170. The princess of the north enters school. (3)

It took only an instant for Celia to remove the incendiary sticking like a leech and greet him with a commercial smile.

However, the black-haired girl ignores it as if she has no interest in it and goes straight to Soi.

“Huh… … .”

She clutched Soyi’s chin, as if intending to keep Soyi in her eyes, and took a look at her grandmother’s face.

Soyi was taken aback, but her body froze with a stronger sense of déjà vu.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

Apparently, it seems like we’ve met recently.

No, much longer than that… … ?

While Soyi stared at her, forgetting to say anything.

Celia, in a fit of rage, intervened, interrupting the two.


“Something… … !? Customers who come to buy bread are welcome, but… … . For any other purpose, please leave immediately.”

Somehow, I feel like I’ve been aiming for Soi from the beginning.

Judging from their reactions now, it didn’t seem like Soyi knew them.

In addition, isn’t there a woman with a huge body that makes the inside of the store cramped?

Since Celia had already suffered greatly from loan sharks, she couldn’t just ignore this situation.

“Sister, wait a minute. I am not a dangerous person… … .”

However, Soyi stepped forward and stopped Celia.

“… … uh? someone you know… … ?”

“uh… … . maybe… … ?”

Soi’s voice trembled when he said that.

Soyi was currently using her ability to read emotions.

Tears flowed from Soyi’s eyes as the emotions assimilated.

‘By the way, how can you be so expressionless with these feelings?’

What I feel is a thick and faint feeling of guilt, longing, and nostalgia. And sorry and thanks.

It was full of emotions that I couldn’t understand, but at least I couldn’t find a single bit of hostility.

‘… … Who the hell is this person to me like this… … .’

There must have been something, but Soyi decided to ask straight-forward questions about the unanswered question.

“… … By any chance, do you know me?”

“Um, you know, you know.”

“When have we ever met?”

A girl who calmly nods her head in affirmation at Soi’s question.



“Oh, you don’t know because the color of your hair and eyes has changed.”


The girl snapped her fingers lightly.

Then, brilliant golden hair and golden eyes seemed to brighten up the room.

A lofty atmosphere that exudes dignity that is even sacred.

“… … uh… … ?”

“… … Tue, golden… … !”

Soi and Celia widened their eyes at her change.

The color of gold is not something everyone can have.

It’s like the mark of a noble person.

Even a commoner knows the meaning of gold.

Unlike Celia, who automatically lowered her head, Soyi just made a surprised expression and did not bow her head in particular.

Yes, because Rosnante also had golden hair.

Although the color was a bit darker than this.

Rather, it was the tall woman who came with her that changed her complexion all of a sudden.

“Hmm, who am I now… … Oops!”


The large woman covered her upper body with a black robe that covered her body with swift movement.

“Meueueu!!! Meueueueup!!!!”

“You said that it would be dangerous if I exposed my hair color… … !!!”

“Mueuu!! Mueup!!!”

“If you act so carelessly, I will send you back!!! Hey you guys too! Forget what you just saw!!”

When the tall woman threatened, Soi and Celia nodded their heads as if possessed.

But, it bothered me.

A girl whose upper body was completely wrapped in a huge robe and her arms floundering in vain.

She waved her arms in the air like that for a while.


Then I was able to barely see my face through my robes.

She glared at the large woman with a slight tingle, then cleared her throat.

“Hmm. Hmm.”

It was after the overwhelming atmosphere had already disappeared with the recent happening, but

Lily asked Soyi with a lofty expression as if she had never done that before.

“… … Okay, now you can find out.”

Lily lifted her golden eyes and looked at Soyi gently, and Soyi exclaimed as if she realized something.

“Ahhh!! That, then!!”

Lily nodded quietly as if satisfied with Soyi’s reaction.

“Yes, I am the silver of your life… … .”

“The one who was taken hostage!”

“Ugh… … ? Shit?”


Lily’s legs loosened slightly.

Then Soyi came over and helped her.

Then he whispered softly in her ear. Because that day was a secret even to her sister.

“Uh, uh, are you okay? At that time, we had no choice but to… … . Instructor took her hostage… … . I also had circumstances at that time, so I was lying on the floor and couldn’t move… … .”

“Oh no, fuck. that… … .”

