127 – The strongest swordsmanship that cuts the enemy by converting the friction generated when the sword is pulled out of the scabbard into magical energy

At the time when Ed established a shipyard and made turrets for battleships.

At the academy, it had already been a month since vacation began.

And at this time, Enya was still focused on training.

He speaks of Baldojutsu, a swordsmanship that he wants to develop independently.


However, there is still no significant result.

I devoted myself to developing the Baldo technique throughout the academy semester and after returning home, but no clear results were achieved.

In the first place, it only looks plausible because it is cartoonish, but it has no useful value in real life.

Realistically, the right path would be to take the advice of your father, who is a swordsman, or the people around you, and make full use of your specialty, the quick sword.


However, Enya did not break her stubbornness.

There were countless moments when I almost collapsed, but in the end, I was able to stand up thanks to Ed.

Only one person who supports oneself.

He is the person who advised me that a certain amount of energy must be invested in order to reach a certain level.

He was able to swing his sword without wavering because of the person he held deep in his heart.

You can focus on swordsmanship that everyone says will fail.


However, this does not mean that one only swings the sword ignorantly.

He is analyzing the cause of why the Baldo liquor he develops keeps failing, and is trying his best to devise and apply measures to resolve the cause.

In other words, we are establishing an appropriate theory and applying it.

“····The essence of Baldojutsu is slashing.”

Enya was delving into the essence of martial arts, and concluded that its essence was ‘slashing’.

That’s because a slash is inflicting devastating damage to the enemy with a single swing, so it can be seen as similar in context to the art of slashing, which causes damage to the enemy at the same time as the slash is struck.


But in order to perform a slash, you had to have an innate constitution.

In other words, one hand must have enough mana to be able to perform a slash.

In that sense, the person who can best use the art of martial arts is Gracia.

Swordmaster Gracia’s right arm contains close to 30% of his total mana, and thanks to this, he was able to use an enormous true sword.

It is possible to kill with a single blow.

‘I don’t do that.’

But Enya’s mana capacity is not like that.

The mana capacity of the head is 40%.

And the remaining 60% is evenly distributed.

It is difficult to use a slash due to its structure.

‘····Is it my stubbornness?’

However, Enya has been trying to use slashes even though she knows her mana capacity.

He defined the essence of Baldojutsu as cutting, so he tried to somehow deliver strong cutting.


And this is the result.

Although it has the nature of a slash, its killing power is significantly reduced.

The sword energy is not released enough to tear the enemy to pieces.


Enya dropped the arm that was swinging the sword.

And then he remembered the advice Ed had given him.

Ed advised that the key to success is to fail as much as possible.

However, I said that there must be something to be learned from failure.

In that sense, did you learn anything from your failure?



I was just throwing a tantrum like a child.

He, a genius in swordsmanship, said there was no way he could be like this.

He was just stubborn, saying that with a little practice, he could use slashes at any time.

The result was ridicule and disregard.

All I heard was that the genius I had when I was young was nothing more than a bubble, and that I am now a waste product, relegated to the bottom of the S class.

I felt a sense of entitlement due to those rumors and felt nervous and anxious. And recently, I was the one who was seething with anger for no reason.

Until I met Ed and received advice.

“I am weak.”

So Enya decided to face reality properly.

He decided to accept himself as weak.

Only then will you learn something from failure.

“I was arrogant”

One of your weaknesses.

It was arrogance.

He was praised as a genius since he was young, and he came to take it for granted.

They believed only in their natural talent and easily looked down on others.

Because of that, I didn’t want to learn.

I thought it was something I could follow at a glance, so I thought everything was very easy.

As a result, while everyone was growing, I fell behind.

“I ignored everyone…”

Also, he ignored his opponent.

I thought I could easily win, so I only insisted on using Baldosul.

He ignored it, saying that he could easily defeat that guy with just kicking techniques.

As a result, I began to lose out to those who had ignored me.

After losing to an opponent I had ignored, unbearable anger boiled over.

That anger consumed him and made him narrow-minded.

I became obsessed with Baldojutsu again because I thought I could defeat that guy at any time if I learned it properly.


Enya took a deep breath.

When I faced my own weakness like this, I began to see things that I had not seen before.

Perhaps I am wrong in my belief that kicking technique = slashing.

How about redefining Baldosul?

‘Ed advised me to try as many different failures as possible.’

Now that I think about it, Ed said something like this.

Experiencing failure in various ways can increase your chances of success.

