“Are you Merlin?”

I now know a little about the history of this world and the stories passed down. The legendary wizard called Myrdin or Merlin is in front of me. But is it a bit weak for a legend?

“You were called that, didn’t you come to know me?”

“no. I just felt the magical energy from Stonehenge and followed its trail.”

From noble mtl dot com.

“Then who are you?”

“How many times have I told you? Count Germain Akasha.”

Since the story of Merlin that has been handed down is about a thousand years ago, the Merlin in front of me is not a descendant, but if that Merlin is right, it means that I am older than I am. I don’t think I’ve built up my rank yet, but there must be another reason for living this long.

There is a story about a fairy and a mixed blood, so I wonder if that’s the influence.

“therefore. Which country are you from? I’ve never heard of the family name Akasha.”

“You’ve never heard of the Aether Empire.”

Because it is a country of another dimension.

“Are you kidding me right now?”

“no. I don’t know if you understand, but I’m from another dimension.”


But Merlin surprisingly readily agreed. what? It’s rather strange because it’s so easy to accept.

“Isn’t it too easy to believe?”

“How many things have I seen in my life of more than a thousand years? Many of them were not of this world. And I’ve never heard of a wizard like you existing. If so, the only explanation is that it came out of nowhere. Come in at once.”

Merlin invited me inside. The inside of the hut was more shabby than it looked from the outside. Is it really necessary to live like this? If you look at talented people who live in seclusion, there are people who live in shabby places like this. One of my friends also has one.

“Isn’t it living in a place that is too shabby for a historical great person?”

As soon as the words were finished, Merlin snapped his fingers, and then the inside of the hut turned into a drawing room of a rather luxurious mansion, though not glamorous.

“There is a way.”

However, nothing actually changed, it was more like illusion magic. Still, even being a god is better than someone living in a real cabin.

“I met a great man unexpectedly. There are many things I want to ask you.”

“Neither do I.”

If it is Merlin, it is very likely that he knows what has become of the gods of this world. As we sat down, it seemed that Merlin was about to serve us something to drink.

“for a moment”

I restrained Merlin, took out a kettle and elf tea, and brewed it with magical power. Merlin, who was watching it carefully, did not say anything, but seemed to be very interested in the subspace.

When the brewed tea was held forward, Merlin burst into admiration when he smelled the fragrance.

“It is a very nice car.”

Even the tea leaves made by elves are of the highest quality. It is an item that is difficult to obtain even in Akasha Kingdom. It is such a rare item that even Emperor William of Ether could not drink it a few times. Even while drinking tea, Merlin continued to admire.

“After drinking this tea, I know for sure that you are not from this world.”

The tone of voice has also changed. After all, there is no easier way to become friends than by feeding them something good.

“I was also surprised when I came into this world. To my surprise, the food was tasteless.”

I didn’t bother to say ‘Especially England’.

“First of all, it doesn’t seem like an enemy, so what are you curious about? No, there must be a lot of questions. If I suddenly fall into another world, that will be the case.”

“What happened to the gods of this world? I couldn’t feel any divinity in the temples either.”

“It’s been a very long time since temples lost their divinity. But that’s just because the priests are corrupt. The gods have many circumstances. In conclusion, this world is dying.”

“Are you saying Gaia is dying?”

It is a known fact that Gaia, the main god of this world, will die in the future. But it didn’t die suddenly, it seemed to be dying slowly.

“Did you know that too? Then the story goes fast.”

“No, that’s all I know. I heard from someone.”

“I don’t know where to start talking about it.”

Merlin seemed to organize his thoughts for a moment, then opened his mouth.

“As you know, Gaia, the god of this world, is weakening. Because no one worships Gaia-sama.”

why? A question arises, but for now, I just listened in silence.

“A long time ago, this world was a world where gods and humans coexisted. Of course, this is something I have never experienced myself. Even if it’s coexistence, I’m just guessing that it will be in the form of humans worshiping gods and gods looking after humans. There are very few records from this era.”

It is similar to the other world. However, in the world I lived in, there is a record that gods and humans lived almost equally.

“But a fight broke out between the gods, and as a result, the gods were destroyed.”

“The gods fought? Then how is this world okay?”

Are the battles of the gods I know different from the battles here? The fight between Ctula and Nyala almost destroyed the world in the vast world beyond comparison. If left alone, it would surely perish.

But since they said they were gods, at least several of them fought, how did the humans in this small world survive?

“I heard you didn’t fight here yourself. However, it is said that the aftermath reached this place and created mountains and valleys, deserts and lakes.”

If it’s another world, is it a phase dimension? I can’t think of anything other than that. Even though they fought within the phase dimension, the aftermath changed the topography of the world. So, it makes sense that several gods fought.

“Most of the original gods died and only a few remained, but the surviving gods also lost a lot of power. And new gods were born. The temples that remain today can be said to be the temples of the newly born gods.”

“Did only the newly born gods worship and all of Gaia’s temples disappeared?”

“exactly. But it wasn’t like that from the beginning. But for some reason, since the gods who descended disappeared, the corrupt priests gathered an army and attacked other religions.”

