105 – Unconventional Investment

‘A ridiculous idea’

Lucas shook his head and smiled.

My mother, who has never laid eyes on a man before, has special feelings for her 18-year-old classmate.

That won’t happen, right?

‘It’s just rain.’

Lucas tried to shake off the thoughts that appeared in his head.

Ed is a guest who benefits the family, so wouldn’t the mother, the head of the family, feel good about it?

Enough to drink alcohol that I normally wouldn’t drink.

“Ed! “I was wondering where he was, and he was drinking our wine!”

Lucas told a light joke and smiled cheerfully.

He didn’t want to show his embarrassed feelings.

“Hmm. It was the best wine I’ve ever had. “It aged very well.”

As we sat down in the empty seat, Ed smiled, lightly shaking his wine glass.

In response, Lucas also smiled beautifully and nodded his head lightly.

“You brought out some precious wine.”

And he looked at his mother.

My mother was smiling intoxicatedly, with a disheveled face she had never seen before.

This was the first time in my life that I had seen my cheeks turn red, so my mind was confused.

“Okay then. You’re my son’s friend. “He is also an honored guest.”

Adela said that and poured wine for Lucas.

Lucas tried to maintain a smile, smelled the wine, and took a light sip.

It was bitter.

From noble mtl dot com

“hahahaha. “It’s our house wine, after all.”

He just smiled and tried to hide his nervousness.

It was Lucas’ old habit of pretending to be more relaxed the more he felt scared.

“Master’s meal has been served.”

We calmed our minds by talking lightly like that.

Before she knew it, her maid was serving her meal.

There was no need to go through hors d’oeuvres or appetizers, and the T-bone steak was placed on the table as a main dish.

Eventually, Lucas cut the steak with skillful hands and got to the point.

“But… Are you here because of family business?”

Did you come here because of family matters?

In other words, the intention was to check whether it was a public matter or a private matter.

Finally, when Ed nodded his head, Lucas felt relieved and put a piece of steak into his mouth.

The taste was very good.

“Hmm. Okay. “Then I guess I was interfering with your discussion.”

Afterwards, Lucas, who swallowed a piece of steak, treated Ed as if he were a count.

If he came to discuss family matters, it is because he was not his guest but his mother’s guest.

“What a cheesy way to say that.”

However, Ed was disgusted by Lucas’ sudden honorific and burst out laughing.

He, who was unfamiliar with the management of the estate, humbled himself by saying that he had only come to seek advice from his guardian.

Lucas’ mind became much more at ease.

“That’s right, Count.”

Lucas joked to Ed in a relaxed manner.

Ed countered that he would shoot a repulsor beam if he called him in that cheesy tone one more time, and Lucas joked that he wouldn’t suffer like the last time.

‘Are you being considerate of your son?’

However, Adela was smiling deeply as she looked at Ed.

Edgar, who noticed Lucas’ discomfort, clearly showed that he was treating Lucas with consideration.

Ed knew how to handle people skillfully, like an adult reassuring a child.

‘How can a person become so mature at such an early age?’

It was amazing.

Although Edgar Fix was only an 18-year-old young man, his skill in handling people made me feel like I was seeing a wise man who had mastered life.

What can I say, he has an attitude and aura that is inappropriate for his age.

This was the aura exuded only by those who had come to a certain enlightenment while dealing with all kinds of human beings.

A person who has mastered enough to be able to summarize human beings in one sentence based on long experience.

I felt that Ed had reached such a level of maturity.

‘He is an awake person.’

Furthermore, he was not the only one who could handle people well.

He was an intellectual and philosopher who possessed culture and knowledge.

Of course, I received a lesson from him today.

I was so captivated by his view of justice and monarchy that I fell in love with it to the point that I didn’t even know I was drunk.

‘A true leader is called by the times…’

Adela suddenly remembered what Ed had said.

A true leader is someone who is needed in that era.

That was correct.

She was criticized by all the nobles for giving birth to a commoner’s child, but wasn’t she eventually able to prove herself and emerge as the Empress of the East?

This was a concept that was completely opposite to the monarchy thought by existing nobles.

Don’t the existing nobles take for granted everything they enjoy, thinking that their status is a sacred right granted from heaven?

Because of this, many of the nobles were arrogant and incompetent.

Most of them only knew how to use a little of the mana they got thanks to their natural status, but were no better than commoners.

Of course, there were some nobles who advocated noblesse oblige, but only a very small number of people practiced it.

‘I was like that once too.’

Of course, I was like that at one time.

Before she met her husband, she was a more arrogant and noble woman than anyone else.

But after meeting her husband and going through a series of events, she changed.

She was fascinated by her husband and accepted everything about him.

After that, Adela became dissatisfied with any man other than her husband.

They were all fake pretending to be real, and there was no real person like my husband.

‘But Edgar Fix…’

But Edgar Fix was different.

He was not a fake pretending to be real.

He was a real man.

He is a true leader that the times call for.


But my heart ached.

Every time I see him, I think of her husband.

If her husband had been alive, her life could have been more complete.

She could have obeyed him and enjoyed the happiness of a woman to the fullest.


