Episode. 45 The first magic swordsman (3)


A roar echoed through the arena.

The aftermath was so intense that some of the orcs watching the fight stumbled.

“Keu, keureuk!”

Rapture, which received the king’s strong force, vomited blood.

Blood gushed from his horribly open chest.

But he did not let go of the axe.

Bang, bang, bang!

The ax of rapture was lifted up and dropped repeatedly.

Krokta removed those ignorant ax strokes one by one with his twin axes.

A bliss overflows on his face.

I was very happy that I was an angry cotyledon that would become a new orc burning fighting spirit in front of my eyes.

‘It’s too wasteful to kill!’

From noble mtl dot com

If you continue to grow stronger in Titan, you will surely become a warrior who threatens your own life.

I just drew that future, but my body is already heating up.

“bantling! Hang in there!”

Krokta’s twin axes tore through the air.

The red calf caught in that trajectory split open.


Rapture put all the strength in my legs.

The muscle was extremely tightened to prevent amputation.

Serious injuries that could lead to having to live with a prosthetic leg for the rest of his life.

However, Rapture took advantage of that opportunity and put his fist into Krokta’s face.

“… … !”

“No, you got it right!!”

The onlookers who had been cheering endlessly jumped out of their places.

Among Titan’s orcs, fighting like that is rare.

No, the current generals were the only orcs who were able to successfully strike the king in the first place.

“Rapture! Rapture! Quake!”

“Rapture! Chwik!”

They chanted the name of Rapture again.

◈ ◈ ◈

‘I won’t die.’

When I removed the divine eye, I remembered the arena of madness I had just watched.

The last successful blow.

It was no different from saving Rapture’s life.

So far, so few challengers have succeeded in striking the king, there is one rule that most do not know.

‘If the attack succeeds even once, it will save you unconditionally.’

That was the law Krokta set for himself.

He is also a king that cannot be understood by human thinking.

In any case, as long as the safety of the Rapture was guaranteed, I let out a sigh of relief that I had endured for so long.

“Rapture, you madman!”

This mad orc turned my concerns into reality.

what? Can you tell me the story of my saga?

A thousand lights soared within.

If I hadn’t finished the aftermath of the punishment, he would have already died.

You couldn’t watch it with a divine eye, and you couldn’t bestow light on it.

He closed his eyes and calmed himself down.

It was risky, but in the end, the rapture will survive.

In addition, it was not necessarily a bad thing to rise to the rank of general.

“Alan or Huger, why are you so reckless?”

Did you even steal the life of a female bee?

I frowned and muttered, looking around the room involuntarily.

If Aaron or Gide had been here, it seemed like they would have been scolded for not being in a position to talk to anyone.


I cleared my throat once and left the room.

Arriving at the lake where Alan set himself on fire, Alyssa greeted me.

“You are late. Being late from the first day, that’s bad posture.”

“sorry. Because something urgently needed to be done.”

“what… I won’t see you today.”

Arms crossed, her gaze turned to one side of the lake.

Traces of charred blades of grass were there.

“Alan is recovering well. Don’t worry too much, I’ll wake up soon.”

“Hu, why the hell did the youngest do that… … .”

Alisa had already heard from Pyran about how Alan ended up lying down.

After a moment of confusion, she looked at me.

“Stop chatting, I have something to ask you before training.”

“Ask me anything.”

“What are you going to use your magic for? Do you want magic to protect? Or, do you want destructive magic that is easy to defeat your enemies?”

It was a question that was difficult to guess.

To protect, I must defeat the enemy, and to do so, I must not be defeated before the enemy.

In other words, it meant that both were necessary magic.

Why are you asking this?

“If you are looking for justice… Are you saying the same thing?”

Alyssa shook her head.

“You are already a knight of a great state. It would take a lot of time and effort to raise magic to the same level as swordsmanship. Then, among the magic you will learn, you will need to choose and concentrate.”

Only then did I realize

As expected of a wizard who raised an outstanding genius named Alan, she asked me an important question.

‘That’s right. If you want to put it into practice quickly, you have to give up what you have to give up.’

There are countless types of magic.

Attack magic such as fireball, protection magic such as shield, healing, tracking, curse magic, etc.

If you divide it in detail, it could fill about half of a thick book.

For those who dream of becoming a great mage, it is best to learn all kinds of magic extensively.

But I wasn’t interested in becoming a great mage.

‘I don’t need healing magic, and I don’t even need curse magic.’

Faith is an excellent healer and buff, and it was the greatest curse for those who accepted magic, so he was not very interested in magic that was less than that.

“You will probably choose between attack and protection. Anything else can be supplemented with your special powers.”

Alisa saw right through me.

I didn’t know if it was because I had personally experienced the power of faith or because of my outstanding insight.

