◈ Relic (1)

“Arwell. Get down!!!”

Oh Yoon-ha hurriedly waved her hand. A crushed car left on the street was heard and passed over the crouched Arwell’s head.


Quang! As she was running from somewhere, Mine crashed into her car and crashed into a building. A flame rises with an explosion to see if there is any remaining fuel.

Fragments flew away with the heat, but the mana shield that Oh Yun-ha opened prevented them. In the midst of the red moon, the flames scorching the building are blazing.

“Whoa, that’s a surprise. it’s okay?”

Youn-ha Oh approached Arwell and checked her condition.

Arwell got up. He was not hurt, but his expression was not good, as he felt an unsettling movement.

“Yes, it is fine . . . . There are three more people behind that building. It seems that he is even holding a weapon.”

The eyes staring at this place were fixed on Arwell’s senses.

“Okay. Somehow I got lucky. I hope to meet you near the academy.”

Beyond that, you can see the shape of the meteor academy. It’s a spooky landscape without a single light on, but it’s safe to go there.

Oh Yoon-ha looked straight ahead. Arwell said there were three people behind the building, but there were still four enemies to face.

“This damn bitch-!”

Koo! The wreckage of the car flies away, and the burning mine walks out. Oh Yoon-ha looked at the flame man and frowned at her. Because she had a disgusting smell.

“No, what are you so tired of? Doesn’t it hurt?”

“Shut up!”

The body was burning with firewood, but at the same time, it was being regenerated little by little. Being a Magician doesn’t mean she can’t feel pain. However, the threshold at which she can tolerate nociception exceeds expectations. At least to the extent that it doesn’t interfere with movement.

‘Four people.’

After encountering the Red Hawk, Oh Yun-ha and Arwell moved non-stop. He was attacked while mentally exhausted. The Yoosung Academy was also visible, but it was not nearby, so I couldn’t get help.

Oh Yoon-ha moved his mana and muttered confidently.

“What. Noah Park did it alone, can’t you just call me me?”

Taang! At that moment, a gunshot rang out along with the impact of knocking on the curtain.

A light suddenly appeared from behind the building. Fortunately, the mana curtain was open, so the bullet hit the air and bounced off.

Others may have ranged weapons as well. The fortunate thing is that it is nothing more than a bullet, not a [magnet]. If you’re strengthening your body, you’ll be fine with a few feet.

‘It’s better not to be right though.’

Like I saw an artifact with a strange power, I don’t know what effect it might have. then···.

“Shall we use some force?”

Oh Yun-ha’s mana began to fluctuate rapidly. She reached out and moved her mana towards the building. When she saw it, her flaming mine staggered and took her stance.

“Whoever likes it!”

Then I hear a strange noise behind me. Mine reflexively looked back at her. Suddenly, there was a crack in the wall of the building that was in good condition.

Oh Yoon-ha laughed. In this case, even with ten opponents, there was no problem.

“It must be difficult, but I keep my eyes closed.”

“Shake. Such a dog…!”

The nearby demons tried to escape, but the building was already crumbling.

“It’s quieter than that. Does the manager have no secretary?”

“Everyone went up. There is a shortage of manpower.”

The wizards of the ‘Tower’, which had filled the existing seats, were also called up recently and went up to the upper floors. Because of that, it was difficult to find wizards of his age, except for the manager, Ellen Aiden.

No matter how short the manpower is, what can newbies do? Putting them on the front line was in many ways foolish.

There were many possible causes.

For example, after the incident took place in the basement of the tower, I needed a lot of eyes to see.

Silence came again at the round table.

If a quarrel occurs between an ambiguous relationship rather than a close friend, the act of reconciliation tends to be awkward. After the incident last year, the emotional gap deepened after they competed with each other.

To put it bluntly, Aiden was trying to keep Seo Ji-han, who had magical talent, by his side, and, on the contrary, Astiel continued to draw him toward the temple.

Recruitment of talent and personal favors are intertwined, so I hated seeing Seo Ji-han in and out of the temple for the purpose of building power from Aiden’s point of view.

Then I heard footsteps in the hallway.

Aiden and Astiel’s gaze moved toward the passage. He told me to wait outside, so there was no way he could be another Paladin unless something happened.

Soon the sound of footsteps grew louder, and a familiar face appeared.

Aiden and Astiel jumped up when Seo Ji-han appeared.

“Oh, hello?”

Seo Ji-jun greeted them with a sullen expression. For some reason, a little cold sweat was flowing like the paladins next to Astiel.

“thank god···! No injuries? What about others?”

Aiden hurriedly approached and looked at Seo Ji-han’s whereabouts. Coming all the way here, I’m just a little embarrassed. There seemed to be no wounds on him.

Seo Ji-han smiled lightly as if trying to reassure Aiden.

“uh. everyone is fine As you can see, there are no injuries.”

“Then, have you succeeded…?”

Aiden, who confirmed that there were no injuries, asked with a curious expression. Seo Ji-han nodded to Aiden.

“Yeah, of course. Did you come back like this?”

Aiden put on a surprised expression when the expected answer returned. Astiel, unaware of the situation, frowned as he watched their conversation.

Seo Ji-han turned his head and looked at Astiel with a fat face.

“It’s been a while. President.”

“okay. I’m glad you look healthy.”

