Episode. 41 Best swords among famous swords (3)

“Did you say you were chosen by God?”

“It is.”

Alan’s eyebrows twitched.

A chilly energy mingled with her gaze as she looked at her father.

“hahahaha, I’m the youngest. Don’t envy this father too much. I will share this grace with you as well.”

“… … What kind of existence did you choose, and what kind of grace would you share?”

“You will probably be surprised to hear. Or maybe you don’t understand me. But you will soon accept… … !”

There was subtle heat in Bapel’s voice.

It was as if there was something in his eyes that only he could see, and an ugly smile formed on his mouth.

“father… … .”

Such a father’s appearance was unfamiliar and bizarre even to Alan.

The dignity of the ruler who commanded the southern continent.

The dizziness and intellect of those who were called true great mages.

The current Bapel couldn’t find it even after looking for it.

“Son… … Why do you show enmity against me?”

Alan was convinced.

But to face reality, this situation was too cruel.

So I asked again.

“I asked who the hell was chosen.”

“He is not someone who dares to be defined by his name. Just, you can cover the world with light… … He is like the sky.”

supreme being.

The only supreme being to Alan is Hor.

However, no matter how you look at it, Alan and Baffel did not seem to serve the same existence.

‘… … Damn it.’

A terribly uneasy aura was flowing from Baffel.

“I will share his grace with you too. I want to give you a chance before your ugly brothers.”

Father’s hand approaching.

Alan pushed hard.

Looking straight into Bapel’s eyes, which were shaking slightly, Alan chewed and spat out.

“Fear the sky.”

“what… … ?”

The conversation ended there.

Alan, who turned roughly, stormed out of the house of the governor.

feel like vomiting.


I even had pain in my chest.


The image of Bapel reaching out to share the grace was vivid.

The voice that said he would start a war lingered in his ears.

“… … It has to be stopped.”

If Bafel exerts its influence, the Southern Continent will become a barren land of faith where no light can be found.

Above all else, Alan had a mission.

agent of divine punishment.

Even if the target was his father, he did not forget what he had to do.


Returning to the bed, he knelt down.

Grief and determination were intricately intertwined in her tightly closed eyes.

“… … Give me the strength to stop my father.”

An earnest prayer echoed through the room.

◈ ◈ ◈

Mary had a dream.

It was a battlefield somewhere.

Explosions and screams that burst out without rest.

The knights expressed their anger with bulging eyes.

Richard’s blood-dried face looked haggard.

The complexion of the Temple Knights, who were constantly shouting, was never good.

Their enemy was the southern continent.

A long, long fight ensued.

From a certain moment, Gide was nowhere to be seen by Aaron and Richard’s side.

The knights cut down countless enemies and died countless times.

[Surrender! Do not fall into heresy!]

[It’s not too late now! Are you really going to throw everything into darkness!]

The cry of the Temple Knights was heard.

The wizards hurled black flames at those who urged them to surrender.

It must have been a dream, but it was painful for Mary to even breathe in the brutal heat.


Dozens of knights were burned to death.

An enraged Richard crossed the battlefield.

Wizards bombarded him.

Richard’s eyes widened even as his whole body melted away.

His gaze was directed towards a middle-aged man wrapped in ominous demonic energy.


The voice of a person who is suppressed and unable to control his anger.

From noble mtl dot com

After Richard’s scream, Mary opened her eyes.

“ah… … .”

Rising from the bed, she stole her eyes.

The ends of the sleeves got wet little by little.

His back was already damp with cold sweat.

“Another dream… … .”

It was too vivid to be dismissed as a mere dream.

It feels like looking into the future.

Mary’s complexion turned pale.

“are you okay. You were fine last time.”

she was reading herself

In the sky beyond the window, the sun was slowly rising.

Watching the red-hot sky reminded me of the countless amounts of blood that had been scattered in my dream.

She took a deep breath.

Then, he took out a notebook from the drawer of the bedside table.

Mary’s treasure, filled with praises of Hor.

She scribbled down in the empty space of the notebook.

It was to write down the contents of the dream.

‘The Holy Son told me to tell him if he had a strange dream. Let’s write it down before we forget it.’

However, the pen nib, which had been leaving footprints for a long time, suddenly stopped.

[…] … From a certain point on, Gide-sama didn’t appear in the dream. The breastplate he liked to wear was worn by Aaron.]

Something I’m reluctant to even write down.

She wrote down everything she saw.

It feels like all the gin is gone.

“Please, I hope that what I saw will remain just a dream.”

After the record was finished, I raised my morning prayer.

Even so, the uneasiness remained in a corner of his heart.

that afternoon.

