”

“yes. There must have been a lot of people who died because they couldn’t adapt, but those who survived are probably the stronger survivors of the fittest.”

The guys I’ve met so far had average intelligence and reason. However, due to the nature of Mine, she was sensitive and warlike, so there was no difficulty in dealing with it by rushing to herself without being calm.

But what if you’re a smart guy?

Still, it is a demon with superior physical ability than most awakened people, but if reason precedes instinct, it can be seen as a higher compatibility of the human race.

“Anyway, as long as the guilds and mercenaries go out, it will be easy to contact each other. In exchange for the transaction, you may have presented a black market or artifact-grade artifact. Anyway, now that it is difficult to climb the tower, it must have been an attractive deal.”

“Okay, just try to catch it. I will treat you as heresy and fight you.”

It was like Astiel when he said he would catch those who did business with mine. If the situation is sorted out, maybe the tower will come forward and kill them all.

‘…Actually, it’s because of me and Noah Park that things have come this far.’

Directly irrelevant, but indirectly related.

In addition to the main quest, there are ‘sub-quests’ to be completed.

It’s a problem with the quests you do at the time of growth until the next scenario appears in the game.

It is a method of changing the safety zone or the outside situation little by little while proceeding with the sub-quest, but such a quest has not occurred because of the retirement of the main character Noah Park so far.

‘If Noah Park was able to grow normally, there would have been a sub-quest to deal with the Awakened who cooperated with Mine on the way.’

The reason that the tower’s protection disappeared and the situation became like this is probably due to the fact that the number of awakened people has decreased due to the tower’s problem, along with this influence. It could be seen that the integrity was not strengthened.

‘If I tried to find it, I could have found it…’

It was more important to build a force than that, so I didn’t have time to worry about that. If it was Noah Park, I would have naturally contacted her while growing up, but in my case, I had to spend time pounding my head in the ground.

Of course, anyway. It is malicious that the protection of the tower disappeared the moment it went to hell.

“But the road goes this way, right?”

“I have a place to stop by for a moment.”

Rather than going directly to the Yoosung Academy, I’m going back a little bit in a different way. Soon, a warehouse prepared as an evacuation site began to loom. A figure that looked like a human was swaying around it.


surreung. At that time, the Paladins drew their weapons one by one. It was because I felt an ominous aura.

I moved my hand down to let them drop the weapon. After a moment’s hesitation, they lowered their weapons, but that didn’t mean they had loosened their boundaries.

Shut it off-. The waving figure gradually approached this way.

“Ugh. It’s also a monster…! Are you a magician?”

When they heard a strange sound, the Paladins raised their weapons again. I’ll have to show it to myself to understand.

“Ellen. Can you turn on the light for a second?”

Ellen also showed magic without showing any reaction as to whether he sensed mana from those figures. Whoops! When a fire appeared in the air, it received the light and the appearance of the ghosts was clearly revealed.

“Stop there.”

Feeling my presence, the ghosts who had come here stopped moving as ordered. As the ghost stopped as I said, a nearby paladin looked at me and asked.

“Uh, what happened?”

“Yeah, that’s not my enemy, it’s my summoned beast.”

“…I feel an ominous aura.”

It’s a natural reaction. It’s not the usual black magic, it’s the necromancy used by the beautiful Hector. I couldn’t tell you the reason up to that point, so I pretended nothing happened.

“It’s because I’m very talented in magic. But that’s what it looks like, there’s no problem.”

“If it’s the words of the hero, it’ll be fine…”

Although the enmity had disappeared from the Paladins, there was still a sign of concern.

“Good work. go back.”

-%[email protected][email protected]#.

Eventually I took the ghosts and returned them to their original state. Anyway, as a catalyst, it was only maintained in this area, so I couldn’t drag it out.

“Mr. Jihan. But how did you maintain your magic?”

“Oh, what? I made a magic circle and used it. Instead of my mana…”

“hey. Shall we chat later? So why did you come here?”

While Ellen was about to ask about the magic and explain it, Astiel, who had been silent, intervened. Well. After all, I didn’t have time for this.

“There are civilians in that warehouse, so I’m going to take them.”

“···citizen? Are there no other Awakeneds?”

I answered, remembering the corpses piled up in the warehouse.

“That… it was all dead. The evacuees were being held hostage by the demons, so I and Noah dealt with them on the way. I couldn’t take those people with me, so I escorted them with magic.”

“what. Then, if I hadn’t seen it, it would have been a disaster, right?”

“Yes. I was even going to make a gate.”

Astiel looked at the quiet warehouse and looked back at the paladins and bowed his head.

“They are all civilians, so we need to rescue them. You have to be more vigilant, but please.”

“All right. No problem, don’t worry!”

For some reason, when I asked for a difficult request to go while protecting civilians, the Holy Knights revitalized on the contrary. Do you like it because it’s a righteous act?

“Hey, Jihan.”

Coogong! As the Holy Knights entered the warehouse, Astiel crawled and called out my name.

