As we were moving towards the Golden Tree, one of the clones caught something unusual in their field of vision.

Something was falling from the sky. It’s somewhere in the middle of the eastern continent, not too far from where I am now. I had to choose Should I stop for a while to see what falls and go to the golden tree or go to the golden tree and come back.

The time to worry didn’t last long. I chose the golden tree. Not everything that falls from the sky is useful. You might expect a fruit from God, but if you think about it, it’s really an extremely slim chance. It had happened only once in the life of Drakan, who had lived so long.

Wasn’t it the bar that fell last time? It’s not cute in my eyes, but in Setas’ opinion, it’s a useless creature other than cute.

On the other hand, the fruit of the golden tree is to some extent a guarantee for the world tree. Of course, I don’t know what will come out of the fruit.

Even now, the fruit was gradually unfolding. If there was something inside, it seemed like it would pour out. I hurried to the golden tree.

Fortunately, I was able to reach the branch on which the fruit was hanging before it was fully opened in time.

I cautiously approached the opening of the fruit and peered inside. It was a little baby there.

I expected it to be like this. So far, Misteltein’s owner has not appeared. If so, I thought that the world tree would designate people who could use it even if it wasn’t like this.

I carefully took out the child who was sleeping between the fruit pulp. The child was not breathing. Exactly, there was no soul.

‘Could it be a failure?’

Since there is no soul, it seems meaningless, but he cast the power to heal the small child he was holding in his arms.

Then, the stem that was still attached to the child’s navel dried up and fell off. And surprisingly, the child has a soul. It was a soul that was so large and brilliant that it had never been seen before.

For a moment, I even thought that the child might be a god.


But that idea was quickly dispelled. God doesn’t cry. The child caught his breath and began to cry. I hurriedly pulled out something to wrap the child in, covered it up, and hurriedly left. There was nothing good about this child being noticed by anyone.

Meanwhile, the outline of something falling from the sky began to appear near the center of the eastern continent. It looked like a wooden window.

It landed on the side of a mountain near a village. The clone hurriedly followed it to where it landed, but by the time it arrived it had already happened.

The wooden spear was driven deep into the rock. This was not possible with ordinary trees. But, of course, wooden spears do not usually fall from the sky.

Then, next to the wooden window, a boy collapsed and convulsed. The boy was radiating so much heat that steam rose from his body.

I don’t know what happened, but it’s clear that the wooden spear is involved.

“I’m so damn busy”

I moved towards the new continent with all my might. Appearing in front of Nivea who was resting in the mansion, I handed over the child I was holding in my arms to Nivea.

“Take care of me for a minute”

“What, what is it?”

Unexpectedly, Nivea’s eyes widened as she assumed the child. It’s been a long time since Nivea, which rarely panics, has shown such an appearance.

It was only natural that I, who had said I was going to visit for a while, suddenly showed up with my child.

Peace, who was dozing next to Nivea, came to his senses, looked at the child, and shouted.

“Did you have a younger brother?”

Was it not the Witch of Curse but the Witch of Ice? For a moment, it felt like ice was pouring from Nivea’s eyes. But I don’t have time to explain now.

“I’m in a bit of a hurry, so I’ll come and explain.”

“It must be so.”

Nivea calmed the crying child and put on a scary expression.

From noble mtl dot com.

I immediately headed for the boy who had collapsed. I know who the boy is. He is the son of a hunter who lives near where the spear fell. My mother died of illness a long time ago.

However, the father of the hunter went hunting not long ago and was attacked by a bear. The boy, who was still young and had not properly learned hunting skills, was in a position to worry about food right away. However, the villagers who had been friendly to the hunters so far were not so friendly to the boy. It’s a common story. I’m looking at so many things, but I can’t save them all.

The boy had been very thin from not eating properly for quite some time. But that body was changing now. Exhaling tremendous heat, the body of the boy who was lying on the ground was moving with a grotesque sound. I’ve seen something similar recently.

It’s the same symptoms as when Howard is down. And the boy’s natural talent was not so good. He was a boy with a normal or below average soul. The boy’s soul was changing. The spirit that radiates golden light is getting bigger and bigger. It was like watching Setas when it was born.

I arrived next to a boy changing. I felt it as soon as I arrived. There was a wonderful scent coming from that wooden window stuck in the rock. It was something that could not be known from the clones nearby. Because the soul can’t smell.

It smells like cooked grass fish, but more than that. Realizing that I was approaching the wooden window without my knowledge, I stopped.

It occurred to me that maybe there was a fruit similar to a grass fish or a real god fruit attached to that tree spear.

It’s not a pity. There is nothing more stupid than regretting the past. What matters is the future. It is unknown now how much power this boy will have.

I thought Misteltein’s owner was a baby born from the fruit of a golden tree, but I thought maybe it wasn’t.

Except for abnormal cases like Setas, it’s hard to be strong from a baby. That Setas, too, couldn’t exert all his power when he was very young due to physical limitations. It is the same even now that growth has not finished.

