113 – Last Cultural Festival – 2

With Shiraishi’s participation, the preparation for the play proceeded more easily.

It was a day ago, but class 2-a was worried about whether they could do well in a somewhat chaotic atmosphere, but now they were more motivated.

In the afternoon, Shiraishi met everyone and watched the cultural festival as he wanted. I barely took off my wig, removed my makeup, and changed into my school uniform. A senior who had successfully finished the Butler Cafe also joined us.

Eat cheap yakisoba or stop by the track and field team and play a ring toss game. In addition, I spend time with them and experience various things.

However, when I realized it, I was standing a few steps away from them and watching them.

Haruna and Senpai are having a conversation.

Yuuki is trying to stop Shiraishi, who is indignant at not being able to hit the balloon while throwing a dart.

They were the leading figures of this world.

And I wanted to see them spending time so harmoniously.

I wanted to prevent their daily lives and relationships from collapsing due to their personal trauma, Yuuki’s mistakes, and the appearance of a villain.

So when I realized it, I was watching them from afar and feeling relieved.

Of course, it was not the time to be optimistic yet.

Should I say this from the perspective of an observer?

I unconsciously separate myself from them and watch from afar.

That means….


While I was lost in thought, I raised my head.

Elena standing next to me was watching me.

“Ah…… “Mr. Elena.”

“Throwing a dart… Are we not doing this together?”

“I’m done.”

I shake my head.

“It’s fun just to watch.”

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I felt that her gaze was focused on me to the point where it felt burdensome.

“… “Is there something on my face?”

“Boys always have that attitude.”


She asked back, not understanding what she said.

“When we gather on the rooftop and have lunch. Even when I spend time with everyone.”

“……… ….”


Come to think of it, Elena was always watching us from the side.

The Shiraishi family’s maid and her nanny.

Elena was always in the position of guarding and watching over Shiraishi from behind to prevent any problems with her personal life.

That means you can’t play with us carelessly or focus your mind on other things.

She must have a cool and rational attitude anytime and anywhere.

Elena’s attitude felt somewhat similar to mine.

Of course, she is much more professional.

“Was the boy their butler long before he met the young lady?”

“……… “It’s not that great of a role.”

I am also an ordinary student.

“It’s just an ordinary supporting role.”

She tilted her head at those words.

“…… Common?”

Why are you asking questions there?

“…… The boy is not ordinary.”


I too was dumbfounded and looked at her.

“The boy is already involved in too many events to put himself in the category of ordinary.”

“……… ….”

“At least to me, you no longer look ordinary.”

I rubbed the back of my neck.

That’s right… In the meantime, I did a lot of mischief.

However, such a noticeable action….

“…… “Please forget it.”

“You can’t do that.”

I guess so.

Unless you suffer from amnesia, you cannot forget what happened.

When I thought about it carefully, I had done various things along the way.

However, not all of it was successful, and I didn’t think I did a particularly good job.

“If a boy like that stays quiet and doesn’t get in the way of them….”

“…… “If there is?”

“It stands out more.”

Ah… ….

I came to my senses only after hearing her words.

There was no way I could erase my presence just by deliberately not speaking and keeping quiet.

Unless you become a ninja.

As I turned my gaze, I made eye contact with Haruna, who was glancing in this direction.

“Miss Haruna has been paying attention to you for not participating in the conversation.”

Elena spoke quietly in a voice that only I could hear.

“Takase-sama was deliberately slowing down his walking pace so that you wouldn’t fall behind.”

Elena, who is much more observant than me, calmly recites what she found.

“The young lady wants the boy to throw darts with her, so she does more and more and makes a fuss.”

“Now, wait a minute…” All right. Elena, stop….”

So, I felt embarrassed to hear the conclusion that all of them were actually considering me.

I could barely stop her.

“…… Okay, so….”

And was it Elena’s consideration that told you this? Or just a prank?

“If Shiraishi wishes… “It can’t be helped.”

Then you can’t do it… I approached her with her expression.


