General exhibition (2)

Kick! I constantly tap the keyboard with one hand. At the same time, the mouse moved the screen and controlled the units.

Sooner or later, the opponent’s last base is mercilessly trampled. The base’s stamina melted and sparks rose.


[You have won!]


Quang! My opponent, the glassesman, couldn’t beat Boone and started hitting the desk.

‘It’s refreshing in the morning.’

I’ve been robbed five times in a row, so don’t get mad.

Last time I tried it for the first time, I might have rubbed it for a while, but it’s not too early since I’ve become an experienced person. Realizing that he could not win with pure skill, the third edition made a surprise attack with the so-called ‘Nalbill’. But even that was terribly blocked by my control and ended bland.


As if he had calmed down soon, the glasses man leaned his head to the side of the computer and shouted. uhm. If you only play one game, you’ve done it five times.

I took off my headset and answered.

“I’m sorry, but it’s time to go.”

“Wow. Have you been practicing all this time?”

I was about to get out of my seat, but a senior member of the crowd who was watching the screen from behind asked.

“no. It’s the first time since then.”

“But how did it get better? Is it a real talent?”

When I asked the secret, the people around me waited for my answer with interesting expressions.

‘What should I answer?’

…to be honest, I had no choice but to keep going. Since then, all stats have risen by 3 ranks.

I have adapted to the game, but rather, it is a physical virtue that uses the power of the Awakened. It’s not that I’m not brainy.

I answered with a serious face.

“I do it by running a simulation in my head. Maybe it was practice.”

“A simulation?”

“yes. Simulate…”

Well? When I turned my head to the side where the voice came from, I saw Astiel with her arms crossed. Sweat was dripping down his face, perhaps because he was wearing a nun’s robe that covered her body, even though his clothes were thin.

‘I think I’m kind of angry.’

It looks like he’s been running since morning since he’s breathing a little too hard. so busy

“···What happened?”

Suddenly, Astiel pecked my chest and pecked him.

“Where did you go, what are you doing here?!”

“As you can see, it’s a booth experience…?”

“What about the general match?”

After that, I checked the time on my phone. I knew it was late, but I still had plenty of time. Rather, there was a missed call from Astiel.

I showed Astiel the screen to show the time.

“You still have time? Until 8:30.”

“okay. The game starts at 8:30.”

Astiel closed his eyes tightly and wiped the sweat with his sleeve.

“Are you a spectator?”


“Aha what…!”

Hearing those words, the problem I had been thinking about flashed through my mind.

it’s ruined

After arriving at the stadium, I wiped my sweat with a handkerchief. Circulating the mana of the ice attribute on the mana rod made it a little better.

“Fortunately, it wasn’t too late.”

As a consolation, there is a stadium near here. Running in this weather is like dying. Isn’t this handicapping myself?

“Aren’t we supposed to let you know by when?”

“After the finals yesterday, everything was announced. Didn’t you hear me?”

I have nothing to say. By then I was on my way home.

Astiel’s face, who ran after me from the side, was red as if he had a fever. I’m sweating more like rain than before. Due to the setting, I sweat a lot, so it would be quite difficult to wear a black nunnery as well.

“It looked like he was bathing in sweat. Were you running around looking for me?”

puck! Then Astiel kicked my shin lightly and got angry.

“It’s because you didn’t answer the phone!”

“Ugh! I didn’t even know I was here to focus. Don’t you have a water bottle more than that?”

“Do you want me to give you some water?”

“No, that’s not it…. oh There it is.”

I took out the water bottle stored in the paper box out of the shade in the shade. The bottle of water was lukewarm from the heat rising from the floor.

Whoa! When the mana of the ice attribute was drained, the water that had been deprived of heat in an instant turned into cool water with thin ice.

“Is it hot? Take this.”

I feel a chill in my palm. The bottle of water, which had cooled to the point where white smoke rose on the surface, was brought to Astiel’s cheek.

“Ugh. car?!”

Startled, Astiel tilted his head and looked at the bottle of water in turn. Soon I slipped it out of my hand.

“Ugh···. Have a good match!”

As if this had resolved his anger, Astiel rushed away, rubbing his cheeks with ice water on his hot cheeks. As the student council, there will be many other things to do. Meanwhile, he came to find me.

‘I’ll have to work a little harder next time.’

squeaky. With that promise, when I opened the door, there were already other aspiring heroes in the waiting room sitting on chairs and waiting.

When I hear the door open, my eyes turn towards me. But as soon as she lost interest, she turned her head back to her monitor.

Are you lucky that everyone doesn’t know? I sat down in a crooked corner.

The monitor was illuminating the screen of the stadium. The winners of each grade stood on the pitch to pre-determine the team.

In consideration of the younger generation, the lower grades have priority in the selection of players.

First, Noah Park called the team’s players, followed by Jeron Schuberts. Although I expected it, I was not called by Jeron Schubert as a first-year, fourth-class abstainer.

Finally, Jean Hart appeared on the screen. True to his nickname, Thunder Chang, his hair was jaggedly blonde like an electric mouse.

[Gerald Yan, 2nd grader, Seo Jihan, 1st grader]


The winner of the third year, Jean Hart, chose me.

