Meeting (3)


Upon entering the room, Noah Park, who was relieved of tension, breathed a sigh of relief. Aiden, who followed, closed the door. At that time, Arwell, who had maintained the shape of the sword, also returned to his human form.

“Rian. Why?”

Noah Park handed Arwell the clothes and asked. Then Arwell tilted his head while blinking innocent eyes.

“You know what I mean.”

Seeing Arwell turning the horse, Noah Park scratched her cheek. Arwell, who shows this attitude, is a kind of demonstration that he will never talk about it no matter what.

It seems that he is reluctant for some reason… Soon, a certain phrase came to mind in Noah Park’s mind.

‘Is it homophobic too?’

To say that, it didn’t seem like the black Arwell.

Not wanting to ask questions, Noah Park respected Arwell’s wishes and decided not to bring this topic up.

When I turned around, Aiden was looking around the room. The room we were guided to was large enough for the three of us to use temporarily.

“yes. Noah Park.”

“I’m going to look around the area for a while. Stay safe with Arwell.”

Aiden looked at his palm without answering.

Whoa! When mana was raised, the mana rod was drawn, but the magic was not manifested. It means that it is still within the realm of Drakhan.

Aiden gasped inwardly and gave up and lowered his hand. He has the minimum stamina, but it is only at a level that does not cause trouble to others. He doesn’t help himself if he can’t use magic.

“I know. Let’s go.”

As soon as I accepted it, Noah Park opened the door. Fortunately, she was not locked, and no one was guarding it from outside.

‘…do you really think of me as a guest?’

Or I can’t tell if he’s doing this because he thinks he won’t be able to run away anyway.

‘I’ll have to find out now.’

Park Noah raised the tension and left the room.

widely. As the door closed, there was silence. Aiden sat down on the chair in the room, Arwell looked around and carefully sat down on the bed.

Aiden glanced at Arwell, who was wriggling. Then he finally sighed and spoke.

“Whoa. Arwell, you.”

“yes. Why are you like this, Aiden?”

Aiden made an impression on himself, but said in a gentle tone that did not suit him.

“Don’t act like an idiot all of a sudden and tell me what the relationship is.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“…I know you don’t want to be a nuisance to Noah Park, but I’m not. What are you going to do if you stay quiet like that and get in trouble later?”

At those words, Arwell firmly shook his head.

“It’s a separate story, but I think you’re misunderstanding, so to tell you, I like Aiden-sama too, so I don’t intend to cause any trouble.”

Aiden, who became unfamiliar, began to regret that he had asked for nothing. She turned and looked elsewhere, but she eventually couldn’t overcome her curiosity and opened her mouth again.

“That, another weapon man. What the hell is your relationship with Arwell, who doesn’t seem to have any friends? I’ll keep it a secret from Noah Park…”

“I’m just not going to ask.”

Aiden looked into Arwell’s eyes and immediately gave up.

‘…a thing of the past?’

As I kept my mouth shut, maybe I was mistaken for nervousness, Drakhan raised his lips.

“Didn’t you follow me all the way here to talk with me? Seo-han.”

. . . you even know my name.

Unless he was an idiot, there was only one conclusion to come. It means that I had contact with the original ‘Seo Ji-han’, not me. If it’s a thing of the past, when are you talking about?

“I don’t know what you mean. Maybe you are mistaken.”

“I would have taught my personality at the Yoosung Academy, so there’s no way I wouldn’t know…. First of all, this personality has an additional power.”

Drakhan looked straight at me and said.

“My personality that cuts off the flow of mana is imprinted through the essential process of feeling the mana of others.”

Then he raised his hand and pointed at me.

“You’re the only one who has the characteristic of a mana that is so violent, Seo Ji-han. Judging from the fact that it has many attributes, it seems like you put a lot of effort into it. No, are you going to say that I rolled?”