But how long will it take for a child born from the fruit of a golden tree to grow up? Of course, since he is not an ordinary child, the possibility of rapid growth cannot be ruled out, but if he grows up like a normal human, it will take 18 years.

We expect there will be plenty of time, but there is no guarantee that Utuka won’t come by then.

On the other hand, the boy in front of me should be able to develop enough strength in about 10 years. Of course, I will need a lot of help from people around me, but I can support that much.

Anyway, it’s good to have options in a good direction. Even if one of the two children becomes Mistiltein’s owner, I have nothing to lose.

After thinking, I slowly approached the wooden spear stuck in the rock. It wasn’t because I was enchanted by the scent, but because it was clear that it was not an ordinary wooden spear, I was trying to keep it. It has sufficient research value, and it is a much more dangerous object than it looks.

If I just throw this into the capital of any country, there will be a scuffle between humans who are possessed by the fragrance, and a sea of blood will unfold.

As I was about to touch the wooden spear, I felt an unfamiliar sensation I had experienced several times.

Time has stopped. I stopped and looked up. I naturally thought that Junon would have appeared. However, in front of me, a being other than Junon was spreading four pairs of gigantic and splendid wings.

Her face was hard to see clearly because of the brilliance that radiated from her entire body, but she was like a woman and a beauty like a sculpture. but heterogeneous In all honesty, I was exuding the feeling that I was not of this world.

It was the same size and shape as a human, and was wearing a brilliant gold-patterned armor with a hint of blue. And behind it were spread four pairs of wings made of light.

I had to say something, but my mouth didn’t come out. It had never been like this before any god. Then, is the existence in front of me something more than Junon or Ctula?

The being’s gaze briefly touched the fallen boy, then returned to me. He tilted his head for a moment, looked at me, then opened his mouth.

[Even mistakes are His will, I just follow it.]

It sounded like a whisper, but it was incredibly loud. If it was a real sound, my eardrums would have burst. Instead, it felt like my soul was shaking. I gritted my teeth.

The being reached out and pulled out a wooden spear stuck in the rock, closed it, and ambled past me to stand in front of the boy.

Just then, a familiar voice came from behind me.

[Kill that b*tch now, eat her flesh and you’ll get everything.]

It’s a voice you know well. It’s a snake. Of course I thought he wouldn’t die. But I didn’t expect it to appear at a moment like this.

That sounds funny. My body is stiff and I can’t even open my mouth, so I’m going to kill you? I’ve never hardened like this before Junon, but it seems that the reason why my body stiffens is because of the difference in rank. But to kill the being far above Junon? Are you introducing a new method of suicide?

[Is it because your body doesn’t move well? I’ll make it move]

I felt something climb up my body, and a snake’s face popped out of my shoulder. The breath from the snake’s mouth tickles the nape of the neck. A thick, fishy smell unique to snakes hit his nose. It’s not even a real snake, so I wish I could wash it.

Perhaps reading my thoughts, the snake glanced at me. It’s scary because it’s close to the face. And the tongue protruded from the snake’s mouth. The face is a human face, but why is the tongue a snake tongue? A long, forked tongue ran across my lips. I kept my lips shut with all my might, afraid that I might come inside. Then, the feeling of oppressing my body like a lie disappeared and I was able to move my body naturally.

Even so, fighting that being is nonsense. Hitting a rock with an egg to break it will be more likely.

[In a little while, the opportunity will come. When that b*tch is distracted, go from behind and stab her, and it will be over. Do you have it?]

Are you going to use Mistiltein here? Still, why should I kill that being? The snake’s temptation continued.

[If you eat that b*tch’s meat, you can win even if a hundred Utukas come]

That’s a bit tempting. Mistiltein is what you need to kill Utuka. However, if I use Mistiltein to become stronger and deal with Utuka, it will be more beneficial.

[And I can save your girl]

Are you talking about Nivea? Does the snake know what caused the rift in Nivea’s soul?

[Hee hee! i know everything Ahahahahaha!]

I looked into the snake’s eyes, which were still entangled in my body and bursting into laughter. Talk about Nivea.

But the snake did not answer. Sometimes he just glanced at me and smiled.

Meanwhile, the being approaching the boy folded its wings and knelt in front of the boy. Then, she put her hands on the boy’s chest. Then, a blinding light began to emanate from both hands.

[Now! hurry!]

Even without saying it, I know that the opportunity is now. But is it right to do what the snake says?

[hurry! hurry! hurry!]

The snake’s poisoning intensified.

“Then what will I get for you this time?”

The principles of action of gods and similar beings are now somewhat familiar. thoroughly calculative. Even this snake would not act like this if it had no benefit to itself.

Like Drakan, the World Tree, or Bastet, there are cases where they make mutually beneficial proposals or requests. There are also cases where, like Cthula, he makes a more profitable proposal.

Then, which case would the snake belong to? It will never be the former. So, is it similar to Ctula?

[I want that b*tch’s heart]

The snake smiled and replied.

“How to save Nivea?”

[You’ll know that naturally when you kill that b*tch! There is no time, quickly!]

I took it out of subspace. and stabbed

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