Episode. 40 Law (3)

The stone slab, which slowly fell to the ground, stopped right in front of the king’s eyes.

In the floating stone slabs, intaglios shimmered.

“… … .”

The king couldn’t even open his mouth and only widened his eyes.

I expected something to happen after seeing Richard’s meaningful smile, but I never imagined that the slate would fall from the sky like this.

Even on that slab, I felt an unapproachable ‘class’.

Knees are naturally bent.

When I came to my senses, all those who witnessed the miracle were bowing their heads to the stone slab.

The same was true of the Temple Knights waiting in the royal garden.

“Um, what the hell is that?”

“Things that believers and believers must protect in the future.”

To Aaron, who asked in a trembling voice, Richard replied in a calm tone.

The eyes of the Temple Knights were focused on that figure.

Since they are also Hor’s followers, all of them were curious about the contents of their eyes.

Richard laughed and nodded toward the podium.

Just in time, the king’s voice began to resonate.

“First, you do not worship a false god except Hor.”

Light leaked from the king’s body as he read the intaglios of the slate.

“Second, do not look away from your heart.”

He continued reading the text.

It was as if Hor was conveying his will by borrowing the mouth of the king.

The attitude of the people was further lowered.

Piety rose in the eyes of the Temple Knights.

“All groups need rules. A rule that will hold you tight so that you don’t deviate from your original purpose.”

Richard muttered with a pleasant smile.

The authority acquired by becoming a middle-level god, the law.

The rules of Horgyo he gave were as follows.


1. You do not serve the wrong except Hor.

2. Do not look away from your heart.

3. Do not spit out your wishes in vain. It’s like insulting Hor.

4. Equate the law with the law and keep it holy.

5. Because Hor is a god who seeks good, he is not with you in an evil spirit. Do not dare to dress up the selfishness of hurting others and only seeking your own comfort.

6. You who pray in action are more right than those who sit and pray.

7. Do not confuse greed with desire.

8. Examine yourself according to social norms.

9. Let the wicked hope not to be punished by Hor. There is no mercy for divine punishment.

10. Hor does not dwell in desolate places.


The passage that Richard paid the most attention to was none other than the fifth verse.

It is difficult to cover the good, but easy to cover the bad.

The law he prescribed was built to distinguish between good and evil.

‘I can’t make a perfect distinction with this, but… … .’

The first function of the law is to make sin count.

so that you can listen to your own conscience.

“They spread the Law to the North Continent.”

『The inclination of the law is close to goodness.』

『The prayers of unrepentant wicked people become difficult to reach You according to their sinful karma.』

『The sage’s prayer brings you closer.』

『Greater vitality and luck hang over the good man.』

The system windows filled up in front of Richard’s eyes.

His expression became subtle as he read the letters slowly.

Also, this effect was not expected.

◈ ◈ ◈

Not long after, the King’s speech was all over.

As for the slate, the royal family decided to keep it specially, so I finished talking with Richard.

and that evening.

“After meeting the Holy Son, I am truly amazed. I would never have thought that slabs would drop from the sky after living and living!”

An aristocrat resembling a bandit, Earl of York, visited Richard with a bottle of wine.

“The Marquis of Trantis should have seen the scene in person. It is very regrettable that he left for a great cause.”

He was a talkative character.

Uh, Hada Hada Entering Count Yorck into the room, Richard only smiled awkwardly.

“So what are you doing here?”

“Ah, I have come to bring good news to the Holy Son.”

“Good news?”

The Count grinned and offered the wine.

The next conversation continued after pouring wine into each other’s glasses.

“We are planning to build a building for Horgyo in the capital. Wouldn’t it be beneficial to your faith if you set a certain time each day to gather there and pray together?”

Richard’s pupils widened slightly.

In other words, it meant that he would build a temple for Horgyo.

Originally, there were several in each country, and it is a building that truly represents the prestige of religion.

“Hor will surely be satisfied.”

Richard said, tightening the corners of his twitching mouth.

“The place is quite suitable. However, the situation in Baren has not stabilized yet, so it will take a considerable amount of time before the construction work begins.”

“Oh, that’s a good idea for me.”


“There are good workers nearby.”

Seeing the count tilting his head, Richard sipped his wine.

◈ ◈ ◈

“Let’s hit it up and see.”

“Then, what if you get hit hard like last time?”

“If you twist it gently, it will work somehow. don’t forget! We’re dwarves who can’t be served by humans!”

The dwarfs gathered in the alley and exchanged opinions.

Having witnessed the miracle, they no longer distrusted the rapture information.

The light of the lamp was enough to solve their problems.

However, the key was how much light could be enjoyed at a small price.

“Hey guys .. hey guys! What did you hear what I said! It is said that nothing more than a reproduced ‘famous sword among famous swords’ is not enough!”

“Chief! You’re not serious, are you? As long as you don’t go crazy!”

Hurkeum’s face hardened.

The tribal members’ unkind eyes were savage.

“you… … Even after seeing that light, are legends unreliable? I felt smart The ‘famous sword among famous swords’ cried at that moment… … ! There is no clearer evidence than this!”

He said, beating his chest in frustration.

He was usually a friendly and respected chieftain, but when he talked about legends, he was treated like a crazy dwarf.

