Episode. 43 Laplace (3)

‘It’s not a very pleasant feeling.’

As I walked down the aisle with Alan, my senses were directed towards Alyssa in the back.

The moment I hugged her a little while ago, I secretly let go of my faith.

It temporarily healed the two eyes that had lost their light.

As expected, Alisa looked at me with ‘Laplace’s eyes’.

It was very fleeting, but I felt an intense gaze.

There were times when I felt like I was stripped naked, as if everything had been dismantled and arranged nicely.

What did she really see in me?

I don’t know, but my soul won’t look vicious.

Maybe you’ve seen ‘Hor’ itself or something similar.

‘It seems that it has definitely attracted attention… … .’

Alyssa who does not know peace but loves peace.

It was as if that disposition alone had already crossed half of it.

“The Saint of the North.”


“What are you going to do now? Are you going to enlist your sister right away in Horgyo?”

Alan asked as soon as he entered the luxurious VIP room.

I shook my head.

“I’ll take care of it, you stay still.”

Alan’s brow furrowed at once.

It was obvious that he thought he was ignoring himself.

But what can I do?

It’s okay to ignore it.

‘This guy has only talent, but no social skills. I’m not surprised to hear that Alyssa is the youngest’s friend for nothing.’

If it were Alan, it would be clear that he would explain Bapel as a heresy, citing Horism.

It would have been difficult if he was so clumsy.

There were more than one or two things I needed to get from Alisa.

She is also the force to stop Marx from declaring war, and I had to learn various magics including ‘Laplace’s Eye’.

I said to Alan, who was glaring at me.

“You don’t have a knack. In fact, you’ve never preached before.”

“Kuh… … !”

“Come on, let’s not set me up with fellow believers. Horror just gave each task.”

I patted Alan softly and glanced at his wand.

It seems that he used all his light in the battle against Kalgos, but only a weak faith remained in his staff.

‘I’ll have to give you a present soon. His name is a saint.’

◈ ◈ ◈

That evening, a banquet was held.

The dinner in Laplace Kingdom created a rather strange sight.

Plates floating in the air.

All sorts of food and wine bottles were placed on top of it.

“Whoa, it’s a dish made of mana-inspired stones. The Mana Induction Stone is something I developed. How is it, isn’t it the first time you’ve seen something like this?”

Alyssa smiled as she sat in her chair.

It was a reaction that seemed to draw a picture of me with my mouth wide open, even though I couldn’t see my eyes.

“Theoretically, even a large ship can be made to fly through the air. I didn’t have that many Mana Induction Stones, so I couldn’t try it.”

“A ship that flies through the air… … I really want to see it.”

I answered Alyssa’s words with a soft smile.

In the meantime, my head was busy.

‘A flying ship was built five years later. With Marx’s full support.’

It will later be called the airship, and the knights also called it the ‘ship of disaster’.

Countless magic and airships were pouring down from the sky, so most knights had no means to counter them.

I had Alisa in my eyes.

It was as if the ‘Mana Sensing Stone’, which she had developed as a pastime, had widened the gap between the northern and southern continents.


It was just a story of the future.

Airships that will be born in this world will be used for ‘Horgyo’.

“If we get a chance next time, maybe we can talk about flying ships.”

“Hmm? well, that’s good.”

Responding indifferently, she raised her hand.

As the light mana gathered in his long fingertips, one of the dishes floating in the air shone brightly.

“If you shoot mana toward the dish you want, it will come forward like this. Now, enjoy your meal.”

The food Alyssa drew was delicious meat.

Swoop. I looked at the meat she served in front of me and expressed my gratitude.

“… … Tsk.”

I heard a clicking sound from the seat next to me.

What was so heartbreaking, Alan’s mouth was sticking out.

Aside from the occasional clicking of his tongue, we managed to enjoy our dinner in peace.


adequately fill the stomach.

Alyssa smiled as she passed the wine glass out to Alan.

“Yeah, did you say you had something to talk about? Now tell me slowly.”

It’s time.

I looked at Alan.

“sister. My father is preparing for war with the North Continent.”

“… … .”

The hand that was about to bring the glass to his mouth stopped.

She stayed that way for a while, then put the glass down.

“It is unfortunate. However, Marx must not be unaware that he has been preparing for war for a long time. It is a war that will have happened someday.”

It was not wrong.

Marx and Battenberg pointed their swords at each other and tried to keep the blades in tip-top shape.

It is true that war would have happened someday.

However, there was one more thing Alyssa needed to know.

“Alyssa. May I dare to say something?”

“okay. tell me.”

