219 – 3 Articles

“Phi, meet Lord Fix!”

As soon as I crossed the portal, a commander covered in blood ran up to me and bowed his head.

Just by looking at the commander’s expression and the worn-out state of his armor, it was immediately apparent how serious the situation was.

“···It’s enough to say hello. “What is the current situation?”

I immediately asked about the situation.

In response to my question, the commander took a deep breath and began to tell me about the various battle situations the Gorgon Kerstan Kingdom was facing.

To summarize, it was a total disaster.

“There are many places to send reinforcements, all portals have been cut off, and in the meantime, the military’s morale is at an all-time low.”

“···No shame.”

However, if I were to explain this total mess a bit, it would be as follows.

First. Currently, the Kingdom of Kerstan cannot even be evacuated.

This is because all portals were cut off at the same time as the devil invaded.

This is probably because one of the exchange office employees who manages the portal was recruited by the Devil Church and had the work set aside in advance.

And second.

Major cities of the Kingdom of Kerstan were taken hostage.

The port city of ‘Galay-Martin’, the fortress city of ‘Aguille’, and the prosperous city of ‘Wittenne’.

In this way, the three major cities that support Kerstan have fallen into the hands of the enemy and are being used as hostages.

Finally, third.

Kherstan County is in a very precarious situation.

With the kingdom’s major cities held hostage, they are dissatisfied with the king’s orders to defend the capital instead of saving the cities.

Because 50% of the kingdom’s troops are from the three major cities held hostage.

Because the family they love will be held hostage by the devil of the Seven Deadly Sins.

So, no matter how well-trained a soldier is, he cannot help but be shaken.

The expressions of the National Guard troops currently guarding the capital were full of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

“···Actually, it’s not that we didn’t send reinforcements from the beginning. Rather, His Majesty the King first ordered the dispatch of reinforcements…”

However, the commander said from the beginning that he did not intend to only protect the capital.

Rather, King Kerstan actively ordered the liberation of the city, and it is said that the national army also actively fought at that time out of anger at having their country and family invaded.

“But just because reinforcements were sent, mass murders began to occur in the cities held hostage… Moreover, decisively, the outcome of the battle…”

But the Yuan army was completely defeated, and the price was terrible.

50,000 Headless bodies were thrown out of each city.

“After that, it has been like this. “Without being able to do this or that… Only the capital Sasuman…”

The top of the fortress.

I looked down far below.

Hundreds of thousands of demonic armies were spread out and staring at the entrance of this fortress.

Soldiers stationed throughout the fortress are wandering around the fortress with eyes full of impatience and anger.

In the meantime, the commander spoke.

“Edgar Fix, what should we do? I’ve been through many battles, but this is the first time that all my numbers were blocked like this… Please tell me how…”

I saw the commander.

His eyes were overflowing with earnestness.

However, the moment the next words came out of my mouth, his expression completely froze.

“The most certain way is to abandon the city altogether.”


“The cleanest and surest way is to drop nuclear weapons on each city. “The longer we delay, the stronger their power will become.”

“Well, what is that…”

“Do you know why they are holding the city hostage?”

The commander shook his head.

Of course he doesn’t know why the city was held hostage.

I began to explain why.

“They are sacrifices. An offering for the ‘worshippers of the Seven Deadly Sins’ to become stronger.”


A worshiper of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Those dirty devil bastards grow by preying on human sins.

In other words, after risking one’s life by creating an extreme situation, one commits moral corruption to complete the sins related to the Seven Deadly Sins.

The more the evil associated with the Seven Deadly Sins spreads, the more powerful they become.

“Well, then… If such a thing is prevalent in a city with hundreds of thousands of people…”

“It will grow into a disaster. “At that time, it will not be the city that is the problem, but the country will be destroyed.”


The commander fell to his knees.

Covering his face, he sobbed and apologized to his son.

Because his own son is in one of the big cities.

“But there is a way.”

However, at my continued words, the commander quickly raised his head and looked at me.

He suddenly stood up and asked what the method was.

From noble mtl dot com

“It’s infiltration.”

“Do you mean infiltration?”

