Episode. 39 Intermediate Deity (3)

Calgos rolled his eyes inside the blade.

I thought about how to overcome this situation, but I couldn’t come up with a suitable answer.

“… … .”

Soon after, Richard stood up, grabbed the hilt of the Hundred Ghosts’ sword, and looked down at Calgos for a long time.

Slowly life began to linger in his eyes.

It was a feeling that he was going to break the hundred ghosts right away, without needing any context.

Calgos grinned.

『Kuhh… … father?”

『You know what will happen if you break this sword, right?』

“I’m feeling stuffy here too, so I won’t say much.”

He himself was the Commander of the Plague Corps, who was in a supreme position even in the Pandemonium.

There was absolutely no reason to look at his fallen father.

Calgos thought so.

Having lost most of his strength and being confined to the sword, it was not appropriate for him to crawl.

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“how… … Why are you there?”

Calgos’s eyes widened at the incomprehensible voice.

“Is there anything you don’t know about?”

『Neither omnipotence nor not being omnipotent is not enough, now I see that you are not even omniscient.』

“Are you still pretending to be a god?”



Richard screamed as if his teeth would break.

A light flashed across his body.

‘After that, you have to calm down.’

Richard reflected on his complacency and at the same time shook his head to grasp the current situation.

‘This guy doesn’t have the ability to manipulate the soul. It may be a variable caused by the characteristics of the hundred ghosts and ghost swords.’

A ghost named Hundred Ghosts because he harbored a hundred ghosts.

Now, Calgos had the same appearance as the ghosts trapped in the Hundred Ghosts.

“… … What did the other ghosts do?”


An unpleasant laugh flowed from the sword body.

“I asked. What did you do with the ghosts in it?”

Only after Richard opened his eyes wide did Calgos’s mouth open.

『Knock it off.』

cool tree.

Calgos licked his lips several times before closing his mouth.

◈ ◈ ◈

“ha… … .”

Sleep ran away.

I left the camp and sat down on a large rock.

I don’t know how many sighs came out over and over again.


I heard a wooden box in my hand.

A wooden box tightly packed with the faith of a million people, waking Adele from sleep and tightly wrapping it with vines.

There is a hundred ghosts in this, and there is Calgos.

He didn’t stop provoking until the moment I put him in a wooden chest.

‘The subject has lost almost all of its mighty power and dignity.’

He was truly a madman from heaven.

When I think of that time, my throat immediately becomes stronger.

“… … Should I break it?”

In order to get rid of the aftermath, he had to end his soul, even if he had to shatter the hundred ghosts.


Even that is something you can’t do on your own.

What if, really what if, destroying the Hundred Ghosts would free Calgos?

This was not an easy decision to make.

‘… … First of all, let’s watch as it is.’

Now that the wooden box itself was completely sealed, Kalgos would not be able to do anything stupid in the future.

“He’s useless from one to ten.”

As I was clearing out my complicated thoughts, the sky gradually brightened.

One by one, the awakened knights started talking to each other in a friendly way.

“What is your sleepy saint doing today?”

“Some son of a b*tch kept waking me up.”

“… … yes?”

I patted the knight on the shoulder and buried the wooden box deep in my luggage.

After breakfast, we headed back to the royal road.

I didn’t intend to tell Adele and the Temple Knights about the Hundred Ghosts.

There was no need to instill fear in them.

In addition, he did not know what nonsense Calgos would spit out with his cunning tongue.


I walked for a long time in silence, and Aaron called me.

“What are you thinking? There, you can see the royal road.”

I moved my gaze along his fingers.

Between the lush branches, the image of King Baren came into sight little by little.

◈ ◈ ◈

Richard and his party passed the main gate of the capital and moved straight to the castle.

Citizens came out and shouted at them as they crossed the capital under the escort of the Royal Guard.

More vitality was felt everywhere than when Horgyo first set foot here.

“Lord Richard, our heroes of Varen. I have no idea how to convey this feeling of gratitude.”

The king, who had greeted Richard and the Temple Knights, also had a bright complexion.

His upright waist was full of dignity, and his dizzy eyes had changed to a look befitting the title of a wise king.

He gave the VIP room to Richard and his party, who were still traveling.

And he asked Richard to be alone.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, our Varen has gained the strength to stand up again.”

Richard dissuaded him from bowing his head and expressing gratitude.

“Isn’t it all Baren’s Horde? Why do you want to bow your head to me?”

“What you did was Horror of Baren. Thank you very much.”

The king spoke of Richard’s achievements one by one.

It was burdensome for the person listening, but it was like a promise that Baren would not forget his country’s benefactor in the future.

