The location of the piece was very ambiguous when viewed objectively. Although Nivea is raising them, they did not officially adopt and become a parent-child relationship. However, the two cared for each other more than biological parents and children.

Peace’s adaptation to the Nivea Territory was much easier than expected. Originally, due to the nature of the territory where many witches lived, people did not have much resistance.

It would not have changed much if a furry kid was walking around. It was also an important part that he didn’t look so threatening because he wasn’t yet an adult. Right now, the white fluffy puppy walks on its own two feet.

Of course, when it becomes an adult, it will show its original appearance as a white wolf, but it will take several years for it to become like that, even if beastmen grow up quickly.

Peace got along well with the children of Yeongji with his unique affinity. Of course, it wasn’t without problems.

Rumors of a beast tribe boy living outside the world, the only one in the world, spread to the surrounding territories. There were also people who heard such rumors and had bad thoughts.

Most of them were taken care of before setting foot on the manor, but there were eight kidnapping attempts in one year. Of course, they were also processed without anyone knowing.

From noble mtl dot com.

There were quite a few missing people like that. There were quite a few rumors that if you aim for a child of the beast tribe, you will die, but there were many people who did not get tired of it and took on the challenge.

In the meantime, I finally absorbed all the records in the basement. And in earnest, I started putting everything I knew into a book.

At times, I concentrated enough to forget the connection with my alter ego. Come to think of it, there were times when several days had passed. I was wary of the return of the oblivion of time I experienced in my soul days. If the oblivion of time comes for several years, as it is now in the days of the soul, no matter how much I am, I will die physically.

So after a few days of concentration, I deliberately took my time and did other things. What I did when I had free time these days was sparring with Argin.

Of course, swordsmanship skills are no match. It’s been a long time since he didn’t fight, but Argin has long surpassed Howard in terms of pure swordsmanship.

However, the swordsmanship that Argin is currently making is not against humans. So sparring with me is helpful. Of course it helps me too.

Even if I work hard from now on, I don’t know how long it will take to reach the level of Argin, but I still have nothing to lose by improving my swordsmanship.

“So how long will it take to complete?”

After a bout of sparring, I asked Argin.

“I still can’t get a feel for it. Because I am the problem.”

“Is the development of the mental method slow?”

“Yes, well, Setas said that from the beginning.”

Throwing away the aura and using the meta energy used by Setas was much more difficult than I thought. Even the world’s Argin has remained at an almost basic level for several years.

But Setas said even this was a great achievement. He said that if he was like a normal person, he would not have been able to throw away his aura and accept meta energy. Because of that part, I couldn’t abandon the existing Sim method and choose the Setas method.

“Do you want to go hunting for big game in Argin?”

“What else is there?”

“Should I call him an underground outlaw?”

After a long chase, he finally found the transcendent being who lived underground that Fersen Neymas had met.

It was a monster in the form of a giant earthworm. It’s only an earthworm in shape, but its power and power are incomparable. No matter how hard the rocky terrain, it had the ability to cut through the tofu with a knife.

As Fersen explained, it was a monster with a reputation. It was a monster that I couldn’t even guess how many years I had lived underground. They planned to take only Howard to hunt it, but decided to add Argin as well. Opportunities to fight transcendent species of humans do not come often.

“If the lord says let’s go, we’ll go.”

It’s been a long time since I had a chance to gather again and fight. I took Argin to the Dragon Mountains where Howard lives.

Howard lived on the top of the mountain where Black Drake lived. He took the dwarves and built them a proper house, so all he had to do was stop by from time to time to get drinks or groceries.

“There must be a place like this.”

Argyn, who was new to Howard’s quarters, looked around in admiration. Just looking at the surrounding scenery is definitely a place to be amazed.

A house built on top of the highest peak in the Dragon Mountains. In terms of views alone, it’s probably the best house in the world.

However, the problem is that there is no other person worth living here other than Howard. Aside from the barren environment, if it wasn’t for Howard, the surrounding large beasts would always challenge for the throne of the Dragon Mountains.

Even argin would not last for a very long time.

“Are you here?”

On a large rock outside the house, Howard waved and stood up. Howard is living a life of unemployed people here.

I sometimes bring them drinks or food, but Howard could live without them. All you have to do is return to your original form and eat the nearby monsters.

“I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

As Argin saluted Howard, Howard waved his hand.

“Are you crazy? I’m not sure if it’s stronger or weaker.”

After diagnosing Argin’s condition at once, Howard was told that Argin was remodeling his body by making swordsmanship and accepting new simbeop to deal with God.

“Ah, you said that after meeting Drakan-sama?”


“Do you think you can defeat Drakan-sama with swordsmanship?”

“It will be difficult. No, it may not be possible.”

It was a part that Argin felt keenly as he polished his skills.

“Then can I win?”

“It must be difficult now.”

“How is Germain?”

“If it were your master, how would that be possible?”

Do I seem easygoing because I lose every time in Dalian? At some point, I need to treat my opponent sincerely.

