105 – July 17

When asked if it would be okay for Jeong Song to continue living with his secretary from now on, Yeom Seon-jeong said, “Um….” She tilted her head.

Actually, she lives separately from her fiancé, but if her in-laws say she wants to live with her fiancé, she is crazy.

… I wondered if I was thinking too much about myself.

From noble mtl dot com

“Joe, I have a condition!”

“What conditions?”

Jeong Song-i and her secretary crossed her arms under her chest and asked Yeom Seon-jeon back.

Since she was Yeom Seon-jeon and not anyone else, my heart was afraid to see what conditions she would propose.

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Current Thoughts: It’s nice because it feels like I’m being treated fairly, hehehe….]

She still couldn’t figure out her state of mind through the status window….

“Producer, when you’re sick or having a hard time, please tell me!”

It was surprisingly normal.

No, it went beyond what was normal and really touched my heart.

It was a moment when I realized again that even if I didn’t know anything else, being a producer was just as good as a woman’s clothes.

“I understand. “Are there any more?”

“Oh, since we live together anyway…. Producer, please take care of your health. W, things like nutritional supplements.”

“Yes, of course.”

“That, and…” .”

Yeom Seon-jeon blushed and twisted her body.

“P, please take a picture of me working at night with the producer and send it to me… !”

“…… Yes?”

Both me and Secretary Jeong Song-i’s body stiffened.

I’m not asking you not to work at night, but please take a picture of me working at night and send it to me?

What on earth is going on… ?

[Name: Yeomseonjeong]

[Current thought: Just imagining my man doing this and that with another woman gives me chills, but if it were a video… ♡]

There was nothing psychological or anything.

It was just that Yeom Seon-jeong was a pervert.

There was no such element in the ‘idol producing’ game, but her strange tastes seemed to have been added due to her life as a hikikomori.

“Hey, just doing it together… ….”

Secretary Jeong Song-i seemed to think that 3P was better than video.

Yeom Seon-jeong’s proposal seemed absurd to the point where she said this out loud.

Yeom Seon-jeon twirled her two index fingers and spoke like a child grumbling.

“Yeah, but…. I’m a bit cheap these days too, it’s piling up… ….”

“… No, just watch porn on your own.”

In the end, I ended up interfering in the middle.

“I hate poetry! “If you look at other men, it seems like you’re cheating on them.”

“I don’t care at all, so feel free to watch…” .”

You’re not actually seeing it in front of your eyes, but you’re seeing it through a screen.

Rather, if I don’t do anything for you and prevent you from solving the problem yourself, that’s not human.

But secretary Jeong Song-i spoke quietly.

“…… I kind of understand that too. Even if the producer doesn’t really feel anything, it still bothers me.”

“Yes, that’s what I’m saying! Rain, the secretary will do it every day, but even if I do, I only have time on holidays…. Just think of it as playing! I heard that guy likes that kind of thing….”

Secretary Jeong Song-i turned her head toward me at Yeom Seon-jeon’s words.

“Producer, please be honest. Do you want to play shooting?”

“No, if it’s just a cosplay or something, there’s a risk of it being leaked, and it’s much worse for you as a woman than me…” .”

“Don’t argue about that. “If it never leaks and I want to do it, will I do it?”

If I lied here, I would actually hurt secretary Jeong Songi….

Even if I say no, I feel like she’ll figure it all out.

“There is just fantasy. What can I say, men are like that. Everything about this woman is mine? “Did you say she has a desire to conquer?”

“… Okay, then I have a condition too.”

Secretary Jeong Song-i looked at Yeom Seon-jeong and me in turns and said what she said.

“First of all, Mr. Seonjeon. “You can’t change your mind later just because you’re a loyalist.”

“I will never do that!”

“Producer, please don’t throw it away. “If there is anything you want or are upset about, please let me know right away.”

“Of course I intend to.”

“You didn’t even tell me about the shooting play just now. I want to be the best woman for the producer. “I will really do anything, so please just tell me.”

“I’m sorry, okay….”

As my repertoire of alleviating my s*xual desires in the morning and evening has become similar these days, Secretary Jeong Song-i seems to be feeling uneasy.

Since I have many other women to choose from, it seemed like she was trying her best to satisfy me as much as possible so that I wouldn’t have to switch to another woman.


“Yes, yes!”

“Do you want to have a dirty kiss with me?”

“Ha, I want to!”

It was a really prompt answer.

After closing the toilet lid, she placed her butt on it.

“Song-i has great technique, so learn from her and try it on me now.”

“Rain, secretary! “No, sir, sir!!”

Secretary Jeong Song-i made a puzzled expression, but soon,

“The producer likes it when we do this.” She came up to my face and stuck out her tongue.


July 17th.

It was Jeongsong’s secretary’s birthday.


These days, I finished filming a video to send to Yeom Seon-jeong, which is my evening routine.

Secretary Jeong Song-i drank well today too.

“Did it come out well?”

