Why is this (2)

How to deal with this situation?

So far, there has never been a time when he was given a holy sword or an ego sword due to an injury at the sports festival.

At that time, a fixed event along the route flashed through my mind. This is an event in which Noah Park becomes the master of the holy sword and confronts the temple led by Arthur Gran.

‘How can Arthur Grang become hostile to me like this…?’

groan Still, there is a feeling of fighting together, but that’s not the case. Because there was no doubt that the breath of a saint had entered the work now.

…but I’m also worried.

I sighed and picked up the vibrating ego sword from the floor.

[Kyo-oh clothes-!]

“Why did you come here?”

Then the voice that kept ringing in my head stopped. After a moment of silence, a deep and heavy voice was heard.

[Long time no see, Seo Ji-han.]

crazy concept.

Whether he looked into my thoughts or guessed it by looking at his expression, the Ego Sword continued to speak.

[Understand the eccentricities that I see sometimes. There is nothing you can do about being trapped in a body like this for hundreds of years. It is also a means to maintain my personality.]

“···Okay. I don’t think so sometimes. Rather, why did you come with an injury? Even if you’re not a holy sword, you’re Sir Arthur Gran’s sword.”

At that question, the ego sword trembled as if snoring.

[Hmm. A request for support came in from the Yuseong Academy to the temple. It seemed to be a form of secretly applying for the subjugation of a corrupted hero. Well, wouldn’t I be better than a normal relic-class weapon? It’s been a while, but there were times when we worked together.]

uhm. Surely it might be. As an ego sword, he has also experienced the holy sword. But what kind of effect is this guy in now? I always use it only when it’s a holy sword, so I can’t figure it out.

I looked at him carefully and the system floated above it.

[Ego Sword – True name ‘Yulard’]

Rank: S

Class: Artifact

Condition: Those who like ‘Yulard’

[Swords that have been symbolized by various symbols such as holy swords and magic swords, and have built up rituals for hundreds of years. Until recently, it was the holy relic of ‘Gran’, ‘Holy Sword’.]

*Never break

*Never let go


…a frog?

There was no buff effect other than that it was just incredibly hard. It’s a shame that it’s a reckless grade of S-rank and relic-grade. There is a ‘???’, but that means it can’t be used right now…

Whether or not he knew my disappointment, the Ego Sword spoke in a cheerful voice.

[Why don’t you say thank you to me? I kept silent about what happened when I got the Necromancer inspiration.]

“You call that a horse? It was all covered up.”

what have you been talking about He even told me about surviving [Explosion], so I almost made him aware of the unusual power of privilege.

I let out a big sigh as if the ego sword had to listen to my reaction.

[Whoa, that’s not it. They had a way for other wizards to somehow figure it out. And most importantly, I didn’t say anything about the magic you used.]


Come to think of it, no one asked me how I used black-type magic. I thought it was just because of other things, but I didn’t say it.

[Since then, I have seen many things. So, you have a deep knowledge of magic as well. The magic you used when you were connected to me at that time was the same as the magic of that inspiration. How did you use it?]

“for a moment. Do you have a deep knowledge of magic?”


Hearing those words, I felt a surge of anticipation.

‘Is this a good deal that came in just the right situation?’

It may be the help that can be received because it is an ego sword that has seen many things for hundreds of years and has accumulated knowledge.

“Then do you know anything about property conflicts? What to do if the mana in the body is causing a conflict due to attributes.”

[ok? What is it?]

. . . . Ego Sword’s immediate response, the momentary expectations were shattered immediately. I can’t be that lucky either.

Losing my strength, I answered roughly.

“How could I use magic then? Simple. It’s because he’s a genius.”

[I don’t want to tell you. Yes, I’m sorry, but I won’t ask.]

I have the urge to throw it out the window.

Ego Sword trembled and started talking again.

[Anyway, I came as a form of support for subjugating the fallen hero. Personally, I am interested in you, and I am willing to help. First of all, how much do you know about him?]

If it’s a drakan, I know it well because I’ve caught so many achievements. But of course you have to pretend you don’t know.

“Once I heard the information from the instructor, I am now hunting wizards who are trying to close the gate. And maybe a decade or so? I heard that he was a hero who escaped before he died due to erosion in the past.”

[is it. I know the basics enough. By the way, I’m going to be quite helpful in dealing with him. He’s encountered him before.]

“Uh… really?”

This is something I didn’t know either. Is it an undisclosed setting? It seems that Arthur Grande and Beatrice had something to do with each other’s spheres.

Seeing my expression, the Ego Sword spoke with a smirk.

[You have a curious expression. It’s not important for now, so I’ll tell you later if I need it. Rather, do you know about the talent of her younger sister, Noah Park, who is your classmate?]

“Yeah, you know. Aren’t you talking untitled?”

[okay. The fallen hero, Drakhan, has the same untitled talent as the young lady. Do you know what this means?]

