210 – Last Phase

The Frost Oak tribe was defeated.

It was literally the scene of a one-sided massacre.

Ed comes in furiously.

He was a disaster itself to the devil.

Any spell. Any weapon. Any demon was useless in front of him.

“We have won! Eliminate all remnants!”

As Ed stirred up the middle of the battlefield, the corps commanders took advantage of this momentum.

He led the soldiers out and ordered an all-out attack.

Numerous soldiers who were watching Ed’s activities shouted and jumped into the battlefield.

Ed’s outrageous performance gave them courage.

It was a disaster for the devil, but our allies had no more reliable support than this.

“What…? Why all of a sudden?”

Meanwhile, the guerrilla unit, which was surrounded by the Orcs and struggling desperately, looked around with a puzzled expression.

Suddenly, the entire Frost Oak tribe runs away.

It felt like I was dreaming.

What on earth did such a well-trained orc army witness that made them so confused?

“Anyway, it’s an opportunity! “Let’s get out right away!”

However, now was not the time to discuss such matters.

Now that the siege that had been tightening their grip has been broken.

You must quickly break through to one point and join your troops.

【Humans! Stop the advance immediately!】

But then.

The voice of a high-ranking shaman rang out.

When I turned my head in the direction of the voice, I saw several human prisoners tied up on a high altar.

The high-ranking shaman said as he held the dagger to the prisoner’s neck.

【If you advance any further, I will behead all 200 prisoners on this altar! If you want to negotiate, take over all the military right away!】

Originally, an orc shaman who attempted to demoralize his enemies by corrupting the humans on the altar into demons.

But since things got so complicated, I had no choice but to use them as hostages.

Shouldn’t they protect their tribe from that crazy monster demon bastard called Edgar Fix?

-Jeobeok… Jeobeok… Jeobeok…

But now everyone is frozen in their own words.

There was a crazy bastard walking towards me without paying attention.

Edgar Fix.

They were coming here at a fast pace, as if they didn’t care about the prisoners.

The senior shaman shouted.

【Stop right now! I definitely warned you! If you move even one more step, I will kill each and every prisoner!】


But only a fleeting moment.

My vision was distorted along with a clicking sound.

And then I lost my mind.

In the blink of an eye, Edgar Fix, who was in the distance, came up to the altar and snatched the high-ranking shaman by the neck.

Ed said, lifting the high-ranking shaman’s head high.

【Never compromise with the devil.】


【Kill them all. I will give you 20% more for both parties.】

Ed said this and grabbed the shaman’s face in his hands.


The guy’s face was crushed like a tomato, and fluid and flesh splattered everywhere.

【And if there are orcs threatening to take our military hostage, listen carefully. If you want to kill me, kill me. But I will definitely retaliate. I would rather make you experience extreme pain until you beg me to kill you. I don’t break my promises.】

With those words, Ed took out his chainsaw from his inventory.

While everyone was looking at him blankly, he came down from the altar and walked back to the battlefield.

The Orcs who witnessed this each abandoned their hostages and began to run away.

-Mi, you crazy monster!

-Run away! He’s coming! Run away now!

-aaah!!! Help me!!


The sound of an angry chainsaw engine traveled throughout the battlefield.

In no time, Ed’s Doom suit was drenched in Orc blood.

There were severed pieces of flesh and internal organs attached to various parts of the suit, making it look so creepy that it was hard to tell if it was a demon or a human.

【Buy, buy, buy, please save me…! Wife and children at home…

【f*ck you】


There was no mercy.

Orcs gave up on running away and appealed for leniency, but Ed made no exception for the devil.

Whether it was a female demon, a child demon, or anything else, I would kill any demon unconditionally.

Under the premise of the devil, the same ethical awareness did not work.

“Ji, march! Eliminate all remaining enemies!”

The imperial commander, who had been frozen as he witnessed Ed’s destructive scene, belatedly ordered his soldiers to mop up.

The Frost Oak tribe, whose commander and system had collapsed, was now nothing more than a frightened beast rather than an army.

It went from a ‘strong army’ to a ‘horde of monsters’.

“That’s amazing…”

And Illya Cruel, who was watching this, muttered his words without realizing it.

However, the sentiment of ‘amazing’ is only a poor expression, and a more accurate expression would be closer to ‘holy’.

In Elijah’s eyes, Ed seemed to shine brighter than anyone else.

‘What on earth can’t you do?’ Not only does he have the qualities of a leader, but he also has the charisma to dominate the battlefield. Moreover, the power that the son-in-law possesses is truly the strongest in the world. No one can surpass my son-in-law…’

Ileiya’s heart was pounding.

The more I looked at him, the more I wanted his son-in-law.

No, honestly, now I respect him enough to want to treat him more than just a son-in-law.

I couldn’t even imagine how bright the future would be if I became a family member with such a world-famous genius.

In effect, the Cruel family is promoted to the family of the sun that never sets.

‘I must repay this favor for the rest of my life.’

Meanwhile, Adrian Graham was also thinking similar to Ileiya.

From noble mtl dot com

Edgar Fix.

I feel infinite gratitude to him for saving the Graham family.