… And every day, Jeong Song checked the video her secretary had also taken.

She said she wanted to keep the pictures she had already taken, and she asked me to send them to her as well.

“Wouldn’t it be better to cover your face? At least the eyes.”

As I filmed secretary Jeong Song-i’s mouth from top to bottom, I was able to capture her entire face.

But secretary Jeong Song-i shook her head.

“I’m not posting it anywhere.”


“Rather, if this gets leaked, wouldn’t the producer be able to take responsibility and marry me?”

Jeong Song-i’s secretary said with a smile, and honestly, she didn’t think there was a possibility at all, so she was like….

“I’m kidding. Still, as a man, does he really have a sense of conquest? Feeling superior? “Do you feel it?”

“Honestly, I’m really excited….”

“It seemed like that. “Because it was faster than usual.”

“… ….”

If you know, don’t ask.

Anyway, today is secretary Jeong Song-i’s birthday, so of course she prepared a birthday present for her. She thought about what to give as a gift, but if there was a gift to give to a woman, it would be this.

“Happy birthday to her. Love you.”

Secretary Jeong Song handed over her bag, which had been placed out of sight, with both hands.

Then she opened her eyes round.

“Yes, Nermes?!”

Perhaps because it was the world of the ‘Idol Producing’ game, the names of luxury brands were slightly different.

“Hey, producer, isn’t this over 10 million won?”

“The price of a fully-optioned compact car came out.”

“Oh, no. Something this expensive….”

“… “Not so good?”

I deliberately chose something expensive because I thought about how well you have treated me so far and the relationship we will continue in the future.

Now that I am a vice president, I feel like a moth if I save too much money on gifts like this.

Secretary Jeong Song-i quickly turned her head.

“That’s not it… ! I was wondering if I could really accept something like this….”

“Don’t feel pressured and use it in your daily life. That makes me happy too.”

“Really? Usually, these luxury bags are only carried on special occasions, so they end up in the closet….”

“Huh? Okay?”

I never used luxury goods, so I didn’t know much about that.

When I go to Gangnam, I think most people just carry it around like normal people.

“I’ll buy you a new one when it runs out, so just carry it with you every day. “There is more satisfaction in having my woman always carry something I gave her as a gift, rather than keeping it in the closet because she cherishes it.”

“I understand…. “As a reward, I prepared the ring you mentioned last time, but it looks very shabby.”

Secretary Jeong Song-i took out a ring box from her underwear drawer.

When I opened the lid, there were two sparkling gold rings inserted.

“Even gold rings are expensive.”

“But it’s still a million won. “It’s one-tenth of the hundred clothes the producer gave me.”

“Money isn’t everything. “But I hope you know how much I love and cherish you.”

Secretary Jeong Song-i laughed brightly with her red face.

Even though the status window was not visible, he looked really happy.

“I’ll wear it for you.”


Usually a man would do something for a woman, but now Secretary Jeong Song-i really wants to repay me.

… I’m sitting in her chair and she’s kneeling on the floor, which feels secretly good.

It may be a perverse sense of conquest.

Secretary Jeong Song-i took out one of her gold rings and then raised my right hand.

And after pushing it into her ring finger,


He kissed the back of my hand for a long time.

“I looked it up, and they say kissing the back of the hand shows respect and devotion.”


This time, I put the remaining gold ring on Secretary Jeong Song-i’s left ring finger.

And likewise, he kissed the back of her hand.

“Now everyone will know that Song has a new owner.”

“All the employees already knew?”

“… ….”

Actually, if you look at them from the side, they seem too close to be just an ordinary boss-secretary relationship.

Yellow Cow’s youngest member noticed it right away.

“Oh, by the way, I have another gift.”

“Yes? “There are more?”

Actually, the gift was almost a joke.

It just so happened that the package arrived today.

“Ta-da. “A grown-up’s toy.”

“…… Phew, producer? You’re going to spend a lot of this on me… ?”

As I bought one of each type, money was secretly spent on these items.

Anyway, since I might be dealing with multiple women at the same time in the future, I needed to prepare in advance.

Humans are animals that use tools, so we should use them well.

“You agreed to do whatever I wanted, right?”

“Yeah, that’s true. No, it’s not that I don’t like it…. I feel good enough in the hands of the producer…….”

“I will take good care of you so that you do not become dissatisfied with your needs.”


Secretary Jeong Song-i used a lot of toys until her waist gave out.


‘NP TV’ CEO’s office.

The newly appointed director of content production was standing there.

“KCBC also said it was passed.”

The CEO smiled and nodded.

Although all disciplinary procedures against Director Kodai have been completed, the public’s opinion of ‘NP TV’ is still negative.

In particular, as GZW52 was officially disbanded, sympathy spread that the members were harmed by ‘NP TV.’

There was a need to somehow improve the image.

“Okay, then let’s proceed like this. “Now, let’s spread the word to producer Lim Boo-gil.”

“I understand.”

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