I thought I was going to be on the team that wasn’t chosen, but what is this? It feels like I’m getting a little closer to the goal of the sub-quest of ‘to win the general match’.

Neuchang 雷槍, ‘Jin Hart’ is not the main character, but a supporting character who is used as a fellow character.

In a way, it is a higher-level compatibility with Oh Yun-sung because he uses windows. In fact, until a certain point in attack power, he boasted better performance than Oh Yun-seong. Only due to potential, the threshold for growth is higher in Oh Yun-seong, so it is only pushed back in the second half.

Before the team was decided and the competition started, there was time for each team to have a meeting. This is to decide who will go first and what weapon to use.

The opponent in the quarterfinals of the overall match was fortunately the team that was not selected. Jean Hart led the story with me and my sophomore who dropped out of the semifinals.

“So now I have to decide the order…”

Jean Hart looked around me and Yann, a sophomore, and said:

“What are the primary and secondary armaments of each?”

“I deal with the fencing.”

“I can use any weapon.”

As I spoke, Jan glanced at me and Hart smirked.

“Confidence is good. So, which weapon are you most confident in?”

I don’t believe it either. There is no need to be stubborn, so I said the weapons I use mainly.

“A sword and a gun.”

“Uh, a gun? Ahh! So are you that ‘gunner’?”

Well? that shit?

I don’t know where he heard me, but Hart looked at me with anticipation.

“Okay. You should come out last as a joker pick.”

“If I’m the last, what about you?”

“me? I am the first.”

Jean Hart said in a confident voice.

“You guys are resting in the back and getting ready to lift the championship trophy.”

Ugh. bus declaration.

Are you a nice old man?

The final of the overall match has begun. As it was the last game of the sports festival, the spectator seats were completely full.

[Okay then, enter the players!]

Following the lively broadcast of the idol, the applause sounded magnificently.

As I said before, it was Jean Hart who came out first. As the match started, Jean Hart first [Enchanted] the Lightning attribute on the match window.

Crazy! Lightning can be seen with the naked eye from the spear to the spear blade. It was an enchanting skill that was superior to the monster I had faced with the other day.

‘The performance is good too.’

As he swore, the game never came until my turn.

As if to prove that he did not receive the nickname ‘Thunderbolt’ in vain, Jean Hart showed overwhelming strength by defeating all three of them alone.

You have a single weapon, even a powerful wide-area weapon. It’s not for nothing that he was called the character who needs to be liked first among seniors in the supporting role.

It was so easy to reach the final, and the next match was between Noah Park and Jeron Schuberts.

Shadow Jeron Schubert’s team struggled alone, but his special skill in stealth put him at a disadvantage in these matches. In the end, he could not get past Noah Park, who was the last one, and was defeated.

As expected, Noah Park’s order was the last. It seemed to be a plan to flexibly raise a weapon according to the weapon used by the remaining opponent, as if it were a ‘wu-jei 武帝’.

After a short break, the finals began.

Hearing applause and shouts, Jean Hart was the first to climb up again this time. However, it was Park Noah who came up first from the opponent.

Seeing this, Jean Hart smiled bitterly as if she had eaten one bite.

“It’s been a while, Park Noah. Is this the first time since the last incident?”

“Yes. It’s been a while, old man.”

“That’s it. . . . But what is it?”

Jean Hart pointed to the weapon Park Noah was carrying. Noah Park turned it around and leaned it on her shoulder.

“what? Can you see it?”

“ha ha ha. It’s also fun.”

Noah Park’s weapon is Jean Hart’s main weapon, the ‘spear’. It was an obvious provocation.

When the match started at the instructor’s signal, Jean Hart widened the distance. He turned the spear nicely and grabbed it with both his hands. Then he took a pose and pointed the tip of the spear blade towards Noah Park.

Crazy! Lightning flashes from his hand. Eventually, the mana of the lightning attribute wrapped around the spear riding the spear. The lightning was so powerful that the weapon could not withstand it and the spear was burned little by little.

‘Is that Jean Hart’s power?’

It was a significantly different density than in the quarterfinals, probably because he didn’t want to look at it. Park Noah also enchanted him in response.

why don’t you Park Noah just stared at Hart’s window and took the same posture.

Having finished preparing, Hart smirked and kicked the ground. He fills the gap in an instant and stabs the spear.

and thunderbolt.

Lightning was shot.

Quang! Along with the roar, blinding lights flashed from the stadium. The spectators who turned their heads did not see the crash because even the screen above was painted white. Moments later, the light faded, revealing the arena again.

And I saw a shocking sight.


The one that was pierced through the spear and collapsed was the thunder spear, Jean Hart. On the other hand, Noah Park was looking at the window with an intact appearance.

What that meant was simple.

The fact that Noah Park’s spear was faster than Jean Hart’s torpedo.

In an unexpected situation, the spectators began to noticeably roar.

The match isn’t over yet. Jean Hart grabbed hold of the tattered protective magic and stood up. And he once again blew up a lightning bolt through the spear he didn’t miss.

However, Noah Park’s eyes were not staring at him. Instead he turned to me as he was outside the arena.

Park Noah moved her mouth slowly.

[-I’m looking forward to it.]

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