121 – Audition Preliminary (10)

Setsuna held the smartphone tightly with both hands.

I was contemplating whether to call Producer Lim Boo-gil or not.

In the end, Setsuna’s father did not completely trust producer Lim Bu-gil.

Although it has been acknowledged that Korean idols have recently become popular in Japan,

However, it is impossible to judge whether that person is truly a good person.

If she were a Japanese producer, how would she run all over Japan if something happened to her daughter, Setsuna?

It is not easy for foreigners to do that in Korea.

She said that she needed to meet her father in person to see if he was really the kind of person she could entrust her daughter to in a foreign country.

‘If I suddenly called and asked to see my dad, he would definitely be taken aback….’

Setsuna’s age is twenty-three.

Although she is not very old, she is definitely an adult.

It is not a typical business relationship between a producer and an idol,

To put it in an analogy, it is like a parent stepping forward to check with his or her boss in person.

I felt embarrassed even though I was not a minor.

If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have come down to her hometown even for a moment.

I regretted it.

They are asking producer Im Bu-gil, who seems busy with These days, to come to this country.

‘I guess I’m destined to become an idol….’

She took the opportunity and didn’t know that her parents, especially her father, would be against it.

If she had real fortitude, she would have been prepared to disown her father, but Setsuna did not have the fortitude to do so.

Above all, her opposition was simply out of concern for her daughter.

After briefly running away from home in Korea to Marronnier Park, she was scolded by her friends, the Yellow Cow quintuplets.

Just trust producer Lim Boo-gil.

Then she said that at some point she would become a famous celebrity.

Then, will producer Lim Boo-gil resolve the father’s opposition this time?

Is it really okay to leave such a personal matter to him?

Isn’t this a nuisance?

‘Let’s send a message to the secretary…’ !’

Secretary Jeong Song-i did not seem easy, but

Still, it was less burdensome than contacting producer Lim Boo-gil directly.

After all, she is also his lover, so she will take care of it and she will deliver.

… What if I get angry?


Jisung was worried about whether or not to tell his parents that he passed the Audition preliminaries.

After much thought, we decided to meet face to face and talk.

Immediately she went to Chuncheon, where her parents lived.

“What? “You’ve met producer Lim Boo-gil before?”

“Don’t you remember Mom?”

Rather than the news that she had passed the audition preliminaries, her mother seemed more interested in the fact that her daughter, Ji Seong-eun, had known producer Gil Kim in the past.

We met because she forced me to follow her, but….

Ji Seong took out a two-shot photo of pregnant Gil from her wallet and showed it to her.

“This is Producer Im Boo-gil?”

“That’s right.”

“This boy who was your first love??”


Ji Seong passionately said, “I have never felt love for Im Bu-gil.”

I only liked her as a friend.

“What an amazing coincidence.”

“… “Anything to say about me passing the preliminaries?”

“Why, at least hang up a placard in the village? Congratulations, Jisung passed the audition preliminary round! Do?”

“That’s not true…” . “Aren’t you opposed to it?”

Ji Seong-eun’s mother smiled brightly and spoke every word of her words.

“If I had opposed it, I would have done it a long time ago when I was 20. “Even now, I’m living well in Seoul on my own, so there’s something I need to touch on.”

“Still, I decided to become an idol when I was 29….”

“Is it because you want me to at least do the opposite? No matter what you do, as long as you do well and don’t starve to death, that’s fine. “It would be better if I could see my grandchildren.”

“… There is no one like that. “Now, if you become an idol, you’re not allowed to date.”

She came to Chuncheon with great determination, but her mother’s reaction was so light that it was absurd and made her laugh.

My father said that he went hiking with his friends today.

Jiseong-eun was very confused about whether he was blessed or not.

“But don’t you have any plans to do something with producer Im Boo-gil?”

“Mom…. There is no such thing as a producer and an idol. “To producers, idols are not women, they are just products.”

“Hey, he’s still alive. And producer Lim Boo-gil has a reputation for treating idols like proper people.”

Honestly, I applied to Because of such evaluations.

The ‘NP TV’ s*xual entertainment incident, which became a hot topic in both Korea and Japan, was rumored to have actually been brought about by producer Lim Boo-gil.

“You’re not completely heartless, are you?”


“Lies. “Just try flirting.”

“They said they were already engaged. And they say he’s a bit promiscuous in his relationships with women. “She has a fiancee, but she openly says that he is cheating on her with his secretary.”

“Oh my.”

After all, there is no perfect man, Ji Seong-eun’s mother nodded her head.