In that sense, he was repeating only one failure.

He fell over while trying to use only slashes.

‘Do a baldo. Cuts down enemies simultaneously.’

So Enya decided to redefine the essence of Baldosul.

A swordsmanship that simultaneously cuts down an enemy with a sharp strike.

How should I define this?


Now that I think about it, this was truly magical.

Is it possible for an opponent from far away to fall when I just drew my sword?

Unless it is a special technique…


At that time, a thought flashed in Enya’s mind.

Now that I think about it, can Baldosul be called swordsmanship?

To call it swordsmanship, it only involves one movement, and there is no system at all for things like herbivore.

From noble mtl dot com

It’s not for nothing that my father and Professor Gracia snort at the idea of Baldosul.

‘A technique that simultaneously cuts down the enemy with a sharp strike.’

So Enya tried changing her swordsmanship into a martial arts technique.

If I change the technique of firing a sword into a technique, will the mechanism work?

‘····It is possible.’

It is possible.

There is nothing in this world that is impossible with magic.

The act of swinging a sword was simply added.

“I need to learn the magic technique.”

The Cruel family is a famous swordsman.

And he himself is a genius in swordsmanship.

Because of these two propositions, I didn’t even think about learning techniques.

Even his own father is a magic swordsman who uses both magic and swordsmanship.

“The most powerful sword technique that cuts down the enemy by converting the friction generated when the sword is pulled out of the scabbard into magical energy.”

So Enya slightly changed the definition of Baldosul.

‘Motion’ energy into ‘surgical’ energy.

A smile appeared on her face.


Same time.

Finally, Clendor’s battleship arrived at the port.

The ship carrying First Prince Ian, Second Prince Luke, and First Princess Bianca arrived at the southern port.

“Welcome to the Empire. “It’s been a long journey and you’ve worked hard.”

And this time, it was Great Mage Elena and Sword Saint Illiya who greeted them.

However, unlike Leon, who was rude to them, Ian apologized for the atrocities that Leon had committed and thanked them for their hospitality.

“hahahaha. You’re welcome. I’m sure you’ll be hungry because you have to come a long way. “I will take you straight to the banquet hall.”

Diplomatic stance is slightly different from before.

Elena and Ileiya’s relaxedness is evident in their extreme honorifics, eyes, and attitudes.

‘You’re so arrogant.’

Ian secretly didn’t like it, but he couldn’t help it.

Unlike before when it was a super power relationship, now it has been reduced to just a partnership.

‘You just have to get what you want somehow. Authority to set routes and maritime exercises.’

I just decided to accept what I had to accept and take what I needed to take.

They look for an opportunity by pretending not to notice Illiya’s attitude of subtly ignoring them.

Throughout the party, Ian and Luke talked about Leon and subtly criticized them. And Bianca took it all in with her laughter.

When he met the princess who could be said to be the actual person in charge of this expedition, 2nd Prince Ian finally took out her teeth.

At the same time as suggesting a change in route, he also said that maritime training was needed.

“Please do so.”


However, the princess’s reaction was unexpected.

Even if the Empire is unfamiliar with route setting, they can’t believe they accept naval battles so easily.

Even though it was obvious that they would be destroyed.

“····Are you okay? During naval battles, Imperial ships may suffer some damage. Inevitably, there will be injured people.”

So Ian glanced at the princess again.

However, the princess just repeated the same answer this time.

“It’s okay. Coincidentally, we also have a battleship that we are developing for this exploration. I think it will probably be built in about a month, so why not try joint training then?”

The Empire is also developing a fleet?

Ian barely suppressed a snort.

The technological gap between the Great Klendor Empire and the Empire is already at an indescribable level.

‘Still, since the princess is so confident, she seems reluctant.’

However, it seemed unlikely that the princess would say something like that without even thinking about it.

I think he has that kind of attitude because he believes in something…

‘They say they recently started trading with dwarves again. Then····’

Perhaps they are doing this because they believe in the dwarves’ technological prowess.

I heard that several dwarven craftsmen were dispatched to the empire.

It looks like he will probably be dispatched to build a battleship…

‘It’s no use.’

You will not see any significant effect.

In the first place, dwarves are a race that lives in mountainous areas, so their technology related to battleships is not as good as that of Klendor.

At best, it will only be a more upgraded cannon.

Dwarves are expert in firearms and firearms.

‘The illusion is also oily resin. ‘Firepower is not everything in naval warfare.’