“I don’t think there is any war in this world that deserves to happen.”

Her head turned towards me.

Alan also stared at me.

“I’m sorry to say this to my youngest friend, but I don’t think Battenberg, who was at war with Marx, said anything.”

“yes. That’s right. So I took off the coat of arms of Battenberg.”

I took a sip of wine.

The bitter taste lingered in my mouth, which quickly turned into sweetness.

“Alyssa-sama, the war that Marx’s family head is preparing now is not for Marx.”

“What did you mean by that?”

“end. This fight will eventually bring about the end of the world. Please stop Marx’s family lords.”

Alisa shook her head.

It looked like he couldn’t believe my words.

No, I didn’t want to believe it.

Even if you left Marx, family is family.

She lacked the courage to face her own family.

‘Laplace’s eyes, which were said to be so all-knowing, are useless if they cannot see. She’s just an ordinary genius wizard now.’

Blindfolded, she cannot see the truth even in the face of it.

From noble mtl dot com

Most people try to believe what they want to believe when they are not sure.

The current Alisa was like that.

“The family owner has worked hard for Marx all his life. War is like destiny. The youngest, and Richard. I am very sorry for the winds of blood that will blow upon you, who are close friends, but there is no reason for me to stop the family lord.”

Alan’s mouth twitched several times.

The way he stared at me meant to tell her all the information.

‘no. It’s too early now.’

The Horde, the state map of Bapel.

It is difficult for the current Alisa to accept.

At least she had to see the condition of Bapel herself.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

He held her hand, which was restlessly fiddling with the glass.

Faith flowed gently.

After being still for a while, she unwrapped the cloth.

Two eyes slowly open.

“… … Truth and sincerity are different. Even if these eyes confirm that your words are sincere, that is not necessarily true.”

“What Alisa-sama needs to confirm is not the truth of the matter.”

I smiled and said.

With ‘Laplace’s Eye’, you will be able to see Bapel’s soul that has rotted to black.

And you will see the ugly side of the demon king clinging to him.

The full story was meant to be shared after she had seen everything.

Because she doesn’t know the current status of Bafel, she’s not ready to talk yet.

“Please look at the truth and come.”

◈ ◈ ◈


A huge roar echoed across the land.

The sweltering heat felt like being in a pit of fire.

The sight reminded me of a mad festival.

However, in reality it was a festival of blood and fight.

“Are there any more challengers-!!”

In the middle of the place where all kinds of orcs had gathered, an ogre-sized orc was raising his voice.

Kung, koo-ung!

Each of the twin axes splitting through the floor was heavier than an ordinary orc.

“Kuiyik!! Pachym, chief of the Blue Branch tribe, will usurp your throne!”

“All off! I will drop Krokta’s head!”

Numerous Orcs awakened the speculation.

The chiefs of the tribe that are said to be mine.

Undefeated warriors.

They rushed at the arrogant orc.

“Ha ha ha! Brave warriors are always welcome!”

King of the Orcs, Krokta, laughed heartily.

Holding the hilt of the twin axe, he greeted the challengers in a grand manner.

Boom, kwaaang-!

The whole kingdom trembled at his blow, blow.

If there is a mountain, it will split.

If there is an ocean, it will be a tidal wave.

Krokta’s strength was just as great.

Enough to shake the heart of Titan’s newbie, Rapture.

“Oh, it is beautiful. What a beautiful power! If Mary Sojour was an orc, she must have been as beautiful and charming as me… … !”

Amid the cheering onlookers, he grabbed his chest.

The image of the king, who mercilessly slashed the challenger’s throat and was covered in blood, caught my eye.

It was like watching Richard’s miracle.

No, it was a miracle.

To Rapture, Crocta was a living, breathing miracle.

The red rapture’s body heated up even more red.

An orc shook his shoulder and shouted at him.

“Quik! Newbie! How does it feel to come to Titan!”

Rapture raised the corners of his mouth.


hehehe, laughter leaked out.

With his eyes fixed on Krokta, he gripped the ax strapped to his back tightly.

“Because I am the king. It can’t be better.”

He remembered Richard.

I had heard numerous requests from Richard, but only one thing remained in my memory.

– Knock down the King of Titans, and you sit on his throne.

Whoo-wook, whoo-wook-

Rapture caught his breath.

“Ohhhhh! Here comes a new challenger!”

“Look, King!! Receive a new challenger!”

Onlookers shoved Rapture’s back and shouted.

Krokta, who had just killed the challenger, turned his head.

Our eyes met.


Krokta snapped a finger at Rapture.

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