Episode 108. family (2)

daerong daerong.

A boy clinging precariously to a shiny brass antlers. If it was Korea, he would have looked like he was in elementary school.

For a brief moment, we awkwardly exchange glances.

Only then did I realize that I had drawn my dagger and was aiming at it, so I hurriedly shoved the blade into the scabbard. Then Troilos’s expression regained some relief.

For reference, the deer to which Troilos hangs is standing with one foot on a fairly high wooden imitation cliff.

How the heck did you get up there?

“Tongue, older brother, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…! Kko, must, watch, try, go, wanted, but, brother, you are busy, you are…”

I’m so nervous that I can’t speak, and I’m trembling.

I wanted to do that because I was afraid of me who had just pulled out a knife and screamed, but now that I think about it, there’s no way I wouldn’t be scared if I was hanging at that height.

“What are you doing? Get ready to enter!”

“It’s nothing special, so everyone stay away.”

“I-who are those people?”

“Nothing. are you okay.”

I bite the escorts who are excitedly trying to rush in. so that the child does not become more frightened.

“wait. I’ll drop you off.”

You can’t get hurt that way.

Other people may not know, but you should never get hurt.

I sigh and cautiously approach the statue of the deer on which Troilos is hanging.

I saw him walking around the palace a few times, how old was he? First of all, seeing that he is a small child, he never seems to be 20 years old.

You should live a long, healthy life until you’re 20.

Didn’t they receive an oracle, saying that if that prince is healthy until he is twenty, Troyia will never fall?

Troilos looked towards the floor with a frightened expression, then let out a sigh as if relieved to see me approaching again.

“Hold on a little longer. I will catch…”

At that moment, Troilos’ right hand misses the antlers he was holding.


In an instant, memories from the past flashed through my mind.

I made scissors, made plows, waterwheels, steel, and roads.

Is that all going to fly?

I ran to my death, and the next moment, Troilos’ right arm lost its strength and started to fall. When I saw that, I took a big leap.

I was as quick as a runner stealing base as I caught Troilos as he fell headfirst to the floor.

Troilos, whose face was bluish and breathless, trembled in my arms, which immediately rubbed his entire body against the floor.


“lawmaker! Bring the councilor… no, Oinone-sama!!”

“…don’t make a fuss. because I’m fine Take care of Prince Troilos first.”

If any one of them breaks, it’s the end. That’s why Priam doesn’t let him out of the palace if he can.

Carried on the back of my guards in amazement, Troilos looked at me as I got up with a pale face.

“Mu, your knees are sore…”

“are you okay. Because it’s better in two days. you?”

“I’m… I’m fine, big brother!”

When a little kid pretends to be a grown-up and calls him older brother, it makes me laugh because it’s funny and cute for some reason.

“How did you get here?”

“I heard that there is a very strange place.”

“From whom?”


Saying that, Troilos’s eyes lit up.

“I heard that there are woodcarvings and statues that move by themselves! But no matter how much I watched, it didn’t move, so I tried to move it with my hands…”

As we talked, Troilos’ face became sullen as if he had been in some kind of serious accident.

I reassured Troilos by gently brushing his curly hair.

“I won’t tell my father about this. Don’t worry about getting scolded, you’re getting a good rest.”

“Is that true?”

It’s sad too.

It is because a child is trapped in the worries and pressures around him for no reason.

“Thank you, brother!”

Troilos’s face lit up at my words.

“Tell me next time. Or have the attendants tell me the words. Then, even if I’m busy, I’ll tell the servants in advance, so you don’t have to sneak in.”


“I will specifically tell my father to come to my mansion. I’ll even build a bridge between the palace and my mansion. So that we can come and go safely.”

Troilos, whose expression brightened dramatically at my favor, happily returned to the palace on the backs of his escorts.

As I watched, my legs gave out and I sat down in a nearby armchair.

I almost got f*cked…

When I was young, I was curious about reading comic books about Greek and Roman mythology.

