121 – The Beginning Lake

A very unconventional effect. I want to try it right now.

At that time, Dine, who had changed into a human form, came to me as if she noticed something.

“Huh? Hmm? Maybe it’s because I turned into a human… Wizard. Something has changed… Do you feel that the power I gave you has become stronger?”

“It’s authority?! SS-sama!”

If you don’t answer, you can hear the manager’s voice, which seems to be very annoying. In return for simply purifying Dine, he said that he received some of Dine’s power.

“Wow! It’s the power of the primordial lake spirit. That’s great.”

“That’s right… The power that you showed at Savage, I would have thought it was Dine-sama’s authority…”

“Looking at Lynne talking like that, it must have been helpful. I’m glad.”

“Yes. It was very useful.”

It will be more useful in the future.

“Huh. To say that it was this Spirit’s power that nullified the fog and removed the Wyvern’s water shield… More than that, is SS-sama, who freely manipulated that power, really a god?”

“No. Talking about God is embarrassing, so stop it.”

“Ehehehe. Yep.”

I decided to go back and answer Dine’s question again.

“Like Dine-san said, it seems to have gotten stronger after handling authority. I’d like to ask you to test the low-level magic Aqua Ball.”

“Yes. Since you have my power, you don’t need to control your power, right?”


“Then excuse me.”

Low magic, Aqua Ball.

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Nevertheless, the size of the target used was enormous, befitting a lake spirit in the beginning.

Here she reached out and used Dine’s authority. Nullification is the original power, and I can manipulate the stronger power in reverse…


It was as he said. The water ball was already out of her control and wriggling as I wanted.

“Oh. How could this happen… My power must be to nullify water magic. This is out of my realm.”

“Is that so?”

Upgrading to such an extent that even the person who gave it the power couldn’t do it. Compensation is fast. Really.

“Wait. Ido-kun. Does that mean that you can manipulate water magic beyond being able to nullify it?”

“Not only that.”

Pushuuuk !!!

As I flicked my finger up, the primordial lake gushed out with a loud sound. As a test, I made a shape about the size of the original Dine.

“I am now able to handle water in nature.”

“Heh heh. How can you handle water when you’re not a water mage…”

“Wow. Seen from the human eye, it’s really big. It’s not that humans are small, it’s that I’m tall… I could have misunderstood it as a monster.”

It was Dine who suddenly came to an epiphany (?).

It was time to say goodbye, Ga-yeon and Na-yeon approached me dressed in shaman costumes.

“I really don’t know how to thank you…”

“Oh, I didn’t give you this.”

I handed over all the rest of the down payment, which I had given only 10% as an advance payment.

“Ah… No. I only got help, how can I get this much money?”

It was unexpected. When we first met, he seemed so needy.

“You must be puzzled by the sudden refusal of money, right? Now I know that my brother is healthy and has a place to live.”

“It’s okay, take it.”

Ga-yeon stared at the large amount of money I gave her for a long time, then she looked up at me.

“I will never waste this money.”

“The warm light SS used to treat me, I want to become that warm person.”

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Not to be outdone by this, her brother also revealed his aspirations.

“Yes, Mr. Dine. Please take good care of these children.”

“Of course.”

“Ah… Indeed.”

Why didn’t I think of asking this? This worldview setting is that the water that started from the lake in the beginning formed the sea.

“Do you know Haehwang?”


Haehwang is a random name given by people, so don’t you know? Then just tell me your real name as per the original information.

“Trite, the water spirit.”

“Ah. You are referring to a spirit that was born at the same time as me. I thought she would be called Haehwang. She had no idea.”

She was the one who smiled softly as if recalling the pleasant memories of her time with Hae-hwang.

“It reminds me of the time she parted with her. She decided to sleep on her remote island, stocking up on her strength for her own great war to come.”

Commonly known as Siren Island.

And another name is the island where Haehwang sleeps.

It’s the same as the original.

You don’t have to worry. No. You shouldn’t be complacent because you don’t know if the demon god has tried again beforehand.

Diné thought for a moment. She raised her head and looked at me.

“At first I didn’t understand what it meant… But now I think I understand. A great war with the demons is about to break out, right?”

“Yes. About 2-3 months left.”

“Time is running out. But why? Not to be nervous.”

Dine looked at me and smiled.

“Wizard, please find the Lake of the Beginning here whenever you want.”

“Oh, that’s right! We’ll take care of the shrine.”

“I too… I will become a strong person like the wizard.”


I decided not to say a grandiose greeting. Because we may meet again soon. They were the ones who kept waving to me as I flew up the sky in a limousine.

“Then we should talk about Cerberus now, right? How was it, Leedo-kun? Did it work?”


I showed the president the compass to hell.

The compass was pointing northwest, but after a while it turned southeast. Will the direction change again after a certain amount of time?

Check now.

I set a timer for 2 hours and 22 minutes on my cell phone.

“But it only says it’s in the southeast direction? It’s natural that it’s a compass. Can I find it with just this?”