Even after hearing that, there was nothing I could say. Because there was a possibility that the situation would not get better if I said it prematurely. However, this attitude of maintaining silence does not seem to be the right answer.

When I didn’t answer to the end, Drakhan’s face turned dark in an instant.

“Can’t you remember?”

Shoo! Erosion suddenly rose from the shadows and wrapped around my neck.

“Then why did you follow me? For what purpose did you come?”

The mood has changed drastically from before.

If you use the regular perk, [Black and White], you might lose control of the erosion, but you persevered. If you were going to kill it, you would have just listened to it with this blow. Somehow the story has to start.

In order to make the assumption that Drakhan had contact with Seo Ji-han, it is said that Seo Ji-han had to be outside at that time, just like Drakhan who fled to the outside 10 years ago.

As it turns out, that assumption is not impossible. According to records, Seo Ji-han woke up after losing her parents in ‘Where the Gate Happened’. What that fact meant was clear.

‘When I was young, Seo Ji-han must have lived outside.’

As long as there is a contact point called Gate, naturally, the lies I told Mika Beatrice came to mind.

‘Maybe the words I made up at that time didn’t fit together.’

Was it because of the original influence of ‘Seo Ji-han’, it was uttered instinctively?’

However, it is a bit strange to conclude that Drakhan is being strangely friendly until now, as well as being an enemy of his parents. Better to just slap it once.

“Are you the one who killed my parents?”

Whoops! At those words, Drakhan immediately released me.

Is it correct? I grabbed my neck and coughed. Erosion was seen sucking into the shadows.

I will turn Far from being eaten by erosion, you are handling it while maintaining your rationality. Is there any way to attack this?

“That is a sad word.”

“I’m sorry…”

It didn’t seem like the perfect answer.

However, perhaps that relieved her vigilance, and Drakhan’s expression became softer.

“I will not apologize. If I remember you, there’s no way you can’t remember me either. I thought it must have been obvious that you could feel the plot on your face earlier. But now that you’re pretending not to know… isn’t it too suspicious?”

Did you read the expression?

After all, he is a person who quickly found out that he knew his true identity. But I also have excuses.

“It makes sense.”

Now, in a familiar position, he tapped my temples and presented the same repertoire.

“I am losing my memory.”

“They said it was a side effect from re-awakening.”

Side effects due to rewriting. Upon hearing those words, Drakhan glanced over my body and nodded as a sign of understanding.

“It’s a reawakening…. Looking at the mana attributes you currently possess, there is a reason. Then why did you follow me? Are you going to be your own hostage?”

her. does he say that?

“What happens when you ask me to follow you and then ask why you followed me…? It was so bad that I didn’t want to go back as it was.”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“It is unusual for the gate to be opened from a safe zone, but it seems like there is a plan, such as the opening of another entrance to the variant gate near you. I had a gut feeling that I didn’t want to go back like this.”

“Hey. So did you step into the danger yourself?”

“Isn’t it dangerous? He said he didn’t want to look hateful to his juniors.”

Drakhan’s wide-eyed eyes stared at me and then burst into laughter.

“ha ha ha! This is a fun friend.”

[After all, you are a good mouthful.]

I heard the words mixed with the admiration of the ego sword. Well, I think so too.

“That’s why you came in to find the clue…? Not bad. great. I’m the only one who asked the question so far, so I’ll give you a chance. Is there anything you want to ask your senior?”

“yes. Of course there is.”

I thought of the original and the current Drakhan.

Drakhan, who has lost his sanity, instinctively hunts wizards. But the current Drakhan is not like that.

In my view, it was very foolish for Drakhan to disclose his location while hunting a wizard. It seems that he has settled in this town, given that he has faith, but continuing to hunt wizards only narrows the position of this place.

“Why do you keep revealing your location while hunting wizards? Is it revenge?”

“Vengeance…. At first it was not now.”

Drakhan shrugged his shoulders as he looked back on his memories for a moment.

