Even if it wasn’t, wouldn’t it be time to come soon? I was thinking. I sensed that a snake had appeared from the subtle chill I felt behind me.


“Goodbye then”


The snake’s head exploded without saying a word. He said while looking at the body of the snake convulsing after losing its head.

“I know now that this is not the elixir of immortality, even if you don’t tell me. And I know the value of this, so stop looking for me.”

This will probably be the last time you see a snake. I can’t explain the exact reason, but that’s how it feels.

After confirming that the body of the snake would quickly disappear into dust, the final work began.

As soon as the pieces of Utuka’s beads entered the blue solution, they spontaneously began to dissolve. The solution then began to change color moment by moment.

Now is the important part. With each change of color, the need for stability changes. And it has to be put in at the right time.

Adding stabilizing ingredients too quickly will result in a very useless potion, and too late can cause an explosion in the worst case.

size of the explosion? Perhaps the whole new continent could be blown up. At that rate, a massive tsunami would cover the entire Old Continent. is the end of the world

49 changes occurred in 7 days. And fortunately, we have succeeded in coping with all of those changes.

The completed elixir of immortality was not liquid. It was like a very clear glass bead.

From noble mtl dot com.

It is called the elixir of immortality as he named it because it was inherited from the research done by the alchemist Fulcan Nelias, but it is not exactly the same as the elixir of immortality.

Of course, if you can fully absorb this, you can enter the realm of immortality, but it is more like a highly concentrated energy source that can be used freely.

Depending on how this energy mass is used, it may look like a god. This is a treasure that even the gods drool over.

I intend to use this for myself. I have an idea of how to use it. Perhaps some supreme being will appear before that and ask for a deal. If it’s a deal that would benefit me, I have no intention of rejecting it. We will keep many possibilities open and respond accordingly.

While I was concentrating on my research, quite a lot of confusion was taking place in the Old World except for the New World.

In the East Continent, power was concentrated in the great labyrinth that was reopened, and Kalista religion was gaining power to that extent. The doctrine of Kalistaism is power. It was a slightly risky idea that the one with power takes over everything, but it’s actually not that strange.

The fact that the royal family and nobles dominate the common people is because they are strong.

In the West Continent, the fire of war was burning again. I dare not compare to the Nautilus, but a flying boat was developed.

It’s still not good enough to cross over to the new continent, but as always, humans will find an answer.

The problem is that these flying boats were not developed in the Aether Empire.

The easiest way to maintain this from the point of view of a strong country is to give a weak country no reason to become stronger. It is actually very dangerous for a small country to have such an asymmetric power.

It should have been hidden a little more carefully. However, the Ether Empire’s intelligence department was not so easy going either.

The Aether Empire instigated neighboring countries rather than using their own hands. In the process, Argin’s son stood out and was growing big politically.

I didn’t interfere It had nothing to do with Akasha Kingdom, and Lena was already doing well. First of all, like a kingdom, Akasha Kingdom had all the basic assortment.

Just because they all moved to the New Continent, the influence of the Akasha Kingdom on the Old Continent does not disappear. Rather, their influence was growing.

I was conducting research on dimension shifting in the laboratory left behind by Setas.

I’m not trying to use the same method that Thetas used. It is in fact very inefficient.

I have already seen Imhotep, a demigod who can freely move between dimensions. Of course, he is a very old being and has great power, but could he move dimensions with technology like Setas? Absolutely not.

I’m studying Imhotep’s method rather than Setas’ method. And it seemed that he would now know the answer to the question of why Imhotep, whom Bastet missed so much, could not ascend to the rank of god.

And now I could understand why Bastet had bothered to exist in this world while being kind to humans.

Bastet is the god of cats, the hunt, and fertility. Those who believe in themselves or those in the sphere of influence become rich and gain strength by hunting.

So, it’s hard to say hunting, but I followed Howard, who was specialized in catching and killing something, and I was in the Akasha manor and the new continent, which were growing tremendously, and as a bonus, I protected the cats of the manor. That’s where I got my strength.

Of course, it is true that he is not a very greedy god. And why I came to like Setas remains a little questionable.

My existence is ambiguous. Because he refused to ascend to godhood, he surpassed the status of a demi-god, but it is difficult to accurately define him as a demi-god. Since the time he has lived is relatively short, his strength is not yet strong.

I decided to try out a way to increase my strength. So, he started building a library in Akasha Kingdom. It is the largest library in the world.

And they decided to build a suitable library in the Tempest Territory and the Witches’ Territory, which traded Akasha Kingdom’s exports.

At the same time as studying the method of dimension travel, the newly built library began to be filled with books. It was weak, but I could clearly feel my strength increasing. So, they began to build more libraries in places affected by the Akasha kingdom.

The place that was most affected was, of course, the Aether Empire. Many libraries were built throughout the empire. A great feature of the Akasha Library is that anyone who can only read can come in and read books. And if it was a new book, no matter how useless it was, it was bought at a high price.

The increase in the level of knowledge of the common people is not very welcome from the point of view of the nobles. So there was a group that interfered with the building of the Akasha library or attacked the library that had already been built.