“Ugh. ···Will you be able to check the temple at all while going around like this? I have to make sure it’s safe.”

“It’s near the Yoosung Academy anyway, so I thought I’d stop by on the way.”

I was taken care of by the nuns over there, and as long as there are no major problems with the temple, Drakhan will be there too.

In order to face Desaruuk, we also needed the strongest forces.

In the student council room, which was bright enough to barely identify a foe with a magic lamp, there were quite a few people, including instructors and aspiring heroes. Even though it was early in the morning, I couldn’t turn on the lights.

“That is a big deal. The demons are coming.”

Yuria, dressed in light clothes for going to bed, murmured. Oh Yoon-ha, who came right away without being able to wash, brushed off her sweaty hair.

“yes. So the Red Hawk mercenaries who were guarding the road are coming here.”

“Isn’t that the black hawk unit?”

“Hmm. The CEO will also be there. I can confidently accept it…”

Mumbling to herself, the princess raised her head and looked at Oh Yun-ha.

“So where is the hero now?”

“I went to get help from the temple to kill the Demon King. I will bring you a relic.”

Yuria touched her chin. The temple has 44 floors. The problem was that it would take several days, even if she went without any problems.

“What do you think of the student council president? What should I do now?”

Jin Ga-yul, who received the call, was embarrassed when the princess pointed out her. Jin Ga-yul looked around at the people who could barely see it from the lamp and said.

“There are also instructors, so do my thoughts matter?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Lairite, leaning against the wall, opened his mouth.

It seemed difficult just to stand, but it was called up because it was an important force in the current Yoosung Academy.

“Student council president, you are giving your opinion as a representative of aspiring heroes.”

That’s right. If it was Astiel, it would have been.

Jin Ga-yul thought deeply and looked at Yuria.

Recent memories come to mind. When the academy gathered the people at the request of the princess, it was very easy to clear up misunderstandings about the characters who had gone to hell.

Rather than denying the fact that the protection of the tower was destroyed because they went to Hell Road, Yuria praised the achievement of going to Hell Road and took care of ‘Aristocratic Hector’. As proof of that, he showed the bracelet that Ari Han Hector wore.

The imperial princess is a rare figure even for the highest level heroes. When a person with that level of dignity built up an Imperial Knights Templar nearby and spoke, the aspiring heroes had no choice but to convince themselves.

Looking back, nothing has been revealed.

Of course, not everyone fully understood, but at least that was enough to get rid of the reluctance.

Hmmm. said Jinga-yul, who cleared his neck.

“First of all, we have to light the fire of the Yoosung Academy. It’s like turning on streetlights at dawn like before.”

“The fact that the Red Hawk mercenaries come to this place is easy… so that the demons do not stray. No matter how prepared we are, if they don’t come here, we’ll have to find them, but that’s a disadvantage.”

At Jin’s words, Jenna Walkers raised her hand. She was the one who participated as the magician’s representative.

“Then what about those who are outside the school gate now?”

There is a high potential risk to send them into the meteor academy. Because there could still be a demon hidden in it. However, there is a risk of death if left unattended.

“Aren’t we supposed to fight together?”

Arwell’s voice was heard when the student council room became quiet. Yuria asked Arwell with her eyes bright.

“How do you plan to get cooperation?”

Arwell remembered what Seo Ji-han had said.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to seek cooperation. If the enemies come anyway, won’t you fight on your own?”

The still quiet student council room sank coldly.

“In other words, let’s use it as a sacrificial lamb…”

“Oh, no. Not like that!”

When Arwell panicked, Oh Yun-ha, who was listening next to him, smiled bitterly. Still, it was nice to see them come forward and give their opinions rather than standing still like in the past.

“It would be more literal than that. For example, if we fight them together, we will reward them, or that relationship between the top and bottom is an equal relationship of survivors.”

“Aren’t we supposed to explain the situation in the end and fight together? Then they’d say they’d go into the meteor academy, but now it’s difficult because of the danger…”


“yes. Beatrice.”

Beatrice, who was standing behind Yuria, called her.

“Can’t you hear anything?”


In response to Yuria’s question, Beatrice put her index finger to her lips and signaled to be quiet.


A scream was heard from somewhere.

Layette hurriedly approached the window and pulled the curtains, revealing the scenery outside through the wide window. The source of the sound was from far beyond the school gate.

Awakened people staying outside the school gate turned on the lights and started fighting something. The commotion grew louder and louder in an instant. It was not a simple fight between guilds.

“…we must mobilize all the combat personnel for this.”

Yuria frowned.

Desaruuk, the ‘King of Demons’.

If he is truly a king, then the army he is leading now will not be his full strength.

Demons who have already infiltrated the safe zone before the tower’s protection ceased to exist. If there are those sent by Desaruuk among them…

“It could be a squadron or a scout.”

Before the main force arrived here, it was clear that they were trying to figure out the power of the Yoosung Academy.

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