As scheduled, she visited the royal residence with the missionaries of the royal capital.

“Heh, heh… … It is a beautiful stone slab no matter how many times you look at it.”

“It was given by Hor. This is a priceless treasure.”

Surrounding the stone slabs enshrined in the center of the monument, the evangelists uttered admiration.

A stone slab that fell from the sky along with light.

It was their job to transcribe the contents of the law written there.

Amidst the resounding crackle, Mary followed the first line of the law with her eyes.

‘first. You serve no other than Hor.’

My chest was tight.

Sorcerers in dreams served other things.

He worshiped non-gods as gods, and constantly insulted Hor.

‘Why do I keep feeling anxious?’

It was when her shoulders shrank.

Light emanated from the slate.

It was a very warm and soft light, as if to reassure her.

◈ ◈ ◈


Iron sang.

The voice of Hurkeum came through the beautiful tones.

“Hey, if there’s something urgent, I’ll take care of it quickly. Don’t look away from this important moment.”

“… … They are quick to notice.”

Richard shook his head and replied.

It wasn’t that Hurkem was wrong, so he put his hand on Hurkem’s back again.

How many days have passed since you started working on it?

It was very hard to be locked in this hot smithy without food and without sleep.

But it was also worthwhile.


hammering with light.


The iron that gradually takes shape in him.

The muffled sound of iron echoed continuously.

Even Richard, who saw the process of making a sword for the first time, was mesmerized.

So he wanted to clearly see the sights he would never see again.

It was the same with Hurkeom.

A dreamy yet very vivid mind urged the hammering.

My heart fluttered as I heated the iron red with turquoise flames.

Iron was in the process of being reborn, receiving plenty of attention from the two men.

‘do. this becomes clear A great sword will be born!’

The more I hammered, the more convinced I was.

It was as if the iron begged to keep hammering.

“To see such a sight in my lifetime.”


Dwarfs gathered around Hurkeum and Richard.

He had put down the hammer he had been holding for the first time in a while.


The sound started to get richer.

Occasionally, when the turquoise flame soaked the iron, the belly of its body swelled even larger.

◈ ◈ ◈

I was out of breath.

It felt like my lungs were burning with each breath.


It was even more troublesome than that.

Iron nearing completion.

A tremendous anticipation had already pierced the skin.

My heart raced like a child waiting for a gift.

“Heh… … So beautiful.”

It doesn’t seem that different from me.

He looked at the blade with affectionate eyes.

Even in the midst of that, he didn’t play with his hands.

A minute felt like an hour, and a day felt like a month.

A long time to endure the time of patience.

“I’m going to make the hilt of the sword now.”

Hurkeum finally got down to the final task.

The molten iron left over from making the blade and the extra branches of the World Tree were the materials for the hilt.

“It would be a waste to use the World Tree only for firewood. If you process it well, it will undoubtedly become a good material. My soul cries out!”

The dwarf’s dexterity was unparalleled.

He divided the branches into dozens of branches and weaved them together with great care.

It was as if the tree was wrapped around the blade.

Finally, molten iron was poured into the hilt of the sword.

Since the branches were flooded with light, they did not melt in vain.

Rather, an amazing sight took place.

The hilt of the sword absorbed all the molten iron and became even harder.


The saliva was swallowed involuntarily.

The skillful master craftsman reverently sharpened the blade.

Every time the whetstone steals its body, an unusual energy burst out.

I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad for me.

“… … All right, all right.”

He murmured loudly.

I exhaled slowly and looked down at the sword.

A sword similar in size to the ‘Dragon Tooth’ that melted and disappeared in the plague.

On that pure white day, five colors of colors shimmered.

“hehehe, you are a fairy. It’s a fairy!”

Hurkeum stole the nose.

He was exhausted from the hard work, but his eyes were full of vitality more than ever.

“human. I think it would be better for you to name this sword.”

“What is it? I heard that dwarves have a strong attachment to naming.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t come up with a suitable name in my head.”


The trouble was short-lived.

It was because I decided that it was not the time to decide on a name yet.

“There are more important things left.”

“hmm? what are you talking about?”

I reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

Like when I first met Dragon Tooth, my heart fluttered.

Aaron said that he called this excitement a fate.

Yes, this sword was a bond I made.

Just because it’s a relationship doesn’t mean it’s a good relationship.

Albert and Calgos.

Which of the two is the existence that I have come into contact with?

It is not too late to name the sword after confirming it.

“… … Make an appearance.”

Saying so, she poured her faith into the sword.

Soon after, a response came.

『Keuk, kkeuhuh-!』

『This is really unfortunate!!』

“… … f*ck.”

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