However, there were no rumors about her touching idols.

Probably the type that thoroughly distinguishes between public and private matters.

“I think a man like that will come over if you just tease him a little. Seong-eun, take it away!”

“… “Mom, are you crazy?”

“It’s a joke, it’s a joke.”

Jisung’s mother is leisurely folding laundry while smiling.

I was glad she didn’t object, but she would probably keep asking later.

How is your relationship with producer Lim Boo-gil? .


When I saw the status window of Tomoe Kojo—real name Tomoe Marui—I was surprised in two ways.

The first thing is talent.

Vocal, dance, and visual aptitude are all S-level.

Even just looking at his abilities, he was at a level where he could be deployed immediately.

The talking quality was a bit poor, but it wasn’t at a level where it couldn’t be shown on entertainment shows.

The second was mental.

… [Fatigue: 94] Is an extremely high number, and it seems like a threat, not just a threat to commit suicide if he is not chosen by me.

From noble mtl dot com

I was too tired to say it was just a thought.

She actually became homeless because she failed the audition preliminaries, so there was no way she wasn’t stressed out.

“Hello. “I heard you’ve been having a bit of a hard time these days. Are you okay?”

“Yes, thanks to producer Ishinami….”

He motioned for me to sit on the sofa.

Then Tomoe carefully placed her buttocks on the sofa.

Producer Hikari Ishinami placed her two cups of coffee on the table, as if she had prepared them in advance.

“I heard that I eliminated Kojo and got into a fight with her parents and got kicked out of the house, is that correct?”

Tomoe rolled her eyes back and forth as if she didn’t know how to answer my question.

Then she slowly nodded her head once.

I thought you would say it wasn’t because of me, but you’re being honest.

Honest is not a bad thing.

… It’s much better than making things worse by not being able to speak honestly like Setsuna.

“What I don’t understand is why I was kicked out of the family because I failed the audition?”

“That…” .”

Tomoe closed her lips tightly.

Her chin trembled slightly.

I felt like I wanted to talk, but was hesitant.

[Name: Marui Tomoe]

[Current Thoughts: Should I reveal that it is the Marui conglomerate….]

… Marui conglomerate?

First of all, this is my first time hearing of a conglomerate with that name.

This is the world of the ‘Idol Producing’ game.

It wasn’t strange if there were chaebol families I didn’t know about.

So, is Tomoe the precious daughter of the Marui conglomerate?

So you changed your last name to Kojo and applied.

But when I told her that she was the daughter of a chaebol family, she didn’t understand it any more.

Is the Marui conglomerate a particularly strict family, to the point where they immediately kick her out after failing one audition?

“First of all, during the first preliminaries, why did she apply even though she had no intention of becoming an idol?”

“Actually, I didn’t apply.”


“I wasn’t working properly and was stuck in the corner of the room, but my brother told me to become an idol….”

“… ….”

No, there’s no way she could stick to pushing her back like that.

Is this guy called Oppa a jerk?

Why are you doing this to the son of a wealthy family?

Anyway, Tomoe, the daughter of a wealthy family, was stuck in the corner of the room.

… For some reason, this part reminded me of Yeomseonjeong.

Yeomseon was the daughter of a fairly well-off family, but she was a hikikomori.

In her case, she tried to become an idol, but she was frustrated because of her past ‘me’….

“I understood that she didn’t have much will because her family forced her to do it. But did you know that her family would naturally stick around? “Then you kicked her out because she failed?”


I told her what she had guessed.

But Tomoe shook her head.

“Please don’t be surprised…. “Actually, my real name is Marui Tomoe.”

“I see.”

I already knew this from the status window,

I don’t know how great the Marui conglomerate is.

So she listened, nodding her head,

“”Ma, Marui?!””

… Ishinami Hikari and Secretary Jeong Songi shouted at the same time.

Let alone Ishinami Hikari, why even Jung Song-i’s secretary?

[Name: Marui Tomoe]

[Current Thoughts: Why aren’t pregnant women really surprised? Could it be that you already knew?]

“Wait a minute, I got a text message.”

I held the smartphone with both hands as if sending a message, and searched for [Marui Chaebol] On the Internet.

… Instead of Namu Wiki, [Yaja Wiki] Came out.

[Marui Group is Japan’s largest corporate group. It is often compared to Korea’s Oseong.]

Here, [Oseong] Refers to the Samsung Group that I know.

In other words, it was as if Lee Jae-yong’s daughter was sitting right in front of me.

Heomi Sibal.

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