‘It was an extremely long and dark tunnel. But now the end of the tunnel is starting to appear…’

Graham family.

A cursed family bound by Lilith’s curse, accumulating unwanted negativity, offering it to Lilith and doomed to be eaten.

In this cursed family, the only thing he could do was rationalize.

Because without the rationalization of ‘world peace,’ both the life of his parents, who plunged his life into the abyss of tragedy, and his own life, which must live in misery, all become meaningless.

Because of this, Adrian followed his ancestor’s will and repeated the same thing to his daughter.

Just like his father, he forced his daughter to live a life of negativity.

‘It’s all thanks to you. Thanks to you, our family has finally regained its freedom. Me and my daughter too. We can be honest with each other.’

But now there is no need to live that fake life.

This is because a powerful being named Edgar Fix has defeated Lilith and is even blocking her entire army.

Ed was a benefactor to Adrian.

A benefactor who saved not only her daughter’s life, but also her own life, and all of Graham’s descendants.

···If possible, I wanted to repay that favor for the rest of my life.

The position of the Grand Duke and the prestige of the family are all put aside.

If he could help him, he wanted to help him, even if it meant giving everything.

‘Fortunately, it seems like the relationship between you and my daughter is not normal…’

However, luckily, he had the opportunity to be gracious at hand.

It seems like the relationship between Ed and her daughter is not normal.

That’s because Ed said that the reason he did all this was because he just wanted to save Isabella.

Because I held hands with my daughter and clearly expressed my intention that way.

‘So, if you want it, I will give you Isabella. And she, Isabella, is everything to Graham, and Graham is yours too.’

Adrian was even thinking of handing over full authority over the Graham estate to Ed.

If Ed and Isabella become legally married, they plan to give them the authority to rule not only the Fix Estate but also the Graham Estate.

“So, first of all, let’s marry our daughter…”

“If Fix’s son-in-law marries our Enya…”

Adrian and Ileja muttered, dreaming of the moment when Ed and his daughter would get married.

However, because our streams of consciousness coincidentally overlapped, we ended up muttering the same topic at the same time.

The eyes of the two archdukes met.

“Now, what…?”

“What did the Lord say?”

Jit-Two Grand Dukes glaring at each other.

Soon, Ileiya smiled and said.

“Wake up from your dream. “I have already seen my daughter and Lord Fix walking through the garden holding hands several times.”

Then Adrian counterattacked with a rotten smile.

“I guess the training was too much. I can’t believe I saw such nonsense. The reason this war took place in the first place was to save our daughter. “Lord Fix said that while holding my daughter’s hand.”

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Isn’t Lord Fix usually very kind? “Isn’t he truly unable to distinguish between love and sympathy?”

“Do you think we can invest this much budget and manpower with just sympathy?”

“Or maybe saving the Lord’s daughter is just a justification. Lord Fix warned that hundreds of demons lurk beyond the Northern Destiny. “It may be that the Lord’s daughter was used as a justification to exterminate that demon.”

“Ha. Are you giving up your sword training and just writing? “The level of novel writing is not average.”

“Something like this is usually not called a novel, but rather a well-founded claim.”

“Delusions in the brain usually end up as lies.”

Ileiya and Adrian are growling at each other without an inch of backing down.

But then.

【Koh Ohoh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh oh oh oh ────】

The monster’s roar that shook the heavens and earth echoed throughout the space.

As I turned my gaze in the direction of the sound, I saw giant monsters slowly approaching from afar.

Everyone watched the ruinous scene in a daze.

【Beat all troops inside the defensive wall.】

At that time, Edgar suddenly appeared and gave that instruction to a corps commander-level figure.

And added the following words:

【Now this is the final step. This is the stage where we will pour out all the firepower we have accumulated so far.】

···The stage where all the accumulated firepower will be poured out.

The corps commanders nodded at those words.

I understand this situation because I heard what Ed said in advance.




And at that moment, the isolated guerrilla army was also joining the main unit.

Fortunately, none of the academy cadets who joined the guerrilla army lost their lives.

This is thanks to Ed jumping into the battlefield at the right time and attracting all attention.

【I’m glad you’re safe. But now we have to get back inside the defense wall as quickly as possible. The enemy’s all-out attack will begin soon.】

After confirming the safety of Isabella, Enya, and other classmates, Ed ordered them to return to the defensive wall.

This is because ‘real’ high-ranking demons, surpassing the Frost Oak tribe, will soon invade this place.

We had to prepare for the enemy’s general offensive as quickly as possible.

【Eve, are you ready?】

So Ed made sure that he had finished what he had instructed Eve to do.

Soon after, the answer came back to Eve.

[Of course. All mechanized divisions and medium to long range missiles. And even the giant cavalry is ready. Everything goes as planned.]

Ed hid his secret weapon in order to pour all his firepower on the enemy’s ‘real’ main force.

Before that, we successfully blocked the biggest crisis, the ‘Frosty Oak Tribe’, with the Doom Suit, and now it is time to empty the ammunition storage that has been accumulated for nearly a year.

Ed said as he looked at the group of gargoyles covering the sky.

【Then Little Boy, fire Fat Man.】

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