Adela clutched the necklace, a keepsake of her husband.

Perhaps because she was sober, she missed her husband so much today.


While Ed and Lucas are happily talking.

Adela quietly sipped her wine.


After dinner is over.

Ed decided to stay overnight at Adela’s house.

She decided that the next day, Adela would personally introduce the supplies she would provide to Ed.

So Ed returned to the VIP room and was doing necessary work.

She is producing blueprints to turn Young Jimins into SCVs.


So Ed was implementing 3D modeling using holograms.

Because SCV is a construction robot with a human on board, there are many complex mechanisms to consider.

“The unit price won’t come out. “The production period takes too long.”

However, there were too many complicated procedures to create a perfect SCV.

Of course, you can make it, but it also requires embedded programming and there are a lot of techniques that need to be applied.

In addition, the level of knowledge required was high, including fluid mechanics, materials mechanics, thermodynamics, and mechanical engineering.

This is the worst model for mass production.

“The f*cking kids aren’t at this level yet…”

Members of the Shibalsagi club who have just entered physics.

Although he was working hard, sleeping only 4 hours a day, it was difficult to understand and apply all the mechanics.

So Ed decided to design a construction robot that could be mass-produced.

This is a wearable robot.

‘This can be mass-produced.’

Wearable robot.

It is literally a wearable robot that can be put on and taken off like clothes.

An exoskeleton measuring 2m 30cm in height is mounted on the legs, arms, waist, back, and shoulders, allowing the exoskeleton to produce 30 times the strength that an average human can produce.

‘But if you mix the magic techniques here.’

Can be used up to 100 times normal strength.

What needs to be moved using heavy equipment can be easily moved by one person.

‘If you add several functions here…’

In addition, if you manufacture various types of arm parts to enable welding and cutting, and even create a wearable mobility device to enable rapid movement, a construction robot comparable to an SCV will be completed.

‘The power is the same as mine.’

Of course, a lot of energy is needed to operate such a wearable robot.

So, I plan to provide power by implanting mana stones into the bodies of the territory residents.

Just as the large mana stone in my chest provides mana to the entire suit.

‘The problem is…’

However, there is a problem: commoners do not have developed mana receptors, so ‘mana conversion’ is impossible.

In other words, even if a mana stone is implanted, it cannot recharge mana on its own, so it is only for one-time use.

‘I guess it should be a replacement type.’

So what I thought was to perform surgery to make it replaceable.

In other words, like Tony Stark, a hole is drilled in the chest and surgery is performed to install and insert a mana stone.

If you do so, you can control mana so that it cannot be misused, and you can also gain justification to persuade nobles who are sensitive to mana.

Since mana can only be used to operate the wearable robot, strong opposition from nobles can be prevented.

‘Of course, there will be many nobles who are against it, but it is because the princess and Elena are there.’

Besides, I have a strong bag.

The Grand Wizard and the Princess.

And now even the Empress of the East is looking after me.

As long as they support me, my SCV operation will never go undone.

“Okay. “Then let’s get started.”

After solving all the problems to some extent, Ed started work immediately.

Using holograms, we produce blueprints for wearable robots.

“Fix, let’s finish it tonight.”


Ed’s night deepened.


The next day.

After having a quick breakfast with Ed, Adela suggested taking a walk.

It was to hear in detail about Ed’s plan to rebuild his territory.

Knowing what kind of vision he has, he can determine the amount of resources he will support.

“We dream of becoming the largest industrial city in history.”

However, Ed’s vision was enormous.

We are going to create the largest industrial city in history.

It was a vision on a scale that would be difficult to implement immediately without his full support.

“I will fully support you. “We provide as much support as we can, as long as the family’s finances are not affected.”

However, Adela made an unconventional decision.

They promised to secure only the minimum resources needed to run the territory and provide support for everything else.

This was no different from a bet on the fate of the territory.

“Thank you.”

However, even though Ed received this enormous investment, all he could say was a short reply, ‘Thank you.’

If it had been anyone else, he would have bowed his head 90 degrees and been embarrassed, but he answered in a calm manner without the slightest hesitation.

It means that you are confident that your business will be successful.

From the beginning, the size of the bowl was different from other fakes.

“Then there must be a lot to prepare. “It will be the largest support ever.”

“I will not forget grace.”

“hehehehe. “I’m doing it because I think it’s worth investing in.”

“You will definitely be rewarded.”

“Good. So, without further delay, let’s get ready right away. “Let’s get everything done today so we can leave tomorrow.”

In that way, Adela called all the vassals in the mansion and gave them various instructions.

The vassals were all surprised by Adela’s unconventional decision, but soon they dispersed and began carrying out the instructions.

Because they were all highly loyal vassals, there was no one who complained about the lord’s decision.

“I’m excited for the first time in a long time. “Then shall we leave?”

From noble mtl dot com

“Yes. Let’s go.”

So the next day.

Ed moved to her territory carrying the largest amount of supplies she had ever had.

As Lucas watched the long line of carriages, he felt a strange feeling.

This is because I feel like my mother is so devoted and giving everything.

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