Attack – Corrupted Hero (2)

“ha. It would be nice if this was a picnic, but it’s a pity that it’s not.”

Leight, carrying a well-groomed greatsword behind his back, let out a playful sigh from the church.

It is a figure wearing clothes used in battle rather than the comfortable training clothes he usually wears. It was made of light fabric, but it is a high-end equipment with various enhancement magics enchanted in that material.

So did the other aspiring heroes in the classroom.

Not only did they bring their weapons, but it was their own combat uniforms, not school uniforms.

And me too.

I tampered with the slightly unfamiliar outfits.

I tried on the purchased equipment when it arrived, but this was the first time I wore it all in earnest. They are expensive equipment with buffs of abilities and necessary enhancement magic.

Of course, even if there is only one enchantment, the price rises exponentially, so the state of the bankbook was completely poor with this consumption.

The number of digits changed in an instant, so I was a little worried. There are also reviews that say that the deer antlers are also sold every time they grow, so the effect itself has gradually decreased.

‘Now that’s not going to make money.’

but. In retrospect, the source of funding has been eaten raw.

Up until this scenario, there were no problems, but until the next scenario, we will have to find a new source of funding. Whether it’s by climbing the tower to find relics and selling them.

‘For now, I’ll have to clear this quest safely.’

Meanwhile, Layette kept throwing jokes to relieve our tension. Everyone laughed and laughed at Lairt’s generosity, but their expressions were still stiff.

This is because from now on, you are participating in the subjugation of the corrupt hero, ‘Drakan’, who has only heard of it in notoriety.

I slowly turned my head and looked to the side.

Aiden, who was aware of Drakhan’s situation, had a complex expression rather than tension, and Arwell was still sagging.

I still can’t make up my mind Next time I go to the site, I have to say something.

Then Beatrice approached me. Beatrice also had the appearance of a knight leader wearing armor.

“Are your hands okay?”

The bandaged left hand was raised as if purple. There was nothing wrong with licking his fingers.

“yes. There is no problem at all.”

“Then can we talk for a minute?”

Nodding her head willingly, Beatrice went out into the hallway.

As I got up from my seat and followed him, my voice fell from the classroom to such an extent that others could not hear it.

Beatrice looked at me with a worried expression.

“I haven’t talked about him since that day.”

“ah···. It was.”

After I told Beatrice of my plans, I didn’t talk about it. Apparently, Beatrice knew how to speak first and waited.

At that time, I remembered that I almost passed out, so I took care of myself.

Needless to say, Beatrice’s help in the process was only when she faced Drakhan.

Beatrice convinces Drakhan by talking to him.

Other than that, there was no unconditional help.

“Ugh. I’ll let you know when we move. But have you ever heard of how the tower will move?”

As the commander of the Imperial Knights, there must be some talk of flow.

Since the tower has declared Drakhan as an official, I’ve heard rumors that it will move there as well. Maybe it was already done, or it was probably moving around the same time as us.

“I do not know. It’s not exact, but I’ve heard that they’re sending wizards over and over again.”


Why? Haven’t you already figured out the location?

“Jihan-ah. Instructor? It is time to depart.”

Before we could talk any more, Tails approached. Beatrice looked at Tails and nodded her head.

“Oh, I’m sorry. We will go too.”

I followed Beatrice’s back and thought for a moment.

‘Why are you sending wizards without meaning?’

Of course, short inferences could not be drawn to conclusions.

I brushed off my clutter, packed all my things, and went out to the playground. There, Jenna Walkers, who deals with space magic, was setting the coordinates.

Perhaps the necessary conversations had already been completed, and while Layt was watching, he was drawing a spell on the floor.

Jenna Walkers stopped drawing the ceremony and looked at Yunha Oh.

“Oh Yoon-ha. I’ll ask you again, are you sure?”

“Yes, I am sure.”

Youn-ha Oh pulled out an object engraved with the Black Hawk mark from her arms. She was a device that detects the flow of mana she saw at the time.

“I wrote it down on these coordinates, so I’m sure it will be right. It was concluded that it was not a malfunction of the machine, and it was the only place where the flow of mana was cut off.

“Okay, I’ll type it in now.”

So about 5 minutes. After completing the ceremony, Jenna Walkers trampled the ground vigorously. The mana that flowed down the floor manifests the magic trick.

Whoa! A vibration sounded once, and a crack began to open in the air.

“Well, shall we go? Everyone, come with the idea that a battle is going to happen right away.”

When the gate, also known as the portal, opened, Layt walked straight into it.

“Uh. Instructor, wait a minute!”

Everyone panicked and followed Layette in a hurry. Seeing it, I laughed out loud. Did they move quickly before the other guys got more nervous?

I finally checked the holy sword on my shoulder, the case on my back, and the Assault Hawk on my waist, and followed me in from the back.

“Good luck everyone.”

Leaving behind the words of Jenna Walkers and the instructors who were watching nearby, she rushed into the portal.


At the same time, a slight motion sickness enveloped the body. Eventually, the vision cleared, and the privilege was activated.

As soon as I set foot in the Nether, I immediately took out the Assault Wolf. Fortunately, the weapon perk was not activated as there was no drakan.

Everyone raised their arms and looked around, but soon the raised arm slowly went down. And little by little, a look of embarrassment began to rise.

Hong Jae-yu, who arrived second after Layette, muttered blankly.

“…the coordinates are right here.”

Younha Oh checked the screen of the equipment.

That place is right. The coordinates are not wrong.

“Then is the magic wrong?”

“no. Nor is it.”

“But, this is…”

Aspiring heroes, as well as Layette and Beatrice, could not help but panic without being able to grasp the situation.

I also groaned.

“. . . fuck off.”

The swearing came out of its own accord.

