126 – Audition Preliminary (15)

After Tomoe opened the front door and came out wearing only a bath towel.

Secretary Jeong Song-i and I sat on the sofa in her living room while she went to her room.

“Please scold me properly and harshly! Or should I do it?”

Sure enough, Secretary Jeong Song-i spoke so strongly that it made me drool.

I almost got hurt, so in a way it was a natural reaction,

I couldn’t criticize it too much because it was probably because producer Hikari Ishinami didn’t convey it properly.

… By the way, even if you are a genius and your visual aptitude is S-level, your chest is flat.

No, it didn’t mean I was in bad shape.

It was the commonly known slender body type.

“Producer, you must be thinking strange things right now.”


“By any chance, Mr. Kojo, are you chewing your cud?”

“… “I’m not even a cow.”

Sometimes, I see through my head to the point where I wonder if secretary Jeong Songi also uses the status window.

“Anyway, let’s just move on as if nothing happened. “There’s no need to mention it and make each other blush.”

“If the producer says so….”

He seemed to understand what I was saying, but his face looked upset.

I’ll have to comfort you later.

… I’m the one who almost suffered, so why should I comfort him?

It was the mysterious thing about love.

Tomoe, dressed, came into the living room.

His hair had not been dried, so some water droplets fell from the end of his head to the floor.

Producer Hikari Ishinami also followed.

I was about to open my mouth to talk about the direction of production.

“CEO Lim, I am sorry.”

Suddenly Tomoe cast Dogeza.

Now that I am doing it, I even received a dog gift from an aspiring idol.

[Name: Marui Tomoe]

[Current thought: Because of me, I am causing trouble to the people around me…….]

From Tomoe’s point of view, she wouldn’t want to let the opportunity that she just managed to seize go away like this.

Anyway, she and I are in the same boat fighting against the Marui conglomerate.

“It’s okay, so get up quickly. “We were a little careless with each other.”

He spoke with as gentle an expression as possible.

Well, from now on I won’t make the same mistake as today.

It wasn’t an eyesore at all.

Tomoe raised her head and met her gaze.

He smiled brightly.

It was an appeal that there was nothing at all.

[Name: Marui Tomoe]

[Current Thoughts: Just like producer Ishinami said, he is a really good person….]

I don’t know if I’m really good, but there’s nothing wrong with being evaluated as good.

… Now that I think about it, there is a saying that the evaluation of being nice is being rude, but that’s not true, right?


Producer Hikari Ishinami clapped his hands once as if to get everyone’s attention.

“So, Mr. Kojo, who did you choose as your role model?”

From what I heard, producer Hikari Ishinami gave Tomoe an assignment.

Pick her own favorite idol.

Although her skills were outstanding, she thought it was a suitable task for Tomoe, who originally did not like idols that much.

… Isn’t it better than the ‘me’ of the past?

“Producer Ishinami. “To be exact, it was 5 years ago when she was active as an idol.”

“Oh, right—. Yes?!”

Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen any material from when Ishinami Hikari was an active idol.

I was very curious because this was the role model chosen by the genius Tomoe.

“Can you show it to me too?”


Producer Hikari Ishinami stretched out her arms and waved them around.

“No, no, no!!”

… It seemed to be shouting, ‘No, I don’t want to, don’t touch it.’

Why are you so shy?

Thanks to that experience, I worked as an instructor at an idol training center.

Producer Hikari Ishinami desperately blocks Tomoe, who brought a laptop, with her body.

At this point, I actually became more curious.

As expected of Tomoe, who is good at physical education, she easily escaped producer Hikari Ishinami’s physical training.

-Aio Noseta Kamihikooki Kazeni Notte Tondeyukuyo~♪

I saw a YouTube video featuring Hikari Ishinami from 5 years ago.

… It was also a rather bitter video, considering that the s*xual entertainment had continued behind the scenes until then.

But TKY52 Center — Hikari Ishinami sang passionately without losing her smile.

It’s not a video that makes you feel embarrassed.

Even though there was s*xual entertainment, TKY52 is a group that cannot become a center without any real skills.

“Good. “You chose well.”

Producer Hikari Ishinami covered her face with her palms and said, “Ahhh…” .” He said, feeling embarrassed.

She turned her head towards her and spoke softly.

“Producer Ishinami.”


“You were a great idol.”

At my words, producer Hikari Ishinami lifted her face from her palm.

And then she slowly lifted her head and looked at me.

The reddened cheeks due to embarrassment were noticeable.

“I will be watching from the side, so now Producer Ishinami can continue to guide Kojo.”

“Ah, yes!”

Producer Hikari Ishinami approached Tomoe.

Then she asked me to follow along with the video.

