Side: Dark Elf Guide Ultia

"Witch ~, Witch ~"

"Dear Chise! Answer me!

While feeling my chest ache like Teto-sama raising her crying voice, I feel bitter about my own failure.

At the corner, Chise went missing while he was leading us to the capital to bring the elderly witches Chise in the land of El Tar Forest.

Even though he was walking between me and Teto-sama, he suddenly disappeared from the fog.

We call out to Chise to keep him on the road to El Tar Forest Land, but there is no reply, and the spirits are blocking us and we cannot detect him.

"Yes! The Witch has a [Transfer Gate]! It is connected to the Transfer Gate owned by the Witch!

That said, Teto-sama takes out the pair of [transfer gates] held by Chise from her magic bag on the spot.

Chise, the user of Creative Magic , can produce magic equipment that was lost more than 2,000 years ago that His Majesty the Queen of the High Elves could know about.

As one of the transfer gates, it seems he gave it to Teto.

"Now you're at the witch's place... right?

The square, gate-shaped magic tool simply lets Teto-sama pass through without connecting to another space.

"Unfortunately, the heart of this great forest is heavenly God Re = L, who works hard to protect the capital of El Tar Forest and the world's trees. That's why the magic of the space system is being prevented."

Re = L is the goddess of the wind and the goddess in charge of space-time, so magic related to spaces such as metastasis and information transmission is inhibited from inside and outside.

As a result, this great forest has been preserved, but the restrictions are no exception for the elves, but only the knights recognized by the witches, the messengers of the goddess, or some people, such as Her Majesty the Queen, can move without restrictions.

That's why I can't join Chise.

"Witch! Witch!"

As he was about to cry, he raised his voice in search of Chise and took Tete's hand, which he began searching without any doubt, and executed the best measure in this state.

"Dear Teto! If Teto-san goes looking for it now, she will suffer secondary damage! You don't want that either, Chise! So our aim is to quickly move to the Elf Capital and ask the Elf Knights to search for Chise in order to find him safely!

The Knights of the Elves are equipped with the blessings of the Witch, the Messenger of Re = L, so we can search this great forest without the restrictions and obstruction of Re = L and the Spirits.

Ugh, witch, witch ~

I grabbed the hand of Teto, who became like a toddler at once, and asked the Dark Spirit to go to the capital of El Tar Forest country in a series of "Shadow Transformation".

Fortunately, with the Witch's Blessed Talisman on me, I can use Shadow Transfer without restriction.

However, the distance traveled in a single use is one kilometer.

Still safer and faster than running in the woods with poor scaffolding with Physical Reinforcement .

The simultaneous movement of two people is a necessity for the safe evacuation of VIPs, but this is the first time I have used the continuous Shadow Transformation, and I feel that the magic decreases rapidly.

Still, while drinking the high quality mana potion used by Elves, I passed magic on to the Dark Spirit to continue the shadow transition.

Along the way, I was forced to take a break due to lack of magic, but for some reason thanks to the practical intermediate earth spirits who cooperated with Tete, I proceeded straight to the capital of El Tar forest country without being lost while being carried by Tete.

When the magic recovered, the shadow shifted, and while I was resting and sleeping, I ran through the deep forest for three days and three nights, carried by Teto-sama's back.

Side: Chise

How long have you been camping?

When Instant and Immediate Action operated as a [flying carpet] for sale, it took less than a day to move from town to town, so it was rare to camp.

It's been a long time since I started creating the [Transfer Gate] because I was able to return to the [Vain Wilderness] Mansion.

"Phew, I don't think my transfer magic or the transfer gates and communication magic equipment that Teto and Beretta have. I wonder if that's how it affects the land."

As I fled the monster, I came to the edge of the open fountain.

Afterwards, I tried to measure my rendezvous with Tete and Beretta with Transfer Gate and communication magic equipment, but it all failed, so I held my knees by the spring and waited for rescue.

"I felt like I was alone in distress, even though I was traveling between Ultia and Teto."

If you follow the others, Teto, who followed me, will be in distress with you.

Besides, the fact that the Ultia who was walking in front of me disappeared is that some kind of extraordinary force took me out.....

"Hmm. I'm not sure I've been caught in some kind of paranormal force. Let's explore this neighborhood a little more."

I started exploring the surroundings of the spring because I was able to secure a safe zone for now.

As he hesitated to hurt the trees of the Elf's Great Forest on the boulder, he placed the magic stone in his magic bag on the ground.

"One step, two steps, three steps... ten steps - I wonder if this distance is enough."

The Magic Stone that has been stored and stocked up until now can be treated as a sub tank of magic, but if it is placed on the ground, it will become a landmark by sensing its magic.

Then, it was discovered that [Magic Crystal Stone] was searched straight east from the fountain while placed on the ground at regular intervals.

"Uh-huh? This place..."

The first thing I noticed when I started walking was that I walked through the woods to the other side of a familiar spring.

There are even Magic Stones on the ground as landmarks.

"--Are you looping?

Now, exploring the north side of the spring leads you to the south, where you can walk in a variety of ways, but it appears to be a closed, looped space.

"I'm in trouble. I'm trapped in a confined space."

I thought if the ground didn't work, I would fly over the sky with flying magic, but something like invisible boundaries prevented me from going above it.

"I can't use metastasis magic, I can't get out of this place. I'm in trouble...."

I wonder if Teto is worried, or if he has caused trouble to Ultia, who guided me.

"In the meantime, can we destroy this space?

To destroy the Elf Forest, cast magic on walls like boundaries blocked in the air, not on the ground.

"― Wind Cutter !

I cast my magic wand over the sky.

It was the magic I used when I defeated Sabre Tiger earlier, but without magic, the magic spreads.

"Hmm!? --Wind Cutter, Wind Cutter, Wind Cutter!

Imagine the same magic over and over again and try to activate it, but without activating it every time, only voices sound empty.

"Phew, calm down. Until now, I was able to use the magic of Fry. ― Light

If you use the magic of producing a sphere of light, you can use it without any problems.

"I wonder if the magic I can't use is enough attack magic to transfer and communicate to get out of here and destroy this space..."

Continuing to be disturbed by my magic, tired I sat down holding my knees by the spring.

"I guess we just have to wait for Teto's rescue...."

I also gave up resisting, and I'm furiously frustrated by a strong drowsiness.

Without resisting the drowsiness, you can hear the sound of the forest too quiet if you lie down by the spring where the weeds grow.

It is not cold because you are wearing a robe with a winterizing effect, but rather the warm sun and cool air by the spring, the water sounds flowing from the spring and the natural sound of the forest feathers invite you to sleep comfortably.

Blurring, in other words, I wonder when Teto won't be next to me when I sleep, but instead of Teto, I hold my wand and let go of my consciousness.

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