110 – True Hero (5)

how fast time goes by

It’s already been 10 years since Dice appeared.

I put a lot of effort into it, but I can’t say I’ve become close with him.

However, that didn’t mean they weren’t familiar with each other.

I found out his home address and sent many letters, and there were many times I waited in front of him to say thank you.

When everyone ran away from him in fear, he was the only one who approached him.

Even if you can’t, wouldn’t you know the existence?

If it was greed, it was greed, and it was Han Yoo-jung’s own wish.

But I didn’t mean to end it with this.

She had finally figured out how to use her powers.

She didn’t know that it was an ability that didn’t apply to her, and that she hadn’t used it for a while after her brother’s death, but… She was the one who found out that if you scratch the deepest part of your desire, people will cling to that dream from then on.

Maybe he can gather his followers.

It may be able to relieve Dyce’s boredom or loneliness.

…That way, I might be able to be by his side.

So it shouldn’t have ended like this.

I still haven’t been able to repay the favor I owed him.

They knew that he had donated to the orphanage where they had been placed.

Han Yu-jeong ran to the place where the news warned.

Noise reminiscent of a battlefield pours down. I could see the silhouettes of flying heroes in the distance.


When everyone wanted Dyce dead, she desperately wanted him to live.

She stomped her feet in place, looking for the figure of Dice.

I couldn’t get any further than that here.

There is nothing you can do anyway.

It’s not even something that can stop their fight.

It was just raining from afar.

The mind was like a chimney. If there is a way to help Dyce, I want to help him.

She is the one who watched him for 10 years.

he is also a person It doesn’t even attack unless it’s an intrusive target.

I just don’t take sides. Hero or villain, I just don’t care.

If you do a background check on the heroes he destroyed, you will always find some rough parts like Kent.

He wasn’t attacking someone thoughtlessly, but he was also using power with his own detailed philosophy.

In a way, he was such a delicate person.

Is there anyone who understands him as well as he does?


At that moment, a familiar voice suddenly rang from behind.


And with a savage hand, he covered his mouth.

“Ha…ha…why are ordinary people in a place like this?”

She was quickly dragged through the alley.

heart beating loudly.

Soon she is spun around and pushed against the wall. The hand that covered her mouth hadn’t gone away yet.

It was Dice.

He does not let go of his guard, breathes heavily, and speaks without looking at Han Yu-jeong.

“Ha…ha…don’t stay here, go away.”

Han Yu-jeong grabbed Dyce’s arm with a surprised look.

It’s the first time I’ve ever been this close.

The person I was drawing so much was right in front of me.

Soon he pays attention. Eyes fit.

“…If you get hurt, Solas will be disappointed.”


Certainly there has been a change in him. All his attention was on Solas.

Like I said, the two of them didn’t seem to want to fight each other even though they were archenemies.

We became stronger because we were with each other, but maybe we became friends in the process.

Hands fall slowly.

Dyce turns around again.

“Run down this alley. I’m on the other side-“


However, Han Yoo-jung did not want to miss this opportunity.

he looks tired

I don’t know, but it’s different from usual.

Han Yu-jeong, who had been watching him for a long time, could easily understand that the dice had come out badly.

Is it 2 or 3?

That’s why the heroes see an opportunity and attack.

I had to help.

Dyce turned his eyes again and looked at Han Yu-jeong.

Han Yu-jeong spits out the words she has practiced tens of thousands of times.

“…Dice. My name is Yujeong Han. Dice in the past helped me a lot-”

“-Okay, so disappear quickly.”

But Dyce wasn’t interested. I immediately put my hand out and head out of the alley again.

It felt like her heart was breaking in an instant, but she didn’t give up.

“…I’ll help you.”


“…I want Dyce to live. Blood… if you need anything…”

Dyce’s interest returns.

He blinked three or four times while looking at Han Yu-jeong.

I don’t know, but he was worried.


The voices of heroes coming soon.

There was not much time left.

Dyce muttered.



“…Then bring me some water. leave it here.”

Dice to speak.

With that last word, Dice disappeared into the shadows again.


Han Yu-jeong returns to that space in less than 10 minutes.

In his hands were numerous water bottles and snacks to eat.

He exhaled heavily, his heart racing at the thought of being able to help Dyce for the first time.

The sound of battle was far away. There was no sound of anything breaking or popping.

When I checked the real-time news, it was after they moved to a distant place.

Dice might come back here.

Maybe he cheated on himself.

A lie told to make it disappear quickly.

However, Han Yu-jeong did not leave her seat. In that alley, I quietly waited for Dice.

It was dark and damp, but she continued to wait for Dyce. I could see why he would come.

Five hours pass.

Han Yu-jeong waited there, unmoving.

I also check the news in my spare time and look at the current situation of Dice. Dyce is getting further and further away from Han Yoo-jung.

Still, she waited. Dice was to come.

Eight hours pass. The clock pointed to 6 in the morning.


Next to Han Yoo-jeong, who was squatting, a strange sound echoed.

Startled, she raised her head to see Dais twisting open a water bottle in front of her.

“Ha…ha…why are you still here?”

