110 – He is coming.

Imperial Imperial Academy.

The world’s best military elite training institution created by the empire with a huge budget.

Leon Clendor was walking around the academy campus with a slightly embarrassed face.

This is because the grandeur and scale of the academy are greater than what I heard through rumors.

After all, is an empire an empire?



The Kingdom of Klendor won victory over the Empire.

This is because the Kingdom of Clendor cannot be defeated in a naval battle.

No matter how outstanding the empire’s military elite was, it was of no use if they could not set foot on the ground.

If it were a naval war, we would have no choice but to be helpless.

‘When it comes to underwater warfare, we are the strongest.’

If the Empire is the strongest on earth, the Kingdom of Clendor is the strongest on the sea.

The elite soldiers he brought with him were capable of smooth combat even at sea.

This is because the ‘mana breathing method’ that has been passed down since ancient times has become perfectly established over the generations.

Cadets of the empire who do not learn this will not be able to avoid difficulties.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Leon Clendor. He is the first prince of Dae-Clendor and the commander in charge of overall command of this exploration.”

So, Leon gathered together the 20 cadets selected for this ‘Ocean Exploration’ selection competition and began his speech.

We were able to gather the cadets like this because we had permission from the princess, who is the academy’s chairman and the biggest decision-maker.

“And you are the strongest talents in the empire. Among hundreds of talented cadets. It can be said that they are 20 elites who have been selected and selected. So, you will definitely not like this situation of receiving instructions from a prince of a foreign country. “Because your potential and power are that special.”

Leon said that and looked around at the academy cadets.

Isabella, Claire, Enya, Lucas, Charlotte. The other cadets were glaring at Leon with stiff faces.

Soon, Leon smiled and said.

“Okay. It certainly seems like you have your finger on the pulse. The look in your eyes did not yet acknowledge the main officer as the commander. Rather, you are delusional because of your potential and qualities. “The illusion that one is the strongest talent.”

Leon said that and glanced at the ‘recording person.’

This is to make sure that your dignified appearance is being recorded well.

Finally, he smiled and started walking around on his podium.

“Your eyes seem even more burning than before. But obviously you are not the strongest. “He may be the strongest cadet on land, but it’s a different story when it comes to the sea.”

Leon laughed to himself.

This situation is as if the empire’s strongest talents are gathered together and yelling at them.

This scene will certainly be well-received by numerous nobles and the public in the home country, and will serve as valuable material to solidify one’s position.

Leon continued to shout out the lines he had prepared.

“History proves this. Even as the empire waged wars of conquest and subjugated numerous countries, our Kingdom of Clendor stood firm. No, not a single imperialist has set foot on my land.”

Leon said that and looked at Enya.

Descendants who inherited the bloodline of the old Cruel Kingdom.

“Also, the Kruel royal family, which was our enemy, surrendered to the empire and became the Duke and now the Grand Duke, but we won the Great War seven years ago and became the Empire. “Because we have this history of victory, we can stand as your commander.”

Prince Leon is proud of himself and raises the corners of his mouth.

However, the academy cadets were unable to respond in any way.

Anyway, Leon Clendor came here in the capacity of general commander.

“Therefore, we would like to inform you of the fear of the sea. No matter what our past history was, we are currently trying to join forces to overcome the wall of the sea, and to make this possible, we must know the fear of the sea and develop the strength to respond to it.”

As Leon said that, he glanced at his elite soldiers.

Everyone looked full of confidence.

Pisik-Leon raised the corners of his mouth and spoke the following words.

“The method is simple. 1:1 Underwater battles will be held in descending order of rank. Although you are participating in this expedition for the purpose of a field trip, it is not uncommon for ships to be stranded by sea monsters. This means that a situation where an underwater battle may occur unexpectedly can occur at any time.”

Leon added lies to promote this confrontation.

Since Klendor’s battleships have been strengthened, there are very few ships that run aground.

But in order to drag the academy cadets into an underwater battle and humiliate them, he had no choice but to add a little lie.

“Okay. Then, let’s get started right away without any further delay. “Follow the main building and move to the practice location.”


Practice location prepared by Leon.

It was none other than a very large water tank.

Leon, who had brought in the best technical team to vividly record this match, had installed a very large water tank in the academy’s vacant lot with the princess’s permission.

All that’s left is to set up video transmission magic balls and lights here and there to make the water clearly visible, and use wave magic to create an ocean-like environment.