“Okay. A small number of elite units infiltrate each city and eliminate the enemy leaders at the same time. “So that they cannot massacre the people of the territory who were taken hostage.”

To explain the operation in more detail, it is as follows.

There are currently three cities held hostage: a port city, a fortress city, and a large city. Elite soldiers with enough power to kill the boss are dispatched to each city to wipe them out at once.

Because if they hear about trouble in another city, the demons in that city will try to retaliate.

So, clearing out three cities at the same time is the best way to reduce damage.

“···Ha, but isn’t it close to impossible to break through that siege and send reinforcements?”

But the commander’s next question was spot on.

The problem is that all roads leading to the city are blocked.

Devils are crowded both on the ground and in the air.

If there is even a hint of reinforcements being dispatched, they will retaliate by killing the hostages.

“You just have to disguise it.”

However, I have already found the answer to that.

This is dressing up as the devil.

“Well, is that… Possible?”

“Of course, it’s possible.”

I have already done the perfect devil makeup.

There is a record of dressing up as a devil to make the academy cadets aware of the devil, then pretending to be Swordmaster Jai, the Archduke’s henchman, and sending him to the goal.

Not only that, I once walked into a place full of Satanic believers and was even charged with hellish energy.

They didn’t recognize me in the devil costume at all, and thankfully they used all their strength to recharge my Crucible.

That’s because my devil makeup was perfect.

“Well, then… Who is going to be the elite soldier?”

Anyway, the commander, who was satisfied with the devil makeup, asked the next question.

What is the size and composition of the elite soldiers?

“Well. Actually, that’s a bit of a problem.”

However, I could not give a definite answer here.

This is because there are many concerns about how to divide the staff.

How can we allocate personnel efficiently?

If we have no choice but to split into three groups, the two groups without me have no choice but to take risks.


At that time, a wonderful idea occurred to me.

If you bring ‘them’ with you, you will be able to guarantee some level of safety even without me.

These are the great dukes who are considered the strongest in this world.

“No, I just thought of a method. “Let’s bring in more reinforcements.”


In this way, the four grand dukes gathered together.

Isabella’s father, Adrian Graham.

Ilaya Cruel, Enya’s father

Adela Elmar, Lucas’ mother.

Claire’s father, Bjornson Bernhard.

These are the four strongest figures in the world.

“So, according to Lord Fix’s words, Graham and Cruel. And it means that Elmar and Bernhard are pairing up to infiltrate.”

“Yes. That’s right.”

Then I grouped them into Graham-Cruel and Elmar-Bernhardt and asked each of them to guard their children.

As the purpose of this war is to provide experience to the children of the Grand Duke, it would be of great help if each head of the household served as a mentor.

“Then we will each decide on our own area. First, Graham-Cruel, please take charge of the port city.”

So, I started with area allocation.

After entrusting the port city to Isabella-Enyazo, he entrusted the big city to Lucas-Clairezo.

“Then the rest of the fortress cities…”

“I will take charge.”

And I decided to take charge of the fortress city.

Because the worshipers of the Seven Deadly Sins living there are the most vicious and powerful.

I, who is currently the strongest of all forces, decided to take charge of that place.

The Grand Dukes all nodded without any complaints.

“We will begin the operation immediately after putting on makeup. As I explained before, everyone moves in the same formation until they escape the siege in front of the capital, but when they reach a place where there is no enemy surveillance, they disperse and go to the target area.”

And I pointed out the main points again.

Everyone nodded, showing that they completely understood the details of the operation.

After that, we went straight into makeup.

Eve and her assistants helped with the makeup.

【Now, is everyone ready to enjoy the feast of slaughter?】

An hour later.

After finishing dressing up as a devil, I asked my intention to leave, which was automatically translated as ‘devil version.’

Originally, it was a neat and ordinary sentence like ‘Okay, shall we get started now?’

【Krrr! I’m going to kill you!】

【Built-in! Heart! Tear it apart!】

【Blood…! I want blood…!】

【Kihihihi! f*ck! Let’s do it!】

But the language of demons cannot be general.

Everyone was giving strange answers in Eve’s built-in ‘automatic translation’ demon language.

And I couldn’t even imagine what kind of situation this automatic translation function would lead to.

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