“First of all, I think it would be better to assist swordsmanship with magic that is easy to cast quickly. Magic with particularly high destructive power can be learned from Circle 5.”

“okay. Good idea. By the way, Laplace’s Eye can only be learned after reaching at least Circle 5.”

The 5th circle was the level of an advanced entry level in terms of the level of a knight.

Aura, the exclusive property of knights, was the same logic as the magic of the 5th circle for wizards.

“Okay then, let’s get started.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Dozens of magic embroidered the air at Alisa’s gesture.

These were the three elemental magics of the 1st circle that Richard had shown earlier.


Ten blazing bolts of fire roamed the air with menacing sounds.

The same goes for Ice Bolt and Lightning Bolt.

“Try to destroy my magic by hitting it with the same elemental magic.”

She gave Richard an assignment.

The provocative smile on the corners of his lips clearly contained his intention that it would not be easy.

‘No matter how much I’m going to teach with attributes, I don’t intend to teach roughly.’

choice and focus.

What Richard and Alisa are pursuing goes against the standards of ordinary wizards.

It was because such pragmatic training was dominated by the belief that the depth of achievement was inevitably shallow.

However, Alisa had the confidence to raise Richard into a wizard on par with the great mage.

Judging by the omniscient eyes that could even penetrate the soul, at least Richard’s growth didn’t seem to be detrimental.

At that time, Richard manifested magic.


Brilliant white flaming arrows shot out in the distance.

Alisa’s Firebolt, which was set as a target, had already run away.

“hmm… ”

“You will have to work hard.”

The magic that Alisa had manifested moved swiftly.

A speed that is too fast for a beginner who has just made a ring to hit.

It was time for her to giggle, wondering how long it would take to get even one right.


A white flaming arrow hit Alyssa’s Firebolt accurately.

“uh… ?”

Paching, Pajijik-!

Ice bolts and lightning bolts then exploded in the air.

“Uh, uh… ”

Little by little, the gap between the noise of the magic being destroyed narrowed.

Richard’s eyes sparkled fiercely.

『Speciality – Ultra Concentration Activation.』

Alyssa swallowed her silence at the skill that exceeded expectations.

I didn’t dare to underestimate the sword master’s visual acuity.

However, just as a great mage does not have a mastery of swords, I did not believe that a sword master would be good at handling magic.


The flaming arrow fired from Richard’s ring suddenly changed direction and pierced through Alisa’s magic.

‘Alan suffered quite a bit during this time… ‘

No way, for someone who had just learned magic to change the trajectory of magic.

Toward Alyssa, who opened her mouth in dismay, Richard turned his head.

He even smiled and said.

“I’m done.”

All of a sudden, the magic that embroidered the surroundings had disappeared.

Richard glanced at the scene of destruction, and inwardly sang with joy.

‘That’s about the same as turning the trajectory of the 1st circle magic, it’s more difficult to deal with the Sword Saint.’

Should I say I’m lucky

For Richard, who already had four stars, the 1st circle magic was not that difficult.

“Master, should we increase the intensity of training? Alan, I don’t think this would be enough to show that friend a little bit of snot.”


A vein formed on Alyssa’s forehead.

To think that a disciple dared to go beyond the pace of his master.

“hahahaha, let’s do it.”

She smiled dangerously and nodded.

If, again, the results exceed his expectations, he intended to give a prize.

◈ ◈ ◈

“Richard! This one and only teacher has arrived!”

shouted Balak, leaping from the star.

Seeing the old man fall in the middle of the Rio Castle, the soldiers groaned and kicked his butt.

“Eh! Does this mean that the teacher has come and doesn’t even come out to meet you!”

“Who are you! Identify yourself!”

A soldier thrust a spear at Balak, who clicked his tongue.

It was the spearman, Hans.

“You are a brave soldier. I am the teacher of the one you call a saint.”

“yes… … ?”

“So, where is Richard?”

It was Abalt who hurriedly ran to answer Balak’s question.

“Sir Balak! The saint left for the Southern Continent, but… … .”

Then he handed over a note.

Balak’s face began to darken rapidly as he read the text.

[Master. As promised, we will deal with four stars.]

[But this time, Master doesn’t let a single strand of hair shine through.]

[This disciple gets tired of waiting and leaves to find a new teacher.]

[If you have something to say, please come to Laplace Kingdom in the Southern Continent.]

[PS If you come empty-handed, this disciple will hide.]


Balak’s hands trembled.

“Bird, looking for a new teacher… … ?”

It was just a little late for some reason.

However, this savage disciple has already left to find another teacher.


He climbed atop the stars again.

The star that sharpened its blade headed for the southern continent.

‘Hey! Don’t you know that the bond between a teacher and a disciple is eternal! I even brought a rare artifact for you!’

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