Of course, I didn’t forget to add salt to add more realism.

“Prince. “It’s ready.”

After filling it with water and strengthening the outer wall for several hours, the underwater training center was finally completed.

The time has come to experience humiliation for the best talents selected from the Academy.

‘Kkeukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. ‘It’s great.’

Soon, Leon looked around with a satisfied smile.

The place where this large water tank was set up was the largest vacant lot in the academy, so it was a place where all academy cadets could gather.

This means that all academy cadets can see the 20 cadets selected through the selection process being brutally defeated by their own elite soldiers.

For this purpose, we put special effort into live broadcasting.

‘Despair…! Despair, despair…!’

20 Cadets selected to explore the sea wall.

The sight of them being brutally defeated by their own elite soldiers will surely be a source of great despair to the spectators gathered here.

And their vivid expressions and reactions will be a great source of inspiration to the nobility and public of their home country.

There is no video that is as refreshing as the sight of the enemy sobbing and despairing.

“Then let the first confrontation begin!”

So Leon ordered the first confrontation.

The first player was a top 20 academy cadet.

Soon, the host began to proceed.

“Athletes from both sides, please climb to the top.”

Climb to the top.

What that meant was to step on the stairs installed on both sides of the tank and go all the way up.

If you go up to the end of the stairs, you will automatically be standing at the edge of a 10m high water tank.

“Once the countdown is complete, we will begin the dive. “After obtaining it, you can freely engage in combat and put your opponent in a state of inability to fight.”

As we climbed to the end of the stairs and stood at the top of the tank, the host started counting down.

Soon, the countdown reached 0, and the Klendor elite on the left and the academy cadet on the right dived at the same time.


As soon as the two players entered the water, a video transmission magic ball followed them and began broadcasting them live.

Numerous cadets gathered near the water tank looked at the scene.


“···It’s ridiculous.”

“Feldor is defeated so easily?”

However, the results were disastrous.

No, there was no such thing as a confrontation.

For a veteran who had gone on numerous voyages and fought numerous sea monsters, the academy cadets were nothing more than minnows.

It was a landslide victory for the Klendor elites.


At this, the people brought by Leon began to cheer.

Imperial Academy, the largest elite training institution in the empire.

This is because the top 20 there lost without doing anything.

They proved that they are the best in underwater combat.

‘That’s petty.’

However, Elena, who was watching this, raised the corners of her mouth slyly.

This is because it would be a ridiculous mismatch to send out an underwater combat veteran against a first-year academy student.

It was natural that the confrontation itself would not take place in the first place.

‘But you said that Leon Clendor had only been enlisted for a year.’

However, Leon Clendor explained that the elite soldier who had just won victory was a rookie who had only been enlisted for a year.

But in the eyes of Grand Mage Elena, that elite soldier was clearly a veteran who had been trained in underwater warfare for a long time.

What kind of gap is there here?

‘If the prince’s words are not lies… He is a mercenary.’

The answer is mercenaries.

Although it has only been a year since he enlisted, he is a veteran mercenary who has been engaged in underwater warfare for several years.

There is a mercenary group in the Kingdom of Klendor that protects civilian fishing boats from sea monsters.

‘It’s just a show.’

That means it is a show-and-tell approach.

I want to create a picture that says, ‘A rookie in his first year of enlistment beats the top 20 cadets at the Imperial Academy.’

“It’s a victory for Klendor!”

Just like that, the Academy ended up losing for the fifth time in a row.

From Top.20 To Top.16.

I was defeated cruelly by an underwater warfare veteran without even trying.

The expressions of the academy cadets who were watching this began to turn into despair.

‘It doesn’t matter.’

But Elena did not raise any objection.

In the first place, she had no interest in contests of pride between nations or political propaganda.

The only thing that matters to her is the growth of talented people.

This is because I think this defeat will be a good stimulus for the academy cadets.

‘Above all…’

She has only lost 5 people yet.

From Top.20 To Top.16, It could not be said to be that outstanding.

There are more monsters up here.


Ed is coming.

Edgar Fix, the academy’s strongest cadet, has announced that he will return to the academy after completing his duties in the territory.

There are now two days left until Ed’s return.

For the sake of time, we decided to compete against 5 people per day, so we will arrive before the game ends.

And when that time comes, the Clendor guys will realize.

That there are crazy cadets in the empire who are not up to standard with underwater warfare or anything like that.

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