I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witch ~My Different World Life With My Reincarnation Privilege [Creati

Episode 16 [Witch's Forest Secretly Protected with Witch's Medal]

Master, now that we have received many residents, shouldn't we prepare a reward for those who have made a great contribution to this land?

Is it a reward?

Tete tilts his head as Beretta suggests how this land should be.

Well, there's no need for admiration punishment.

Currently, Beretta and others are making laws and rules for the residents who have emigrated.

On the other hand, the reward for someone who has achieved some kind of result is not particularly determined.

"Well, I know you need to reward me because I'm the top in the name... what do you want to reward me for?"

Tete is rewarded by being with the witch!

I think that's a good reward.You must reward me with that too. "

"No, wait a minute! Please don't reward me!"

Tete and Beretta were communicating in earnest or in jest, but to be honest, there was no common reward in this [Witch's Forest of Creation].

Due to the lack of an identity system like that of the Marquis's nobility, representatives of each other's villages and races are on top of me, and all others are almost equal.

The only ancient dragon grandfather existed in a different frame, but the treatment from the angels and dragon demons was the dragon god.

So we don't give you a clear identity or status or cede certain lands.

Well, I can reward you with money for your contribution to this land, but the trouble is that [Witch's Forest of Creation] still has few places to spend money.

Therefore, at this stage, the reward for money is not suitable for the situation.

Well then, when the witch praises everyone directly, everyone will be happy!

Teto-sama, that means we can't deal with your mistress when she's gone.

"In the first place, is it such a reward to be praised or recognized by me?"

Eventually, if I want to take another leisurely trip with Tet, I will not prepare a reward that I cannot give in my absence.

And then, as Tete and Beretta and I thought about it,

Isn't it okay to take a medal?

Witches? Not money, but medals?

Tete's neck tilted as I muttered.

“Yes, hand out precious metal medals to the successful ones.It doesn't have any effect at the moment, but at some point when the coins are infiltrated, I think we should decide how many gold coins to exchange for one medal and the rate. "

Also, if the medal itself is secured in value as a precious metal, even if the recipient abandons the [Witch's Forest of Creation], if you take it out and sell it, you may get some cash.

Well, it's like a kind of local currency.

When I said that, Beretta, who was quietly listening, nodded again and again.

I see, by collecting medals, you are inciting residents to compete with each other, so that you can further contribute to your mistress. It's a boulder... '

"No, I didn't think about it that much... but for now, let's make some medals." - "Creation!"

I created a medal to reward the inhabitants with Creation Magic .

We prepared three types of medals based on previous Earth medals: Oriharkon, Adamantite, and Mithril.

Each is a rare magic metal, and the shine of the plain medal produced is beautiful.

"Wow! It looks beautiful and delicious!"

That's how Teto feels.

Beretta smiles at Tete's impression that the three types of magic metal medals look delicious, while Beretta takes the three types of metal in her hand.

"If you carve the design into the element of this medal, it will be complete."The purity of the magic metal is wonderful at 100%, and this shouldn't be a problem as a reward. ”

Also, the size of the medal should be considered in terms of the weight of the metal, its value, and the amount of magic power consumed during creation, and the design and size.

For example, the hardest and heaviest Adamantite must be aligned with the diameter of the medal by making it a holeless medal due to its large specific gravity.

At a later date, three types of medals were completed: "Witch's Orihalcon Medal", "Mithril Medal of the World Tree", "Adamantite Hollow Medal of the Ancient Dragon Grandfather", which was engraved with my side face as a default, and "Mithril Medal of the World Tree", and "Adamantite Hollow Medal of the Ancient Dragon Grandfather", which circled around the hole.

On the reverse, the goddess Lilliel is carved, and the perforated medal is designed to enclose the goddess's wings.

By the way, I resisted being stamped on my side, but it was passed by Tet and Beretta and many others in favor.

Even though I'm an ally, I can't figure it out.....

