Harmonious training (3)

The 103rd tower, the 25th floor.

Aiden, Dewan, Grace, Natalie, and other wizards who came out on behalf of the family sat around the round table. Each of them had a badge with a pattern symbolizing their family on their left chest.


Eunice looked distracted as she tapped the round table with her fingers. Every time I do that, lightning strikes around me and my sparse blonde hair shakes.

Usually, the attribute of mana is acquired while learning the related magic, but there are cases where it is congenital.

Uni Grace is one such case. As a result, the mana of her lightning attribute, which she was born with, expresses her magic faster and more intensely than her others. However, as she is now, she has an urgent personality due to the inclination of her attributes and cannot save her mana.

“Didn’t I say something pretty important today? There are a lot of vacancies.”

Grace pointed to the empty chairs surrounding the round table. Only the families representing the attributes appeared on the round table, and none of the other wizards were visible.

In the current situation, are we going to start a nerve war? Gail Ivan, the manager on the 25th floor, sitting at the top, smiled bitterly.

“Iknow, right. Well, everyone is busy, so I can’t help it. Once most of the important representatives have gathered, I think it will proceed.”

A family that represents the properties of the land.

Ivan was the one in charge of this unit’s manager. Although he belongs to the younger generation, there was no objection to Gale, who is the most neutral, taking on the role of manager.

compared to others.

“Hmmm. Now, let’s proceed with the briefing. Please look at the materials in front of you.”

Ivan coughed and began to read the material he had prepared beforehand. The seated wizards also lifted the paper that was placed in front of them.

“As you all know, the ‘103rd Tower’ is in very bad shape. According to the report, the gate phenomenon occurred twice on floors 50 and below in the past three months. The erosion hasn’t reached the 60th floor yet, but the impact seems to be spreading.”

“Gail Ivan.”

Reis Natalie, who was listening to the explanation, raised her hand. As she moved with her cold impression, her chill spreads around her.

“Ugh, it’s cold.”

Natalie ignored Grace’s grunting as she wrapped herself around her and asked Ivan.

“What is the effect of the temple on the 44th floor?”

“Ah, that’s a good question. First of all, to see if there is an effect of divine power, all gates took place on floors higher than the 44th floor. Of course, the sample is small, so I’m not sure. I think it would be better to start thinking about the negative side.”

Shh. This time Carol Aiden, who was sitting opposite her, raised her hand and said.

“What is the current situation on the 50th floor?”

“haha···. I tried to proceed step by step, but I can’t help it. Can you look at the back page?”

👌👌👌👌 At Ivan’s words, the sound of turning the paper was heard. The paper behind it was also full of letters. It was delivered from the 50th floor.

“According to the stories from the 50th floor, the operation to buy time while withdrawing to reinforce the currently dead personnel is on the verge of reaching its limit. They said that they planned to put in the 3rd year hero aspirants who are currently nurturing at Yoosung Academy half a year before graduation… For now, Ahat, who is in charge here, will explain exactly that.”

Ivan looked at Ron Ahart, who was sitting next to him. Then, Ahat, with his legs crossed, lowered the material he was holding and looked around the round table.

“Well, but before I explain this, isn’t there something we need to solve first?”

Ahat’s eyes, saying that, were already focused to one side. He was a wizard of the Dwan family, who had not shown any reaction until now and was holding his breath.

Ahat said while smirking at him.

“I’ve been turning my eyes around since a while ago to see what I’m worried about, but I think it would be better to say it clearly in this place. Caer Dwan.”


Caer Dewan.

The wizard with that name is the biological father of Charlotte Dewan, who was involved in the recent rebuild. However, whether the family’s wizard made a mistake, this is the place to represent the Dwan family.

It is a shame for the family to go beyond that sarcasm now. Kaer stared at Ahart with a red face.

“house owner. You have no right to dig this up.”

Perhaps the answer was expected, Ahat deliberately exaggerated his shoulders and shrugged.

“right. However, even if you don’t have the right, you can be noticed. It’s clear to me that the more you wipe your daughter’s back, the further away she gets from her next head’s seat. Caer Dwan.”

“Ron Ahart!”

Enraged, Caer sprinted from his seat and stood up. Whoa! At the same time, spinning water in the form of thorns floated into the air.

immediate situation.

Grace looked at the two of them with interest. Also, the wizards sitting at the round table did not show any reaction. Because it’s better for them to fight here and get them both hurt.

fighting at the round table It is a self-evident act, and it is a self-evident fact that the right to speak inside and outside the family is weakened. But it was Ron Ahart who got away with it.

“It’s fun. Would you like to poke one more time? I wonder if the water will be faster, or if my wind will be faster.”

Ron Ahat, the head of Ahat and at the same time the only member of the family, stood up slowly from his seat. Kaer Dwan knew that if he went on like this he would do more harm to his family and to himself.

Soon after, Caer licked his tongue and made the magic disappear. And he said in a calmer voice than before.

“…it’s already been decided, so there’s nothing you can’t argue with, sir. Turn off your mind and make sure that you don’t want to fall behind the aspiring hero. On the contrary, didn’t that happen at the tower because the head of state was negligent in his work?”

“Hmm. That’s interesting bullshit.”

“What, what…?”

“Oh, wait a minute. everyone.”

Ivan, who was watching the situation, intervened to intervene. Anyway, as the manager of the 25th floor, he had a mission to reduce unnecessary conflicts.

“The atmosphere is ruined, so let’s disband. Everyone is busy and it seems like they didn’t do anything together, but if it continues like this, the round table will be dyed red.”


Then, as if waiting, Caer turned and walked out of the round table. It may seem ugly, but it was also the smartest thing to do.

“under. It’s fun.”

Ahat smiled at his back and sat down.


