Episode. IL.36 Plague Giant (1)

Darker than usual, the demonic energy colored the sky.

All those under the protection of the garden clearly felt the darkness.

Eventually, a third-generation plague monster appeared.

Even though the castle commanders didn’t say anything, tension was already seething in the castle.

The soldiers closed their eyes and prayed to Hor.

“please please. Horsi… … !”

In particular, the reinforcements, who were extremely exhausted physically and mentally, shed tears and prayed earnestly.

The auspicious light that once adorned the sky.

The power of Hor, which was only rumored.

Having directly experienced such a miracle, they had no choice but to believe in God even if they did not want to.

Because it was the only power that could drive away the terrible demon.

The bodies of those who prayed while remembering the light were a little bit lively.

Is that why?

Today’s Rio Castle did not stay in a drooping atmosphere like the last time.

“Tsk… … We are still far away.”

Meanwhile, Richard, who was looking at all of them, clicked his tongue.

At the mercy of the elves, they shared the privilege of a watchman, but the immature reinforcements did not fully realize what they had.

Fearing the darkness in the distance, even though she was wearing the light, and imagining in her head the horrible appearance of a plague monster she had never actually seen.

“Imagination is sometimes scarier than reality.”

Gide, who was next to Richard, suddenly started talking to him.

“It is normal for people to be afraid of the unknown. Even more so, the target is the plague.”

Gide, who scanned the reinforcements with deep eyes, turned his head to look at Richard.

“They will also turn into great regular soldiers if they continue to fight.”


Richard agreed with the voice that seemed strangely heated.

Even the royal soldiers, now regular soldiers, were full of cowards at first.

If you compare them carefully, the current reinforcements were considerably more dignified than the royal soldiers of those days.

“Looking back, they look better.”

Richard smiled.

Still, there was no change in the hope that the foolish Iman’s troops would be strengthened as soon as possible.

They are the strength and base of Baren.

The days before the storm passed like that, and finally the storm came.


Suddenly, in the middle of the night, a horn sounded.

The sentry’s complexion, which had been wide-eyed on the spire, was pale.


The sentry blew the horn once again.

The air in the castle began to stir rapidly.

“It’s an enemy raid!”

“All troops, deploy for battle!”

The commanders moved using a pickaxe.

Following that, the castle’s troops rumbled over the walls.

And they all kept their mouths shut.

thud! cooong!

Huge steps that shook the earth.

A foul stench that stings the nose.

“… … oh my god.”

One of the soldiers who saw the plague giants muttered in dismay.

◈ ◈ ◈

The plague army was advancing from afar.

I stuck to the castle wall and increased my eyesight.

Watching the red giants advance in a row, it seemed as if a bright red fortress was approaching.

It wasn’t just the giants.

Thousands of plague monsters were screaming behind the twenty giants.

This time, it was reborn as the third generation and became more vicious.

Turn it off!

The giants in the vanguard howled.

It seemed like it was fighting a battle against us.


“I can’t lose.”

I raised my faith with my whole body.

thud. thump thump!

A louder sound than the advance of the Plague Giant echoed throughout the castle.

It belonged to the knights who pounded on the breastplate with a stout face.

“We are the guardians of the garden, the followers of the gods, and the executors of evil!”

The brave men reminded of the garden’s duty.

A voice full of determination and mission swayed the branches of the World Tree.

At some point, the momentum of the castle rapidly boiled over.

At the same time, holy power surged from the evenly distributed paladins on the wall.

“The lamp gives light.”

A low-ranking paladin, Aaron was out of luck.

“We who stand by him are also lamps!”

Moritz continued the song with a spirited face.

“Darkness cannot swallow even the slightest thread of light!”

“In the end, my body just faded!”

The men who had been guarding the castle until now spoke in unison.

Wongun just stared at him blankly.

However, the heat that shimmered around his eyes was full of fighting spirit, as if he no longer had the slightest fear.


Someone beside me whistled.

When I turned my head, I met Zeke’s eyes.

“Is this really spectacular?”

He looked at me with a light admiration.

It was a strangely sticky gaze.


“just. I wondered how the family head would feel if he saw this scene right now.”

With vicious enemies right in front of them, Zeke looked very carefree.

Indeed, it was the leisure of the next successor of Battenga.

Anyway, what kind of feelings did Ludwig have?

“well. I can’t even imagine.”

Even as we exchanged a few words, the army of plague was steadily advancing.

thud! thud!

The figure of the giant in the distance was seen in a little more detail.

A mouth full of fangs with red skin.

It was the appearance that immediately reminded me of Corps Commander Calgos.

Soon, they pushed themselves into the barrier of the garden.

“Prepare for battle!”

Commanders gave orders.

The knights pulled out their swords, and the regular soldiers held on to their spears and bows.

It was Adele who started moving in earnest.


Unknowingly, a tree trunk rose from the ground and wrapped around the giant Twenty’s ankle.

It was a great decision.