‘They’ll look at me like I’m crazy again.’

It was time for Hurkeum to click his tongue inside.

The tribe members scratched their heads and opened their mouths.

“know. That the legend might be true. That’s what I’m saying.”

“It’s the legendary sword the chief wanted so much, so you’re giving it away? You should hide the legend for now, you stupid chieftain!”

Water welled up in Hurkeum’s eyes.

“Geuhup… … You, you guys!”

Feeling overwhelmed, he hugged the tribe members.

However, the place was not very good for friendship between tribes.


The tip of a spear protruding from somewhere was aimed at the dwarves.

“It is the command of the Holy Son. Dwarves, the race of land and iron, follow our guidance.”

Twenty members of the Temple Knights, led by Aaron, surrounded them.

“… … sh*t. I heard you.”

The dwarves obediently put their hands behind their heads.

Within the borders of the sullen Temple Knights, criminals began to be transported toward the capital.

“… … Chief.”


“The guy who sets the mood in front of me, look at the window. It looks like a weapon on our side?”

At the words of the chief blacksmith, Rakan, Hurkeum narrowed his eyes and looked at Aaron’s window.

From noble mtl dot com

After staring at him for a long time, he opened his mouth.

“That’s right on our side. It’s at the level of a ‘fairly usable spear’.”

The corners of Hurkeum’s mouth drew an arc.

The dwarves who were rolling their eyes all the time laughed along.

“It has good oil. It broke me well too. I feel pretty pampered.”

“thank god. Still, it’s ‘quite a useful level’.”

Conversing with glances, they let out a sigh of relief.

Aaron’s arms, which had reached a high level even at first glance, were at a ‘fairly usable level’ at best.

In other words, it was in line with the story that the weapons of the Temple Knights were not that great.

Of course, that was their standard.

‘This, if you speak well, you’ll be able to trade more easily than you think. Would a cloth bag of ‘good arms’ suffice?’

Hureukeum was just rolling his head hard.

Before they knew it, they were inside the royal castle.

I could feel the holy energy from the pure white marble floor.

“Keep walking.”

Dwarves walked all the way down the aisle to the Temple Knights’ torch.

The more he did, the stronger the sacred energy.

And at the end, the saint stood.

“I guess it was the mole that I was talking to, not the dwarf.”

It was a very harsh criticism for a saint to put in his mouth.

At that, the dwarves’ beards trembled.

“Don’t set me up like that, human. I am the chief of the White Anvil Tribe, Hurkeum.”

“… … Horror’s saint, Richard.”

“hmm? It’s a name I’ve heard somewhere.”

After a moment of doubt, Hurkeum quickly glanced over at Richard.

The light and atmosphere that flowed from the whole body were indeed not lacking in the title of saint.

However, the weapon tied to the waist was a piece of jade.

Ice Crescendo.

In the eyes of the dwarves, the sword was nothing more than a weapon that was regrettable in many ways.

“Did you say Richard? The level I can feel is high, but the arms can’t keep up.”

“I really hate being judged.”


A cold blade was pulled out from the saint’s waist.

“I can cut pretty much anything with this.”

However, Hureukeum did not lose his composure even with the blade thrust in front of his nose.

“I didn’t mean to provoke you. It’s just because I have the idea that a good warrior should use ‘good weapons’.”

“then! I feel that all humans here are good fighters! But I’m very sorry about the arms. You guys seem to need ‘good arms’?”

The Dwarves who were standing still nodded and agreed.

It was only natural for the necks of the Temple Knights who surrounded them to twitch.

‘okay. I will be salivating Come on, take the bait.’

The dwarves had to swallow their laughter desperately.

Otherwise, mean laughter seemed to erupt.

Richard asked, stroking his chin, as if he had a taste for it.

“Are you saying you’re going to give us arms?”


“What is the cost?”

“Help the White Anvil Tribe live up to its name. that… … with pure white light I think you can put plenty of light into the anvil and hammer.”

Richard chuckled.

That’s how easy it looks.

His impatience was rather swift.

He had a long cherished wish.

“If you put light into an anvil and a hammer, one hundred ‘good weapons’! In addition to that, if you sprinkle light where you want for a month, a thousand ‘good weapons’! How is it, human!”

So in the end, I couldn’t stand my impatience.

A high-pitched voice burst out of his mouth through his throat.

However, Richard furrowed his eyebrows.

“… … Are you kidding me again?”

“What, what?”

Holy light entangled Richard’s body, and the surroundings instantly filled with holy energy.



A noise was heard from Aaron’s confiscated luggage.

Richard’s gaze turned toward it.

“Uh, uh! that… … .”

His pale complexion flailed his hands, but it was already too late.

“It’s okay.”

A heavily rusted sword pulled out of Richard’s hand.

The sword cried pitifully.

“I was going to watch it if I was dizzy. You were too greedy, White Anvil Tribe.”

“… … .”

“I’d love it. One reproduced ‘famous sword among famous swords’, 1,000 ‘good weapons’, and 10,000 ‘usable weapons’. And the repair of the walls of Rio Castle and a nice building.”

“uh… … how, that… … .”

The dwarves’ fingertips trembled.

In contrast, Richard’s smile grew thicker and thicker.

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