Side: Rafia the Elf

The Great Barrier of the Goddess is laid around the [Witch's Forest of Creation], and the witchcraft surrounding its outer perimeter is equipped with sabotage magic taught by the Ertal Forest Country, which prevents others from entering this land.

There was a group of people who were advancing through a magic realm that was transformed into a forest of stray.

"You guys! You still can't get to the forest where the rumored old witch is!?"

"No one has entered the land yet!"Hurry up and find out before someone gets ahead of you! ”

The two men aspired to the [Witch's Forest of Creation] while being protected by several men.

One was a former guildmaster who worked for an adventurer's guild in a city in the Kingdom of Christa that was destroyed by a monster's stampede.

And the other is the priest of the Five Divine Churches of the Duke of Drug, which caused Stampede and also perished.

Both of them lost their turf, status, and honor as part of their respective adventurers' guilds and churches.

The only way to escape was to escape with the adventurers, mercenaries, and clergy of wealth and breeding without guiding the inhabitants to be protected by the outbreak of Stampede.

They have fled without defending their inhabitants, and their reputation for adventurers' guilds and church organizations has fallen to the ground.

They will not be assigned to a new town, and are likely to be chased away by general staff of the adventurer's guild in the exquisite countryside, or by priests patrolling villages without churches.

So the two people in a similar position cooperated with each other and were looking for a new ground for the [Witch's Forest of Creation].

If you could set up an Adventurer's Guild in the [Witch's Forest of Creation], you would be able to handle rare materials such as Phantom Beast materials and World Tree Branches that are distributed in the Leaver's Bordering Territories and the Guild Beastland.

The priest also recognized the barren land of the [Wilderness of Nihility] as a sanctuary because it has been revived into a lush forest, and aims to make it his new land by preaching the Church of the Five Gods.

Furthermore, if you can successfully use the angel tribes who participated in the suppression of Stampede, the purified swords of many Undead, and those called [Saints of Grace] and [Black Saints] who appeared with them against the background of the power of the church, you will be able to rise to a higher position.

The two men had such ambition in their hearts, and they were walking through a lost forest.

There are people who stare at such a group from a distance.


"Yes, yes, calm down. Shael and the others will be here soon, so we'll keep watch until then.”

Rafiria, the adventurer of the Elves, stares at the group.

Fenrir, the Phantom Beast next to him, continued to monitor as he exclaimed that he was about to fly over a group of intruders who said something of his own accord.

Rafiria continues to chase after Chisse and the land she grew up in, loudly and without witnesses.

After a while, the Wind Spirit of Rafilia sensed that reinforcements were coming and began to move.

"You guys! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, my angel! Please, save this pathetic us!"

With the appearance of the angels of Shael from the sky, the men thrust their knees to the ground as if they were wretched beings seeking salvation, and raised their voices.

"We lost our homeland, and we were stirred up to regain it!However, the power of the monster could not be recaptured!How could you help the angel who is sent by God and the saintly lady who is here! "

Put emotions on the voice that resounds, and create a person who wants to reclaim the country, no matter how hard he works and is not rewarded.

Rafia shows up behind them along with Fenrir, wondering if it's for a troupe member or a con artist if it's not for the preacher who preaches the sermon.

"Chael, don't be fooled."They're saying things like taking back the ruined country, but they're going to go to the Chise Forest. "

"Hmm. Yeah, I thought that was the case."Both we and the witch are busy.I can't afford to stick my neck in the place... I'm home, I'm home "

Sha 'er waved his back to the opponent to get rid of him.

In fact, Chise and the other refugees visit their villages so that their lives can be stabilized, and they go on various consultations.

There is no need to do anything drunken like rejuvenating a country that has perished in such a situation.

“We're here to start up an Adventurer's Guild in the middle of nowhere!For untapped humans, Alliance Cards can be an ID!We should definitely build an alliance! ”

Now, the man from the Adventurer's Guild speaks up and tries to enter this land by preaching the convenience of the Adventurer's Guild.