Politically, the Tempest family came forward to solve this problem, and in private, the Blue Moon also moved.

The Akasha Library did not stop at that, but also fostered writers and sold books. The printing press, based on the records left by Setas, brought another great change to the world.

As the level of knowledge of the common people increased, as expected, the nobles began to suffer little by little.

It’s still an acceptable level, but if time passes, there may come a world where nobility and royalty don’t exist, like the place where Setas lived.

Over time, the study of dimension shifting based on Setas knowledge came to an end. To be precise, I was honing my skills based on Setas research data.

I’m not sure, but the technology seems to have been completed, but the problem was the coordinates. The coordinates that Setas found is the world that Setas originally lived in. But that’s not where I need to go.

Also, in this case, you have to rob someone you know. What could be good about having God as a friend?

I entered the Great Labyrinth. It will come in a few years. As before, he broke through the great labyrinth and at some point, Howard’s house appeared.

Howard’s cabin was so intact that not a single speck of it seemed to have changed. As soon as I opened the door, I saw something different.

“Oh, is it worth living?”

It was Howard who had changed. I thought I had developed my own strength, but Howard was so strong that it couldn’t be compared to before. The revival of Kalistaism seems to have had an impact.

“Come often, I’m bored.”

Howard slumped on the bed in the corner and wiggled his hands.

“Junon-nim and Drakan-nim seem to be having a hard time blocking foreign media, but aren’t you working?”

“I do everything except that.”

But is there anything else besides that? I poured out the alcohol and food I had prepared as a bribe.

“Do you pay tribute?”

“It is a bribe.”

“You don’t accept bribes? I am a pure god.”

“The god of integrity will punish.”

“Oh, that’s not okay, just accept it”

It started with nonsense, and after a while, a masterpiece began. After drinking enough to drink, I brought out the main topic.

“Please do me one favor.”


“But you already took the bribe.”

“Damn it, what is it?”

“Tell me where Zurvan is”

In an instant, Howard’s eyes changed. Zurvan is the god of time who reversed the time of the West Continent at the request of Ctula in the past.

“What are you thinking?”

“I’m going to see Zurvan.”

“What are we going to do when we meet?”

“I think we can save Nivea.”


Howard licked his lips with sharp eyes.

Nivea’s death was clearly not normal. I had doubts, but as I absorbed the Wither’s soul, various information came in, and I was convinced as it merged with the foreknowledge I had seen.

Nivea accepted a fragment of Zurvan in her previous life. Then, he put the curse of immortality on his body and finally used the power of time. The soul of Nivea in her previous life was not destroyed.

And wither, affected by the power of time used by Nivea, appeared in the form of a regressor.

The fate of Nivea in this life has changed from her previous life. However, the soul was unstable, probably due to the influence of the previous life, and as a result, the soul was destroyed by using the curse of immortality.

Then, where did Nivea go in her previous life after using the power of time? What if you find Nivea from a previous life where you don’t know where it is? I thought there was a way to get Nivea back.

After thinking about something for a moment, Howard nodded.

“I get it. But I don’t think it will happen anytime soon. Go back and wait.”

“Won’t you?”

“why me? Rather than that, Argin, what should I do?”

“Argin is a bit like that, isn’t it?”

Argin is a human with a high possibility of reaching at least the level of a demi-god if he does not give up on his own. But now, as a completely rural old man, he was living a leisurely life.

“I have to come in at least Argin to leave the terminal, right?”

“Wouldn’t Shark be faster?”

Unlike Argin, Shaq was confined to the manor and was only training without going abroad at all.

“He…no. Anyway, no sharks.”

Judging from Howard’s reaction, it seems that something is wrong with Shaq.

“I will talk to Argin. But you cannot force it.”

“I know that. Just give me a little chance”

What could be an incident that would make Argin covet the godhead? I’m not sure if there’s such a thing because he’s changed like a sage without greed.

Howard still couldn’t let him out. I don’t know if I can’t do it or not, but in the end I had to walk out on my own.

I visited Howard and spent time with Argin and tried various ways to seduce him, but Argin did not respond as expected.

Rather, he noticed my intentions and just laughed. I even talked about meeting Howard, but it was the same. It is difficult enough to be close to impossible for humans to completely abandon their greed. However, I knew that what was more difficult than that was to seduce a person who had abandoned his greed.

By the time I almost gave up on persuading Argin, Argin left a meaningful message.

“Tell Howard he doesn’t have to worry so much. When the time given to me runs out, you will naturally come to know.”

But how much time will Argin be given? He has built up his rank, but his state of nothingness has already risen to the point where it is difficult to measure by existing standards. Considering that an average master lives well over 100 years old, I wonder if he will live at least 200 more years, but even if Howard is a god, wouldn’t that be a bit long to wait?

That’s how I got a call from Howard when I heard both hands and feet from Argin. To be precise, the oracle fell through Antariel, a saint of the Kalista religion.

– I found out. Come quickly.

It was a simple and clear oracle unique to Kalista. Antariel pondered over how to interpret this oracle, and after a long time visiting, I solved the problem.

Before leaving for the Great Labyrinth, I left a note for Lena and Peace.

– Wait for mom to come.

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