224 – The Golden Road

【This… This is ridiculous…】


The results were instantaneous.

As soon as you activate the mana in the nano suit, you will K.O. In 5 minutes.

In the end, those who were not reborn as great devils were no match for me.

I clicked my tongue as I looked at the heads of the Seven Deadly Sins of ‘Wrath’ and ‘Greed’ that had fallen on the floor.

【It ended so quickly that I didn’t even get much data. I never thought I could endure this much.】

It was disappointing.

I wanted to use all the various functions built into the suit, but I never thought they would die before I could even use 40% of them.

If I had known this would happen, I would have quit acting before they poured their hellish energy into making me their slave.

If I had done that, I would have been able to use more weapons.

【Anyway, that’s it. Let’s finish this.】

However, I decided to put my regrets aside and do what I had to do.

The priority now is to purify humans who have been corrupted into slaves by the Seven Deadly Sins.

So, I took out the purification device I had put in my inventory and activated it.

The ancient magic spell engraved by Elena, ‘Purification’, was activated and blue light began to spread throughout the city.

The people’s red-stained eyes returned to normal and they began to fall down.

I found freedom by being liberated from the chains of ‘anger’ and ‘greed’.

‘Hmm. It’s over here. Let’s see how other teams are doing well…’

After completing my mission, I turned my attention to another city.

I was curious about whether the other team was carrying out its mission well.

Videos connected to each team were displayed in front.

First, we decided to take a look at the Isabella & Enya team.

【It’s perfect. Jeongseok-daero.】

As a result, we were able to see that the mission was being carried out perfectly.

As is standard, ‘sleep induction devices’ were installed throughout the city and all humans were put to sleep.

As a result, the Seven Deadly Sins of ‘Arrogance’ and ‘Envy’ that the Isabella & Enya team were dealing with were no longer able to absorb human desires and were being driven into a corner.

He was helplessly defeated by the Kruel family’s swordsmanship and the Graham family’s freezing techniques.

【It’s good. You’re doing very well.】

Enya and Isabella are keeping the Seven Deadly Sins demons at bay with their magic and freezing techniques.

When I saw that, I felt my heart pounding for some reason.

I, who lost them in all previous episodes, have never seen a scene like this before.

Enya, who has completely mastered the Baldo Jutsu, and Isabella Rani, who has abandoned her denial and uses the Freeze Jutsu.

It was a perfect appearance that I had never even dared to imagine, something I had only dreamed of.

‘···It’s going smoothly. ‘There’s nothing better.’

A smile spread across my lips.

If they grow up smoothly like this, Enya will be able to become a Grand Sword Master and Isabella will be able to become an Archmage.

The Daegongga, the original lineage of the Celestial People, regains its power and reaches the stage of ‘awakening’.

If the power of the four families regains their original strength, saving this world from evil will not be just a dream.

‘···But there’s no way they’ll just leave that alone.’

But I have been defeated by the devil in all previous rounds.

The Duke of Hell is that powerful, and if I let my guard down even for a moment, all my plans will go to waste.

You must not let down your guard until the very end.

‘In the end, it is a battle of numbers.’

That is why it is important to anticipate the moves they will make and prepare perfectly.

Because the fate of the world can change with just one decision.

Now that a full-scale invasion has not begun, we can respond with ease, but at some point we will be faced with a dilemma of choosing between two options.

If the devil rushes in from all directions, there may be countries and resources that have to be abandoned.

‘···There are also realistic limitations.’

Above all, there is no guarantee that all situations will work out ideally.

Just now, I thought that if I was tormented by the devil to this extent, the entire world would unite and follow my suggestion, but the reality is different.

Of course, in the case of countries that have been enemies for a long time, they are actually happy when the other country is devastated.

Just as the three countries of Korea, China, and Japan dislike each other, such political and historical contexts exist in this world as well.

In addition, because there are many different races and races in this world, racial and ethnic discrimination are rampant.

Even among the elves who seem to have beautiful hearts, there are those who absolutely loathe humans and dwarves, and when it comes to humans, there are so many examples that I can’t even list them all.

As they are the race with the greatest desires among all races, they have committed all kinds of crazy acts due to their desire for s*x, fame, and dominance.

The extent of these crazy acts is so great that just hearing about one of them will make you feel dizzy and angry.

The history of sin committed by humans is so diverse and deep that many times we wonder if it is the same person that we are afraid to even dare to talk about.

Rather, it is a miracle that trade is possible to this extent despite committing such evil acts.

‘Anyway, it’s not easy.’

I’ve talked at length, but the conclusion is that it’s not easy.

Isn’t the world clapping and rejoicing that their rival country is ruined in a battle where they have to come together to win?

Above all, because the empire I belong to is a country that has been waging wars of conquest for a long time, there are still countries that are suspicious of me and have a closed policy.

From noble mtl dot com

In the end, Edgar Fix also refuses to open his heart, saying he is only a figure of the empire.

