144 – Things Left Behind

“Grandfather. “I’m here~”

Her granddaughter, who had been called by Harris, entered her room with a smile.

Finally, when Harris led us to ‘her master’s hall,’ her granddaughter opened her eyes wide and said,

“The master’s hall? “Then I guess that person is Ha Do-yoon?”

The granddaughter said that and came running.

She said, scanning my appearance here and there with her big, clear eyes.

“Hmm~ It’s different from what I thought. Ha Do-yoon was my ideal type when I was young. “I thought he was a macho guy with bulky muscles.”

She glanced at me with a somewhat disappointed expression and gave me a taste of her own again.

Eventually, when Harris told her not to talk nonsense and to lead her to the Master’s Hall, she gave a rather weak reply of ‘Neng~’ and started to lead the way.

Then Harris said with an embarrassed smile.

“I’m sorry, Ha Do-yoon. Since my granddaughter has not yet inherited the will of her ancestors, she does not have a sense of duty. “I hope she understands.”

“No. “I’m thankful that the entire family is carrying this burden because of me.”

The Egerton family has preserved this place just for me and passed down memories from the 1st to 23rd generations.

After expressing my gratitude for the unwavering maintenance of the Egerton family, I followed her granddaughter.

Now, Harris’s granddaughter will be free from me and will be able to live a free life.

“More than that, what is your name?”

As I was following behind Harris’ granddaughter, I asked her name.

Her granddaughter turned to me and said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. You didn’t even tell me your name. I’m Christine. Christine Egerton.”

Christine said that and began to introduce herself.

He chattered away, telling me all kinds of TMI, including his age, ideal type, favorite book, and the reason he liked me when he was young.

Contrary to my first impression, he had a very affable personality.

I think it would be easy to get close to him because he is moderately rude.

“My taste in men is more extreme than I thought. “I fell in love with the sight of the devil splitting into two.”

In particular, her taste in looking at men was quite unique and interesting.

The reason I fell in love with you when I was young was because I felt excited when I attacked the demon army alone and tore the demons apart.

Anyway, as we chatted, we soon arrived in front of a building called ‘Master’s Hall’.

And Elena was waiting in front of the building.

As soon as the interview with Harris was over, I was directed to come here and was waiting.

“····Wow, are you here?”


Elena and I meet for the first time after hearing all the stories of the past.

An awkward atmosphere flowed between the two of us.

After hearing the explanation that we were colleagues a long time ago, I felt an awkwardness between us.

I wonder if the relationship between teacher and disciple has been strangely twisted.

“Let’s sleep. “You can have some fun later, but follow me first.”

At that time, Christine clapped her hands to brighten her mood.

Thanks to this, I was able to leave the awkwardness behind and enter the master’s hall naturally.


As we entered the Master’s Hall, we were amazed by the enormous size of the corridor.

Magnificent murals reminiscent of the battle of the gods and the first possessed person are everywhere. In other words, it was full of stone statues honoring players.


However, what caught the eye by far was the 13m high stone statue.

This is ‘my stone statue’ that occupies the center of the corridor.

It was as if Edgar Fix had bulked up as an adult.

I quite liked the detail of the demon corpses piled up here and there.

“I think about that sometimes. “In fact, my ancestors were probably huge fans of Ha Do-yoon.”

At that time, Christen said that while looking at my statue.

Then, she quietly looked at the statue as if lost in some thought, but then she walked away and spoke.

“Follow me. “My ancestors’ fandom is just beginning.”

Just like that, Christine led us across the corridor and into a room.

The room was lined with weapons that looked incredibly precious at first glance.

Christine looked back at us and said.

“It is an artifact created with the ‘authority’ of an early player. It is an artifact that cannot be used by anyone other than the player. “The performance of each one is also terrible.”

Elena and I walked in front of the artifact as if we were possessed.

It was a perfect weapon both aesthetically and functionally.


At that time, Elena held up the staff artifact.

Then, a bright light burst out and began to gently surround Elena.

Elena muttered to herself with a blank face.

“·····I feel like my senses have become sharper. “I feel everything.”

Elena felt that something had changed and looked around her.

She also said that she could see the flow of mana even without turning on her blue eyes.

I only heard about one artifact, but it has grown into an even bigger monster than it is now.

‘Is this why I failed so many retries?’

And as I looked at Elena like that, I was reminiscing about her many failures in the past.

I felt like I was bound to fail because I couldn’t find this honeypot.

‘But this time…’

I found this place.

I was able to retrieve numerous Noble Phantasms that could tear apart demons and memories of the past.

This is the most promising of the many rounds I have tried so far.

“Ah. Ahhh! This, this!”

While she was lost in thought for a moment, Elena was expressing her joy as she tried on various artifacts, like a rich person who won the lottery and came to her luxury store for the first time.

Christine, who was laughing while looking at her like that, looked at me and said.

“Doyun, you should choose quickly too. “Why are you standing there blankly leaving your weapon behind?”

Christine said that and pulled me in.

It was a place with a ridiculously large greatsword.

Christine pointed to the great sword and explained that it was the only artifact I had ever used.


A great sword that occupies a single place.

When I asked if there were any other set equipment, Christine shook her head.

She explained that in the past, she did not wear any protective gear and that this sword alone was enough.

‘····It’s quite reckless.’

The past me was different from the present.

No, if you think about it, it’s not much different now.

When dealing with the devil, you look 180 degrees different from your usual self.


Anyway, I picked up the great sword I was told I had used in the past.

No, I tried to lift it.

A greatsword that doesn’t move.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t help but laugh.

After correcting my posture, I could not lift it even if I pulled it with both hands.

“It makes me angry.”

Why did they all swing such an ignorant greatsword?

I felt embarrassed and took out the suit from my inventory.