‘Why did you send Troilos to war when there is an oracle that tells you that Troia will not perish if you live until the age of 20? Then you die!’

Indeed, Troilus was killed by Achilles.

What, who did Achilles not kill?

Anyway, when I was young, I was so frustrated that I was about to die, and I cried when I saw the scene where Hector died in the cartoon I was reading. It took me two months to get my hands on Volume 13, where Hector dies.

And now he had an answer to the vexing question of those days.

I don’t know if Troilos was young like now, but what would he say if he was wrapped up in a war.

‘No, Priam-sama is making money cheaply so that Troilos-nim can’t go out? Then is it time to worry about the fall already?’

It’s obvious that morale will drop like crazy. It is not for nothing that bluffing is a major negotiation strategy.

So, they had to make their faces shine while circling the battlefield as safe as possible, but of course, from the Achaean army’s point of view, they couldn’t miss the opportunity to attack the Trojans mentally, so they must have pursued them and killed them somehow.

In fact, it is a dilemma for Troia.

In order to overcome this, I must somehow create an external reason for Troilos not to go to the battlefield. Or at least create circumstances so that they can only snoop in safe places on the battlefield.


From nob le mt l. co m

Let’s not think for a moment. The war was still far away anyway, and it would take several more years for that boy to reach the age of holding a spear and shield.

From nob le mt l. co m

Let’s deal with the problems we face now one by one.


Even after that trivial incident, preparations for the wedding were progressing smoothly. After all, it was a job that took me a few months as a preparation period, so I wasn’t chased.

“Paris? therefore···”

“Originally, you have to kneel on your right knee here, but here, for you, I will replace it with holding the staff with both hands and lifting it.”

“That’s not what I was talking about. Didn’t you originally say that you would give me a vacation after work?”


However, Skleos was an exception.

The temple of Artemis is splendidly decorated, and the main roads are cleared. Troia was in the midst of preparing to welcome guests from far away.

One of the guests said, ‘Huh? You might ask, Why did the lord of Antandros marry in Troy?’

In the time of Aeneas, the bride’s side was a Trojan princess, but now both of them are in Antandrus, not Troy.

However, there was a political arrangement in every little element. Because Anchises, who is like a serpent, and Priam, who would have gone too far in this kind of thing, were talking to each other about the schedule.

What starts the wedding here is a performance that shows the guests that my rule over Antandros is made under the influence of Priam.

Paris is a prince of Troy before being a powerful man of Antandros, and he is reassuring the surroundings that he will never escape from Troy’s rule.

The wedding, which began for him in Troia, would end after the couple moved together to Antandros, accompanied by guests and royal dignitaries.

It was for this reason that the wedding ceremony, which took place in both cities, was prepared on a fairly grand scale.

Then, in the midst of this long journey from Troia to Antandros, Paris, a new idol who has just debuted, must explain in detail her concept, the characteristics of the members, and the chemistry between the members.

For example, who do you like, who do you associate with, what kind of person you are and what your tastes are.

Anyway, this is a place to introduce me as a human being to my neighbors.

in other words.

“Uncle has to suffer.”


“Because you were my teacher when I was young, and now you are my closest friend, and now you are the chancellor of Antandros.

You have to stand in front of the guests and say with your whole body, ‘What kind of a guy is this Paris?’ And in order to do that, you need to get used to the royal ceremonies of Troy.”

Skleos is a person who knows enough to know. Even if you are a semi-aristocrat in a small periphery city, you have no choice but to have the experience of encountering the desires of many people and your own desires in it.

just take a deep sigh

“I don’t mean to complain. I just want to ask you something.”

“Yes, uncle. Ask anything.”

“Am I not the only one suffering?”

I was delighted to be able to return the exact answer he had hoped for, to the spiteful question.

“Anoitos will probably regret being born into this world.”