For this reason, I run simulations with Eve every day.

The error is narrowed by considering as many variables as possible, such as racial, cultural, historical, geographical, military, political, environmental, etc.

Because if you reduce the error as much as possible, you will be able to accurately predict the enemy’s next move and design the best move to respond.

‘And recently, shocking results came out.’

I was running the simulation by cramming in as much data as possible.

Eve and I faced unexpected results.

As a result of predicting the worst moves designed by the Dukes of Hell, the following data emerged.

[1. Edgar Fix Seal 53.25%]

[2. Edgar Fix murder 27.34%]

[3. Doom suit destruction 12.41%]






[13. Corruption of close associates 0.17%]

···The worst move designed by the princes of hell.

The one with the highest probability is to seal me.

I felt goosebumps looking at the number of people who were selected with a whopping 53.25% Probability.

Sealing me is definitely because they are the worst move to bring destruction to this world with the least amount of resources.

-Eve, based on my memories, what is the probability of stopping that move?

So I immediately took action.

I ran a simulation to see how to prevent their evil plans.

-····1.6%. The probability that my brother can stop them is 1.6%.

However, the results were not good.

If the Prince of Hell uses all the tricks he can use, my chance of stopping him is only 1.6%.

This was a value that did not change even after running dozens, hundreds, or thousands of simulations.

Unless a miracle occurs, if the Duke of Hell decides to seal me, there is a 98.4% Chance of being sealed.

-···Eve, how long can humanity survive without me?

So, I decided to make a plan assuming that I would be sealed.

1.6% Is too absurd a figure to hope for a miracle.

Above all, as an engineer and scientist, it is self-contradictory to ignore verified data in order to believe only what I want to believe.

So, I calmly accepted the ‘Edgar Fix Seal’, which could only be called ‘fate’, and began to make a plan.

I ran numerous simulations with Eve and tried to find a way to win in the end even if I was sealed.

-···There it is. There is a way.

And the result.

We were finally able to find a way.

A way for humanity to win even if Edgar Fix is sealed.

At first it was 0.3%, But if you somehow increase the probability, you can win with a 37% probability.

The one and only golden path I must walk.

The path has been found.

‘And in order to walk that path, your growth is essential.’

However, in order to walk the golden path, there are many conditions, one of which is the awakening of the Grand Duchy.

My plan can only be implemented when they awaken and become the new center of humanity.

In that sense, Enya and Isabella’s growth could not have been more happy news to me.

Of course, there was a risk that the two of us had to compete for me, but that was also resolved in a haphazard manner.

Now, with the permission of both of them, I am officially(?) Doing something trash(?).

He openly straddles the line, dating Enya on one day and Isabella on the other.

Of course, in this situation, Charlotte is alienated… But we are thinking of a way to do that as well.

Charlotte is now indispensable to me, so I need emotional care…

Isn’t there a way to go beyond both legs and straddle three legs?

Of course, when I think like this, I say, ‘Oh, Edsitch. Are you Aphelios? If you mock them by saying, ‘Let me manage the tools?’, I have nothing to say…

Standing on three legs is the only way to save humanity, so I have no choice.

Since Charlotte is also included in my victory variable, I need to take care of her as well.

【Whoa, my hair is so twisted.】

My head hurts when I think about complicated thoughts.

How did the stream of consciousness get here?

I pressed my temples and tried to sort out my tangled mind.

Then I turned my head and saw the screen of the Lucas & Claire team.

Both eyes opened wide.


Lucas and Claire are sweating profusely.

Next to her was Adela, who was moaning obscenely and blushing.

Only Claire’s father, Bjornson Bernhard, was standing unharmed.

【···What is it? What happened. The progress is too slow.】

It was strange.

The Isabella & Enya team is already close to victory.

The Lucas & Claire team is still installing the sleep induction device.

No matter how late it is, all of the sleep induction devices should be installed by now… But we’re still only 50% installed.

Why on earth is this situation so complicated?

【···No way.】

At that time, an ominous thought crossed my mind.

The appearance of Adela and Lucas is exactly the typical appearance that appears when one is consumed by desire.

Not surprisingly, the cheeks are full of blush and the eyes are cloudy.

And matted hair and a body that cannot properly control itself were typical symptoms seen when one could not escape from the seven deadly sins.

However, I thought that Lucas, who had entered the beginning of awakening with Adela, the Empress of the East, would be able to escape the desire of the Seven Deadly Sins very easily… But it was questionable that he was suffering from it.

They could easily get rid of the desires of ‘lust’ and ‘sloth’…

‘Maybe there is a hidden desire that I don’t know about.’

However, as the situation unfolds differently than I expected, it seems that the two seemingly perfect mother and son have a deeply hidden desire.

I looked at the screen, hoping that they would overcome the temptation of desire.

If I want them to grow, I must not intervene.

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