The suit parts that appeared simultaneously in the air automatically recognized me and began to attach themselves to my body.


At this, Christine stared at my suit with her bright eyes.

It seems like me wearing a suit suits Christine’s taste better.

Anyway, while I was wearing the suit perfectly, I caused a surge of mana flowing in my body and sent a large amount of it into the suit.

I can assure you that even the sword master would have to tense his fist if this amount of mana was put into the suit.

By raising the mana to an extreme level, the destructive power and hardness have been greatly strengthened.


I stretched out my arm and grabbed the great sword again.

After strengthening my grip, I raised my arm to pick up the great sword.


But all it was was a ‘rattling’.

It is not completely audible and only the handle twitches a little.

What on earth was I doing in ancient times?

From what I saw in the video, it looks like he was swinging it around like a toy.


But the past is the past, and the present is now.

No matter how great you were in the past, it is meaningless if you cannot achieve this now.

So, I began to focus the mana evenly distributed within the suit on my right arm.

In order to lift this great sword, 35% of the total mana was poured into only the right arm.


Then, finally, the great sword rose in the air.

My arms creaked like an unoiled machine, but I was able to lift like this.


But I wanted to swing this great sword freely.

Still, it’s a weapon I used, but isn’t it out of shape that I can barely hold it?

So I concentrated more mana on my right arm and poured in 45% of the total mana.

Still, it was impossible to swing freely, so I tried adding 5% again.


After investing 50% of the total mana, I was finally able to use the sword freely.

You have to use 50% of your total power just to swing a sword.

“Still, the owner seems to be the owner. “It suits you quite well.”

At that time, Christine, who was watching me, raised her thumb and said that.

I answered her by placing her greatsword in her inventory and dismantling her suit.

“It’s still too much to handle properly. “As you saw earlier, you can only swing it.”

Unlike Elena, who used her unique abilities as soon as she put on the artifact, she was only able to lift things.

The great sword I heard about probably has some unique function.

However, in order to activate it, I have to increase my ability further.

In the past, I was such a monster that I could destroy an army of demons alone.

“hehehehe. But there’s nothing to be discouraged~ There are still plenty of presents left.”

Christine said that and told Elena and I to follow her.

Soon, guided by her, we arrived in another unfamiliar room and saw a magic technique we had never seen before.

In other words, he received a book that described ancient magic techniques.

“This is…!!”

Elena jumped up at this.

For a long time, he considered researching ancient techniques as his mission.

Christine smiled and approached Elena.

“It is an ancient technique that only players could use in the distant past. As a descendant of a player, I can also use this much.”

From noble mtl dot com

Christine said that and muttered her unidentified spell.

Then, as if my perception of her had been distorted, I could not feel any signs of being popular with her even though she was right next to me.

Christine said with a grin.

“hehehe. How is it? “It’s different from just a magic trick, right?”

At Christine’s words, Elena looked at her with a blank expression on her face.

Then, suddenly, she hugged Christen and said thank you.

I was overcome with emotion when I saw the ancient magic that I had dreamed of being recreated before my eyes.

“····I think you can interpret all of the ‘Ancient Books.’ “The barrier here was built using an ancient magic technique, but her older sister used a reverse magic technique herself.”

As Christine said that, she lightly patted Elena on the back.

Then Elena nodded her head and answered that she would definitely prevent the destruction of the empire she saw in her dreams every day.

After taking the ‘Ancient Book’ with us, we moved to the next location.

Christine, who guides us to the next location, explained that the place we are going to now is a place prepared just for me and that I can look forward to it.


When I arrived at the next location, I couldn’t help but be surprised.

This is because it was completely similar to the room I lived in before being possessed by ‘El Pandor Runeterra.’

Soon, Christine stood in the center of the room and spoke with a gentle smile.

“This is the place that the founder of the Egerton family put the most power into creating. “He left his thoughts here in preparation for Doyun’s return in the distant future.”

Christine said that and walked to the table where the crystal ball was.

Eventually, she stood in front of the table, placed her hand on her crystal ball, and spoke to me.

“It’s only for a moment, but the founder’s thoughts will dwell in me. “You’ve been wanting to see Doyoon for a long time, so let’s talk about it.”

Christine said that and closed her eyes.

Then, the green light inside the crystal ball dwelled within Christine, and boom—! And a large shock wave spread out.


Afterwards, Christine began to open her closed eyes.

He raised his eyelashes, which were so long that even the falling snow was piling up, and looked directly at me.

From that alone, I was able to realize that there was something else inside her.

Her unique cheerful energy has disappeared and some other energy has taken its place.

-Boom! Thud! Thud! Thud!

At that time, Christine, who had been quietly glaring at me, began to approach me without hesitation.

He quickly closed the distance, making heavy footsteps as if he was very angry.

She came so close to me—.



He hit me right in the stomach.

The force was so strong that she made a gasping sound and her back bent.

“Hey! “You bastard!”

Has he been possessed by another thought?

Christine didn’t stop there, she swore at me and punched me a few more times.

Feeling like I was going to get beaten to death, I raised my mana to strengthen her body and took a defensive stance.



Suddenly, Christine hugged me.

She hugged me, pounded my back, and screamed in a sobbing voice.

“Hey you…if you keep doing that…what will happen? We agreed to get through this together…but if you sacrifice yourself alone…you jerk…if you do that…then what about us? “Did you think it was okay?”


A friend of mine from the past who vents out old feelings.

However, I don’t even remember what the story of that old feeling is or even what this friend’s name is.

“I’m sorry.”

But, without realizing it, the words “Sorry” Came out of my own accord.

I don’t remember anything, but the bond between this friend and me was unusual.

I could instinctively feel that my choice to sacrifice myself was a big hurt to him.

“I missed you… “You son of a b*tch…”

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