Obviously, the place the expedition encountered was a barren land with a huge old tree.

But what I saw was.

“Are you ready?”

“yes. Even the villagers are aware of it.”

Drakhan nodded.

“okay. If anyone approaches, take them all and run away.”

“Why are you saying things like that out of the ordinary? Always winning and coming back.”

When Drakhan didn’t answer, the man standing on the guard immediately hardened his expression and nodded.

Although formally guarding the entrance, men are also ordinary people, not awakened people. The only way to help Drakhan was to follow his orders.

Drakhan followed Riel’s guidance and walked through the Nether.

Since that day, the attack of the wizards has changed in earnest. Perhaps it meant that the search war was over, the offensive was sharpened.


Whoa! The familiar feeling was becoming clearer. And as if to prove that sense, a gate was created.

Black light is created Drakhan stopped on the spot with Riel turned into a long sword.

Drakhan made a questionable sound at the sight he could see.

It is true that the gate was open, but unlike before, only one gate appeared as before. Besides, someone, not a wizard, was walking out of it.

‘…that’s it.”

The figure of the man revealed after the gate disappeared could be seen as unique. It was because he had weapons all over his body, including his back, waist, and legs.

If not bluff, what that meant was simple.

‘Weapon Master’.

A person who handles [weapon skills].

‘Did the top faction attract the Weapon Master?’

In a way, it might be the most difficult.

Although Drakan is untitled, most of the battles he’s been through over the years are hunting monsters and wizards. It’s been a long time since I’ve fought a weapon master-class opponent, so my senses were naturally gone.

As Drakhan slowly raised the tension, the man opened his mouth.

“Untitled, Drakhan Beatrice. I have heard the name.”

The man who uttered a blunt voice did not show any signs of nervousness even when he faced Drakan. Rather, he used to feel relaxed and relaxed.

“Ugh. Did you dye your hair white? I think it suits you better than the hair color you see in the photo.”

“···you. What’s your name?”

When Drakan asked if he didn’t want to hear a joke, the man shook his head.

“I don’t have a name.”

“is it.”

“How do you feel now? A new character appeared instead of the wizard I usually see to the point of getting bored.”

The man drew out his arms one by one and started tossing it into the Nether. It seemed to be thrown lightly, but the weapon loaded with momentum digs into the ground vigorously.

“Well. I think it’s more fun to see you than to feel.”

Drakhan aimed at the man with Riel. The red moonlight reflected off the sword.

“I wondered if the number of wizards was deliberately reduced on the pretext that the tower was killing me. Now that all the targets have been met, a person like you must have appeared. I don’t know what it was for.”

“…hmm. exactly?”

“You’re acting like you’re talking to someone else.”

“You’re right. Strictly speaking, I am not a member of the tower.”

The man who spread all his weapons on the floor shook his hands.

“Then, the conversation was needlessly long, so let’s get to the point.”

After the man finished speaking, the weapons scattered in all directions slowly moved and began to float into the air.

Drakhan watched it and took a stance. It was speculated that he was controlling his weapons with mana.

“you. Even if I did that anyway…”

The moment it entered the range of personality, it was clear that the momentum of the weapon with the flow of mana cut off would drop. But it was careless and an illusion.


👌👌👌👌👌 The sharp blade of the spear brushed off Drakhan in an instant. Drakhan instinctively felt a tingling sensation from the bent head. Drops of blood flowed from the scratch on his cheek.

“It’s been a long time, so I can’t figure it out.”

The man who was waving his fingers mumbled calmly.

Drakhan felt the sharpness return slowly.

Those weapons don’t move with mana. No matter what method the man used, it was clear that he was an opponent that should not be overlooked.

‘It’s not an ordinary weapon master.’

Whoa! At that moment, a black light suddenly appeared from Drakhan’s hand, and Riel returned to her true form.

“… Riel?”

Drakhan was terrified of the sudden action and pulled Riel back. Because she was exposed defenseless to men’s attacks.

“Riel. What are you doing dangerously?!”

“…Drakan. It’s a trap, you have to go back.”

Riel answered Drakhan’s call with a firm face.

In the state transformed into a weapon, he could not communicate his intentions, so he seemed to have returned to a human form. Drakhan, feeling that the sign was unusual, looked at the man.

Weapons were still floating around the man, but there was no sign of movement. Rather, he seemed to be giving time to finish the chores.

“…what are you talking about? A trap?”

“Gates are appearing elsewhere.”

At those words, Drakhan had no choice but to feel the emotions of wonder and embarrassment at the same time. This is because the gate was not felt in the sense of untitledness.

Drakhan turned his gaze to the man. He didn’t know what kind of trick he had used, but it was clear that he was doing something.

“You… weren’t you aiming at me?”

The man nodded his head at the question.

“I’m going to catch you and use it somewhere.”

Drakhan clenched his tongue and focused his consciousness on the erosion.

“Then I won’t have time to play.”

Erosion began to move at a high speed around the ground that Drakhan stepped on. The thick darkness extended violently towards the man. But the man did not move to the end.

When Drakhan felt puzzled, he heard a sound of cutting the air from somewhere.

When it touched the ground, dust was formed, and the erosion that touched the trajectory was cut.

The erosion that was trying to swallow the man could not be approached by the brightly shining sword of ‘faith’. Rather, it was pushed by the light and its existence disappeared with its momentum.

“⎯You told me not to rely on your faith, but in the end you got help.”

“no. It was something to be avoided.”

Along with a familiar voice, I heard footsteps walking in this direction.

Drakhan turned his head toward the source of the sound and called out to the owner of the voice.

“Are you a junior?”

“yes. I’ll see you again sooner than I thought, senpai.”

Noah Park, wearing a black combat uniform, answered with a cold expression.

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