“Io no seta kamihikooki kazeni notte tondeyukuyo~♪”

Wow, it was a copy and paste of Ishinami Hikari in the real video.

You learned this all in one or two days?

She is the daughter of a wealthy family and has such talent.

From noble mtl dot com

It was strange that others did not envy me.

Producer Hikari Ishinami must have felt the same way as me, as she opened her eyes wide and nodded repeatedly.

It is a social loss to have such a genius in the corner of the room.

So we have to raise it well.

… I really don’t know whether I should be grateful to that guy who created the opportunity or not.

“Well done! Now, let’s add Kojo’s own color to this.”

“It’s my color… ?”

“Originally, individuality does not come from nothing. “If you twist something a little bit, that’s individuality.”

[Name: Marui Tomoe]

[Current thought: I know that, but isn’t that the most difficult thing….]

Well, what Producer Hikari Ishinami said was literally the truth.

Taking the basic framework but providing variations within it.

That is the novelty that the public desires.

But you have to give good variations.

A common mistake is changing things that should not be changed.

If you are not careful, it may feel strange rather than novel.

“I also like ways to improve my performance or compensate for my shortcomings.”

“I think it’s just my singing ability and acting skills when dancing.”

“…… Yes.”

Producer Hikari Ishinami’s expression darkened for some reason.

If you look closely, Tomoe doesn’t go through a filter when talking to others.

Cursed Dolls member—Unlike Kang Eva, he was the type that was poor at communication.

“How about finding someone who has that singing ability and good acting skills when dancing and try combining that with my style?”

“Ah, yes. “I will try.”

If completed well, we could see perfect Ishinami Hikari upper compatibility.

In other words, Ishinami Hikari will remain Tomoe’s subordinate counterpart….

Even though I’m retired, it doesn’t feel that good.

Ishinami Hikari said while looking at the producer.

“Would you like to leave work early today and have a drink?”


[Name: Marui Tomoe]

[Current Thoughts: … ?]

He’s a genius without any tact.

Once again, I realized that no one is perfect from start to finish.


The day after I drank too much with producer Hikari Ishinami and secretary Jeong Song-i.

Today was the day Yellow Cow came to Tokyo for activities in Japan next week.

… I felt like my head was going to explode because of the hangover.


“Thank you….”

Secretary Jeong Song-i gave me a hangover reliever that she bought at her convenience store.

She seemed fine.

“Would you like to rest today?”

“I have to pick you up at the airport.”

“You can send someone else. “The twins will understand, too.”

Of course, you will have to understand.

But I couldn’t break the promise I made to the quintuplets that I would pick them up at the airport.

Just as everything is difficult the first time and becomes easier the second time, once you start breaking your promise to your idol, you will continue to break it.

Let’s say that to Jeong Song’s secretary,

“I knew you would do that.”

He sighed softly.

I took a car from the hotel parking lot and went to Haneda Airport.

After waiting at the airport for about 20 minutes,

“”Vice President!””

The voices of the quintuplets were heard as if they were in harmony.

“Have you had any problems so far?”

I was busy with the Preliminaries recently, so I haven’t been able to meet in person since dinner before the preliminaries started.

While I was unable to take care of him, I delegated it to Team Leader Cho Hyun-ho, but I wondered if he felt a little sorry for me.

The youngest of the quintuplets and Yellow Cow leader—Hwang So-jeong answered.

“There was no problem.”

“You studied Japanese well, right?”

At my words, Ox Jeong put both her hands to her mouth,

“Ogekki desu ka~”

… He recited a famous line from the movie “Love Letter.”

Maybe the title will be a little different here.

No, but that movie is a bit old even for me, right?

She was surprised that Bull Jeong, who was nearly eight years younger than me, knew.

Second – Hwang So-min gently grabbed my left hand and said.

“Setsuna and I taught each other Japanese and Korean.”

“Ah, I see.”

… For some reason, Hwang Hwang-min leaned closer than usual today.

Her hands were already clasped together.

Her youngest child — Ox Jeong took a glance at her own second sister and said,

“I’m looking forward to the live performance in Japan.”

I clasped my right hand like Hwang Hwang-min.

[Name: Hwang So-jeong]

[Current thought: You’re making a bold statement.]

[Name: Hwang So-min]

[Current thought: I will take responsibility for stripping me.]

I was speechless when I saw the status window popping up on both the left and right sides.

I never tried to show affection towards Yellow Cow, but before I knew it, he started liking me.

And I’m sure they know… ?

He is a man who has a fiancée but is having an affair with Jeong Song’s secretary and has a terrible relationship with women.

“It’s not good if other people see it, so should we stop now?”


The youngest child – Hwang So-jeong and the second child – Hwang So-min unravel their pods at the same time.

We glared at each other.

… If this happens, the sisters will fight among themselves.

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