148. The Advent of the Demon King (5)

Dave Continent.

“Shut up… … .”

The demon king suffered deep wounds all over his body and shed iron blood.

Body tattered like a rag. There was no longer a healthy place in the demon king’s body.

The huge horns that sprouted on both sides of his forehead, which he boasted about, had been neatly cut off and became a bald head for a long time.

buck buck-

buck buck-

buck buck-

Zeke Kleiman was scratching his back with one of the devil’s horns.

“Oh shit! Zeke! Don’t scratch yourself with something like that in front of me!”

“How is it, hey, this is good. It’s slightly curved, so it’s cool to reach places you can’t reach with your hands. Saint, would you like to scratch with this too?”

“No need!”

Seeing that the saintess seemed envious, Zeke handed over the horn that scratched her back, but the saintess countered it with a furious face.


The demon king prostrated himself as if to bow, his eyes lifted upwards in a shameful posture, and his body trembled.

The other horn was deeply embedded in his hip.

“As expected, leveling is the best way to press down, isn’t it, saintess? Look, if you do this, is this bastard just chewing gum?”

Zeke said in a pleasant voice.

It was too vicious to be called a hero, but the saintess seemed familiar with him.

“under… … . Don’t you think that you left Lost Hope, so life can no longer live on these lands? The food crisis has created distrust among humans, but it will only get worse in the future.”

“Hey, they’re the ones who stabbed me in the back, so I need to starve myself a little more. I don’t know about that, it’s just guys who can cook as efficiently and as fast as they can, and I’m leaving this damn place.”

“… … And if you think you’re going to die, save everyone… … . Is this what you call a tsundere?”

The saintess muttered while looking at Sieg with a mysterious expression.

“What are you mumbling about?”

“Oh, no. But what if everyone dies in the meantime?”

“Tsk, if you waste your time and pay attention to everyone else, you’re going straight to a bad ending. I have to give you something. Killing these guys as quickly as possible is the way to save even a few more lives. You still don’t trust me?”

“Who doesn’t believe… … .”

Sieg looked at the saintess with an amused eye.

She turned and sat down in front of the demon king.

“Uhm, by the way, this bastard… … .Are you a bit pitiful? Didn’t he even think that he would end up like this?”

pick up

pick up

The saintess said that she felt sorry for her, but she turned the horn stuck in her hip with her hand.

Horns that can be said to be the hardest of the demon lord’s body.

It was curved in a curve rather than a straight line, so it ripped out the intestines with just a slight turn.

“Ah! Ugh! Ouch!! stop that! Now, I was wrong! I will no longer covet Middle-earth! please! That, stop it!!!”

The Demon King screamed in a high voice and begged for his life.

“It’s half-worded that I was wrong, you bastard.”

“I’m sorry. Wrong! I won’t come here again, so please… … . Hero Zeke, Saint Solar, please have mercy… … .”

Wanting to live somehow, the demon king shed tears and turned her head to the saintess to plead for help, but the saintess frowned as if she were tired.

“Hey, Zeke. Why do these guys confidently come in every time and then say the same thing every time they look like they’re going to be sacked? You must have heard what Ji said hundreds or thousands of times while killing people weaker than you… … .”

“Are you saying we’re trash at times like this? I feel really disgusted when those who came in from the beginning and built a mountain of human corpses do this.”


The saintess let out a sigh.

“Fuck it, if you talk like that, you have to be consistent. I ended up screaming like a little girl.”

“You are a girl too.”

“Are you looking at me as a woman? Mosol. Ada. Sympathy.”

“… … There are a lot of things I just told you. Originally an adult who had a bad temper, he became a very fantastically cursing adult.”

Zeke looked at the saintess with cold eyes and clicked his tongue.

“Anyway, these guys are inherently nasty.”

“Narrow Nambul? what else is that? Is that Earth?”

“If I do it, it’s for Lost Hope, if someone else does it, it’s the Continent of the Sea of Fire.”

“Aha, that’s garbage.”

“So what.”

a little bit of a bit of a bit of

Without warning, Zeke’s sword drew a silver arc.

Then, the demon king’s body was torn apart in an instant.

“So, it should be cooked like this without leaving a single piece.”

After that, Zeke and the saintess left.

The body of the demon king that was turned into powder and piled up on the ground.


The dark red demonic energy that arose there rose up in a small sphere.

Soon, a sphere that flickers slowly as if life is about to end.

It was the last piece of the demon king’s soul.

The sphere staggered and entered the hole in the fantasy world.

* * *

With his body and soul torn in tatters, the demon king escaped to the fantasy realm with only a piece of his soul from the original source.

The demon king who returned was no longer the ruler who commanded the fantasy realm.

His presence was so weak that the inhabitants of the fantasy world did not even know that the demon king had returned.

Fortunately, the air of illusion did not heal the demon lord’s soul, but it slowed down the deterioration very much.

However, being alive was possible.

Earthworms are all that the demon king who has lost all his power can catch and eat.

Recovery was a long way off.

I had to keep an eye on the goblin-like scumbags,

He had to fight a soul-destroying battle with Slime, who cleaned up the filth left behind by the monsters.