“hehehe, at that time, my eyes were open, so I was watching the whole situation. That… … . Are you the princess of the duchy of Ira? At that time, I think you must have been very embarrassed because you were caught up in a sudden incident. I’m glad you look healthy.”

“… … uh, uh… … . It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“I’m really, really, really sorry about what happened that day.”

“Oh, I’m fine… … .”

Lily was perplexed.

‘This is not… … .’

As Soyi spouted out his words quickly, only the words “It’s okay” came out.

However, Soyi couldn’t help it.

‘I’m sure you came here to hold the instructor accountable for what happened that day! So here I have to apologize!’

First of all, the princess of the dukedom of Iira seemed to have a deep affection for herself, even if she didn’t know what was going on.

However, will that favor really go to Zeke? She wasn’t sure.

‘I’m curious about the reason for the favor, but you shouldn’t mistake the priorities. I have to protect the instructor.’

So, if you can use the goodwill you have toward yourself to resolve your hostility toward the instructor even a little bit, that’s a good business.

I had to give her something more before I could talk more about that day.

However, giving all the property to the princess of such a ducal family would be a pittance.

Soi, who was rolling his head, had a thought.

The fact that Iriel loves his bread like crazy!

Recently, as Soyi’s skills improved, he even made reservations for freshly baked bread at Hilllace Bakery.

After all, this person is also a princess from the same ducal family, so at least she will eat her own bread and at least she won’t say anything bad.

“… … Hey, do you like bread?”

“Papa, bread… … ?”

“Yes, the bread here is really, really good! sister!”

“Uh, huh?”

Seeing whispers next to each other, Celia had a confused look on her face as she couldn’t understand what was going on.

She was startled and answered Soi’s call.

“Hey, I’ll pack all the bread that just came out today. You are precious.”

“uh… … ? Well, I have to do business for dinner… … ?”

“Take it out of my pocket money! I’m giving you a present!”

“Uh, uh… … . Oh, I see.”

In the meantime, Lily received an armful of bread.

“Is this a courtesy from me?”

Soi smiled and said.

“… … that, yes Thank you.”

Lily shook her head.

“It’s really delicious, so share it with the person next to you.”

“Ugh. I see.”

“therefore… … . A little bit about that day… … . Could you please excuse the instructor?”

Soi shrewdly added while saying that it was pure kindness just a moment ago.

“… … that, yes I’ll do that.”

Overwhelmed by the situation, Lily blurted out the promise like a nodding automaton.

“thank you!!! Please stop by again next time!”

Soyi smiled broadly and greeted Lily by the hand.

“Then I will go.”

“yes! goodbye.”



* * *

“Haa, I’m tired… … .”

Back in the carriage, Lily lay back on her back and looked out the window at the clouds creeping across the sky.

“Princess! What the hell are you trying to do! Well well. Only that hair should be hidden! Well well. Didn’t I tell you so much! Mumble.”

“… … Noisy. He’s a good kid.”

Karen nodded her head as if affirming her denial this time.

“gulp. It is. Giving you all freshly made bread. Certainly there are no bad people who hand out food. Anyway, this is so delicious! I’ve never eaten anything so delicious!”

After devouring more than 10 loaves of bread in an instant, Karen lost her temper while thinking about what to eat next.

“Damn it, southerners, they’re the only ones living on this kind of bread! How could I keep eating and buying such tasteless meat, but with bread like this, it was okay! Princess, how would you like to try one?”

Lily glared at Karen, the handmaid, with flounder eyes.

Being a lady-in-waiting wasn’t enough for her to touch the food the owner had brought her first, so she ate it all up.


With a short sigh, she turned her gaze back to the sky.

“No, it’s the kid I wanted to show what I saw. Even though I couldn’t say anything I wanted to say when we met… … .”

“yes? Well well. What a mumble. did you… … ?”

“No, nothing.”

“gulp. By the way, when you saw the swordsmanship instructor tomorrow, you said that no one would bring an escort.”

“Yeah, I can’t concede that much. You guys are not allowed to enter Ramielli Academy anyway.”

“Hmm… … . yes what… … . All right.”

Karen’s eyes flashed sharply as she answered so obediently, and then she returned to innocent eyes again and picked up the bread.


“But, this is really delicious. I wish we had bread like this in the North.”

“Don’t eat all of them, leave one.”

“… … .”



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