Although he is no longer the student body president, Seo Ji-han was still calling Astiel the president because the word got stuck in his mouth. In fact, because he is older than him, every time he tried to spit out the word ‘sister’, he got goosebumps all over his body.

Astiel crossed his arms.

“I heard the news from above. You said you went to the basement of the tower? What did you do?”

Since there is no reason to hide now, Seo Ji-han answered meekly.

“I went with my colleagues to catch the beautiful Hector in the basement of the tower.”

When an unexpected person was mentioned, Astiel’s face became bewildered. The other paladins also flinched when they heard the name.

“…is it successful?”

“yes. I killed him.”


pair. Aiden next to Seo Ji-han clapped with a reminded face. Astiel, I only know that Arihan Hector is a great warlock called the strongest. Aiden seemed to recognize how great it was as a wizard.

Maybe you’re just doing it to get a crush.


Astiel pushed aside such a thought and coughed in vain.

“Hmmm. That’s great…? Rather, why did you keep it a secret? If I had informed the temple, I would have moved the knights.”

“It is meaningless to go as a group. Besides, on the front line right now, there must be a mixture of students of Hector, a noble Hector.”

I understood what it meant. Against Arihan Hector, the numbers are meaningless. Moreover, if the temple was moving, there would have been disciples who watched the movement.

“But why did the Paladins come here?”

“The saint told me to retreat to the front line. There must have been a problem with T.O.P.”

Referring to Top, Astiel glanced at Aiden. He made eye contact for a moment and then turned his head to Seo Ji-han.

“You said you would join forces in building a force instead of being neutral. I’m still on my way to the academy.”

That’s good news.

Now that the imperial family was staying at the Yoosung Academy, we could talk to each other at the same place. The imperial family was required to be a Black Hawk, but if Ryu Seo-yeon returns soon, it will be fine.

“How’s the imperial side?”

“At the same time, you, too, are coming to the academy with the princess and the knights.”

“really? The timing was good.”

Seo Ji-han changed the topic because he thought the story would take a different path.

“Anyway, we’ll talk about that matter gradually…, but now there’s something more urgent than that.”

“Is there anything more urgent than building a force?”

“yes. I need the ‘Holy Relic’ right now.”

“Holy? what a relic.”

Astiel tilted his head at the sudden sound.

“I had to seal it.”

Seo Ji-han felt the need to explain the situation and started talking briefly. The faces of Aiden and the Paladins who were listening to each other gradually hardened.

“…So you mean that the immortal Majin is leading the men and attacking them?”

Erosion from the tower was not the only problem. Due to the disappearance of the protection of the tower, a crisis was occurring simultaneously.

“yes. like liu However, he’s not like his personality, he’s born that way, so he can’t be killed. So I have no choice but to seal it.”

“Ts. It’s dangerous. Okay, so you were on your way up to the 44th floor to the temple?”

“I can’t help it. I can’t even contact you.”

“her. Should I call this lucky?”

Astiel took out a white card from his pocket. It is a direct ticket to reach the temple.

“Didn’t you get this?”

“Because I don’t belong to the temple.”

“Ah, I will.”

That is the reason why Seo Ji-han spends several days every time he visits the temple. Occasionally, unless the saints came down to the temple on earth, they had to go up one by one.

Astiel felt uncomfortable when he mentioned the holy thing. It was because he could not see the relics owned by Seo Ji-han.

“By the way, where did your holy sword go?”

“haha. Isn’t it supposed to be lost?”

“…that’s it.”

It was said as a joke, but when Seo Ji-han’s reaction was not serious, Astiel’s face turned white.

“Hey you···!”

“Hey, there is.”

Seo Ji-han was rarely embarrassed and said urgently.

“Do not lie. You know I can’t even tell the difference? Did you even lose it in the basement of the tower?”

Astiel questioned Seo Ji-han and gradually approached him. Then I stopped in the aisle.

“Stand back.”

Astiel raised his divine power and stared straight ahead. Then he passed Seo Ji-han and pushed him back. The sudden action raised a question for Seo Ji-han.

“I feel erosion. Did you come all the way down here? That would not be possible.”

Hearing this, Seo Ji-han slowly backed away.

“manager. What do you know?”

“Do you feel erosion?”

Aiden approached Astiel. Not only did her saint candidate Astiel play with her with these things, she couldn’t be mistaken.

“At least so far, Mine has never entered the 25th floor.”

“Then… it means I’ve been following you.”

Astiel turned and looked at Seo Ji-han. For some reason, it felt a little farther away from this side.

“If it’s erosion, you can’t ignore it. He might be a strong guy, so I’ll take the lead. We have to deal with them before they cause problems.”

Aiden burned blue flames on his hands. A blazing heat filled the round table.

“okay. Paladins, please follow me.”

When the paladins also moved, Seo Ji-han realized that it was a disappointment. How did you find out?

‘Do you feel it because it’s Astiel?’

The erosion flowing out of the magic sword is sealed in a scabbard. So, the Paladins waiting outside the round table did not notice, but Astiel, the candidate for the saint, seems to be different.

I had no choice but to be honest about it because it seemed like the situation would get worse if I left it like this.

When his eyes were fixed on this side, Seo Ji-han finally sighed.

“Whoa. This is Noah Park.”


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