“I intend to protect this village. That’s why we hunt wizards.”

It was an unexpected answer. You’re hunting wizards to protect the village? I had a feeling that something was wrong with me.

“I, then…”

Bump. When I tried to ask another question, the door opened. It was Riel Arwell who poked his head through the crack in the door. Her dark hair was flowing to the side.


“Oh, Riel.”

“Are you done talking?”

“To some extent.”

to what extent I haven’t found out anything. I interrupted because the conversation seemed to be cut off like this.

“for a moment. Didn’t you hear what happened in the past with me?”

Drakhan was about to follow Riel, and then nodded at me as well.

“Then Seojihan, you follow. Let me tell you a few more. Shouldn’t we start with that exploding mana first?”

At that moment, a new system appeared in front of my eyes.

[Drakan Beatrice = Mana Interpreter, ‘Seo Ji-han’ benefactor]

Park Noah walked around the village and looked around. It’s not a big town, but it’s not that small either. She also had shops on the street and saw more children than expected.

His sensitive and quick-witted senses do not feel any other feelings toward these people.

‘It’s like a place where people live.

It is true that this is the Nether area. Nevertheless, it was clear that these non-awakened people were able to survive because of their innately adapted bodies. Perhaps this town has existed for quite some time.

Then I felt a gaze from somewhere.

Noah Park hurriedly turned around to prepare for a surprise attack. And he witnessed a sight of weakness.

It is a figure of children hiding behind a large old tree with all their bodies gathered together. Those gazes that felt curious even though they were vigilant were directed at Noah Park.

“Where is your sister from?”

“uh? I···.”

The most fearless of them all raised his head and spoke to him. As it turns out, the first time is difficult. When the little boy succeeded in talking to him, the children who had been sneaking around also flocked to him. It was as if he was besieging Park Noah.

“How old are you? I am five years old.”

“Are those people friends?”

“What do you like?”

“Is there any food you don’t like?”

Swept by the neighborhood kids, Noah Park lost her composure at the baptism of questions pouring out at random.

“Come on, wait a minute. Guys!”

It was because strangers were strange to them, but they just wished it wasn’t an enemy attack that looked like their eyes were spinning round and round…

“uh. sister. Are you okay?”

After the situation ended, Ryu Seo-yeon was on the phone with her sister. The news that Black Hawk was attacked by someone. And although it may be an illusion, it is because I have heard rumors that the gate even appeared in Black Hawk.

The biggest problem is that all the peripheral devices are broken and the cause is unknown. It was the work of wizards, whoever looked at it, but there was no evidence at all.

“The weapons warehouse has been robbed. What is the damage?”

Ryu Seo-yeon sighed as she listened to her sister’s voice. In fact, those weapons can be replaced with capital. The item number was also recorded, so the leaked weapon could be found. Fortunately, there were only wounded, no casualties.

[- Seo Yeon-ah. So, I think we should take this opportunity to reorganize the security quite a bit.]

“okay. Do you think you depended too much on the machine?”

[-yes. I was trying to block physical magic, but there are too many magics to counteract. I think we should introduce something that needs to be manually unraveled.]

“okay. I’ll make a design and send it to you.”

[-okay. Take care of yourself.]

“yes. Sister too.”

drop. After hanging up on the phone for a long time, Ryu Seo-yeon looked out of his window. The sky was clear as if it had ever been.

I could see smoke rising from the buildings standing below it.


I heard it from Oh Yun-ha, who returned to the academy. Seo Ji-han disappeared with the other guys. She thinks she’ll come back safely, but she can’t help but worry.

“Seo Yeon-ah.”

Ryu Seo-yeon turned to Oh Yun-ha’s voice. Oh Youn-ha, with her wretched expression on her face, was pointing her thumb and pointing behind her.

“It’s starting soon. Let’s go before it’s too late.”

Ryu Seo-yeon got up and headed to the auditorium with Oh Yun-ha.

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