However, even if firepower is upgraded, it is of no use unless other things support it.

In order to win a naval battle, the ship must have excellent maneuverability and sailing skills that know how to use waves and weather are also important.

Simply increasing firepower does not mean it is a solution.

‘More than anything, our battleships have become more advanced than before.’

Furthermore, Klendor’s battleships are the strongest in the world.

It evolved into the final version through improvement after improvement.

You will not be able to find a more outstanding battleship than this.

“hahahahaha. It’s an imperial battleship, so I’m looking forward to it. Great.”

Ian readily accepted the princess’s offer.

The confrontation training between the Empire and the Klendor Empire will be held in a month.

Clendor will definitely win.

“Then, I understand that joint training will be held in a month.”

Eventually, Ian stood up from her seat and offered to shake the princess’s hand.

The princess raised the corner of her mouth and held Ian’s hand as he asked her to shake his hand.

The two shook hands and looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.


Meanwhile, the number of workers in Ed’s estate was increasing in real time.

Now the number of wearable robots for construction has increased to 112.

This is because a lot of manpower is needed to run not only a steel mill but also a shipyard.

“·····It’s enormous.”

As a result, losing money was no joke.

In order to run thousands of workers smoothly, all food, clothing, and shelter issues had to be resolved, and in order to make them sleep for 3 hours a day and extract 21-hour labor, a large number of mental recovery scrolls and fatigue recovery scrolls had to be circulated to restore them.

All of this was a financial hemorrhage caused by trying to build battleships as quickly as possible.

“I never thought it would be this much even with the support of the imperial family.”

The money he earns and the enthusiastic support of Elmar Estate.

This is an enormous project that is being carried out with the support of the imperial family.

But the money was already slowly running out.

This is because mass production systems for mining and agricultural technologies have not yet been established, so unit prices are high.

Ed was simultaneously seeking to revolutionize mining technology and increase agricultural production.

The labor revolution brought about by wearable construction robots is turning everything in the estate into a mass production system.

“After the battleships are built, there will be surplus.”

Transition to mass production system.

That means that supply will increase dramatically.

Nowadays, all this food and resources are being consumed as the construction of battleships is an enormous project that goes beyond the times, but one day, everything produced in factories will remain.

‘I need to find a place to sell.’

When that time comes, you have to find a place to sell it.

For example, the island nation of Klendor, located near the south of the empire.

Take the battleship and shout, ‘Open the door, you bastard!’

After that, ‘Aren’t you saying hello? If you say, ‘My brother brought me some good stuff, do you want to buy it?’, You will be able to find a place to sell it.

“What a gentlemanly idea.”

An idea that truly advocates imperialism.

However, it was inevitable for the development of the territory.

This was the best way to prepare for the demons by creating a fortress city of your own design.

Someday, there are plans to expand this fortress city to receive refugees.

As a result, we will be able to protect the people of Klendor.

“My lord.”

At that time, Greek came to visit Ed.

This is to deliver the letter addressed to Ed.

Ed finally received the letter and smiled.

It was Isabella.

“Well, my lord.”

While Ed was smiling slightly, Greek called Ed.

As Ed looked at him, Greek carefully spoke out.

“How about moving the lord’s office now?”

“·····? Why?”

“Well… Isn’t it too shabby to be called the lord’s office when a steel mill is also being built?”

A container box that Ed is using as a temporary office.

In fact, this place gave off the vibe of a manpower agency office rather than a lord’s office.

With all kinds of mechanical equipment scattered around, there is only one water purifier and one desk.

“It’s okay. “I feel comfortable here.”

However, the neat and flashy decoration was not Ed’s style.

The smelter’s workshop, with its strangely addictive smell of soldering, suited Ed.


Ed looks genuinely comfortable here.

Grick bowed politely and then retreated.

Even though he had so much wealth, respect for the lord, who shared all the money with his people and did not indulge in extravagance, naturally arose.

“···It’s already tomorrow.”

Meanwhile, Ed was reading a letter from Isabella.

It was written that we would meet tomorrow night at midnight on the mountain behind the academy we saw at that time.

Because tomorrow is the day when her suppressed emotions will be released for the first time in 49 days.

“I have to work hard today.”

So Ed decided to do as much as possible today.

Not much time remains until the final construction of the dreadnought battleship.

We have to be busy in order to meet the joint training day.

Soon, Ed changed into his work clothes and left the container box.

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