After finishing the first day of the cultural festival, we parted ways.

As I was returning home, I was thinking about the time I spent with them.

Yes, just as Elena said, I am already deeply involved with them.

Haruna is my girlfriend, and Takase-senpai was also my precious friend.

Yuuki was a close friend, and Shiraishi was also….

As much as I think about them, they also accept me.

However, I still had the habit of unconsciously separating myself from them.

Elena pointed out that point about me.

“Whoa…” .”

I looked at the evening sunset sky.

While I was staring blankly into the distance

“Ah, Minsu.”

Shiraishi and Elena were seen approaching.

We naturally joined and started walking the same path.

“……… “Thank you for not telling me.”

Shiraishi spoke quietly.

“That’s right….”

Neither the engagement issue nor the family issues were resolved.

Shiraishi didn’t want to put that burden on us anymore, so he was leaving this place.

There is no way I could say such a thing while having a good time.

“…… “Can’t we think again?”

I knew that even if I asked that question, the answer would be predetermined.

First, let me ask.

Shiraishi shook his head.

“…… “I guess so.”

The sun set and the sky became dark.

Because I had no intention of persuading you with words in the first place.

There is no meaning unless we solve the problems in front of us.

“…… Miss.”

Elena called her over.

“Yes. “Elena.”

“Please go first. “I’m going to take a quick look at the dinner market.”

“Oh my, if that’s the case, I’ll join you…” .”

She said, extending her hand towards the approaching Shiraishi.

“It’s okay. “Because it just gets in the way.”

“You’re doing too much!”

Shiraishi expressed his disappointment at her sharp rejection, but she seemed to be aware of that and backed off.

“Then…” Boy.”

“Oh, yes.”

Elena put her hands together and bowed her waist.

“…… Please take care of the lady.”

“Please leave it to me.”

Shiraishi looked at us in confusion as we exchanged such greetings.

“Elena too. I’m just on my way home. “It’s too much.”

Well, I understood Shiraishi’s feelings.

Elena took a different route.

We were left behind and walked through the darkened streets.

“…… “I want to finish this play successfully.”

“There won’t be any problems. “Everyone prepared hard.”

She thought it didn’t matter if she gave a poor performance or made some mistakes.

Of course, with the exception of Shiraishi, this is a simple amateur-level play.

But she seemed motivated. It was like that from the beginning.

“This is my last memory with you all.”

“……… ….”

“It’s natural to want to succeed, right?”

Are you taking it that way as expected?

I didn’t say anything.

Shiraishi also walked quietly down the street.

No matter what decision she made to leave this place and us, I couldn’t just watch it.

“……… “Shiraishi.”

I stopped her steps and spoke to her back.

“If you ask me to stay by your side and not leave… “Can you accept it?”


She looked back at me.

Then, with a bitter smile, Shiraishi shook her head again.

“You can’t do that. “I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore with my problem.”

“……… ….”

Is it from here?

She approached her and stretched out her arms.

“Ah, ah… “Mi, Minsu?”

I grab her hand tightly.

“Then…” What if all those problems were solved?”

“Uh, how? “That can’t be possible!”

Shiraishi took her hand away from her grasp and shook it. But mine didn’t let go.

Rather, I pulled her into my arms.

“Kyaa, kyaaa…” .”

Without even shouting loudly, Shiraishi moaned softly and hugged me.

I thought you would at least scream.

Surprisingly, Shiraishi in my arms was staring at me with a blank, red expression.

“Mi, Minsu… Please don’t do this… I am….”

Is it slowly?

Since Shiraishi was held in my arms, he would not be able to see anything after that.

Of course, I couldn’t look behind me either. But I had an intuition.

Because Elena told me about her good timing.

At the same time, I felt the back of my head being hit hard with a blunt object.

“Mi, Minsu?! Who are you… Save me… !”

Through my blurred vision, I saw Shiraishi being dragged away by masked kidnappers.

Sorry, Shiraishi. Please bear with me for a moment.

Unable to say that, I stumbled and fell down on the spot.

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