Episode. 45 The first magic swordsman (1)

“What the hell are you doing, you crazy bastard!”

Looking out the window at Alan, I couldn’t help but be astonished.

I wondered why I was trembling at the lakeside, and I set my body on fire.

why the hell

I rubbed my eyes.

However, the white flame that swallowed Alan’s body did not disappear.

‘Are you going to commit suicide?’

I didn’t blow away the leaves for that.

I just meant to look at it and cheer up.

I can’t just stay still like this.

I immediately ran out of the room and headed for the lakeside.


The intense heat warmed his skin.

Alan, engulfed in white flames, was writhing in pain.


“Do not come… … !”

Through the roaring flames, poison-filled eyes turned to me.

It looked like he would kill you if he interfered.

‘Damn it. The aftermath of the punishment has not gone away yet.’

I wish I could use faith, but right now I couldn’t even use a handful of faith.

The light of the leaf sent to Alan was the faith he had stored in advance in case of an emergency.

Even that was after sublimating into Alan’s flame.

‘Should I just kick it?’

If you drown him in a lake, there is a chance he will survive.

It must be very difficult to manage the back, but first of all, I had to save it and see it.

What will this child have to do in the future?

It was time for me to take a few steps back for the runway.

“Rihar, t… … ! I told you not to disturb me!”


The ghost-like guy opened his eyes again.

Of course, it wasn’t that he didn’t know what he was thinking.

It must be trying to burn the demonic energy inside the body.

From noble mtl dot com

Either way, it’s too extreme.

There is no convenient fire in this world where you can choose and burn only what you want to burn.

His body would turn to ashes before Magi, and his life would fade before Magi.

I definitely thought so.

The strange thing happened after Alan poured the second flame into me.


The white flame spit out acrid black smoke.

A remnant of oxidized demonic energy that makes you feel sick just by looking at it.

“… … !”

The size of the flames got smaller and smaller.

It looked like it was going out, it seemed to be fading away, but in reality it was being absorbed into Alan’s body.

The darker the smoke, the thicker it was.

Alan’s skin exposed through the smoke was severely burned, but it was not as serious as I expected.

If it was like the original, it wouldn’t be strange even if it turned to ashes a long time ago.

The white flame that Alan scattered had done quite a bit of damage to Calgos as well.

‘What happened?’

What solved my doubts was the system window that suddenly appeared.

[Shindo Alan Marx – Special position of Hoor religion, meets the qualifications of heresy judge.]

[Speciality – Acquiring Holy Fire.]

“… … under.”

As soon as a sigh escaped my mouth, Alan’s body collapsed.

He lost consciousness and passed out, and he could no longer feel the demonic energy.

It burned cleanly, leaving nothing behind.

“You won. Alan.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Alan’s hospital room was set up in the room next to Alyssa’s.

Healing mages had to shed beads of sweat once more to heal his burns.

“Gongja. Why did Master Alan… … ?”

He shook his head at Pyran, who asked if he knew why he had harmed himself out of nowhere.

“When I found it, it was already on fire. I don’t know why Alan did that.”

To be honest, I didn’t know anything about it because I had to explain Horgyo first.

I looked at the facial expressions of the royal wizards, including Pyran.

A dark and deep concern stood out on the face.

Laplace’s air, which had already been suppressed, was now suffocating.

It is Alisa and Alan’s job to relieve this atmosphere, not me.

Now I was just an outsider.

I moved to my room to avoid the suffocating air.

Tok, tok-

As I sat in my chair and tapped the armrest, thousands of thoughts came to my mind.

‘Laplace and Marx are completely wrong now.’

The initial goal of subsuming Alisa and the kingdom had been achieved.

However, if things are easy to solve, that is not the case either.

“Devil… … You son of a b*tch.”

At first, it was long.

Bafel must have misunderstood.

Would you have succumbed to a mighty force?

I felt so complacent.

However, now I was able to solidify my confidence.

“How dare you imitate me?”

Bapel, who worships the demon king as a god.

He gave up my light to evil, calling it darkness.

As the undead see the living as the dead in the eyes of the undead, he was projecting his wickedness onto others.

It was so broken that you couldn’t even realize who wrapped the light and who wrapped the darkness.

In a word, I was brainwashed.

To Bapel, Hor meant the demon king.

『hehehe… … .』

I turned my head to the sound of an intrusive laugh.

In the black face of ‘bad luck’, the demon king’s thugs were sticking their eyes out.

『The foolish king must have found a fun game.』

“Ah, sorry.”

“I would be very happy if we were together.”


I saw the man laughing with his tongue sticking out, and I closed my eyes.

‘Are you really going to throw it away? Albert, this son of a b*tch has no answers.’

I tried to shake off the thoughts that came to my mind.

Maybe Albert wants to talk to me, but he can’t.

