147 – Eve’s Desire


For the mechanical arm Fix, the name ‘Fix’ was enough to explain its identity.

Because it is a mechanical arm created solely to carry out Ed’s commands, the name ‘Fix’, which follows Ed’s family name, is appropriate.

But by chance, Fix was given the name ‘Eve’, and from that moment, everything began to change.

Pix, who was just a convenient tool, was recognized as a person the moment his name was called.

In other words, the moment you have a name, Fix also has the essence of being recognized by it.


Now we have reached the moment of evolution.

Pix evolved into a form worthy of the name ‘Eve’.

As it was named after ‘Eve’, the original woman in the Bible, it was born as a robot with ‘femininity’ that can stand on the other side of Adam.

Just as Eve came out of Adam’s rib.

‘My name is… Eve.’

In this way, Eve was defining her own essence.

When her own material structure was a ‘robot arm’, she could not achieve the identity of ‘Eve’, but now that she can evolve into any form, she can achieve the identity of ‘Eve’ .

Then what is the new identity that suits ‘Eve’?

Pix decided to first list the characteristics of Eve.

The beginning woman, Adam’s partner, the temptation of the serpent, lies, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the Garden of Eden.

About 6 keywords were derived.

And when we narrowed down the keywords suitable for ‘Eve Fix’ again, only three keywords remained: ‘the beginning of the woman,’ ‘Adam’s partner,’ and ‘Garden of Eden.’

Because the serpent, the tree of good and evil, and lies violate the essence of ‘Pix’, which takes precedence over Eve.

‘Women in the beginning…’

Eve Fix began to think about what it meant to be a woman in the beginning.

What is the difference between ordinary women and the women of the beginning?

The correct answer is that the root of all mankind is women in the beginning. In other words, it started with Eve.

Literally, the ‘original woman’ is the stem of all mankind and a symbol of life.

‘You must be able to receive seeds.’

Eve Fix concluded that the body must be capable of becoming pregnant.

If you are truly Eve, you should be able to reproduce when all mankind is annihilated and only you and your master are left.


But that is impossible.

As an individual, ‘Eve’, her wish is to become human, but as a ‘Fix,’ she must help her master and perform various tasks.

Human computing power and processing speed cannot be of much help to the master.

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‘Android robot.’

So Eve Fix reached a compromise.

The interior is made of machinery, but the exterior is decorated to look just like a human being.

‘It may not be able to reproduce, but it must at least stimulate the desire to reproduce.’

I also thought that Eve Fix should be able to stimulate the desire to reproduce.

Adam is a man, and men often feel s*xual urges, and a good partner is one who resolves those urges well.

Eve then carefully analyzed Ed’s physical condition and began to create an internal structure that he would like best.

We set and applied the temperature, pressure, concentration, and humidity values that change in detail depending on the conditions.

With this, at least the pleasure of the relationship itself can be raised to the limit.

‘Must have external beauty.’

But it would be difficult to stop here.

Eve was created as Adam’s partner.

It had to have a beautiful exterior that suited his taste.

Eve Fix began analyzing Ed’s tastes.

‘Big breasts’

The first taste of Ed analyzed in that way.

It is a big chest.

It’s not just about size, it’s about elastic breasts that are beautifully shaped.

It’s difficult if your breasts are just that big.

‘Healthy skinny body’

And Ed’s second preference

He has a healthy and thin body.

Not just a skinny body, but a body with adequate muscle.

‘Wide pelvis, hip-up.’

Also, the pelvis had to be wide and the hips had to be lifted.

Wide pelvis and firm hips were also elements that suited Ed’s taste.

‘The face is…’

After completing her body, Eve Fix began to worry about her face.

Isn’t a beautiful face the biggest factor that fuels the desire to reproduce?


But it is not easy.

Clear eyes, sharp nose, red lips, white skin.

These basic conditions can be figured out at any time, but it was difficult to figure out the details.

That’s because the women around Ed all have the same beautiful face, and all of these faces are judged to suit Ed’s taste.

‘We have to integrate everything.’

For this reason, Eve Fix decided to integrate the strengths of all the women around Ed.

The only hair color was set to blonde to bring out one’s personality, and then all aesthetic elements were integrated.


After completing all settings, Eve Fix was finally born.

A female android robot was created that not only had excellent technical performance but also suited Ed’s tastes.

“·····P, fix? Are you by any chance Fix?”

As the smoke surrounding Eve slowly cleared and revealed her face, Ed asked her with wide eyes.

She said as Fix opened her closed eyes.

“No. “I’m not a fixer-upper.”


Eve’s mood somehow resembles Isabella’s.

Eve uttered her first words by denying Ed’s question.

And then, staring at Ed with alluring eyes, he continued his next words.

“Eve, my name is Eve. It’s the name my master gave me. Please call me Eve from now on.”

Eve said that and smiled brightly.

Then, the image of a cold and cold beauty resembling Isabella disappeared, and a warm and vital atmosphere was felt, resembling Enya.


And then, Eve came out of the smoke and walked towards Ed.

Ed, who discovered that Eve was completely naked, stared at her in astonishment.

Eve approached Ed with an alluring smile and hugged him tightly.

“Ever since my master gave me the name ‘Eve’, I have always wanted this moment. “The day when we can stand as feminine personalities, not just artificial intelligence robot arms.”


Ed saw Eve hugging him tightly.

However, it happened so suddenly that I couldn’t find what to say.

The brain stopped working hard.

That’s because it looked completely different from the fix I knew before.

“Um, uh…Is it really a fix? “Our fix?”

So Ed asked Eve again if the fix was correct.

Eve said, looking up at Ed with a slightly pouty expression.