The walls couldn’t do their job for those big guys, so I couldn’t let them get close.

“Turn it off!”

Giants entangled in Adele’s roots, thicker and stronger than ever, full of faith, screamed.

It was as if thunder struck as the bulky clumsy ones used a rattlesnake.


Someone on the wall shouted in response, and the archers who drew their bowstrings released their hands at once.

A real battle took place.

Thousands of light-filled arrows flew in the air instead of holy oil.

The muzzle of the cannon fired a light ball instead of an iron ball.

Bang, bang-!

The elves who held the light-filled staff scattered magic at once.

“her… … .”

Zeke, who was always relaxing next to him, shook his head as if he was full of energy.

Armed with faith, Rio Castle’s power seemed quite surprising.

Hey, the faith he’s given to combat supplies over the past few days has exceeded 100 million.

“Hor loves this castle so much.”

I smiled at Zeke, who looked complicated.

It was then.

“Keep it off!”

The giants caught by their ankles let out a roar.

Despite the barrage of arrows and other concentrated fire, only two people died.

Kwajik, the giants who went into a frenzy violently snatched the monster behind me.

And then he threw it all the way in this direction.

“Knights, defend the walls!”

“Shoot down the monsters!”

The monsters that flew in a parabolic arc were shot down by a barrage of arrows and plummeted to the ground.

But even more monsters flew through the air.


The one who bumped into the wall turned into a clot of blood and dripped down.

The muddy blood ran down the walls and drew a long line.

“Oh, it comes!”

Kwaang, dozens of monsters crashed into the wall with their whole bodies.

Some of them were lucky enough to land on top of the walls.


The reinforcements who saw the monster fell from the sky screamed, and the shouts of the leaders and knights burst out here and there.

It was a real brawl.

◈ ◈ ◈

From noble mtl dot com

Above the crowded castle wall, Sieg looked at Richard, who was standing still.

The elite of Rio Castle, including the Temple Knights, were running around busily, but his younger brother was just staring at the giant over there.

Then Richard reached out and touched the castle wall.

Then, a brilliant haze rose around it.


Faith raced along the chaotic wall.

“Hor is with us!”

In the place where the light passed, only men with high morale remained.

The knights, who were perplexed by the unexpected invasion of the monster, regained their composure.

“Archers, keep shooting arrows!”

“The knights take care of the monsters on the wall!”

Zeke, who looked at the castle wall, swallowed the admiration that was about to explode again.

The Temple Knights, active throughout the walls, became more powerful than when they were Battenberg’s third sword.

The knights of the Union that supported them were also not inferior at all compared to the knights of Battenberg.

What about the archers who only shoot arrows honestly, even though they can hear the monster’s scream right behind them?

What about the spearmen who rush to save the knight surrounded by monsters with their spears in their hands?

It was a fresh shock to Zeke, who expected that even they would struggle against the 3rd generation monster.

“… … .”

Turn it off-!

The shouts of the angry giants rang the heavens and earth. Zeke, who confirmed the giants’ momentum, frowned.

It was said that giants have at least some intelligence.

If so, it was obvious that the risk was different from that of other monsters.

There must be a limit to tying it to the root.

“Richard. I guess I’ll have to deal with them first… … ?”

Zeke’s voice cut off.

For some reason, even in the midst of this chaos, Richard just stood there with his eyes closed.

However, the appearance was very holy and reverent.

He was said to be a saint, and it was time to think that he lived up to his name on the battlefield.


Suddenly, food was caught in the sky.

“this… … .”

Concern flashed across Zeke’s face.

It’s a crowded battlefield even if it’s not, but if bad weather covers it, it will be a bad thing.

“Richard, it’s not the time to be like this!”

Concerned about the damage to his allies, Sieg called Richard.

However, Richard was undoubtedly immovable.


Lightning flashed through the dark clouds that covered the sky.

There was no bad weather like this.

‘I’ll have to deal with the giants by myself.’

It was when he couldn’t stand it and tried to call a ride.

“don’t go.”

A low voice caught Zeke.

Richard, who had finally opened his eyes, was looking at him.

“Ha, did you even fall asleep in this situation?”

The younger brother grinned at the older brother’s absurd question.

Meanwhile, there was a roar in the sky.

Dark clouds that grew in size in the blink of an eye, between them, lightning crawled like a dragon.

“The situation is bad. If it rains heavily, the downside is this… … .”

“It’s not heavy rain.”

Richard interrupted Sieg.


The roar in the sky grew louder and louder.

The troops in the castle, who were distracted by the melee, also raised their heads one by one.

And all of them opened their eyes.

Those who serve Hor could notice it a little sooner.

What lies behind those dark clouds is not bad weather.

Turn it off, turn it off-!

Did the giants sense something after that?

Suddenly, he went mad and started running wild.

At the same time, he seemed terrified.

『Divine Interference with Climate.』

『Heavenly Punishment.』

At some point, the dark clouds turned white.

Soon, the god’s mace fell towards the struggling giants.

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