“… … And, the Marquis of Trantis gathered an envoy and headed to the Prot Kingdom. The dark clouds of Varen have disappeared, but the dark clouds of the continent are still there, so they will need Hor.”

“Hor will be satisfied with Baren’s decision.”

Richard said with a soft smile.

In fact, he was very satisfied.

The Marquis of Trantis and the delegation headed for the Prot Kingdom.

The missionaries of Snowfall who fulfill their duties in each territory of Baren.

Sooner or later, middle-class missionaries will be born among them.

And that’s not all.

Soon, the Prot Kingdom would also accept Horgyo’s help.

Not even lifting a hand.

“But I do have one concern.”

“What is?”

“They said that what we desperately want is Hor… … If so, can the wish of the wicked also be called Horror?”

the king asked.

That question was also a problem that the preachers of Baren were struggling with.

If the wicked earnestly cherish an evil wish, will it come true?

What happens when good and good conflict with each other?

Is there a distinction between good and evil in front of the existence of God?

The great blind spot of the current theory of hope.

Richard was clearly aware of that.

‘Hor is a god that exists inside each person, and the expression of faith… … I said.’

It is a false belief in the first place.

Even in the case of Alan right now, didn’t he receive a revelation from an existing god called ‘Hor’?

If the polarity between the theory of hope and the theory of reality unfolds like this, it will one day degenerate into a sectarian confrontation like the North and South continents.

However, Richard had no intention of correcting the difference in religious notions.

But there was a line.

“We all have a wish. It is the same with the wicked.”

“… … .”

“However, there are things you should keep in mind.”

A halo rose from Richard’s body.

He looked into the King’s trembling eyes and continued.

“Hor seeks good.”

“… … !”

“The right wish is Hor. The evil wishes of the wicked will not reach Hor.”

As if organizing his thoughts, the king’s eyes deepened.

He opened his mouth a few minutes later.

“then. What is the basis for the distinction between good and evil? Each person’s good might be someone else’s evil.”

At that question, Richard smiled.

◈ ◈ ◈

“Chwiiik! Chwik! Chwik!”

Rapture in the form of Richard hummed.

A large piece of meat was placed in front of him.

“Dwarf friends! Thank you, I will eat well!”

The dwarves burst into laughter at Rapture’s excited voice.

“Draw and draw. Eat a lot.”

“He looks like a human, but he behaves like an orc.”

The dwarves whispered to each other, but glanced at Rapture and Nar.

They were the dwarves of the White Anvil tribe.

“So, human. Why did you come to our tribe?”

Chief Hureukim asked Rapture.

“A great human warrior told me to stop by here!”

“A great human warrior?”

The dwarves exchanged glances at the completely incomprehensible answer.

In my heart, I wanted to get rid of humans at once, but I couldn’t.

Hurkeum’s eyes turned to Nar, who was lying on his stomach.

Divine energy flowed from the pure white lion.

The dwarves of the White Anvil Tribe needed it.

“I see you use an axe.”

“Chwiik! That’s right! The ax tastes good!”

“Heh… … As you know, we are dwarves. I’ll make you a good axe, so can you do me a favor?”

Rapture tilted his head.

It was rare for a Dwarf to readily step forward and make a weapon.

“What do you want?”

Hurkeum’s short fingers pointed at Nar.

“That lion, at least pull out some teeth.”

“Absolutely not.”

Rapture firmly shook his head.

A dwarf-made ax was something he coveted, but he couldn’t pull out the teeth of an innocent friend.

However, the Dwarves also looked quite desperate.

So the rapture asked why.

“Because of the demons stuck on the continent, the tribes and demons that make arms are mixed! We are the White Anvil Tribe, but only dark things are made!”

“Damn it! I don’t even have a face to see my ancestors!”

The dwarves complained.

Chief Hurkem even tore off the few remaining heads.

“Chwiik… … ? What does that have to do with teeth? there! Don’t come any closer!”

After reading the unusual atmosphere, Rapture enveloped Nar.

“I feel the opposite energy of demons in that lion. It’s pretty intense too.”

“If you process the teeth and make them into hammers and anvils, demons will not mix in the future! Leather is good, if possible!”

The dwarves’ eyes lost focus.

For them, not being able to make good weapons was like the end of the world.


The uneasy Gnar roared.

Rapture, caught between them, thought to himself of Richard.

‘Oh, before going to Titan, stop by the mountain range. You will be able to meet good friends.’

Apparently Richard said so.

But those good friends were not the story of the rapture.

‘A great human warrior! You want me to play Cupid again! Huh, indeed!’

Dwarves who are having trouble with Magi.

What Richard wanted from Rapture was very clear.

“Don’t try to pull out your teeth, my dear friend. I will tell you where the lamp is. Chwiik!”

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