“Why did Gaia stay still? And didn’t you say that there are surviving gods?”

“How can I know God’s will? The surviving gods still remain in this world. But I’m almost out of power.”

“Where are the remaining gods?”

“I don’t know now.”

It seems that Merlin does not know everything. After all, there will be a limit to what those who have not built a reputation can know.

“Then Merlin, are you a member of the Gaia religion?”

“exactly. That’s why they guard Stonehenge, where ancestral rites were held in the past. Well, after living for a long time, I don’t have much interest in worldly things, so I’m living a quiet life.”

Even though I have lived a long time, I am interested in the world. I don’t think I’ve ever lived a quiet life. I don’t know what it will be like if I live another 500 years, but at least that’s how it is now.

“So, what kind of accident did you come across the dimension to? From what I can see, it doesn’t look unusual.”

“accident? no. I have crossed myself.”

“What is it?”

Merlin’s eyes widened. Is it really that great to cross the dimension on your own? No, I think it is a great thing. Even in the dimension of Setas, he said he had never crossed over by specifying coordinates. No, come to think of it, it’s the past, but this is the dimension of Setas. Even in the distant future of this world, it has never been successful, so it is not surprising that Merlin is surprised.

“I came across dimensions to find Zurvan, the god of time. Do you know anything about him?”

“You must have never heard of it.”

“Then, does anyone know?”

Merlin silently shook his head. It looked a little forlorn. I understand. This is what it means to live long.

But, having high hopes, I couldn’t help but be disappointed.

“By the way, if Gaia’s power is weakening, haven’t you thought of reviving the Gaia religion?”

“I did. But other religions did not stand still.”

“Isn’t it enough to kill all the rotten priests?”

“I used to think that way. But I think we’ve come too far for that. Even if the priests are like that, what are you going to do with the half of humanity who are equivalent to being brainwashed?”

Wouldn’t it be enough to kill the followers too? This world looks doomed, so isn’t it natural to kill half of the humans and save the world? I thought for a moment and shook my head.

It was the common way of thinking of the gods. And I know the future of this world. This world will not perish even if Gaia dies.

And considering what I heard from Setas, there is still plenty of time left for Gaia to disappear.

“Believe it or not, the beauty of this world in the world I lived in…”

I was going to tell you a story about Setas. But I couldn’t speak. A tremendous restraining force took over my body. It was a rough force, as if threatening to kill him if he tried to release it with force.

Ever since Setas muttered something and almost died, there were times when he tried to say something. Now I know why. But is this Gaia’s will? Or is it His will?

When Setas of the other world almost died, Junon appeared and brought him back to life. It’s hard to see that Junon was managing that one by one. However, no matter how close he is to omnipotence, I don’t think this is the case. I can’t tell you anyway.


“no. But I’d say it’s too early to give up. How about bringing in new believers bit by bit and keeping them secret?”

“Do you think I haven’t thought of that?”

“I was just thinking. Haven’t you tried it? I don’t think it will be as difficult as I thought.”

I saw it as an alter ego and personally experienced it while traveling around the world, but there are countless people in this world who are persecuted without relying on religion. That is, there are enough gaps for the Gaia religion to squeeze in.

However, when the power is small in the beginning, it should not be discovered by the existing religions. That is, you should start with a small elite, and this small elite should be a high-ranking person if possible.

“I would like to try it if possible. It was free anyway, so there’s nothing to lose. In fact, I think it wouldn’t be impossible if someone like you helped me. Could you lend your strength to this old man?”

“Help me out of the way of my work. But I’m about 300 years old, though not as much as you.”

Merlin’s eyes widened once again. And laughed out loud.

“Heh heh heh! Let’s have a good time together old people.”

“I am still young at heart.”

So I joined hands with Merlin. It’s just a small tidbit anyway. There was also a calculation that if Merlin’s active help was received, it would be possible to find Zurvan’s avatar that existed in this world more quickly.

Merlin left the hut where he lived. He also removed the illusion magic that was originally covering his appearance. After removing the illusion magic, Merlin’s real appearance was a very handsome middle-aged man.

In Merlin’s true form, it was incomparably weaker, but I felt a similar feeling of magic when I saw Lily.

I broke up with Merlin once. Merlin said that he would create forces by finding hidden money. Having lived for a thousand years, it seems that he has quite a lot of money hidden away.

Taking Merlin’s advice, I decided to obtain a title in this world. France was a country with a large territory, but it was possible to buy a title. And there was already a person named Germain in this country. Although he died a long time ago, he was crowned a saint and was called Saint-Germain. I liked it.

It was not as difficult as I thought, and I got a count of a fallen nobleman in France. It was a very small estate in the northwestern corner of France, but rather nice. Of course, I did a little bit of work. Some characters’ memories were erased a little, and there were also problems that were solved with money or force.

As soon as he formally succeeded to the county, he made his debut in French society. I don’t like social events, so I didn’t participate often, but when I did, I was good at it. My appearance immediately caused a sensation in the social world.

That wasn’t the end. I reached out to all the countries around France.

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