His condition was worse than before. There are wounds here and there, and breathing is short of breath. His shirt was wet as if he had sweated a lot.

Seeing that scene, Han Yu-jeong’s heart sank. The fact that I didn’t even want to believe was gradually becoming the truth.

Are the dice really breaking here?


Dice rummaged through the plastic bag at the convenience store, found a snack, and started to forget the food with a small smile.

Then, taking a breath, he said.

“I don’t know what you want, but I’m not going to listen.”


“…I don’t think I can listen.”

Han Yu-jeong took a deep breath. At the sound of his tone, as if accepting the end of it, the uneasiness in her heart increased in size.

“…Why, why, like it’s the last time…”

Dyce burst out laughing. Dice are made above his hand.

– Took.

The dice rolling in front of Han Yu-jeong.

The scale was 1.

Dice says

“…Since yesterday, only 1 or 2 have come out.”

For some reason, he had a sad expression on his face.

“…can’t beat this.”

“…run…run away, Dice…!”

-thud…! thud..!

The sound of heroes approaching more and more.

Dyce smiled and disappeared again as a black mist.

Again, the raging sounds of battle rang out.




Han Yu-jung bought a water bottle and snacks and returned to the alley.

Dyce’s words keep ringing in my head.

Anxiety grew in size and became fear.

I felt this way even after Yura’s death.

This feeling of being alone. It was a feeling I never wanted to experience again.

what if he dies

Although they hadn’t been close to each other in the meantime, Dice was supporting her.

I’m afraid of the world he’s gone from. I hate to think that heroes like Kent will appear again.

…No, in the first place, he hated the death of an innocent man only he could understand, Dyce.

She suppressed and swallowed many emotions and waited for Dice again.

I knew he would come back.

A full day passes.

Han Yoo-jung is 24 hours a day. No, if you think about it until the day before, I was stopped here for more than 32 hours.

I had no intention of giving up waiting for him.

As long as Dice’s battle is not over, I wanted to become a base for him to return to.


And that shadow sound.

When Han Yu-jeong lifted her head, Dice appeared again.

As soon as he appeared, he sat down.

The strong man collapsed from exhaustion.

In fact, it had to be.

I heard that the 6 heroes attacking the dice are taking turns taking breaks.

The only one fighting nonstop was Dice.

Han Yu-jeong jumps up from her seat and approaches Dyce.

I handed him a water bottle and food with trembling hands.

Dyce silently took his water and food and caught his breath.

Dyce’s condition worsened. Tears flowed without her knowledge.

But before Dyce could see, he wiped away those tears and told him.

“…Can’t we just run away?”

Han Yu-jeong suggested again.

“Please, yes? Dice.”

Dyce asked dryly with a tired expression unlike before.

“…run away, what are you doing?”

It was like looking into the inside of Dice for a moment, which I hadn’t seen before.

Han Yu-jeong said with confidence that she was silent for a moment.

“…I have to live…!”

But Dais only laughed.

“…What are you doing living like this?”

A look tired of life. In those short words, Han Yu-jeong contained emotions that could not be measured.

And, overwhelmed by those emotions, Han Yu-jeong was unable to say anything.

I don’t know what to say.

If I said anything unnecessary, it might only irritate him.

“You can’t even run away with these abilities anyway. Even the heroes know I’m here.”


“…Still, I have to endure long enough not to be ashamed of Solas.”

he turns his head In a very short time, vitality springs up. he asks.

“…Where is Solas now?”


I don’t know what he meant by asking.

I know the relationship has changed, but that was just her guess.

I don’t know if he’s asking because he wants to attack Solas or because he’s waiting for her.

The two were archenemies.

Perhaps Dice, who had an intuition of his end, was asking the location of his rival.

Han Yu-jeong shook her head briefly.

Rumors were also circulating that Solas was trying to stop this fight… but I couldn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure.

At those words, Dice’s eyes lost their vitality again.

Nodding his head, he rose from his seat.

Again he was preparing to enter the battlefield.

Han Yoo-jung felt a sense of crisis that this moment might be the last.

Dice made by Dice’s hands.

Han Yoo-jung quickly grabbed his hand.


“…Dice, Dice.”

Han Yoo-jung knows.

That dice, the scale changes depending on the dice’s mood.

I always picked low numbers when fighting Solas, and high numbers came out when I took down heroes or villains with a bad back.

The reason why the dice is only picking 1 or 2 right now is probably reflecting his heart that gave up on life.

So he shouldn’t roll anymore.

I had to roll it instead.

“…my…I’ll roll it.”

Dyce and Han Yoo-jung exchanged glances for a while.

And snatched the dice from his frozen hand.

Whatever it is, it will be better than 1 or 2.


With a trembling heart, Yujeong Han prays. I hope you get a higher number.

– Took. Degururr…

dice rolling.

The scale is…

It was 2.

It was not much different from the number of dice rolled.

Dyce started to leave the alley as it was.

he says.

“…Did you tell me?”

Han Yoo-jeong urgently says.


Then I picked up the dice I rolled again.


At that moment, a creepy sound came from above.