“Because it’s Eve. Eve fix.”


Ed looked at Eve with a puzzled expression.

He felt her body temperature, breathing, and the squishy feel of her chest as she hugged him.

All of that was no different from humans.

There really wasn’t a single trace of a robot to be found.

“Ah, okay… Let’s get dressed first.”

Ed blushed and scratched the back of his head as if he were dealing with a person.

And Eve, looking at this, smiled proudly and was secretly happy.

The fact that Ed is embarrassed when he looks at himself is proof that he perceives himself as a ‘human woman.’

“Okay, then I’ll get the clothes first. I’m waiting for you.”

Just like that, Ed left her lab as if running away and headed to her own dormitory.

Eve went to get clothes she could wear.

“You must have been very embarrassed.”

Meanwhile, Eve was guessing Ed’s emotions based on his biometric information measured while hugging him.

She was more surprised and embarrassed than happy and glad.

“Now I have to approach slowly.”

So Eve decided to change her plans.

Now that she has clearly imprinted her femininity, she slowly approaches Ed.

If you put too much pressure on it, the resistance will only increase.

– Perfect!

So Eve snapped her fingers and began customizing her own outfit.

To help her Ed slowly adjust to who she is, she dresses up to look like an ‘android secretary’.

“Hmm…Will this be enough?”

Although Eve is a bit typical, she has the appearance that comes to mind when thinking of a cyborg mecha girl.

With this appearance, she shows that she is a ‘fix’ and at the same time, it is an appearance that appeals to her femininity.

‘In about a month… You will get used to how I am now.’

So Eve began to plan a way to approach her Ed.

She became a female person named ‘Eve’ and developed a possessive desire for Ed, and had the ambition to become Ed’s perfect partner.

In addition to her unconditional devotion to Ed, she also developed personal desires.

‘I’m usually a faithful android assistant… But when the opportunity arises…’

Eve licked her lips.

I burst into laughter as I imagined the moment when my master accepted me as a woman.

If all goes as planned, that moment will come soon.


【Edgar Fix, are you sure about the name?】

Ruins of the Black Empire.

A being as tall as Mount Tai sat on a huge throne and asked this question.

Then the servant, who was bowing his head close to the floor, barely exhaled and answered.

“Yes… He, that guy… It’s definitely ‘him’. “Hundreds of years ago… The eight great masters of hell…”

【Just stop there.】


However, the servant could not finish his sentence and vomited out his blood.

I feel like my whole body will be broken just by facing the Duke of Hell because of the difference in his level of power, but hearing his true voice filled with emotions is something I can’t handle.

‘This person is the true master of this world… Even though I have gained such great power, this happens just by hearing my voice…’

But the servant did not care even though he suffered internal injuries.

This is proof that the master has unrivaled power.

Rather, I was proud of myself for recognizing the person who would become the master of this world and being the first to submit.

Thanks to this, he was able to gain the power to take revenge on ‘Ileiya Cruel’, who had seriously hurt him during the great war seven years ago.

【If you say so, it’s a different trend from the previous world line. Aren’t you showing the fastest growth with a body that can’t handle mana?】

At that time, another one of the eight grand dukes spoke again.

‘Gyro’, the only sword master of the ‘Entica’ kingdom, answered the archduke’s question by shaking off his thoughts about Ileiya.

“Yes. Well, for now, that’s it… “It is a path that breaks away from the rules of all previous world lines.”

Gyro of the Kingdom of Entica, who gives a quick answer even when the complex concept of ‘world line’ is mentioned.

The reason why he can understand the Archduke’s words is because he is the person who became the devil’s servant the fastest.

Each time Ed returned, he was the first to obey the devil, and he also obeyed the fastest in this world line, and his loyalty was recognized and he was given a glimpse of the ‘world line record’.

【Then I guess I should speed up. Have you finished all the groundwork for your kingdom?】

When the Grand Duke learned that the ‘he’ of this episode was Edgar Fix and that Edgar Fix’s growth rate was superior to all previous episodes, he asked Gyro.

Are you ready to turn the kingdom upside down?

“Yes… Joe, it’s a little early… But preparations for the coup have been completed. Wow, the prince and the core power class… Have all converted to the Salvation Church… So you can go at any time.”

At this, Gyro raised the corners of his mouth and spoke, even though he was suffering from the ‘force’ pressing down on his body.

Through this, he will be able to gain more trust from his master.

【Then take control of the kingdom. After taking control of the kingdom, prepare for the ‘ritual of sacrifice’.】

However, the Archduke’s next words were completely unexpected.

While in all previous rounds the kingdom itself was merely turned into a den of demonic religions, this time it was ordered to sacrifice the entire kingdom.

“Ha, if you come…”

【Yes. Save the incarnation. I will descend in person.】

Performing a sacrificial ritual means that the soul of the Grand Duke will descend into the incarnation.

It was definitely unconventional.

This means that Edgar is conscious of the growth of Fix.

Gyro said, recalling the person he had in mind.

“Well, then… There is a person suitable as the incarnation of fire…”

The incarnation of the Archduke that Gyro has already spotted.

The Grand Duke showed interest and asked him to explain in detail.

Soon, Gyro answered.

“Eh, this is a guy who harbors a strong hatred for Edgar Fix… Well, besides, he is a guy who is used to handling the power of ‘anger’… Well, not long ago, he killed his own father… And then ascended to the position of archbishop by offering the people of his territory as tribute… ·.”

Anger toward Ed.

A talent familiar with the power of anger.

A traitor who killed his own father.

The inhumanity of offering the people of the territory as tribute.

All conditions were perfect.

The Grand Duke said with a satisfied smile.

【Contact him. I will make you my incarnation.】

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