It was self-evident that the ego of Calgos, who had lived thousands of years, would be stronger than Albert, who had just passed a thousand years.

Of course, in terms of the strength of the soul, Calgoss would have weakened as much as he would have weakened, but if Albert had no will to fight, he would have been silent.

‘Just learn Laplace’s eyes.’

As much as it is an eye that can see the soul, if you learn it, you will be able to talk honestly with Albert.

◈ ◈ ◈

A day later, Alyssa finally opened her eyes.

Looking at the crowds surrounding me with a blank face, she looked for Alan first.

“Where is Alan… … ? Is the child all right?”

The king’s loyalists did not answer.

Desperation welled up in her blurry eyes.

“Aren’t I asking?”

This time, his gaze turned to me.

I opened my mouth to the voice begging me to hurry up and tell you.

“Alan is in the next room. His life is not in danger, but he is seriously injured.”

“How much, how much were you hurt? Is your condition serious?”

“Thanks to the hard work of the healing mages, we were spared serious injuries.”

“I will see the condition of the child.”

Gearko Alisa stood up with Pyran’s help.

The wizards only mumbled their mouths the whole time.

‘It must not be easy to tell the king who has just woken up the news of his brother’s self-harm.’

If you hear something, it is right that it should be heard from the mouth of the person concerned.

It’s not dead, it’s because it’s alive and well.

“Alan… … .”

My sister muttered as she stroked the cheek of her younger sister who was lying down with her eyes closed.

An aura of sadness rose over that slender body.

“He must have been injured trying to run away with me. This sister must have grabbed her brother’s ankle.”

It’s not.

That’s not it.

He couldn’t speak and scratched the back of his head.

“… … Now, even Alan, whom you cherished so much!”

I looked at her with a resentful chant.

A misunderstanding is a misunderstanding, but it doesn’t seem necessary to correct it.

If Alan hadn’t used teleport on the spot, he wouldn’t have been able to guarantee his life.

“Sir Pyran.”

“Tell me, Your Highness.”

“Summon all nobles and wizards within the royal family. I have something to tell you about the Marx family.”

The wizards in the left clenched their fists.

Their king, who had gone to visit his family, returned in a disastrous state.

Even before Alyssa woke up, her anger toward Marx had reached its peak.

No matter how much the family dominates the southern continent, it has crossed the line excessively.

Alisa’s angry tone meant only one thing.

“I will prepare right away.”

Pyran and the wizards bowed their heads with determined faces and left.

Alyssa and I were the only ones left in Alan’s hospital room.

“I came here to help stop a war, and now it seems that His Highness, King Alisa, is about to start a war.”

“To stop a war, another war is needed. Bapel, he is not a conversationalist.”

“As I said before, there is no war that deserves to happen in this world.”

“That’s right. I agree with you.”

Keeping her eyes fixed on Alan all along, she turned around.

Bitterness lingered on Alisa’s face as she faced me.

“But that doesn’t mean you can’t coexist with the monster. Even more so if that monster rules the Southern Continent.”

Alyssa’s miserable feeling of calling her father a monster was palpable.

‘As expected, the war will eventually break out. In whatever form it is.’

For me, who knows the existence of the Demon King and the Demon Realm, it is painful.

If it’s not a situation where we point each other at the tip of the sword, the reality is that we have no choice but to fight like this.

I was swallowing a sigh as she stood close in front of me.

“First of all, I want to say thank you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you save me?”

He took a step back and waved his hand.

“Isn’t His Highness King Alisa the one who took the risk after hearing my story? It’s just relieved that my ring helped.”

showed humility.

Then Alisa smiled softly as if she liked it.

“Did the ring really help, or did you?”

I just stayed silent.

“I won’t ask what you are. You are my brother’s close friend and my benefactor. Thanks to that, the curse on my eyes has been completely lifted.”

How should I repay this favor?

She thanked me and thanked me over and over again. Even so, the king’s dignity was not damaged in the slightest.

“Then, please listen to my one request.”

“okay. tell me.”

Looking at her nodded willingly, he chose his words.

I’m begging you, it’s overflowing.

‘It’s okay to believe in Horgyo, Artifacts and Elixir are fine.’

It is a mountain to gain, but greed is prohibited.

Opportunity doesn’t exist only right now, so I decided to put it in my mouth from the most necessary.

“Teach me magic. King of Laplace.”

“… … what?”

“mind. law. please teach me King of Laplace.”

He emphasized the important part and said it again.

Alisa’s hardening face was worth seeing.

“How can a knight learn magic… … .”


A fire broke out.

Then, a block of ice that emitted chills was created.

A gripping, blue electric current wriggled his body.

The ring that regurgitated them was spinning furiously in the back.

“Uh, uh… … ?”

The King made an idiotic noise.

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