“no. I don’t know if I can beat Germain, but you say you win?”

“Of course, it would be hard to win if the lord uses movement magic or artifacts in succession, but if that’s not the case, wouldn’t it be worth trying?”

Come to think of it, I’ve never shown my full strength in front of Argin.

“sounds stupid”

Howard at once denied Argin’s words.

“It’s just fine. I’m going to catch a monster who has built up a reputation for Argin training, and I came to go with you.”

If you deal with a monster that has built up a reputation, you might find out what’s different between me and Howard.

“Is there such a thing?”

This is perhaps the most attractive to Howard. no, do i have to feed it?

“Yeah, it took me a long time to find.”

“Then I will go too.”

As expected, Howard could not miss this opportunity. Howard jumped up from the rock and landed beside us.

“By the way, can I just empty it?”

“It will be fine for a while. The strong guys around me have definitely been educated.”

Argin, who knows Howard’s education better than anyone else, trembled for a moment.

“By the way, where is this place?”

Argine had been to this place for the first time. After all, how many people can come here? To be precise, Argin is the second pure human who came here.

“Heart of the Dragon Mountains”

Argyn shook his head, looking a little puzzled at Howard’s confident answer.

“Why do you live in a place like this? Shall I make you a place in the Tempest Manor?”

“The scenery is nice and there is nothing bothersome.”

Howard had no particular reason for living here. In the past, Howard had been living alone in the backcountry. There may be thoughts in the inside, but I can’t see through to the heart.

“Who bothered you in the Akasha Territory or in the New Continent?”

“Is it? hahahaha”

I checked my soul as I watched Howard evade with a smile, but it was not yet time for his lifespan to end.

“Then shall we go? It’s pretty far this time.”

If you are traveling with two people, there is no burden even if you go from the end of the western continent to the end of the eastern continent. This is because they use their alter ego as a stepping stone to move.

But this time there is no stepping stone. Although there was an alter ego attached to the outlaw underground, it was so deep underground that the way to get there was complicated. I had to go almost purely using movement magic.

This is a pretty big burden on me too. On the way, I took several breaks to recover my energy.

The deeper they went underground, the less suitable the environment was for humans to live. The temperature rose and it was difficult to breathe. All of them were enduring because they were superhumans who had crossed the wall, but it was a harsh environment that ordinary people could not endure even for a few minutes.

I don’t know if the target, the underground outlaw, is sleeping or what, but he hasn’t moved. Arrive now and fight right away. If he started moving, it was no different than giving an advantage to the guy who was the head of the underground and starting.

“Then we move right away. Hit it as soon as you arrive”

I grabbed the two and started the final move. Underground outlaws are quite large. However, it is not terribly large like Ctullah or Drakan.

The length of the body is about 30 meters, but the thickness of the body is about 1 meter, so it is not that thick. So if the guy runs away, it’s even more disadvantageous.

If he digs and runs away, it will be difficult to follow him into the crypt he made.

The place where he was resting was still a place with quite a bit of space. It is a rather wide crypt that can accommodate two people side by side. However, there wasn’t much space left because the long guy was coiled up.

As soon as I arrived, as I said, Argin went first. Argin took the opponent too easily.

The sword that pulled out the sword and hit the guy’s torso bounced back emptyly. When Argin got back into his stance, he was poised and ready to strike back.

Like a guy who lived underground for a long time, there was no other part of his head except for his mouth. I wonder why that mouth didn’t degenerate in the first place. This is because there is no such thing as an animal that it can catch and eat underground.


It made a sound like a snake and attacked Argin. Even though it looks like an open mouth without teeth, it is a guy who breaks through rocks like tofu. If you got caught wrong, no matter how grand master you were, there was no way you would be safe.

Argin evaded his attack and fired back several times, but each time the sword just bounced off.

“Is it the right way?”

Howard, who was watching the battle between Argin and the guy from a little further back, admired it. I couldn’t tell if he was talking to Argin or the outlaw underground.

I was recharging my energy by illuminating my surroundings with magic.

“how is it? Will Argin have a chance?”

Looking at the current aspect of the battle, it seems that Argin will not be defeated, but it seems that he will not be able to win either.

Above all, Argin’s attack didn’t work at all. Of course, Argin didn’t seem to be using his power yet. However, Argin wasn’t not using power right now, it was failing.

It is not yet able to produce normal power when using Aura by using meta energy.

“Leave it. And that guy isn’t even full yet?”

It will. No matter how much he is a monster, he is a guy with a high rank. Black Drake, who was the owner of the Dragon Mountains, was also a very powerful beast, but not a great beast. In other words, that guy is at least several times stronger than Black Drake.

According to Howard’s opinion, we decided to wait and see. Argin and the guy exchanged violent attacks with each other. But he couldn’t hit Argin, and Argin couldn’t damage him.

Then, perhaps changing his mind, the subterranean outlaw began digging into the ground.

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