Knowing the answer, I was silent, and the Ego Sword answered instead.

[It means that Drakhan also has a weapon human, ‘Arwell’. I don’t know what it has to do with the sword she’s holding.]

Yes. Drakhan Beatrice is another unnamed martial artist.

Therefore, as proof of that, Drakhan also possesses a weapon man.

The reason ‘Rian Arwell’ is destroyed when Noah Park and Drakhan come into contact with each other in a battle is that the weapon against Arwell was also a weapon man, ‘Arwell’.

It also contains the ‘soul season’.

‘···It is also a route to see a bad ending with an evil tendency.’

I ordered a custom weapon from Black Hawk for my own use, but I also had some intentions to prepare for it.

In fact, if there is an all-out war between Noah Park and Drakhan, in order to have Arwell use that weapon instead.

‘I don’t care if I lose as long as Noah Park dies.’

It was just that the most important thing was that Lian Arwell didn’t break in the process.

[You will not be able to use normal weapons against Drakhan. But I am different.]

The confident attitude of the ego sword was acceptable.

As the saying goes, other weapons will not be able to withstand the attack of the weapon humans. Just like my engine blades before.

However, this guy is never broken and has the effect of not becoming dull, so it was the right choice for him.

‘For me, it’s a pig’s neck pearl necklace.’

Will I be able to fight properly even if I wield something that doesn’t have a buff effect on it?

What is certain is that the saint’s evaluation of me was overestimated. While I am using it, there will be a slight wind of awakening with the Holy Sword once again.

[Oh, the time is up.]

Then the Ego Sword muttered to herself.

“What time?”


My head hurts already. Would you rather leave him to Noah Park?

As a partner with this guy in the future, I think it’s going to be a pain in the butt. I was about to throw the ego sword to the other side in a hurry, but he came to his senses and shouted.

[for a moment! I have one more gift.]

[Look through the box!!!]

I put the ego sword in its sheath and tossed it to one side and looked through the courier. And I discovered something even more shocking.

‘Shake. Why is this in here again?!’

Inside the box was a thick glass box. A black, moving liquid could be seen wriggling within.

…if my memory is correct, this was definitely a ‘fragment of Liu’ left behind in Maiden Curse.

A red moon rises in the black misty sky. Below him was a man with bleached white hair holding a black sword.

drop. Drops of blood fall on the blade.

A crack appeared in front of the man’s eyes. The shape of broken glass is called a ‘gate’.

“Then please. Arwell.”

After speaking, Drakhan stepped out and swung Arwell. blah blah! The crack disappeared with the sound of something breaking.

After breaking the gate, Drakhan lowered his sword and looked down. At his feet lay two corpses in robes.

As the range of blood spreading over the ground gradually widened, it could be seen that he had not long been dead.

“They are so stupid, aren’t they?”

Drakhan murmured and threw the sword into the air. Then the sword lit up, and in an instant, it turned into a human form.

When a naked girl with black hair tied to the side appeared, Drakhan took out a thick robe from her arms without changing her expression, as if familiar with it.

“I know. Are you so deceitful? It was harder than that.”

Arwell took the robe and wrapped it around his body to block the wind he felt on his skin. Although it looked similar to ‘Lian Arwell’, his eyes were quite fierce. However, her voice showed affection for Drakhan.

“Why would you come here even though you knew you were going to die?”

tuk. Arwell turned the corpse lying face down on his feet. Then, inside the robe was a young wizard who had his eyes opened and screamed and died.

Arwell’s gaze looking down at him is meaningless. There were several meanings of sympathy and pity.

Drakhan replied with a grin.

“It’s obvious. Isn’t it just to figure out where I am?”

“Not that. The reason these guys come, not the senders.”

“Most wizards are arrogant and arrogant. I swear, all of these guys came by volunteering?”

“Because they think they are different from other guys. That’s why you come to me on my own feet, even though you know my power.”

Drakhan’s personality, which nullifies magic in a certain area around him, could not be penetrated in any way.

The fact that wizards come to him even though he knows that is that he will be different from a dead wizard. And it is because we look only at the return of success rather than the risk of failure.

“It’s like making the gate ‘directly’.”


“Anyway, that’s it. Rather, the corpse will entangle the beasts again. I’ll have to sort it out.”

As Drakhan stepped, the shadows expanded and blended into the shadows beneath the corpse. Suck! Before long, a sticky black energy rises above the ground. And the erosion wrapped around the corpse and slowly dragged it down the swamp.

After a while, when nothing could be seen above the ground, Arwell marveled.

“Wow. Are you sure you’re used to it now?”

“Erosion has nothing to do with mana or divine power after all. If you have suffered for ten years, you should have done this.”

Drakhan looked around and turned around. She and she held out her hand to Arwell.

“Now let’s go back to town. People will be waiting.”

Arwell grabbed the wounded hand with his little one and followed him.

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