"It's not a matter of being left to the likes of an ex-Guildmaster.""Dear Sir, I dared to build my guild on my own and stay in the master position."Otherwise, the grandmaster and the general headquarters of the adventurer's guild will move. "

"Kim, Kim! Don't make a fool out of me, Elf of the countryside!"

When I laughed at the words of the former guildmaster, the man's face turned bright red, and as the men's adventurers pulled out their weapons, I squeezed the bow and bounced the men's weapons with the wind arrows created by spirit magic.

"Even if I look like this, I'm still an A-rank adventurer."You're no match for an ex-Guildmaster who has no strength at all. "

A-rank Elf Bowman...... Dawn Sword 's......

The opponent knows who we are and enters the scene.

This man is not a high-ranking adventurer, but a retired adventurer or guild master who has become a guild official. Therefore, by disclosing this rank, he has become a hipster.

"Then, how about the Church of the Five Gods!"Let's get rid of the demons who have entered this unexplored land, and let the Church of the Five Gods preach their doctrine and spread the majesty of the goddess! "

Failed to attract interest in his own pity and the rejuvenation of the exile, and failed to preach the convenience of the adventurer's guild. Finally, he tries to break in with the purification of the demon race because of the mission of the Five Gods Church.


"Eliminate our brothers and sisters!?That will spread the majesty of the goddess!You're selling a fight to me, the church keeper of this land! "

The halo of the angel above Shaer shines strong, and the white wings shine.

But that light is more a threat to men than beauty or godliness.

In this land, the prestige of the goddess is spreading through the witches and ancient dragon grandfathers!

Then, when Shaer holds the tip of the spear in anger and swings it down, the converging beam of light extends from the tip of the spear and burns down the ground beneath the feet of the men.

Chise says she's the messenger of Goddess Lilliel, and there's a nice church built on that land.

Well, because it is a land where various races gather, the faith of goddesses, spirits, and dragons intersect.

The Chise people are also made objects of faith by the people who were helped, and they are witches of faith.

Chise herself looks embarrassed, but because she is letting herself go free with the expression of giving up without letting her faith stop, there is a sense of freedom in everything.

Around Tet, "Witch-sama, this is Shiko!"'It seems like you're hugging Chise.

We are trying to bring the idea of demonic discrimination to a land where such chaos and a certain order are emerging.

Besides, it's only natural for Shaer to be furious, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm too dumb to say anything.

"In the meantime, you have to choose between staying away from this land again and being nourished by the forest."

"Ugh!? Not accepting adventurer guilds and churches is synonymous with isolation from society!"I'm sure you'll regret it! ”

The men fled out of the woods in response to Chael's intimidation and my faint threats.

Well, if we get rid of this far, we'll have no problem, and I'll rendezvous with Shaher when he comes down.

"Ugh! You're so annoying!"Treat us like unexplored barbarians!Forgive me for instigating you to put your brothers and sisters in your hands!I really wanted to tear it apart and feed it to the monsters in the forest! "

"Yes, yes, you have endured well."When you get home, let's have a delicious snack. ”

"... I want to eat apple pie"

Chael, frustrated, began to moan about the Phantom Beast Fenrir's body, which was beside him to relieve frustration. When I forgive him, he said something he wanted to eat.

With such a bitter smile on Chaelle's face, she waved the apple pie taught by Lena, the wizard of the [Sword of Dawn], who had been a companion in the elves' life for a long time.

And at a later date...

This is a medal made by your master.I am distributing your contribution on this place, please. "

Ms. Beretta, a chisel maid, gave me and Sha 'er a medal.

Mithril's medal, engraved with the world tree, is more than a fraction smaller than a commonly distributed Mithril coin, but still worth a few coins.

Chaer, who doesn't know much about the value of things, brags about the Mithril medals around him, and is also reminded that this land is abnormal outside the standards due to the upper Adamantite and Oriharkon medals.

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