When Dice and Han Yu-jeong looked at the sky at the same time, they saw three heroes coming down through the cracks in the alley.

A hero descending violently touches the outdoor unit in the alley.


The outdoor unit, whose fixing device was broken, quickly fell onto Hanyujeong’s head.

What happened to Yura in the past happens again.


But this time, Han Yu-jeong was not covered.


Dyce was standing in front of her before she knew it, supporting the outdoor unit.

– Shook!

3 heroes move at the same time.

One person scooped up Han Yujeong. He was the first hero to touch the outdoor unit.

“Are you all right…! Ha ha… ha… sorry…! You almost got into trouble…!”

The other one stepped on the outdoor unit that Dice was holding.

The last one was sticking something into Dice’s stomach.


Blood is seen gushing out of Dyce’s stomach as he moves away.

Dyce burst into laughter even in that situation.


Air escapes from Han Yu-jeong’s mouth.

I remember this familiar sight.

A situation in which someone dear to you loses their life instead of you.

A situation where a hero who is not a hero saves himself.

In the same situation that happened again, Han Yu-jeong tasted despair.

Soon after, the hero who brought Han Yoo-jung to the safe zone greets her and leaves her side.

Han Yoo-jung blankly looked at the dice she had rolled.

And within a few hours, the news rang out that the dice had been broken.




Han Yu-jeong, hearing this news that she did not want to believe, moved to the battlefield.

There are many traces of fierce battles.

I also saw the appearance of fallen heroes.

From 7th, 6th, 5th.

The hero who had stabbed his weapon into Dice’s stomach earlier and the hero who had saved him had also collapsed.

With these heroes as milestones, Han Yu-jeong continued to run.

Wiping away the flowing tears, she continued running.

4th place. 3rd place.

And at the end, he even finds a fallen sheik.

I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to believe that Dyce had fallen.

The heroes are down like this, so why did he lose?

And after that, the bloodstains stretched.

Han Yu-jeong continues to follow the traces.

Inside a building, she entered as if possessed.



While running so frantically, Han Yu-jeong bumps into a hero.



It was Solas.

Her hands and clothes were soaked in blood, and she was weeping with empty eyes.

It was the first time I saw Solas, who always had a bright smile.

He even had a cigarette in one hand.

Blowing out white smoke, she looked at Han Yu-jung… and passed her by.

Then she sits down next to her and sheds tears again.

Seeing that, I couldn’t have been more anxious. It’s as if I’m enduring indescribable emotions for Archenemy’s death.

Han Yoo-jeong passed Solas and headed deeper inside.

And then, find

The fallen dice.

Covered in blood, he lay still.

As if Solas had sorted it out, he was lying in a comfortable position with both hands on his stomach as if he were sleeping.

Han Yoo-jung’s time seemed to stretch from that moment on.

The road towards him feels like a whole year.


I call out your name again. He was angry with her for going crazy.

Whoever the enemy was, or could have been.

Next to Dyce, Han Yu-jeong knelt down.

“…Dice, wake up…”

I put my hand on his shoulder and shake him.

“…Wake up, Dyce…”

However, his body was cold and did not move.

I knew very well that he was dead.

Tears flow endlessly.


Who should I blame?

If he had only rolled a 4, the dice would have survived.

If it hadn’t been there, Dyce would have lived.

If he had died from the beginning, Yura and Dyce would have lived.

Maybe you are the biggest problem.

People will die if you stay by their side.

Han Yu-jeong finally understood why Dice had no regrets about life.

He must have felt what Han Yoo-jung felt right now.

Left alone, lonely, empty.

She had the dice… but no one else would have the dice.

It was always easy for people to avoid it.

and hero.


another hero

Again, a hero took away the person most precious to him.

Let your hatred for yourself exceed a certain level.

That overflowing hatred passed on to the heroes.

I finally realized that this is how villains are born.

Being a hero is what makes a villain.

Even Dice wouldn’t have appeared without the hero.

They were the root of all evil.


Han Yu-jung hugged the fallen Dice.

We should have become friends sooner rather than later.

I shouldn’t have been afraid to be a criminal.

But I couldn’t look back at the time that had already passed.


At that moment, Dice’s body began to glow brightly.

Han Yu-jung was terrified and hugged Dice.

What happened to his body is unacceptable.

I had to protect him somehow. It was the only thing he could do for Dyce, who had saved him many times.

“Oh, no…!”

His body continued to brighten.

Soon, Han Yu-jeong is surrounded by pure white light.

My mind gradually went blank.






And when I woke up, I was in a familiar studio.

A familiar bed and a familiar window. Familiar portrait of Yura.


After coming to her senses, Yujeong Han quickly looked around, but Dice was nowhere to be seen.

How did it happen? why did i get out of bed

She turned on the TV to check the news.


Unusual things that I have no choice but to know.

Some furniture has deteriorated. Things that were written in the past are back again. TV was typical.

She found her phone in her pocket.

A cell phone that was used a long time ago appears.

For a while, I felt a little bit suspicious.

She confirmed the date.


Eleven years ago, she was back.

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