“You should try it once.”

“Keuuu~ SS-sama, that’s good. Everyone hold on tight!”


The limousine swerved with a loud noise.

Hell, Tartarus. What is waiting for us The only rough information is that the Demon God used it as a laboratory like a black hole and that the Goddess of Light is imprisoned.

“Goddess, can you see what’s around the demon scene?”

-No… All I can see is pitch black darkness.

I turned my head and looked at Rinne.

“Do you remember when I went to rescue her mother the other day? From demonic creatures, all kinds of fusion monsters popped out. The place I’m going now is probably more than that.”

“Whoops. To me, the Goddess of Light is the lifesaver who saved her mother. And even if it wasn’t that way, I decided to be with Ido for the rest of my life.”

What? The last sentence seems a bit misleading.

“Together forever? Are you two married…?!”

“Yes?! Oh, no! That’s not what I meant…”


“Hmmm. Excuse me.”

Meanwhile, a whimpering sound came from the holy sword slung around the waist.

-You two went this far for me… I’m impressed.

“It’s not too late to cry after finding something crying. Needless fluttering is poison.”

– No! I won’t cry after being saved. It’s embarrassing to see tears.

“Is that so…”

We continue to climb the sky path, relying on a compass pointing southeast. Then, we encountered a barrier layered with black dark clouds.

“It’s a barrier.”

About 20 minutes left. However, looking at this barrier, I feel that there is not much left in the future.

“Thank you for the ride. I and Ms. Linne will move here.”

“Oh! It’s the sky here, but it’s okay… Ah. Miss Rinne was a wind dragon.”

Lynn vigorously opened her car door and jumped out first. Since then, she has been flapping her wings outside of her, turning into a giant wind dragon after a while.

“Come on, Mr. Leedo.”

“Please excuse me after a long time.”

A strong wind blows outside the open car door. As the car was about to depart, the president of the association showed a worried expression.

“Ido-kun. I’ll pray specially for this time. It’s a place where the goddess is sealed… It’s always been dangerous, but I think it’s even more dangerous now.”

“I’m afraid of maggots. I’ll be back. Don’t worry about me and drive safely.”

“hahahaha. That’s right. I’m getting old, so I must be worried.”

“The president of the association said that! Worrying about SS is the most useless thing. Please save the goddess proudly, Mr. SS.”

After she nodded, she ran outside. She landed on Rinne’s back as a dragon and then she looked at her expression.

“Isn’t it okay? I sat down avoiding sensitive places.”

“Yes. Thank you for your consideration. Then I will break the barrier.”

The wind is condensing beside the wind dragon.

Jajeok blah blah kwaaang!

With the flapping of its wings, the barrier burst.

“Are you strong?”

“Ahahahaha. I’m still not enough compared to Ido.”

I checked the hell’s compass one more time before leaving after breaking the barrier. It points exactly to the southeast. I pointed with my finger and gave directions.

“This way.”

“Yes. Hold tight!”

Hold on tight.

“Kyaheuh… Not there.”

“Cheup. I’m sorry.”

Somehow it seemed like this. I grabbed another place and headed to my destination.

About 4 minutes left. We arrived at the entrance of Tartarus, the Devil’s Land.

The size of the door was really huge, and it seemed about 2 to 3 times bigger than Linne, the wind dragon. Its appearance was engraved with the pattern of a dark red devil, as if it could be called the gate of hell.

The compass obtained after defeating Cerberus will float into the sky and emit red light. Was it a compass and a key?


The huge door opens. A dark red aura emanating from within. Even without saying anything, everyone felt that it was demonic energy.

That was the moment.

I heard a strange voice and turned around.

“Where are you going. Our heroes, sir.”


I turned around and saw a man with a stern look standing there. Who is it?

“You don’t seem to know me. I’ve been grinding my teeth all day long. I guess I didn’t care about you. Well, that’s why you purified Savage and destroyed our guild on your own.”

I know who it is. You’re the mist guild master.

“But can we call it a guild? The Beasts Association didn’t even give us guild permission.”

“I’m not talking to you. Stay out of the bag.”

Kkobong? What is he saying ah. Do you think Rinne defeated Cerberus and purified Savage?

“Rinne, the S-class wind wizard… If I kill you and sell you to the Necromancer Queen, you’ll get a lot of value. I’ll use it to avenge the grievances of her subordinates and create a new Mist Guild.”

“Subordinate? Are you referring to the Black Giraffe?”

Lynn doesn’t know how to answer. She looks at me. I just shook my head. I was keeping it a secret that I had deliberately killed the Necromancer Queen.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s too late to say that now…”

“No. Not that. I already killed the Necromancer Queen.

“What?! Fuhahahaha. That makes sense. How dare you…”

[You have unlocked Supreme Magic Control.]

I drew my two swords and aimed them at him.

“Curse of Nemesis?! Yes, how could you do that!”

“We’re very busy…”

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Now about 4 minutes remaining.

That’s enough.

“From now on, I won’t spend even two minutes taking you down.”

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