“yes. Ahat.”

“So, how long do you plan to send the wizards out?”

Two of the recently sent wizards also died again. It was already established that Drakhan stayed in a certain area, but Ivan did not stop sending wizards meaninglessly.

“If you kill Drakhan, it will be over.”

Ivan responded with an indifferent expression.


“And Ahat. My advice would be to start with Yoosung Academy now.”

“What do you mean?”

Ahat asked, but Ivan got up from his seat with a smile on his face and took the materials.

“It’s just advice. You can ignore it. I’m just too busy, so I’ll go.”

“Ew, that’s not fun.”

Grace frowned and followed Ivan out with Natalie, who stood up quietly.

‘Gail Ivan isn’t the kind of guy who doesn’t mean anything like that.’

Sitting alone, Ahat felt ominous at the words of the manager.

“Is the story over?”

“…Carol Aiden. What is it?”

At that time, Carol, who had her arms crossed, approached Ahart and spoke to her.

“I have something to ask you.”

“Listen later. I don’t have time.”

Ahat firmly stood up and turned his back.

“for a moment. Where are you going?”

“I’m going to the Yoosung Academy.”

“Oh, then I’ll go too.”

Carol’s eyes lit up when he said that he was going to Yoosung Academy. And she looked at such a carol with her ah-hart wary eyes.

“…what’s your plan all of a sudden?”

“Are you kidding me? Just to see my daughter, I’m going to do it at the same time.”

Ryu Seo-yeon tilted her head when there was no reaction because she thought I would be happy.

“Why do you look like that? Is it good?”

“Is it because it’s too late…?”

Is he even an idiot? After arranging the words where to begin, I finally decided to ask.

“What were your thoughts on adding minerals? If you use it…”

“If you write?”

This time, I slit my neck just like Ryu Seo-yeon pretended to be.

“I die. Using illegally distributed minerals… If you’re a Black Hawk successor, you know how sensitive it is. Wizards aren’t stupid, and anyone with some knowledge would know that their weapons contain the tower’s minerals, right?”

This is a pretty important issue.

Even if the protection of the tower disappeared, the earth was also in chaos due to wizards arguing for rights. Naturally, the first floor, the only entrance to the tower, fell into a crisis, and from then on, they began to respond quickly.

One of the responses is to allow the export of minerals. So far, this has not been allowed except in very special cases. One of the reasons why the workshop that exists in the tower is superior to Earth is because it uses special minerals other than magic.

No metal on Earth is better than the smelting of the tower’s minerals. However, when the situation became urgent, the tower began to trade minerals to the industrial complex in order to strengthen the earth’s power.

Anyway, for now, if the weapon that Ryu Seo-yeon said was made, it could be seen that the performance would come out as one of the best weapons made on Earth.

‘···I can’t write.’

Ryu Seo-yeon waved her hand and smiled.

“a. There is such a degree of induction. We did the recovery of the illegally spilled minerals. I took care of the work that the tower had to do and returned the minerals that couldn’t be recovered, wouldn’t the settlement amount be enough?”

“Ryu Seo-yeon, Yudori. This is definitely an issue that needs to be addressed.”

Ryu Seo-yeon frowned at my reaction and responded with a sharp tone.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. Are you saying it’s uncomfortable to write about because it’s stolen?”

“uh? If you say that…”

“Then I will fix it.”

“You say you can’t use it because it’s stolen? You can solve it.”

jump Ryu Seo-yeon got up from her seat and ran outside. It happened before I could even catch it because it was so fast.

what is this Bewildered by Ryu Seo-yeon’s sudden action, the ego sword next to her murmured.

[Looks like you’re screwed. I wish I could say a word of thanks.]

“Do you say that you did something wrong?”

I know what Ryu Seo-yeon did for me. Still, it can’t be done.

What Ryu Seo-yeon is mistaken for is not that I am a stolen property and will not use it. It was simply because there was a chance that he would die if he carried that weapon.

That’s Ron Ahart.

[Seo Seo-han. May I ask one thing?]

Ego Sword asked gently as if his mouth was itching.


[Even if you think about it, you don’t know who your partner is. Is that innocent girl just your mate?]

I was just asking something out of the blue. What’s a pair for a high school freshman now? making a dangerous sound.

“no. just a friend I don’t have that feeling.”

[Then Park Noah? Or Aiden’s wife?]

[Aha. Mika Beatrice-kun!]

“…when do you scream?”

I think it’s better to shout and shout than to bother you by talking like this. At least you don’t have to worry about answering.

Whoa! Then the call came. I checked the caller and it was Astiel Gran. I’m sure I’ve seen the ego sword again.

[Heh, it was a saint candidate. Then go to hell Seo-han.]

“If you keep talking nonsense, why don’t you just leave it at home?”

[Kyoo clothes!!!]

okay. I’d rather be Whoa. I sighed and answered the phone.

“Yes, Chairman.”

[- Seo Ji-han!!!]

ね. For some reason, an angry voice was heard. I thought her deafness was going to fall, so I pulled it off her ear a little and asked.

[-What happened? that’s what i’m gonna say You don’t work?!]

I quickly realized what it meant. It was a special class, and because of various things, I never heard of the student council.

‘Wow. I don’t know if this is how it’s taken.’

[-How about an infant? Alone %#$%#$%#.]

supportive! Then, suddenly, a noise was heard and the phone hung up.

‘what. suddenly.’

The moment you try to manipulate the screen to make a call again.

A sensation I shouldn’t have started to warn me.

[Seo Seo-han. What is this feeling now?]

It was clear that the ego sword that was connected to me also felt this sensation. I slowly looked up at the sky through the window.

In contrast to the blue sky, the sight of the red magi was cracking.

For some reason the gate was being built.

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