After such a long time, the moment when even the awareness that he was the Demon Lord gradually faded and his soul was extinguished.

A long time ago, a weak faith sprouted in a cave that was left in Middle-earth and was completely forgotten.

‘Demon King… … ! Save Lost Hope… … !’

[ … … me, i… … . Devil… … . Yes, it was the Demon King… … . ]

The faith that started there gradually expanded its scope, and blind followers appeared one by one.

That’s how the realization that he was a demon king was born again, and his strength was gradually restored by answering their faith.

Ten thousand years have passed since then.

he was desperate

In order to regain his strength, he endured a long ordeal and swallowed the shame.

The moment of shame did not fade even after ten thousand years, and it still haunted him as a vivid memory.

No matter how much he wasn’t designated as an adversary, and even if there was a saintess next to him. In addition, even if you were careless.

I really did not expect that I would be so miserable without doing anything to a human who suddenly appeared.

I didn’t think that after 10,000 years had passed, this damned hero would come back without dying of old age, but I was alerted that an irregular like him might appear someday.

‘Damn it! damn it! Damn you!!!!’

The Demon King thought of Zeke Kleiman for a long time.

I imagined and imagined what I should do to win if another guy like him appeared again.

If I could, I would have chewed him to death hundreds or thousands more times.

And now, the chance for revenge has come.

The first to move was the Demon King.

He didn’t let his guard down because he gained power through the opponent.

Because I knew better than anyone that I shouldn’t give time.

If I took my time, I didn’t know when that guy would put a sword at the tip of his chin, no matter how mighty power I had in my hands.

‘Damn it, even if I hadn’t stolen the divine woman by some damn guy, I would have been able to deal with it overwhelmingly.’

When an Irregular like Zeke Kleiman reappears, the Advent was prepared in Middle-earth to deal with him.

Previously, his body had become too much to be touched by Zeke Kleiman, so

He had succeeded in making the body he would descend into artificially by ordering Lost Hope.

But these Lost Hope idiots had their important bodies taken away by some unfunny guy.

After that, he searched for the descendant of the Lost Hopes, but in the end, he was able to find only the kidnapper who kidnapped the priestess.

I couldn’t hear from the girl anywhere.

* * *

Zeke narrowed his eyes and looked around.

The range of the demonic energy he exudes is all within the domain of the demon king.

Its dark red tentacles shoot out from an unexpected place and at an unexpected moment.


The ringing sound in my ears exploded.

The tentacle pierced Zeke’s remnant.

The blurry distorted look of Zeke.

Zeke has already disappeared in that place, but soon, a creaking cutting sound is heard belatedly and the devil’s tentacles are cut off.

The earth boils and the earth melts

The wretched tree touched by the demon lord’s tentacle pieces was instantly crumbled into white ash, as if it had been burned.

The process happened so quickly that it disappeared without even giving it time to transfer to the surroundings.

The battle between Zeke and the Demon King.

Quagga gagagak!!

It was a battle reminiscent of a natural disaster.

When the grinning Zeke’s sword draws an arc once,

Over my shoulder, a silver trail of bladed wind raged, and blue flames raked in all directions.

Even the Demon King did not lose, extending his tentacles and swinging them.

The slashes that swung at such blinding speed collided

Whenever they collide with each other, sparks fly and a roar is heard.




The Demon King attacked Zeke using various powers, but

If any magic comes within range of Zeke’s sword,

Immediately, the core of the magic was cut off and the effect was lost.

Thousands and hundreds of tentacles shoot towards a single point at different moments.

A light shines in Zeke’s eyes.

He calculated the number and timing of attacks.


Zeke threw himself into the pile of tentacles.

It looked as if he was about to commit suicide by jumping into its tentacles.



Pupper puffer puff—!

However, soon thousands of tentacles began to explode one by one with a sound.

The landscapes around the mythical battle are being torn apart.

The mountain was gradually eroding downward like a basin due to the wild magic power and the gust of demonic energy.

“hahahaha! You’re stronger than you think… … ? Didn’t you just get a level for free just because there was an adversary? Have you been training for a while?”

Zeke said in a warm voice.

[There is no way you know what I’ve been trying to catch you!!! ]

“Yeah, it’s been pretty fun so far, but… … . Repeating the same attack over and over again… … . Could this be the end?”

In an instant, Zeke’s face, which had been smiling wide, hardened.

A hardened expression with a smile.

The incongruity was appalling.

“No way, no? Are there more? something to show me There is more to please me… … . Right? It’s been a long time since I properly held a sword. I will be really disappointed if it ends here.”

[ … … . ]


The demon lord’s attack, which continued to heat up, suddenly stopped.

Zeke’s life captured the Demon King.

A world in which everything was conceived within his realm.

You shouldn’t move even the slightest at this moment.

The Demon King stiffened with tension.

“If you made me raise a sword, take responsibility for it.”

Dark eyes of unknown depth stared at the demon king.

“So now, I’m asking. Could this be the end?”

Zeke’s voice, cold as frost, reached the devil’s ear.

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