Many of the phantom beasts on the floating island plan to move to [the wilderness of nothingness], but some older phantom beasts are reluctant to leave the grandfather of the ancient dragon and show their attitude of remaining on the floating island.

In contrast, the Great Dragon...

"If the young develop their seeds in a new land, and the old and the short will remain worried about me, we will have to die slowly together."

The grandfather of the ancient dragon groans with joy and loneliness.

The buoyancy and inner magic of this floating island is bribed by the magic of the great master of the ancient dragon.

And because the floating stone in the heart of the floating island and the grandfather of the ancient dragon are deeply linked during 1200, the grandfather of the ancient dragon cannot leave the floating island.

After all the phantom beasts and inhabitants have been evacuated, the Grandpa of the Ancient Dragon will be left on the floating island.

It's not just the phantom beasts who worry about it, but even the residents.

"Don't you have something to be proud of! You forgot how grateful you were for the days you spent being protected by the grandfather of the ancient dragon! You traitor!"

"I didn't betray you, and I didn't forget about Grandpa. But Grandpa wished for the Witch Hall. the development of certain species. It brings richness to certain children"

"What's so unhappy about my old life!

"I'm not dissatisfied. But I found out. A bunch of things you can't get on the island. The art of creating it yourself. Then you can't help but use it."

"Such a thing! It's that witch poison! It's a fierce poison to corrupt us proud!

Many young people are centered on the Dragon Demon Yahad as representatives of the floating island emigrants.

Young people hear about the town of Wang Du, which is talked about by studying in blue sky classes and interacting with Yussia by the service dolls sent by Chise, and begin to be aware of something called the outside world.

Also, the big thing would be the change in diet.

Cutting is trivial.

That Yussia shared the sugar-based cookies she had with the children she was interacting with.

On floating islands, metal tools that cannot be mined shall be readily available.

Having seen how rainwater and magically stored water roll out of the earth in the [wilderness of nothingness].

New sweets and other foods, iron, water, this alone changed their consciousness dramatically.

Various other things eroded their lives.

"I'll never admit it!

A conservative shael who fears a cultural invasion in the name of such a resettlement plan shouts out loud, but still flies away with regret when he sees Yahad unchanged in complexion.

"... Witch Hall, would you please come out? We would have seen some interaction."

"You were aware. And because of our intervention on the floating island... sorry"

A sneak look from the shadows reveals himself before Yahad, after Shael leaves.

And read the grin from the look on the faces of the Dragon Demons, who have become largely discernible over the past five years.

"No, no, it's not the witches' house. Besides, I don't know if it would have been so peaceful if someone else had come to the floating island, not the witches."

Indeed, a future full of magic in the world - whether floating islands descend into some land, or those who have developed magic technology to meet flight may board floating islands.

At that time, we may take away the phantom beasts, the inhabitants' angels and dragon demons as slaves and precious biological samples.

If that happens, they will choose the path of contention.

"The Witch Hall will give us some knowledge, but we will never be comfortable listening, but we will also hear bad stories"

"What's wrong with that? Knowledge comes from one side, and I can't see the essence, so I just let you talk from multiple perspectives."

"But someone whose knowledge was ignorant will be able to defend themselves. I appreciate it."

Having said that, Yahad, after bowing his head, somewhat lowers his back to the ground and exhales a deep sigh.

"But you also know what Shael is saying. The days that are not easy but fun do make me feel nostalgic. A man is one who cannot remain."

I laugh at myself that I was feeling happy because I was ignorant, or that I could be even happier because I learned about the outside world.

To Yahad's whining we heard it quietly, and the silence continued for a while.

SIDE: Angel Nation Shael

"Damn, I don't know why Yahad. Our proud traditions and cultures are about to be destroyed!

During 1200 years, life on the floating island, calm and unchanged, has changed dramatically in the last few years.

The many tools and foods created by the existence of a witch easily destroy our culture.

used meals such as sugar and spices that show how crude and qualitative our traditional meals are.

Also, the traditional fishing of angels who go down to sea and throw nets continues, but that is only one barter with witches, not what the islanders seek.

Other attempts were made to replace missing fangs, nails, body hair, etc. of the phantom beasts, but the witch declined the deal.

Does that mean that you don't have to bother to exchange and get it for all the phantom beasts to migrate to the land of the witch?

By interacting with witches, dragon warriors get livestock hens, and angels' fishing is relatively less valuable because eggs are regularly available.

Some angels switch to fishing for river fish rather than fishing for dangerous and less fruitful seas.

"As it is, people are all gone from the island. If that happens, Grandpa will be alone!

Now those who worry about conservatives and grandfathers and think about staying on the island are also a little more positive about emigration thanks to Grandfathers persuasion and witch's sweet words.

"What am I supposed to do? What can I do to protect this island? Tell me, Master Reliel..."

I offer my prayers to the old statue of the goddess to which my ancestor, the Apostle, was dedicated.

The idol, which has also disappeared and deteriorated over a long period of time [the magic of state preservation], is the figure in which the hands and feet and wings have already been removed.

The only thing I could see was this old idol.

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