Skleos smiled as broadly as I had ever seen, and immediately learned all the customary language and greetings required in the Trojan royal family. Anyone who holds the post of chancellor of the great city of Antandros should do this much.

Of course, if someone at the level of the chancellor put in that much effort, it goes without saying for the city lord and his wife.

“Paris, chin down a little more.”

“All right.”

“Hmm… no. Back up a bit more. Oh Inone, please bend your wrist a little more.”

“like this?”

“Good job. Paris? you are not Let’s just not bother with the chin.”

In front of Hector, Ino and I learned the postures and intonations to be taken in temples and palaces as if performing a strange dance.

All the etiquette I thought was easy when I briefly conveyed it to Skleos is f*cking me in detail.

‘No, what do you mean there are so many manners in this city and kingdom with a short history and no roots?’

When I conveyed this to Hector with a softer, more polite, and less rude speech, the answer was simple.

It came from the Hittites, a merchant country.

The etiquette of the Hittites, whose roots were commercial colonial cities in Mesopotamia, naturally flowed in from Mesopotamia.

The history of Mesopotamia is the longest of mankind along with Egyptus. It is nothing compared to us and Achaia, who are at the periphery of civilization and are in fact semi-barbarians.

Aeneas looks different again. No, it’s admirable.

Aside from being a bit nerdy, sullen, timid, and making people feel stuffy, isn’t it that he had enough persistence to pass these troublesome manners?

At that level, it could be said that he is the most outstanding among the beta men, aaa class beta man.



As I was thinking about something else, Hector gently called me again. I held back a sigh, then stood up again and held Ino’s hand.

All of this was the process of preparing for the day of the wedding.

Everyone in Troia was busy.

And I don’t know, maybe Antandros was just as busy.

As time passed, Troia became like a stage. People began to walk the streets frequently, each choosing a stage outfit that suited them, and soon the main roads began to be closed to traffic.

“King Rhesus, son of Aeoneus, who rules over all the tribes of Thrace, enters Troy! Gatekeeper, open the door!”

“Son of Laodameia, son of Zeus, the guardian of the kingship, Sarpedon, king of Lycia!

Together with Glaucus, son of Hippolochus, son of Hippolochus, grandson of Bellerophon, the murderer of the Chimera, and his close friend, he has arrived at the door of an old friendship! We ask for the hospitality that noble people deserve!”

“Pandarus, ruler of the Zeleians and son of Lycaon, conquered the land of Troy…”

And one by one, those who should come come.

Those who wrote only one line in Homer’s poems, and those who only knew who he died.

Those who may someday gather in this field with weapons and fight together against the allied forces of Achaia.

They gather at the palace.

As the citizens gathered on both sides of the controlled road were hit in the head with petals thrown by them and stepped on them with their feet.

They gossip among themselves, and look around here and there in Troia as if they were curious.

So sparsely, over three or four weeks, guests visited Troia. Those who arrive take their places in the guest rooms of the palace and get acquainted with the main figures of Troy by attending banquets held by the royal family or nobles.

Among them were old friends of Priam and Hector. The nobles pretended to know each other, called each other by nickname, and talked about each other’s family life and the world.

However, no one really knew me.

“…Ah, you are the second son of the famous Priam. You are the protagonist of this marriage.”

“Slayer of mermaids! Would you believe me if I said that your prestige reached all the way to Lycia?”

“By the way, is it really true that Antandros has a hammering colossus of the god Hephaestus?”

All were unfamiliar faces.

Then I gave them a hospitality smile and took a few sips. He lightly held Ino’s hand, who was standing next to him.

“A colossus…”

Following the proper etiquette I’ve learned so far, I gently move my gaze to the south. In the direction of Antandros.

“You will find out soon.”

I shook off those curious and excited eyes and returned to the mansion with Ino.

“here! People of Troy, hear me! An envoy from Maionia visits your city…”

The next day, another messenger’s voice echoes through the gates.

The last invited guest entered Troy.

It was time for the wedding to begin.

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